The Child Emperor

Chapter 149: Rooted Boulder

Chapter 149: Rooted Boulder

Repairing the walls within the generals manor was much easier than transporting soil and stones outside. Working for half a day and resting the other half, with ample food and drink, the few selected prisoners couldnt contain their joy, thinking of this opportunity as a heaven-sent gift, considering it a huge waste if they didnt indulge a bit more.

Fang Daye was an exception. Since arriving at Shattered Iron City, he hadnt smiled or complained. He worked and ate, rarely speaking, let alone engaging in conversation with others.

Everyone heard that this man used to be a general, so they treated him with some deference and were somewhat intimidated by his physique. In his sixties, with a bulging belly and loosened skin on his face and hands, his waist and back remained unbent, resembling a rooted boulder that remained sturdy and could not be moved.

The walls of the generals manor were much better maintained than the city walls and didnt need much repair. No matter how the five prisoners slacked off, they still finished by the fourth day.

Such minor matters didnt require the generals attention, but Han Ruzi still came personally to inspect. He expressed satisfaction and then told the five, You shall work in the generals manor.

For the prisoners, this was a stroke of luck. Except for Fang Daye, the other four knelt down to express their gratitude.

After Han Ruzi left, Zhang Youcai and Du Chuanyun stayed behind to assign tasks to the five prisoners. Zhang Youcai took four, while Du Chuanyun selected one.

Youre a bit older, but tall enough. Are you still able to wear armor?

Fang Daye took a deep breath and uttered a single word, Yes.

The general needs a standard-bearer. I heard you were once a soldier. Can you carry the battle standard?


Du Chuanyun smirked, unable to hide his satisfaction, and asked, The general wants me to be the head guard. Do you think Im suitable?

Fang Daye stared coldly at the youth, offering no response.

The Northern Protection General had over a dozen flags, one of which was a long banner, inscribed with the words Northern Protection General of the Chu Empire, the Weary Marquis. While other flags were used on different occasions, this long banner almost always followed behind the Weary Marquis. Whenever he left the main gate, someone had to hold the flag and follow him.

Fang Dayes new identity was one of the standard-bearers. He neither refused nor showed any joy. He simply donned his armor, held the flag, rode a horse around, doing satisfactory work.

The Xiongnu had yet to appear. Han Ruzi remained busy every day, either inspecting the terrain or supervising the armys training.

He went to the small Flowing Sand City to the west. Situated at the end of a mountain ridge, unaffected by river inundation, it remained relatively intact. Facing a bend in the river, the water flow was usually rapid enough to deter invasion. In winter, when the river froze and the banks were gentle, cavalry could easily cross.

The Xiongnu rarely invaded in winter, so this small city was abandoned three years ago.

Chai Yue was confident that if the Xiongnu were to attack Shattered Iron City, it would be before winter. Thus, Flowing Sand City required no defense. Han Ruzi didnt want to divide his troops, so after a brief inspection of the surroundings, he left.

The soldiers trained vigorously. The original garrison of Shattered Iron City was essentially useless, with the two thousand cavalry sent by Grand General Han Xing becoming the main force.

Han Ruzis personal troops, under the guidance of Instructor Liu Heixiong, excelled in close combat. But when learning formations from Cavalry Captain Cai Xinghai, they frequently made mistakes, always struggling to act according to drum and flag commands, often devolving into chaos after a short distance.


On the contrary, the distinguished Noble Camp, comprising nearly five hundred noble youths, the oldest around twenty, the youngest merely thirteen or fourteen, handled weapons delicately but were disciplined when following orders. Having participated in various ceremonies since childhood, they understood complex military commands.

Days passed, nights grew colder, and winter was still twenty or thirty days away. The Xiongnu had yet to appear, with messengers being sent almost daily between Shattered Iron City and Divine Hero Pass. Han Ruzi received news that the Xiongnu remained scattered, harassing counties in the wealthier eastern regions, seemingly having no intentions of a western invasion.

Chai Yue still firmly believed that the Xiongnu Prince Zaheyan would come seeking revenge against the Weary Marquis.

Han Ruzi often observed his old standard-bearer, but Fang Daye never spoke much. It had been over half a month, and he had only uttered a few words, such as yes, uh-huh, or okay, simple affirmations.

Once, while watching the Noble Camp practice charging, Han Ruzi casually asked, These soldiers arent bad, right?

Fang Daye waited for a while, noticing the Northern Protection Generals gaze fixed on him. He replied dully, Just a bunch of kids.

He refused to say another word, offering no explanation.

Han Ruzi himself was quite young, and upon hearing this, he chuckled lightly.

Prince Donghai, usually exempt from training due to his royal status and role as an advisor, happened to accompany the Northern Protection General on this occasion. During dinner that evening, he remarked, I know the background of that old guy. Do you really intend to use him? Hey, not to be pessimistic, but if theres a battle, he would be considered a good person even if he stabbed you in the back. Everyone knows that Fang Daye is loyal to Prince Qi, and he practically treats the Heir of Qi as a son. You publicly chastised the Heir of Qi in the Hall of Diligent Administration, and everyone in the court knows it. Fang Daye surely sees you as an enemy.

If not for Yang Fengs recommendation, Han Ruzi would definitely have kept his distance from Fang Daye. But now, he regarded it as an interesting challenge, determined to gradually approach and win him over.

Why is Fang Daye so loyal to Prince Qi and his son?

He must have received many benefits. Despite fighting for so many years, he hasnt been granted titles or appointed as a minister, indicating his mediocre abilities. Among the numerous generals in the Chu empire, hes at best second-rate. Yet in the Princedom of Qi, he was treated as a top-notch commander. Naturally, he feels grateful.

Han Ruzi smiled. He didnt know much about Fang Daye, but he was sure he wasnt the type to stab someone in the back for revenge.

On the second day of Prince Donghais prophecy, the rooted boulder Fang Daye finally showed a slight change.

Han Ruzi didnt make any effort; it was Chai Yue who stirred the old generals fighting spirit.

As an advisor to the Northern Protection General, Chai Yue never left his side, constantly offering opinions on military training, city defense, terrain, Xiongnu habits, and so on. Han Ruzi mostly agreed, rarely arguing back. Other generals admired him greatly, even praising Chai Yue as a future renowned general of the Chu empire.

One morning, while inspecting the terrain across the river, Chai Yue said, The Xiongnu excel at ambushes, often riding for days and nights to appear unexpectedly. If the Chu army isnt vigilant, theyll often be caught off guard. Prince Zaheyan is definitely rallying the various tribes, and before winter arrives, theyll surely attack Shattered Iron City.

The ambush plan was proposed by Chai Yue. He often predicted the tactics of the Xiongnu, which Han Ruzi couldnt fault. Even the veteran generals had no grounds for objection.

Today, however, someone expressed disdain.

Perhaps he had heard enough or was in a bad mood, Fang Daye, standing behind the Weary Marquis holding the standard, let out a heavy grunt from his nose. Others didnt notice, but Han Ruzi heard it loud and clear. He didnt say anything at the time, completing his days inspection. But upon returning to his manor, he instructed someone to summon the standard-bearer Fang Daye to the back hall.

Everything in Shattered Iron City looked worn-out, and the furnishings in the generals manor were no exception. The chairs were covered in patched-up animal hides. Han Ruzi felt a bit tired, but sitting there felt comfortable. After drinking a cup of tea, he addressed the old standard-bearer standing before the desk, Do you disagree with General Chais assessment of the Xiongnu?

Now that the Northern Protection General had asked personally, and Fang Daye couldnt remain silent. A muffled voice emerged from his thick beard, I do disagree.

Id like to hear your opinion.

My opinion doesnt matter. Theres no need for you to hear it.

Ill decide whether its necessary. You just need to speak.

Fang Daye stayed silent. His expression wasnt confused or arrogant but cold and hard as a rock. Fortunately, there was no one else in the back hall, or it would have been quite awkward.

Han Ruzi smiled, Old General, youre also a soldier defending the city. If we defeat the Xiongnu, youll naturally have a share of the credit, perhaps even enough to offset any crimes and let you return home to reunite with your family

I was banished, never to be enlisteddont you understand the meaning of those four words?

Ive appointed you as a standard-bearer, and it seems fine.

This is the borderlands, where the emperor is far. Can you change my name and status? Im still a prisoner guarding the frontier. No matter how much merit is at stake here, it has nothing to do with me.

Indeed, Han Ruzi couldnt change Fang Dayes status; that required approval from the imperial court.

Han Ruzi leaned forward, Even if merit has nothing to do with you, does the survival of the city have nothing to do with you?

Once again, Fang Daye fell silent. The two men stared at each other for a while. Eventually, Fang Daye spoke, Prince Qi and his son fell in battle. I should have followed them to the underworld long ago.

Youre a soldier of the Chu empire, yet you are loyal to traitors. Its truly incomprehensible, Han Ruzi paused, and disgraceful.

Fang Daye stood there motionless, then suddenly turned and walked away without even a word of farewell.

The next morning, Han Ruzi gathered the generals and announced that he would personally lead troops across the river to scout the enemy. He ordered them to immediately devise a plan for departure the following day.

The generals were surprised but dared not dissuade him, all looking to Chai Yue.

Chai Yue stepped forward, The beacon tower to the east of the city is tall enough to see the situation across the river. Theres no need for the general to personally take the risk. If crossing the river is necessary, scouts are sufficient.

Han Ruzi shook his head, You said the Xiongnu wont come to attack until a few days before winter. So there wont be any Xiongnu cavalry on the other side now. What danger is there? The Chu army is here to fight the Xiongnu, not just this year but also next year. Holding the city is not a long-term strategy. Sooner or later, well have to cross the river and attack the Xiongnu, rather than waiting for them to attack us.


Chai Yue pondered for a moment, The other side was originally Chu territory, and the map is detailed

No matter how detailed the map, its not as good as seeing it with your own eyes. My decision is made. Carry out your duties, everyone.

The generals began to arrange the plan for crossing the river. Several people tried to persuade Han Ruzi, but he rejected them all.

Early the next morning, Han Ruzi led two hundred cavalry out. They didnt travel far on this patrol, each person carrying only two days worth of rations.

Carefully crossing the river near Riverwatch City, Han Ruzi halted and waited for the rest of the troops to catch up. He turned to the standard-bearer behind him and asked with a smile, What do you think?

Fang Dayes lion-like face remained expressionless as he replied coldly, Just a bunch of kids.

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CH 148

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