The Child Emperor

Chapter 158: Confession

Chapter 158: Confession

The Handsome Marquis, the Ugly Wang, and the Commoner Tan. These three were renowned across the pugilist world.

Handsome Marquis Hua Bin was both an imperial relative and a pugilist hero. When active in the imperial court, the Hua family was connected to the pugilist world; when fleeing to the pugilist world, Hua Bin’s ties to the imperial court were never severed. Amidst the intense pursuit, Hua Bin and his son Hua Huwang were still sheltered by some noble families.

Lady Hengyang swore to avenge her beloved grandson. In her rage, she even declared that whoever could kill the Weary Marquis could inherit the marquisate. She knew well that any Chai family descendant involved in the assassination of the deposed emperor would be doomed. Even if the Martial Emperor, who favored her, were still alive, he wouldn’t pardon such a crime.

She needed extreme measures, those legendary assassins who come and go without a trace, killing invisibly. To find such people, she first needed to locate the fugitive Hua Bin.

The relationship between the Chai and Hua families was ordinary. Lady Hengyang had no way to find the fugitive in hiding. At this time, Cui Teng came to her door.

Cui Teng and Chai Yun had an extraordinary relationship. Even if they fought fiercely, it was just a conflict between friends. Cui Teng cherished the days of carousing with Little Marquis Chai, especially when luring the daughters of wealthy families. Only Chai Yun had the courage and skill; alone, Cui Teng could only rely on his influence, which didn’t work well.

Cui Teng went to the Chai residence to mourn, weeping with Lady Hengyang. Soon, they talked about revenge. After making peace, they discussed Handsome Marquis Hua Bin.

Hua Huwang was another close friend of Cui Teng’s, though not as close as Chai Yun. They trusted each other. When the Hua father and son fled, they stayed at the Cui family estate, getting some travel documents from Cui Teng. They kept in touch.

Hua Huwang, with his heroic aura, personally returned to the Capital to meet Cui Teng after receiving the letter. He had nothing to fear; the Cui family were not the only ones who would protect him. As long as he wasn’t conspicuous, no one would really capture him. He also brought the pugilist masters Lady Hengyang desired.

Unfortunately, these pugilist masters couldn’t come and go without a trace or kill invisibly. Given the situation, whoever killed the Weary Marquis would implicate the Chai family. Thus, Hua Huwang devised a plan: four pugilists would infiltrate the Weary Marquis’s volunteer army, wait for an opportunity on the battlefield to assassinate him, and blame the Xiongnu, leaving the Cui family unscathed.

At that time, Cui Teng truly wanted to kill the Weary Marquis. In Mayi City and on the way to Shattered Iron City, this thought grew stronger. But it was not the right time, so he had to endure.

In Shattered Iron City, Cui Teng changed his mind.

“I always thought you were like us,” Cui Teng, still kneeling, occasionally slapped his head in regret. “I thought war was just a game, to avoid trouble in the Capital and to gain some military merit. When you dismissed the extra attendants and locked me up, I thought you were just putting on a show to distance yourself from the Cui family to please the Empress Dowager…”

Cui Teng wanted to slap himself. He raised his hand but couldn’t bring himself to do it, so he slapped his forehead hard. The pain in his hand and the dizziness in his head made him sway slightly. He continued, “But after a while in Shattered Iron City, I thought you might actually mean business. When you personally went scouting, I finally believed you were serious.”

Prince Donghai spat, “Do you think everyone is like you? This is a big deal, and you kept it from me?”

“Hua Huwang specifically told me not to tell you. He said you think too much and wouldn’t focus on avenging Chai Yun…” Cui Teng didn’t hide anything.

Prince Donghai spat again, “Of course not. Why would I avenge Chai Yun?”

The door suddenly burst open. Zhang Youcai ran in, panting and pointing at Cui Teng. Han Ruzi nodded, indicating everything was fine. Zhang Youcai withdrew and closed the door. Apparently, Hong Bozhi in the other room had confessed.

Cui Teng continued, “I swear, after changing my mind, I immediately ordered Wang Lingshang and the others to stop. They agreed, but… but…”

“But they didn’t take your orders seriously,” Prince Donghai said coldly, with a look of frustrated anger. “You didn’t realize that those pugilists value loyalty. Their loyalty lies with Hua Huwang and Hua Bin, not with you. They were just using you.”

Cui Teng hung his head and whispered, “Hua Huwang personally told them to follow my orders…”

Prince Donghai laughed angrily and said to Han Ruzi, “See, this is the fool we’re dealing with.”

Han Ruzi sat up straight and said, “I won’t kill you…”

Cui Teng immediately showed joy, but Han Ruzi raised his hand to indicate he wasn’t finished. “I won’t kill you, not because you brought reinforcements to save me, but because you’re Xiaojun’s brother.”

“Yes, I’m her full brother. Among the Cui siblings, Xiaojun and I are the closest… Oh, please continue.”

“But you harbored murderous intent towards me. Our family ties are severed. From now on, don’t mention Xiaojun to me.”

“Don’t do this, bro… Weary Marquis, give me a chance,” Cui Teng pleaded urgently.

Prince Donghai sighed, “Idiot, the Weary Marquis means you have to atone for your sins, then maybe family ties can be restored.”

Cui Teng looked at Han Ruzi in confusion, then smiled when Han Ruzi nodded. “Alright. Next time you’re in danger, I’ll save you with my life. By the way, there’s another pugilist in the city…”

“Hong Bozhi, he’s already captured,” Han Ruzi said.

Cui Teng’s face changed, touching his head. “Good thing I confessed early.”

Han Ruzi knew that he had Prince Donghai to thank for that but didn’t mention it. “I’ll ask you one thing, and you must answer honestly.”

“Ask anything, I’ll be honest. Really, I know everyone sees me as a dandy, a wastrel, but I was born into the Cui family. Unlike you two, I’ll never be emperor. If I don’t play the dandy, what else can I do? I want to achieve something too, but never had the chance. Before the Weary Marquis, I never met anyone who trained noble scions and put us on the battlefield… Oh, what does the Weary Marquis want to ask?”

“Did Hua Huwang or the four pugilists ever mention a fate seer?”

“Fate seer?” Cui Teng thought carefully. “No.”

“Chunyu Xiao, Lin Qianfeng, Lin Kunshan, Fang Zisheng, Yuan Zisheng… Fate seers go by many names.”

“Hua Huwang mentioned someone named… Xianyu Xiong.”

“That’s him. What did Hua Huwang say?”

Cui Teng thought harder. “He said Xianyu Xiong was helping his father make a comeback. I said, ‘The Hua family committed unforgivable crimes. How could they make a comeback?’ Hua Huwang said no more.”

Han Ruzi slapped the table and stood up.

Cui Teng, just forgiven, shivered and pleaded, “I’m not married yet. I haven’t continued the Cui family line…”

Han Ruzi ignored him, looking at Prince Donghai. “I made a mistake sending Lin Kunshan to Divine Hero Pass.”

“You think the fate seers want to kill you? But… why?”

Han Ruzi slowly sat down. “The fate seers don’t want to kill me, at least not now. They… go with the flow. When the time comes, they need to ensure they can actually do something. The fate seers are quietly laying out plans, waiting for the right moment. Either kill me or support me. Those pugilists were meant to stay hidden in the army, but they didn’t understand the fate seers’ true intentions and acted prematurely, ruining their plans.”

“You’re overestimating the fate seers,” Prince Donghai laughed.

“It’s more than that.” Han Ruzi stood and walked out. Cui Teng and Prince Donghai were confused, staying where they were.

At the door, Han Ruzi turned and said, “Cui Teng, stay here. Don’t step out.”

“I’ll stay, not a step outside.”

“You, come with me.” Han Ruzi pushed the door open and left.

Reluctantly, Prince Donghai stood up. “Everyone has to be subordinate to someone at some time. Didn’t you kneel right away?” he said to Cui Teng.

Cui Teng laughed. “I never wanted to be emperor, so I don’t mind being subordinate. You’re different.”

“Reckless and foolish. The Cui family will fall by your hand,” Prince Donghai said, following Han Ruzi.

Cui Teng was stunned for a moment, then shouted, “The Cui family won’t fall into ruin, at least not by my hands. There’s my elder brother and third brother. Hey…” He got up and muttered, “The general’s room is no different from a prison.”

Han Ruzi told the approaching Prince Donghai, “You should write to your uncle…”

“I won’t,” Prince Donghai refused outright.

Han Ruzi didn’t persuade him, continuing, “The fate seers wouldn’t only plot around me. That would be meaningless. The Southern Army’s Grand Tutor Cui, the Northern Army’s Champion Marquis, and Grand General Han Xing are likely targets, and so are you.”

Han Ruzi suddenly stopped. “The fate seers wouldn’t ignore you.”

Prince Donghai scoffed, “They’re monitoring you and probably me as well.”

Han Ruzi smiled and continued. For now, he and Prince Donghai were in the same boat.

After a while, Prince Donghai said, “Be careful. Don’t suspect everyone. If you remove all possible threats, no one will be left by your side.”

“Hmm, I have a sense of proportion,” Han Ruzi replied. He could spare those with ulterior motives but couldn’t be ignorant. He had to know their intentions.

In a side room, Hong Bozhi knelt on the bed, begging for mercy. He had confessed everything, wanting only to save his life. All talk of pugilist loyalty and chivalry was thrown aside. He was a thief, willing to take responsibility only for that.

Han Ruzi and Prince Donghai entered. Guards Cai Xinghai and Zhang Youcai bowed. Zhang Youcai asked, “What do we do with this spy?”

“He confessed?” Han Ruzi asked.

“Even without torture, he confessed,” Cai Xinghai said disdainfully, glancing at Prince Donghai. “Hua Huwang introduced them to… Second Young Master Cui.”

“I see. Anyone else?”

“Hua Huwang, Cui Teng, and three who are already dead. No one else,” Cai Xinghai said.

Hong Bozhi kowtowed. “I didn’t lie. If the general wants more names, I can…”

“What tasks did Hua Huwang give you?”

“Tasks? One was to assassinate… I don’t know why Wang Lingshang acted early. Another was to monitor… Prince Donghai.”

“That bastard,” Prince Donghai cursed.

“What else?”

“Nothing else, really.”

Han Ruzi signaled Cai Xinghai, who drew his sword. Hong Bozhi collapsed on the bed. “Our tasks were just those. But I know something about the Chai family. They seemed to want to kill someone.”

“The Weary Marquis?” Zhang Youcai asked.

Hong Bozhi shook his head. “No, it seemed like they wanted to kill one of their own.”

“One of their own?” Han Ruzi was startled. “It’s Chai Yue!”

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