The Child Emperor

Chapter 109: Ogling at the Emperor

Chapter 109: Ogling at the Emperor

More and more people streamed into the small fishing village—some by boat, some on horseback, and many more on foot. They entered the courtyard of Chao Yongsi’s house, casting glances at the “Emperor”, some nodding, some shaking their heads, some taking a few extra moments to gaze at Jin Chuiduo seated nearby before turning and leaving. Only a few bothered to offer a bow.

Chao Yongsi explained, “They are all poor and ignorant people, not familiar with proper etiquette. Your Majesty, please don’t be offended.”

Han Ruzi took no offense, feeling that these people did not actual regard him as the true emperor. It was Jin Chuiduo who found fault, even shouting at the newcomers once, “I am not the empress!” After uttering this, her own face turned red, and the other party left with a smile.

Most of the arrivals brought poultry, ducks, fish, meat, rice, and wine. After ogling at the “Emperor,” they went to find a kitchen to use to cook. Before long, smoke filled the fishing village, and people were exchanging food and introducing themselves to each other.

The maid Qingting took out a few pieces of dried rations from her bundle, distributing them to the young lady, the young master, and hesitantly, to Han Ruzi as well. However, she did not give any to the old fisherman.

Savoring the tantalizing aroma of the village’s meals that wafted through the air, biting into the dry ration was torment for everyone. After swallowing half of it, Han Ruzi remarked, “It seems like everyone’s life is not so bad.”

Chao Yongsi chuckled and shook his head, “They are currently holding a ‘bet it all’ mentality. If they succeed, they will enjoy wealth and prosperity. If they fail, they die. That’s why they brought everything edible from their homes. Look at them, not even willing to waste bones. The person who managed to gather them all here is none other than Your Majesty.”

Han Ruzi laughed, feeling unworthy of this role.

People from the riverside village also arrived. Chao Hua rushed into the courtyard, and upon seeing Han Ruzi, finally relaxed. Then, he bitterly smiled at the Jin siblings, “Why must both of you be like this? I mean no harm.”

“That’s hard to say,” Jin Chuiduo replied coldly.

“Dad, why not let them into the house?” Chao Hua finally spoke to his father.

Chao Yongsi gazed at the people outside the courtyard, “After going through so much trouble to invite His Majesty here, we should let everyone have a look inside. It prevents them from getting suspicious.”

“There are all sorts of people her, and I don’t even recognize half of them. Who knows if there are spies from the authorities…”

“Don’t be so timid. The authorities won’t even notice us here.”

“Why don’t we get His Majesty to go to the riverside village.”

“No, we should stay here. When we succeed in enthroning the emperor, the Chao family fishing village will also be remembered in history.”

“Dad, it’s not the time to think about this now…”

Chao Hua dragged his father outside the courtyard to talk, and the argument grew intense with each side expressing their opinions.

Jin Chuiduo whispered, “This is a group of unruly people. They have barely even started on their plans, and there are already internal disagreements. We still have a chance to escape.”

Jin Chunzhong hesitated and said, “Father and the others haven’t arrived. Could they have been…”

“No. They kill to serve as a warning. What’s the point of quietly killing someone off?”

Jin Chunzhong fell silent, and Jin Chuiduo looked at Han Ruzi, “Do you want to stay here as the emperor or come with us?”

“Going with you is just being your prisoner, isn’t it?”

Jin Chuiduo thought for a moment, “How about this, you come with us to the steppes. I’ll have the Great Chanyu proclaim you as a king. Isn’t that better than being a deposed emperor in the Capital?”

Han Ruzi shook his head without speaking. He didn’t believe Jin Chuiduo had the capability to influence the Xiongnu Chanyu.

Four village women entered the courtyard, carrying four plates of cooked fish. They presented the dishes to the four individuals, their faces flushed, heads bowed, too shy to speak, but continuously pushing the food forward.

Han Ruzi was the first to take the cooked fish, saying, “Thank you.” His chopsticks were thin reed stalks, and as he took a bite, a strong muddy taste filled his mouth. He almost spat it out, but the old woman who brought the fish was looking at him expectantly—clearly, she had carefully prepared the food.

Han Ruzi forced a smile, “It’s delicious.” He reluctantly swallowed more than half the fish. Shaking his head, he said, “I really can’t eat anymore.”

The old woman was satisfied, took the fish plate, and left with a joyful smile.

Jin Chunzhong ate about half of his fish, while Jin Chuiduo and Qingteng only took a few bites before returning the food, claiming they were already full.

The village women didn’t mind. They had already decided that the young master and young miss had small appetites.

As soon as they left the courtyard, a group of children rushed over, grabbing the cooked fish and devouring it eagerly.

Jin Chunzhong whispered, “I never expected such impoverished commoners near the Capital.”

Chao Hua returned from outside and said to Han Ruzi, “Your Majesty, please rest inside.”

“And us?” Jin Chuiduo asked.

“Please go to another room,” Chao Hua scratched his head, adding, “Or should I send someone to take the three of you back to the riverside village? Marquis Guiyi is still there.”

“No, we’ll stay here,” Jin Chuiduo didn’t want to see her father at the moment.

Chao Hua escorted Han Ruzi into another room, “Mr Lin will arrive soon; he will explain everything to Your Majesty.”

“Where did he go?”

“This situation arose unexpectedly. Mr. Lin went to gather men from various places. A batch came today, and more will come in the future.”

Chao Hua was about to leave.

“Wait.” Han Ruzi had to use every opportunity he had to win people over to his side, “Do you really believe… that I am the true dragon?”

Chao Hua stared at Han Ruzi for a moment and said seriously, “I used to have about a forty to fifty percent belief in it.. Now it’s about seventy to eighty percent. Your Majesty remains so calm in such a perilous situation; it’s truly remarkable. If it were me, I would probably have been scared out of my wits.”

“What about this?” Han Ruzi pointed to above head.

“The aura of an emperor? Honestly, I can’t tell, but Mr Lin is quite skilled. Since he says it’s there, then it must be.”

“You just trust him like that?” Han Ruzi had met Lin Kunshan at the inn and didn’t find him particularly persuasive.

“Of course, I trust him. He can read people’s minds and knows what they want.”

“Fate seers once persuaded Prince Qi to rebel, look what happened then.”

Chao Hua shook his head, “That’s different. Prince Qi insisted on rebelling, and the fate seers couldn’t persuade him otherwise. They all left in advance, so when Prince Qi was caught and punished, very few fate seers were arrested because they had anticipated it. Prince Qi was too anxious; he only had a bit of an emperor’s aura. He should have cultivated it for a few more years.”

Chao Hua looked at the space above Han Ruzi’s head, “I really hope Mr Lin has that kind of ability. He said Your Majesty’s emperor’s aura is already several yards high. My father says he can see it too. This morning, he recognized you at a glance.”

“An emperor’s aura several yards high? Wouldn’t that poke through the roof?”

Chao Hua laughed a few times and bowed out.

The room was small, with only a primitive bed-stove, and no extra furnishings. The low ceiling was within reach with a strong jump, and there was a lingering musty smell continuously invading Han Ruzi’s nose.

He sat on the bed-stove, gradually feeling that everything he had experienced in the past two days was unreal. The Chu empire had reached its peak during the Martial Emperor’s reign, so how did it suddenly decline to this state? When he recalled the history books he had read, he couldn’t find any answers. And those fate seers, seemingly ordinary, why were they able to be so influential, believed by everyone from nobles to commoners, even some highly educated scholars spoke of Chunyu Xiao and other fate seers with admiration.

The rudimentary door suddenly pushed open, and about ten people rushed in, crowding the room. The stout man who had appeared before, was among them, pointing at Han Ruzi saying, “Look, this is the Emperor. Don’t you believe it? Besides the Emperor, who can have such fair skin?”

The room was a bit dark, and the crowd leaned in to ogle. Some even raised their hands to touch, but ultimately, none dared to reach out.

“Are you really the Emperor?” someone asked.

Han Ruzi remained silent, looking back at the person with seriousness. The individual awkwardly retreated to the back.

The stout man was a reckless person, fearless of anything, loudly saying, “What about the Empress? Where is the Empress? She’s even fairer than the Emperor.”

Suddenly, Han Ruzi raised his right arm, startling the people in front of him. They all leaned back, and then he slowly waved his arm, as if searching for something.

No one dared to ask, not even the bold stout man, who closed his mouth and followed the Emperor’s hand with his eyes.

Han Ruzi didn’t know what he was doing; he was just tired of being ogled at. But he couldn’t keep waving his hand like this forever. So, he said, “Among you, someone has malicious intentions.”

The crowd was surprised again and stepped back two steps.

“How do you know?” the stout man asked, a bit bolder than the others.

Han Ruzi pointed to the top of his head, “The aura tells me. As long as someone with ill intentions approaches, my aura becomes impure, and it makes a sound. You can’t hear it, but I can. It tells me—someone with malicious intentions is right in front of me, all of you…”

He intended to ask everyone to leave the room and stop disturbing him. However, as his gaze swept over the crowd, a man suddenly knelt down with a thud, trembling as he pleaded, “Emperor, spare me, Emperor, spare me.”

Han Ruzi was taken aback, and so were the others. They immediately restrained the man, demanding to know his identity.

The man turned out to be a ruffian from a neighboring village who had heard about someone planning a rebellion and inviting the Emperor. He came to gather information, intending to inform the authorities. However, before he could carry out his plan, the true Dragon Emperor saw through him, frightening him into kneeling and begging for mercy.

Han Ruzi didn’t expect to actually detect a “bad person.” Strictly speaking, this man had only entertained ill intentions. Han Ruzi lowered his arm, “Take him outside and thoroughly investigate. There might be more people in the village with malicious intentions. The aura on my head…”

With just a glance, everyone rushed to drag the ruffian out of the room, leaving only the stout man staring blankly at the true dragon emperor.

“Um…” Han Ruzi made a slight noise, and the stout man turned and ran too.

For the rest of the time, no one entered the room to observe the emperor. The Chao father and son had come once. The old fisherman, with an excited expression, stared at Han Ruzi’s head for quite a while. After leaving, he let out a long howl. Chao Hua asked a couple of questions, also astonished that the emperor could discern a traitor.

“Apparently, enchanting people’s hearts isn’t that difficult,” Han Ruzi mused to himself.

Not long after, Lin Kunshan finally arrived, entering the room alone. “Your Majesty never ceases to amaze me. We didn’t misjudge you.”

“Are you the mastermind behind all of this?” Han Ruzi asked.

Lin Kunshan nodded, “I’m only one of the planners, but I can answer Your Majesty’s questions.”

With a head full of questions, Han Ruzi didn’t know where to start. “How do the fate seers gain so much trust?”

Lin Kunshan laughed heartily, “Your Majesty doesn’t inquire about the kingdom or the throne but asks about this. Indeed, you’re quite extraordinary. I failed to gain Your Majesty’s trust the last time we met. That was my mistake. Today, I must make amends and let Your Majesty witness the skills of a fate seer.”

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