The Child Emperor

Chapter 140: Pointing the Way Through the Fog

Chapter 140: Pointing the Way Through the Fog

Han Ruzi did not fully fulfill the promise he made to the officers of the Noble Camp until the moment of departure. The camp was still chaotic, with numerous unnamed servants busy tidying up and searching for items their masters had accidentally misplaced elsewhere.

The noble youths paid no mind to such trivial matters. They simply donned their armor and mounted their steeds, and considered their duty done, even taking pride in it.

Han Ruzi had few belongings, but after receiving a large number of gifts, his possessions had multiplied several times over. As the Central Protector Commander in charge of the Clear Defense Company, he had the privilege of having his personal items transported for him and he only needed to allocate a few carts.

The march of the army was slow. Looking ahead and behind, the procession seemed endless. Only a dozen miles were covered on the first day before making camp. Since they were staying only one night, the magnificent large tents were unnecessary, and the noble sons had to settle for ordinary ones. They inevitably grumbled about the hardships of the march.

Chai Yue had visited once, but Han Ruzi did not invite him into the tent, merely saying, I am still considering.

Chai Yue had exhausted his arguments, nodded, and left disappointed.

After nightfall, Zhang Yanghao came to seek an audience. Han Ruzi intentionally delayed before allowing him in.

Zhang Yanghao looked disheveled. His recent days had been difficult. After seeking refuge with the Cui clan, his plans failed, all because the court chose not to pursue the matter. He barely escaped punishment and upon returning home, received a severe beating from his grandfather. Joining the army didnt improve his luck; due to Prince Donghais animosity towards him, he had almost no friends. He had been bullied several times by the children of the Chai family, and his own family did not provide extra money. He was one of the very few noble officers who lived as hard as ordinary soldiers.

Zhang Yanghao had always tried to avoid Han Ruzi, but when avoidance was no longer possible, he reluctantly came to seek reconciliation.

Han Ruzi sat on the bed, poring over a book under the lamp, while Zhang Youcai and Ni Qiu stood guard at the door, disdainfully eyeing Zhang Yanghaos back.

Zhang Yanghao stood there silently, not daring to speak. After a while, he cleared his throat softly.

Han Ruzi turned a page, asking coldly, What brings you here?

Zhang Yanghao hurriedly bowed, taking a small package from his pocket and offering it, With Lord Weary Marquis taking office, I, as a subordinate, offer a humble gift

Han Ruzi raised his hand, and Zhang Youcai approached, taking the package from Zhang Yanghaos hand, weighing it a couple of times. Knowing it contained silver, and not much of it, he sarcastically remarked, Master Zhang is truly considerate of us servants, adding weight to our burdens. Well, if youre adding, add a bit more, why dont you?

Zhang Yanghao turned red, as the little silver he had was borrowed, and he didnt know when he could repay it. But as the legitimate grandson of Marquis Piyuan, he disdained arguing with servants and awkwardly said in a low voice, Lord Marquis, may I speak with you alone for a moment?

Han Ruzi finished reading a page, finally turning his gaze towards Zhang Yanghao, Is it necessary?

Ignoring his pride, Zhang Yanghao knelt in front of the bed, pleading, Lord Marquis, please give me another chance.

Han Ruzi set down the scroll in his hand, motioned to his two attendants at the door, and they left. Outside the tent, Zhang Youcai and Ni Qiu murmured quietly about the unworthy descendants of the Zhang family.

Marquis Piyuan has distinguished military achievements, and was once the right-hand man of General Deng Liao, Han Ruzi said coldly.

Zhang Yanghao felt ashamed and embarrassed, murmuring, Ive let down my grandfather

Speak, what is it?

Zhang Yanghao remained kneeling on the ground, lifting his head to say, Is the Marquis going to defend Shattered Iron City?

There were no secrets in the Noble Camp, so even Zhang Yanghao, who had few friends, heard many rumors.

I have not decided yet.

Marquis, dont go. Its a trap.

Han Ruzi fell silent for a moment. What do you know?

The Weray Marquis showed some interest, which pleased Zhang Yanghao, making his tone more natural. The Chai family has been seeking revenge against you and me. I heard that Shattered Iron City is an isolated fortress. The court has already planned to abandon it, leaving only the old, weak, sick, and disabled inside. You would be risking your life if you went there.

Hmm. Han Ruzi picked up the book again. Zhang Yanghao had not provided any useful information.

Feeling a bit anxious, Zhang Yanghao continued, Its not just the Chai family; theres also Cui Teng seeking vengeance.

Han Ruzi gave Zhang Yanghao a longer look. Cui Teng and Chai Yun were like water and fire. Why would he seek revenge for him?

These two may quarrel with each other, but theyre like real brothers. If Chai Yun hadnt died, they would have reconciled sooner or later.

I didnt kill Chai Yun.

But you let Miss Jin from the Jin family go. Surely the Lord Marquis hasnt forgotten that Cui Teng once proposed marriage to the Jin family. Hes a proud man; even if he doesnt seek revenge for Chai Yun, hell remember the slight of losing a wife.

Was Jin Chuiduo truly a femme fatale? Han Ruzi shook his head with a smile. These are all your speculations. You can say anything you want.

No, its not just speculation. Does the Marquis remember Xie Ying?

Han Ruzi certainly remembered. Xie Ying was one of those who entered the Jin family with Chai Yun.

When we were still in the Capital, Cui Teng beat Xie Ying severely, accusing him of not being loyal enough and failing to save Little Marquis Chai. Xie Ying, fortunately, ended up benefiting from the misfortune, having a reason to recuperate at home and not join the army. Theres also another person, Ding Hui, whos been unluckier. Hes bullied by Cui Tengs gang every day in the camp.

And you? Are you bullied too?

Zhang Yanghao lowered his head. Im okay, not bullied every day. But if Cui Teng knew I came to see you, hed definitely find an excuse to beat me up.

Han Ruzi didnt sympathize with the person in front of him. Alright, I understand. Ill be cautious.

Zhang Yanghao was surprised. Arent you worried at all?

I havent been beaten, nor have I been bullied. Whats there to worry about?

This isnt a joke. Cui Tengs gang is capable of anything, and Shattered Iron City is dangerously isolated in the north

If I didnt have the ability to protect myself, I wouldnt have survived until now. Zhang Yanghao, if you commit acts of betrayal, Ill consider you a traitor. If youve come to inform on others, Ill consider you an informer. If youre unable to protect yourself, Ill consider you weak. Your grandfather cannot protect you forever. What kind of person you are is for you to decide.

Zhang Yanghaos face turned as red as the sunset. Despite being a few years older than Han Ruzi, he now seemed like a reproached child. He opened his mouth to defend himself, but the words stuck in his throat. He solemnly bowed his head, then got up and left.

Han Ruzi continued reading his book.

Not long after, Prince Donghai entered. What did that bastard want from you?

The person who hated Zhang Yanghao the most wasnt Han Ruzi or Cu Teng, but Prince Donghai who was abandoned in Riverside Village. But he wouldnt vent his anger verbally; he was waiting for the right moment.

He said Cui Teng wants to seek revenge for Chai Yun, Han Ruzi said without lifting his head.

Of course Cui Teng wants revenge. He was humiliated by Chai Yun and had been thinking about how to strike back every day. But now that Chai Yun is dead, hell naturally direct his anger at someone else. Prince Donghai paused. Cui Teng has many flaws, but he values his family greatly. Youve married his sister. Based on that alone, he wont seek revenge against you.

I know.

You know?

Whom Cui Teng hates or does not hate plain for all to see. If he could hide his feelings, he wouldnt be the second son of the Cui family.

Prince Donghai burst into laughter. Is that a virtue or a flaw?

Han Ruzi smiled faintly.

It took a full four days for Han Ruzi to lead the army back to Mayi City, with the procession still seemingly endless.

After settling the noble camp and the Clear Defense Company in the city, Han Ruzi immediately left for his own personal army outside the city.

The camp was set up by the riverside, with grasslands on both sides for horseback training. The volunteer soldiers recruited by Han Ruzi were mostly farmers, with a few warriors from the pugilist world. They had to learn everything about military skills from scratch.

Chao Hua was the supervisor of the camp, and a dozen or so old soldiers were invited to be instructors. Lin Kunshan also came along as a military adviser. Han Ruzi had come to find him.

The soldiers were all delighted to see the Weary Marquis. As members of his personal army, their treatment was better than that of ordinary soldiers and far superior to that of common civilians. They felt guilty and hoped to do something for the Marquis.

Han Ruzi brought all the bribes he had received in the noble camp and piled them up in the camp, to be distributed by Chao Hua, ensuring everyone received a share. If it wasnt enough, they would be compensated in silver.

This unit had not yet taken shape, so Han Ruzi wasnt in a hurry to use it.

Inside the tent, Lin Kunshan chuckled. Where did the Weary Marquis get all these good things?

They were all given by others. It feels good to benefit from others generosity.

Haha, the Marquis harbors lofty ambitions. This army is now firmly under your command.

Han Ruzi wasnt here for flattery but for advice. Despite appearing composed in front of Prince Donghai and others, he was actually hesitant and urgently needed guidance. Ideally, it would be from Yang Feng, but the Northern Armys adjutant wasnt in Mayi City, and they hadnt been in contact for a long time. So he had to turn to Lin Kunshan.

Fate seers could not always be trusted, but when they are willing to speak the truth, they could be very helpful.

Han Ruzi repeated the strategy proposed by Chai Yue, and Lin Kunshan hardly needed to think. He said immediately, Chai Yue isnt important. The important person is Grand General Han Xing.

Han Xing? He doesnt seem very interested. Hes never tried persuading me to take on this plan.

Heh, hes a cunning old fox. Han Xing has stood firm in the imperial court for many years, and his position has only grown stronger. Naturally, he has his own abilities. Like fate seers, he understands the principle of going with the flow: if someone else succeeds, as the commander in overall command, he would benefit the most; if they fail, he would have nothing to do with them.

Han Ruzi saw through it immediately. Youre right. Chai Yue has no official position in the military, and he doesnt even have a single soldier under his command. Yet he dared to propose such a strategy and even tried to persuade me. It must be because he received support from Grand General Han Xing.

Lin Kunshan nodded. I can guarantee that although Chai Yue may not reveal the support he received, his confidence undoubtedly comes from Grand General Han Xing.

After thinking for a moment, Han Ruzi asked, What should I do?

Lin Kunshan smiled. I only know one strategy: go with the flow. If Grand General Han Xing wants to go with your flow, then you go with his. If Grand General Han Xing isnt anxious, then it wouldnt count as merit no matter how many Xiongnu you killed. If Grand General Han Xing cares about it, he will reveal it sooner or later. At that time, all the conditions you require of him will be met.

Han Ruzi thanked him sincerely, feeling relieved, and returned to the city.

Outside the city, Lin Kunshan was a little worried. Was the sapling that the fate seers favored growing too fast?

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