The Child Emperor

Chapter 178: Prince Donghai’s Promise

Chapter 178: Prince Donghai’s Promise

If given another chance, Prince Donghai would have told those 150 noble scions, “Stay by my side and live or die with me.”

He deeply regretted not because he lost so many soldiers in vain, but because he realized too late that those noble-born but cowardly individuals were his natural allies.

“Actually, it’s not really cowardice,” Prince Donghai explained to Lin Kunshan. “It’s like when a house catches fire; servants can be brave or cowardly, but the master is either calm or panicked: the question of cowardice does not arise. Regardless, the master doesn’t need to rush into the fire, right? The Xiongnu are like a raging fire. Those noble scions didn’t join the battle because they felt it was beneath them. They were supposed to be commanders, not treated as ordinary soldiers.”

“Many noble scions did join the battle, and they were quite enthusiastic,” Lin Kunshan reminded him with a smile.

“Yes, but look at who they were. Half of them were illegitimate children like Chai Yue, and the rest were like Zhang Yanghao, who had noble titles but no corresponding power. They rushed to fight because they didn’t have the status of ‘masters.'”

“As a result, all the ‘masters’ got burned to death, leaving only you.”

“Of course,” Prince Donghai sighed. “If there were anyone else to talk to, I wouldn’t need to complain to you. But it’s not all my fault. Han Ruzi and Chai Yue must also bear part of the responsibility… most of the responsibility. They didn’t treat those noble scions as ‘masters,’ which led to this tragedy.”

“Even a fate seer who has trained for ten years couldn’t have explained it better,” Lin Kunshan said, raising his cup.

Outside, the cold wind was biting, but the two sat inside, drinking by the fire. Whenever the wine cooled, the attendant would immediately reheat it without needing any instructions, as if he had a sense for the wine’s temperature.

“He’s very brave,” Prince Donghai said, pointing to his attendant. “Take a piece of coal with your hand.”

“Yes,” the attendant immediately reached for the coal. When his hand touched the burning coal, Prince Donghai waved him off. “That’s enough.”

The attendant withdrew, curling his hand to hide the burn marks from his master.

“Does Han Ruzi have people like this?” Prince Donghai asked.

Lin Kunshan shook his head with a smile.

“He thinks by winning over a few followers, he qualifies as a master? The people he attracts are all opportunists who need him, like Chai Yue, who follows him to avoid punishment from the Chai family, or that little eunuch, whatever his name is, dreaming of becoming the director of eunuchs by staying close to him. As for those soldiers, what a joke. They follow him just for food. Where’s the loyalty in that? Offer them a higher price, and they’ll all betray him, without exception.”

“How high a price can you offer?” Lin Kunshan asked.

Prince Donghai’s eyes turned cold. “You think I can’t hear the sarcasm?”

Lin Kunshan put down his wine cup. “It’s not sarcasm; it’s a genuine question. You need people now, and I might be able to recruit some warriors for you in the city, but I need to know how much you’re willing to pay.”

Prince Donghai stared at Lin Kunshan for a while before suddenly smiling. “Asking for yourself, too, I suppose.”

Lin Kunshan laughed, drained his cup, and reached for the wine jug.

Prince Donghai extended his hand, stopping Lin Kunshan’s. “It’s time for you to make a choice. The later you choose, the lower the price you’ll get.”

Lin Kunshan remained still, his smile fading. “I’ve been in the army for over six months, titled as a strategist, but the Northern Protection General rarely consults me. He doesn’t trust me. In these troubled times, my drinking with you here already shows my choice.”

Prince Donghai withdrew his arm and smiled. “Han Ruzi doesn’t trust you because he’s too influenced by Yang Feng. He’s more wary of fate seers than he appreciates them.”

Lin Kunshan picked up the wine jug, first filling Prince Donghai’s cup, then his own.

Prince Donghai signaled, and the attendant quietly left.

“Do you value fate seers?” Lin Kunshan asked casually.

“Anyone who can deceive my uncle and then regain his trust is someone I admire. But not all fate seers impress me. Bu Hengru, for example, disappointed me. Too immature. A slight change in plans, and he’s flustered. I admire you and Chunyu Xiao.”

“To be honest, last year’s palace coup was just a test by my master, so he didn’t make an appearance. Bu Hengru isn’t even his favored disciple.”

Prince Donghai laughed, not believing a word. “And this time?”

Lin Kunshan thought for a moment. “We go with the flow.”

Prince Donghai said proudly, “The flow of major events is in the hands of a few people—me, the Champion Marquis, Han Ruzi… barely counts. Everyone wants to go with the flow. What makes fate seers better?”

Lin Kunshan said calmly, “The flow of events lie with imperial princes, but the key to triggering the flow is in the hands of fate seers.”

Prince Donghai remained silent because he didn’t understand but didn’t want to ask.

“Before coming to Shattered Iron City, I reminded the Northern Protection General to be prepared, but he didn’t take it seriously,” Lin Kunshan said, sipping his wine and chewing on a piece of meat. “Everyone is waiting, but as long as that one event doesn’t happen, the great flow remains in the palace, in the hands of the Empress Dowager.”

As long as the current emperor lived, Prince Donghai was just a fallen noble. The emperor’s death was the key to triggering the flow of events.

Prince Donghai couldn’t help but laugh. “Sorry, I’ve been talking to you seriously, but I didn’t expect you’d crack a joke.”

“The real joke is the Champion Marquis. The Northern Protection General is too slow to react, but he’s too quick. Returning to the Capital now will only make him a thorn in the Empress Dowager’s side.”

“How can you… impossible, that’s impossible. Last year, a group of palace maids and eunuchs defeated you.”

“Going with the flow, Prince Donghai. Fate seers always go with the flow. Sometimes the flow comes to us. Is it coincidence? Is it chance? Call it what you will. We see its value at a glance, seize it firmly, and then patiently wait.”

“Wait for what?” Prince Donghai asked, now intrigued.

“Wait for someone who recognizes its worth.”

“Didn’t you tell Han Ruzi about this?”

“As you said, the Northern Protection General is more wary of fate seers than he appreciates them. I hinted at it, but he didn’t care, so I stopped. You’re different. You understand the value of fate seers and know how to cooperate with us. You listened to my advice and reconciled with Grand Tutor Cui. At a crucial moment, you thought of me first, while the Northern Protection General pinned his hopes on ordinary soldiers.”

Prince Donghai leaned forward, lowering his voice. “If I become emperor, I will share the world with you. What do fate seers want? A position of Spiritual Leader?”

Lin Kunshan gently shook his head, also lowering his voice. “After last year’s test, my master no longer wants to be Spiritual Leader. Two tigers can’t share one mountain. He doesn’t insist on staying in Great Chu. He has his eye on a place outside Great Chu. If he can establish himself there, it would be a great success for fate seers.”

“Exchanging land outside Great Chu for the support of fate seers? It feels like I’m getting a great deal.”

Lin Kunshan smiled. “As I said, we go with the flow. Great Chu’s fortune hasn’t ended. No matter how we struggle, the flow isn’t on the side of us fate seers. Better to settle for second best.”

“Is our deal settled, then?” Prince Donghai asked.

Lin Kunshan nodded.

“Can you tell me about the situation in the palace?”

“Sorry, I’ve been on the borderlands and only know the general situation, not the details.”

Prince Donghai guessed Lin Kunshan would respond this way, so he smiled and asked, “Am I the only one making deals with fate seers?”

“I can’t answer that. Only my master knows the overall situation. I only know one thing: among all the potential collaborators, you are definitely at the forefront.”

Prince Donghai cursed fate seers inwardly, but his smile became even more affable. “I’m not just walking in front; I’ll run and outpace everyone.”

“The Northern Protection General may be slow, but bringing him along can make things easier for you.”

“Yes, I have that in mind. But… I’m short of manpower.”

“I’ll help you find some, but I need a promise from you.”

“Those who follow me today will be made marquises in the future.”

“That’s enough. Time is of the essence. I’ll go find people now. Please wait for good news.”

Lin Kunshan drank his last cup of wine, stood up, and left. The smile on Prince Donghai’s face disappeared along with the fate seer’s back. “Going with the flow, indeed. Claiming credit for what is going on in the palace right now—does he think I’m a fool? Fool me once, but not a second time. Come in!”

The attendant pushed the door open and stood with hands folded.

This was the only person in Shattered Iron City Prince Donghai trusted, sent by his mother.

“What did the Chai clan members say?”

Over twenty ‘Chai family people’ in Shattered Iron City had been imprisoned for attempting to assassinate Deputy General Chai Yue. Prince Donghai, feeling isolated, had his attendant take care of these people. Before Lin Kunshan’s visit, the attendant had just conveyed Prince Donghai’s goodwill to their leader, Xiao Bi.

“Xiao Bi is willing to serve Your Highness.”

“In his current state, that’s all he can do. Is he willing to help contact Chai Zhi in the Northern Army?”

“He is. He also revealed that Chai Zhi plans to attack the Xiongnu during peace talks, causing the Xiongnu to kill the Weary Marquis, and then assassinate Your Highness amidst the chaos, before defeating the Xiongnu to redeem his crimes. Xiao Bi just got this news.”

Prince Donghai laughed briefly. “The Chai family truly produces remarkable people. Leaking their plot so thoroughly—only they can do that. Can Xiao Bi persuade Chai Zhi to change his mind?”

“He says he can, but I don’t believe him,” the attendant replied.

“Just state the facts; there’s no need for your judgment,” Prince Donghai said coldly, though he agreed with the attendant. “This is interesting. Chai Zhi wants to kill two birds with one stone, and Lin Kunshan wants to take Han Ruzi back to the capital. I need to stay alive first, then decide which side to choose.”

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