Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 585: Short TimeSkip (2)

Chapter 585: Short TimeSkip (2)

Chapter 585: Short TimeSkip (2)

Over the last week, a big change occurred to Amanda as well, as she absorbed the flame spirit.

After receiving the flame spirit as a gift from Captain Kid, Amanda did not absorb it immediately, but instead took her time learning more about the flame spirit and gathering information about it using MP at the ship’s exchange center.

Since it was supposed to be a valuable treasure, Amanda did not wish to just absorb it with haste and potentially waste some of its effects and hence, only after she was satisfied with her research, did she attempt to absorb the spirit.

According to her research, the flame spirit was a unique type of natural treasure that was born during a rare environmental phenomenon.

Usually they died out within 3 hours of their birth, unless they found a new host or were captured and preserved in special runic jars, like the one Captain Kid gifted her.

This spirit, when fused with a human or beast, greatly enhanced the user’s control over flames and hence, it was usually sought out by specialized flame mages or blacksmiths—the two professions that required extraordinary control over fire.

Each flame spirit carried with it a small law of flame, and hence upon absorption they revealed some hidden knowledge about the true nature of fire to the user, which greatly helped one improve their understanding of flames.publishᶒd on websitᶒ: Ɲovᶒl1st.c0m

The additional knowledge was useless for normal mages who only needed to cast a simple fire spell, however, it made all the difference in the world to specialized fire mages, who relied on this deeper understanding of flames to create powerful variations of standard flame spells.

Naturally, they were also very useful for blacksmiths, for whom manipulating flames was their bread and butter and hence the flame spirit was an invaluable treasure for Amanda who was an aspiring Grandmaster Forger.

The location that Amanda chose for the absorption process was the meditation room in the VIP manor.

The room had a very high mana concentration, and as per Amanda’s research, she believed that the ambient mana in the air would aid her during the absorption process, plus the environment there was peaceful and quiet, which was ideal to attempt such a task.

Hence, sitting at the center of the room, Amanda brought out the flame spirit, which was carefully sealed inside a translucent, glass-like container.

The container had a peculiar runic seal that covered both the top and bottom of the vessel, which hummed with a faint power.

To unseal the runic seal, one only had to twist the lid and open it like a jar of jam, and once ready, Amanda ran her fingers over the cool surface and did exactly that, releasing the spirit inside.


The flame spirit, free at last, burst forth from its prison and danced through the room, its sudden movement startling Amanda as she did not expect such a reaction.

As per her research, the fire spirit should have tried to merge with her body the moment it was released, as without a host these spirits could not live by themselves for a long time.

However, her flame spirit for some reason kept dancing around the room, its movements being wild as it weaved and spiraled in the air, showing no signs of wanting to merge with Amanda.

Amanda watched in horror as the spirit zipped around, filling the room with a faint warmth that washed over her skin, and wondered if it would ever try to merge with her or not?

But then, as if sensing her nervousness, the spirit turned its attention toward Amanda and in an instant, it rushed toward her, slamming into her chest before she could even react.


A gasp escaped her lips as the flame spirit’s energy surged into her, spreading like wildfire through her body.

The heat was overwhelming, far beyond anything she had ever experienced at the forge as every nerve, every muscle in her body felt as though it was being scorched from within.

At first it was unbearable, but then bits and pieces of knowledge began surfacing in her mind, as the new knowledge that she obtained about flames from merging with the spirit, distracted her from the pain of the merger.

Flashes of insight erupted in her mind, as she suddenly understood how mana could be manipulated to control a flame’s temperature, how the mana in her surroundings could be drawn upon to alter the very nature of the fire itself, and these were concepts that she had never even imagined to be possible before.

Then, as the fiery sensation in her body spread from her core towards her body’s tips, she underwent some noticeable physical changes as her hair color and eye color began to change very subtly.

She knew that it was always going to happen as per her prior research, and a quick glance into a reflective surface confirmed what she could already feel —streaks of blue had begun to emerge in her otherwise brown hair, and her eyes, too, had changed, shifting from hazel brown to a murky gray, with flecks of blue swirling within them.

This was proof of her merger with a spirit flame and in the future if she ever met another forger or a flame mage, they would be able to determine that she had undergone a flame spirit merger by noticing these features on her body.

To Amanda, the entire process of merger felt like it lasted for an eternity, though in reality, it lasted only a few minutes.

Soon, the heat within her began to settle, allowing Amanda to take a deep steadying breath as she felt the connection between herself and spirit become complete.

Now, she could feel the flame spirit within her, but no longer did it feel like a foreign entity but rather felt as a part of her own self.


Snapping her fingers, she conjured a small blue flame that danced at her will on her tips, as although she could not summon flames at will before, she could do it now having merged with a flame spirit.

“Interesting….” Amanda said, a soft smile spreading on her face as she realized that although she could never have learnt spells like [Fireball] or [Flamewall] before, she could learn them now giving her a nominal combat ability, although she was a non-combat class.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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