The Chimeric Ascension of Lyudmila Springfield

Intermission — Sekh — A Moment to Myself

Intermission — Sekh — A Moment to Myself

“Uugghh...” I groaned in pain once Master had fallen asleep. The discomfort between my legs was bearable when we were making love, but after regaining my reason, it was nothing but agony. 

It took a lot of strength to push myself off the bed and to my feet, and even then, I collapsed to my hands and knees and vomited out the contents of my stomach. With hazy eyes and shaking hands, I reached between my legs and grunted when I pulled my fingers away because I saw proof that this body was just a virgin. That was to be expected because Master’s penis was that of an Ashen Orc. Even if the pain reminded me of the various hells I endured, it wasn’t the same because Master never intended on hurting me.  If anything, it was my fault because I made her body 

“Yeah, just to let you know, that’s a shitty idea,” said Tilde. She flew over and hovered above Master, doing nothing but staring at her. 

“What would you even know about that, fairy?” I replied. I held little affection for this flying pest, but she was instrumental in strengthening Master’s [Hermes Trismegistus]. 

“I have about 6,000 years under my belt. When you live that long and see so many people, you start to fit them into different archetypes. You’re thinking of hiding the pain, aren’t you? Master fucked you raw, so I’m sure you having a hard time even moving. You need her, and she needs you, and you don’t want this to turn into a situation that would be harmful for our Master. I bet you imagined the horror of her realizing she hurt the first person to have needed her. That shock would probably render her impotent for the rest of her life, and you could not have that because it would be another strike on the board against our Master. A board, I’ll add, that has two marks of failures already on it. Then again, not telling her isn’t much better. You’d be deceiving her and creating doubt in a relationship where the clouds of uncertainty have no place. Either way, you fucked up by not saying anything earlier.” 

I barred my teeth, yet my anger vanished. Ignoring Tilde, I stumbled over to the closet and took out a clean bedspread and blanket, then worked to clean up our mess. It was hard to move Master to the bath, where we luckily had the foresight to not drain the water. I just had to heat it with my flames, then worked to scrub ourselves clean of sexual fluids without the luxury of soap. It didn’t take long for the bath to turn slightly red. Looking at the crimson I loved to spread hurt my heart because of Tilde’s words.  

“Why don’t you be useful—” 

“Yeah, yeah. I was already going to do it,” Tilde said, interrupting me while flying over to the ruined blanket and bedspread. In a flash, it vanished, and I dragged Master from the bath and dried the two of us off. I only needed to remake the bed, and once that was done, I put her down on it. A second later, I crawled over her, got under the cover, and hugged her head to my chest, because she was my Master. 

That was the only reason I needed to do what I just did. 

I was only freed because she suffered a tumultuous life. If she hadn’t been abused, beaten, and raped, then paraded in front of her classmates naked before being thrown into the void, her fury would not have burned as bright.   

Her suffering was my salvation. 

“Hey, when Master was fucking you with that thick cock, how did it feel? I know it hurts like a bitch, but I, honest to goodness, thought you were about to be split open like a walnut. Oh, and I was impressed when you swallowed it. Didn’t think your throat was made for that, but damn. Hey, did you ever hear the story of the Ashen Orc that practiced celibacy?” Tilde spoke just because she liked to hear her own voice, and I wasn’t about to indulge her. I just held Master close to my chest and rubbed my arms down her back because I knew she loved how my fur felt. A few kisses to her head caused her to speak in her sleep. 

“Sekh... Mmmnn... Sekh, I need you,” whispered my Master. I squeezed her a little tighter as my heart beat faster. That annoyance of a fairy kept speaking as if she valued the sound of her voice that much. 

“Alright, so there was this Ashen Orc priest, right? Well, he was an odd one that practiced celibacy. One day, a succubus heard about him and made a bet that she could make him sleep with her. He accepted, and like four days later, the succubus was found dead. How? She was very good at her job, and I guess it pissed the dude off, so he literally stuffed her throat with his dick. And I mean literally. Like really literally. It’s just a story because come on, there isn’t an Ashen Orc out there that would give up free pussy, but what do you think the meaning is? Like, is it a warning to not fuck with Ashen Orcs? Or is it an allegory against not taunting someone with the very thing they are abstaining from just because you want to find pleasure in forcing them to break their vow? Take it as you will and think about how that can apply to our Master. That’s all I’m going to say on that subject. 

“Alright! I’m just going to say it. Acting the role of a meek little sex slave just doesn’t suit your character. It pisses me off, honestly. If Master appeared before you a thousand years ago, you’d have slit her gut open and commanded an ogre to fuck her stomach. The Dark Lord of Tyranny I knew would never debase herself and allow a mere chimera to stuff her throat. This weird dichotomy doesn’t make a lick of sense. I can’t get over it. The you of the past would’ve strung up that Dogfolk and Catfolk by their entrails just for looking at you. When we walked into the mines, I half expected to walk out covered in blood because I thought you'd have slaughtered everyone for our Master to feed on.  

“Huh... Maybe that curse was the reason you were such a murderous psycho bitch. Without it, you’re just a submissive little kitten wanting to suck Master’s cock and drink her milk. You just want to get petted and adored, even if it meant forcing [Tyranny Control] to take the form of a collar because that’s your deepest desire. And maybe there’s not anything wrong with that. I’m not one to kink shame. Even without the curse, I bet you were going to still be a great and powerful warrior. One that’s submissive, but whatever. You know what? This back-and-forth gotta have a little bit of back to go along with the forth if we’re going to have some good-natured banter. If I’m pissing you off, then it means I’m doing my job right. I’ve waited an uncomfortable amount of time to finally live out my purpose in life. It falls to me to make sure Master is protected and nurtured until she blossoms into the perfect Transcendent Dark Lord, and that includes surrounding her with the right allies. Alright, I’m about to hit the hay. Make sure you don’t hurt our Master in your sleep with those nails.”  

“You talk too much. Just go to bed.” 

Uncomfortable realizations flowed around my mind when Tilde finally shut her mouth, but I could not deny her words.  

I had changed from my time as the Dark Lord of Tyranny. I was still her, yet the target of my destruction had temporarily changed from the world to Master’s enemies. My true nature was one of chaos and death because that was written into my soul by the very curse I was now temporarily free of. But after being an agent of it for so long, it felt like it was a central part of what made me up. And now that spot in my soul was free to be filled with whatever I desired. 

Maybe I wanted to be loved on... I’d never felt that before, and Master’s touch was as gentle as the spring breeze. I loved it when she patted my head and fluffed my ears, and I very much enjoyed the sensation of having my breasts massaged by her soft hands. I loved her smell and taste...and her moans and voice. I knew her feelings about being a slave owner, but I wanted to be hers. I wanted to follow her commands and bring slaughter to her foolish enemies... 

When we met with the ones that had done her wrong, I’d rend their lives from their bodies and eviscerate them from top to bottom. 

Even if it required my life, I’d give it up for her dreams to come true. 

Death is nothing but a temporary cure to the disease of destruction festering within my soul. Until the end of the world, I’ll always come back. 

The curse prevented me from thinking about how my life would’ve turned out if I was free of it. It considered such fleeting dreams as heresy and flooded my nerves and mind with memories and feelings of past abuse. But now? 

An existence like me was free to dream of whatever, but did I deserve that? I couldn’t begin to tell you how much hope I snatched away during my many, many reincarnations. Since Tilde talked about it, I couldn’t help but wonder how my life would’ve played out. My parents were fond of the maid. The poisonous aphrodisiac only helped the three recognize the feelings, so a little sibling was probably expected even if I hadn’t done anything. 

Me? As an elder sister? Try as I could, I had trouble replacing my previous war-torn, sadistic life with one of love and affection towards a little sibling... Especially since I was no stranger to killing them in front of their parents. The quickest way to break the spirit of someone was by destroying their greatest treasure. But I was thinking wrongly. If things had played out the right way, I wouldn’t have been responsible for any deaths. My hands would’ve been clean, right? 

I wouldn’t have any memories of my past life because I would just be a simple child. A daughter of a great warrior with connections the world over. My mother was perhaps a bit plain, but I can’t even remember her face or her touch. 

Would she teach me to cook? Clean? Instruct me on how a noble should act? Throw tea parties with the other women of the village? Take me to see her parents? 

And my father... Would his favorite sword be passed to me when he became feeble and unable to wield it? Would he teach me how to swing a sword? Or how to hunt? Or fish? Or how to nurse minor wounds.

When I became of age, would they be insistent on making me marry someone? Would they choose a common boy from the village, a noble from my mother’s side, or allow me to choose my partner? Would we fight because of it? Or would I run away? With my potential partner? Or would I leave in the middle of the night? 

Would I choose the guild and follow in my father’s footsteps? Or perhaps join the army? Or even a mercenary? 

Were there friends and close companions in my future? Would I have found someone to adventure with for twenty or so years? Someone to become more than just a simple friend? Someone to be there for me when I needed them when the passing of my parents eventually happened? Or someone to hold my baby when I eventually performed a woman’s duty? 

Me? Being a mother? Even with an open mind, I can’t imagine that. The womb of this new body isn’t destroyed, but who would want to have children with the Dark Lord of Tyranny? Someone with a reputation for slaughtering newborns? 

Or would I be betrayed by them and forced to fight for my survival? Kidnapped and forced to live a fate like what I endured? 

It wouldn’t all be sunshine and rainbows, but it wouldn’t be all vulgar and horrific. 

Master shifted slightly in her sleep, breaking me free from my daydream. 

“Will I ever find love?” I whispered, looking at her. “You’re too far special a person to love me. You’re the Transcendent Dark Lord—a being that rules above all other Dark Lords. I’m content to be your blade of vengeance. That’s the most a monster like me could ask for, but I wish to remain by your side until the end of time...” I kissed her head once more and reluctantly closed my eyes. I didn’t want this moment to end because a part of me feared this was another delusion the seal tormented me with. 

But I wanted this to be real. 

I yearned for this to be real. 

Please, let it be real when I wake up... 

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