The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 208: razing the tunnel to the ground

Chapter 208: razing the tunnel to the ground

Benny was busy, as he worked hard in making sure that the turtle shell battle formation being utilized by the vanguard group was safely kept and intact.

Cold sweat, filled every fiber of his being as his 2-form gun in its machine gun configuration kept on spewing out bullets rapidly. His battle art, the deads echo, did wonders as most of the cats were restrained by his bullets.

After the soldiers of the rear group converged with them, he allowed them to leave first before he finally ordered his comrades in the vanguard group to start retreating slowly.

The 8 high-grade soldiers of squad 6 worked their asses off fighting, as they all stood their ground to make sure that none of their comrades died.

This tunnel was clearly occupied by a bigger and stronger beast clan than the cave where the Himalayan black bears occupied. Compared to the latter, the percentage of exobeasts in the tunnel was horrifying.

Diana and Benny strained themselves to hold the line, as dozens of exobeast cats with 2nd rank and 1st rank high-grade strength rushed forward to devour them.

Only their timely reaction, early preparation, and high-quality exotic armors were saving their lives. Despite this, dozens of soldiers were already suffering injuries of various degrees.

As soon as the first soldier escaped outside the tunnel to the other side, just like cats that were injected with hard drugs and were now high, the cats reacted like dogs that had their tails stepped on as they increased their offensive exponentially.

The vanguard group already had 2 of their high-grade soldiers with terrible injuries, but the 2 seconds in commands did a perfect job in fulfilling their Majors wish of not suffering any casualties.

The soldiers now knew how dozens of human skulls were stacked together to form a heap here, these cats were ruthless life reapers.

The battle of the hunter and the hunted continued unabashedly, both sides clashed with their all, making small cracks appear on various parts of the narrow tunnel.

In Clarks battleground, most of the cats already knew that he was too strong for them, so they all left him alone with their alpha, giving them the perfect arena to battle freely.

Clark held his spear with both arms as he stood rigidly with his legs separated to form a defensive stance, while his eyes looked alertly at this deadly predator that was stalking him.

This giant cat is about the same level as the terrorist Commander I fought against some time ago, if not even stronger. His expression was solemn.

The giant grey cat also slowed down after inflicting the first series of injuries on him, as it paced left and right with its glowing reddish-golden eyes never leaving his silhouette.

Ha!! Take this, bastard!!

He suddenly screamed, startling all the nearby cats that were spectating their battle before charging forward at the cat with fearless grandeur and unshakable confidence.

The big grey cat was not intimidated by this move, as it also picked up speed and closed the distance to this daring human, stirring dust and small rock particles to fly about in its wake.

As the distance between both battling silhouettes grew closer, a black gadget that was barely visible suddenly slipped down from Clarks loosened bag.

As soon as this dropped down from the bag, he gave an order mentally as his multi-purpose boot suddenly erupted with a greenish-blue energy film this time, lighting the tunnel up.

Noticing this series of puzzling actions, the grey cat increased its speed and opened its enormous maw again for a deadly bite.

Clark suddenly recovered a large gadget that was dropping from his bag, took a deep breath before pointing it at the cats face with so much emotion like he was a hero saving the world from the ruthless Thanos.

You would think that this gadget could break heavens and crumble the earth from his intimidating stance, but what came out exceeded every cats imagination. Light?

Bright white focus light suddenly lit up from the torch, illuminating and shining directly into the exposed eyes of the cat. This was no gadget; it was just a single focus optimized torch.

The light was so bright that the giant cat had to close its predatory eyes in pain. Despite this, it still stretched out its 2 claws in anger for another attack.

As all these happened in milliseconds, the barely visible gadget that Clark dropped at first suddenly touched the ground and immediately activated, releasing an electromagnetic wave in the thousands of Microfarads range.

This was an exotic highly optimized capacitor with various abilities, that worked its magic using electromagnetic waves.

The electromagnetic wave passed through the tunnel with the speed of light, as every cat felt a pulse pass through them before they all stiffened.

Boom!! Clarks already overloaded multi-purpose boot also activated at this moment, as he was launched rapidly from his position to the rooftop of the tunnel with mind-blowing speed.

Despite his immense speed, the giant grey cats outstretched claws still connected, giving him another injury on his abdomen.

Fighting without exotic armor was a phobia that he was reluctant to face, but today that he faced it for his first time, he found that it was not as dangerous as he thought to fight without armor.

He just had to use his head and plan his moves carefully, just like now. A torch that seemed to be an insignificant substance became the ultimate weapon, that enabled him to temporarily lose the alpha cats focus.

As he flew upwards, his body flipped mid-air as his legs quickly hit the tunnels rooftop. As soon as this happened, dozens of mechanical tentacles emerged from the multi-purpose boots before latching into the rock.

Bzzz!! Bzzz!!

An anti-gravity field and a gravity bending field were quickly formed, as all the feeling he felt from defying gravity disappeared.

His leg was facing upwards and connected to the tunnel rooftop while his head faced down, but he could hardly feel anything. This was the magic of technology.

As soon as he adapted, he went on the run on the rooftop immediately. He was not foolish to underestimate his opponent, the grey alpha cat was still much alive. A torch could not possibly kill it, or could it?

Thudding sounds reverberated around the cage, as all the cats watched with widened eyes and dropped jaws as this human gradually left them in the dust.


The giant grey cat finally recovered from the effects of the direct glare of such a highly optimized torchlight, as it turned its big head to look at its slowly escaping prey.

Mew! Mew! Meow!

As Clark ran, he still paid attention to his archenemy in this tunnel. Hearing the strange meowing sounds being made by the grey cat and seeing its effects, his eyes widened again in horror.

This cat could communicate with its subordinates, and they are actually listening and understanding? Are they all intelligent beasts? He was shocked.

Hearing their alphas loud meowing sounds, the originally disorderly cats became clearheaded and started grouping together orderly to form formations like a battalion of soldiers.

The few ones with high-grade strength among them took the helm, as their offensive became countless times more cohesive and organized.

This change was so sudden that before the Spartan soldiers could react, the first high-grade soldier died tragically in this mission.

The vanguard groups turtled shell formation was scattered for a moment, as the now organized cats cleverly took and separated one of the high-grade soldiers from his comrades.

Before the others could react and try saving him, this precious soldier of the Spartan republic was mobbed to death. In the end, there was a casualty.

The grey alpha cat finally picked up speed again after this, as it started climbing the tunnel wall with mind-blowing speed to catch up to its prey. Clark was still its primary target; the others were not spicy enough.

Seeing this, Clark no longer hesitated and quickly started barking orders at his soldiers.

Dont wait for me, most of the soldiers of the rear group are already out, turn and escape now. Its an order, dont hesitate.

The soldiers did not even need his reminder, as soon as the first soldier of the vanguard troop was killed, the others reacted like kids that were spanked on the butt by their angry mom as they all turned to run away immediately.

Every man was now on his own, face your problem alone. You tarry, you die, that was the current situation.

Benny, when you get to the exit of the tunnel. Wait there, start executing your battle art immediately and shoot all your rock softening bullets at the tunnel walls.

Ok, Major.

As his soldiers escaped for their dear life, Clark finally brought out his dual 2-form guns to fight for his life. The grey cat was still tightly following him, making him indignant.

F*ck, I just met you, why so fierce? Did I cut off your balls?

The cat only increased its speed on hearing this. Despite its face not having the shape and form of a human, Clark could still deduce that this guy was angry from how its face was twisted into a strange frown.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! This made him increase his multi-purpose boots energy output to move faster, as his gun muzzles erupted in flames and let out their load without restraint.

This cat showed why it was the alpha of this large cat clan, as it nimbly dodged all the bullets with frightening precision.

What a fraud. Clark was speechless, he no longer had any chance after this fellow got angered.

He gritted his teeth and made another painful decision, as he started bringing all the exotic shields that were in his bag and stacking them to form a blockade to hinder this fellows advance.

Though its speed was hindered a bit at first, this big cat quickly adapted.

Its claws spread destruction with impunity, as the exotic shields kept on popping from the force exerted by it. It easily clawed through all these expensive gadgets, making them seem just like cheap balloons.

Clark winced a little at the sight of so much money so easily being devoured, but he consoled himself by the fact that he finally got close to the tunnels exit.

Benny, leave now.

His friend did not hesitate, as he also finally left the tunnel with speed.

Bam!! Bam!! He now turned his aim upwards, as he unleashed hell from his two 2-form guns at the tunnel wall, making more cracks spread across it. He already cooked up another crazy plan.

He knew that if he escaped from the tunnel, that did not guarantee his safety as the cats could just follow them out. He planned to raze this tunnel to the ground.

As soon as he got to the position where just one step was needed for him to go outside, he stopped, kept his guns before bringing a new spear out again.

He activated its force field, making it glow in red color before hacking hard at the tunnel walls.


He calculated wrong; the tunnel already sustained far more damage than he expected. Just 3 hacks destroyed its foundation, as everything came falling down while the ground shook like an earthquake was imminent.

In the end, he could not escape fast enough, he was also submerged inside the sea of rocks with the cats.

At the last moment, he thought that he saw the giant grey cat enter a hole hidden at the side, but he could hardly see clearly.

No! Major!!

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