The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 218: meeting an old acquaintance

Chapter 218: meeting an old acquaintance

After getting the verbal consent of the other sides leader, Clark no longer hesitated as he ordered his soldiers to follow him. With this, he at least now had the moral high ground to act without restraint.

He carefully kept the communication device, activated his armor, and grabbed his spear tightly before storming out directly to meet the wolves.

His soldiers quickly followed behind him, as their movements stirred dust fiercely in their wake.

Back in the fierce ongoing battle, after the leader of the soldiers under the siege of the beasts got the unexpected call from the mysterious black-clothed man who he suspected was a soldier also, he felt uneasy.

He had strong nerves as a soldier, but he didnt know why, hearing Clarks deep voice made him feel like he just invited a dragon into his abode to help him fight a lion.

Both were dangerous predators, if this one saved him, he would be sure to eat him the next moment. He was conflicted.

As he got distracted a bit, the sharp claws of the alpha wolf suddenly clawed heavily at his armors head. The force disoriented him a bit, as he felt like he just bashed his head against a rock.

The wolf attempted to use this opportunity to lunge at him and pin him down, but his instincts went to work as he ducked, smoothly dodging the lunge while retaliating with an upwards slash of his sword.

From his fighting style and weapons, it was evident that he was a defensive-oriented soldier. He made use of the turtle shell fighting style- stall your opponent till he is tired.

He made use of a huge exotic shield and a sharp sword as his weapon combination, as he quickly stood up to block the alpha wolfs attacks again.

Where are these bastards? Did they play with my desperation? Just wait. He was fuming in anger.

Because of his still aching head from the blow, he now directed all his ire at these scammers as they were still nowhere to be found on the battlefield. Did they really scam him?

As this thought kept on troubling him, a change finally came into the battlefield from a side that he did not expect at all. These soldiers attacked the wolves from the rear.

Ahh!! Kill the damn wolves!! Rescue the damsels!!

Hearing the shameless shouts and declaration of these soldiers, his lips twitched fiercely as he lost his concentration again for the second time.

He paid for it dearly as the wolf lunged forward and gave him a deadly bite on the head, scaring the hell out of him.

[Ding!! Armors durability reduced by 5%.]

Hearing this, he was even more alarmed as he finally focused on his battle again. If he got distracted a few more times like that, he would probably die to this fierce beast.

Seeing the sudden newcomers that emerged from nowhere, the soldiers that were already struggling against the wolves became flustered as their movements grew more disordered. 3 soldiers died immediately.

Seeing this, the leader of the soldiers was shocked as he came to a realization. F*ck, I didnt inform them before now.

These are our temporary allies, dont be flustered! He roared into his comm to his soldiers, as the still clearheaded fellows finally started organizing themselves again.

They were still guarded though, as they gave a little of their attention to keenly watching these newcomers.

Clark ran forward momentously with his spear, as he arrived first to meet the horde of wolves. Not slowing down a bit, his spear quickly swiped across like it had no weight like a falling autumn leaf.

The 3 wolves standing before him died immediately to the strike, their heads flying powerlessly like deflated balloons as he continued unhindered into the ranks of the wolves.

Rescue the damsels!!

His soldiers finally arrived with their ridiculous chant, as they joined the battle with frightening grandeur.

Despite their loud shouts, they were very much organized as they entered the battle in a tyrannically offensive battle formation. Their teamwork was off the charts as they moved like well-serviced machines.

A bloody one-sided battle began immediately, as they started pushing the wolves back without any reduction in momentum.

Awoo!! Awoo!!

The wolves were also alarmed by these sudden arrivals, as they started howling in anger while others in pain as the soldiers bulldozed across, massacring them with impunity.

Seeing this, the other soldiers who were already under desperate circumstances were shocked before becoming overjoyed the next moment.

We are saved! Where did the leader get reinforcements from? These guys are so dominating.

Noticing the sudden change in his soldiers perspective about these newcomers, their leader who was still entangled in a tug of war with the wolf alpha blushed a little in shame.

Cant you guys act any decent? Is that how far youve regressed?

Though these were his thoughts, he did not voice them out as he knew that his soldiers needed a moment of respite. Their struggle for the past few days was too much for them to handle.

After the wolves knew that new enemies were here, they adjusted their attack trajectory as they started directing more attention to Clarks soldiers.

This was supposed to slow them down, but it did not. The moment that the wolves moved and readjusted their focus, Clark also reacted as he raised his left hand before swiping it at the wolves.

Before the wolves could react to this weird move, energy beams and fast-moving projectile bullets started raining down imperiously on them from above.

The Spartan ranged soldiers were already hungering to release their weapons loads since the battle started. When their Major finally gave the order, they felt freedom like no other.

Boom!! Boom!!

Energy beams rapidly shuttled the short distance to the ground, filling the sky with an intimidating rain of fire and bullets as another unbridled massacre began in the ranks of the wolves.

Painful howls reverberated around the battlefield, as the originally snow-white furs of the mountain wolves became stained with blood.

This was when the exobeasts among the wolves finally started their rampant maneuvers, as they advanced aggressively to clash with the melee soldiers that were behind Clark.

Clark did not target these wolves though, he left them for his soldiers. He had complete confidence that with Benny and Diana there, his soldiers could kill these exobeasts.

Even if it took time, they had the means to dispatch them. For himself, he had another goal, he wanted the alpha wolf that was still wreaking the leader of these soldiers.

Personally, he was impressed by this guys might as he already recognized that this was a mountain wolf with 3rd rank high-grade strength. This was a peak predator in this forest.

His eyes were locked on the rampaging alpha wolf like they were radar detectors as his spear cleaved left and right, swiftly dividing any wolf that tried to bar his way to parts and pieces.

Blood flowed like rivers in his wake, as he forged his way to meet this alpha predator.

You already did enough, now support me from the side.

Getting there, he sent a message through his implant to the leader of the other side before directly taking over his opponent tyrannically.

The soldiers mouth twitched fiercely but he suppressed himself, he was already shocked by the strength being displayed by Clark. He obeyed, as he meekly relegated himself to the role of support.

With their combination of an extreme defense-oriented soldier and an extreme offense-oriented soldier, this alpha wolf no longer had a chance. Clark took this as a target to train his skills now.

Excitement blazed in his heart, as he felt a rush of adrenaline surge through his body like a voltage of alternating electric current.


He attacked without restraint, as his hands quickly became a blur while his spear kept on stirring dangerous wind waves like it was the legendary Thors Mjolnir.


The alpha wolf angrily howled again at this travesty to its dignity, as it also attacked without any restraint. Its movements were swift like a cheetah, while at the same time heavy like a rhinos.

The 2 of them quickly got entangled in bloody melee battle, going back and forth like 2 kids that were fighting and rolling on the sand, but the intensity was something else entirely.

The leader of the other soldier group only grew more shocked on seeing this, but he suppressed his shock and diligently did his job.

He did now know why, but such a sight suddenly blazed the competitive spirit inside him. Was this guy trying to show that he was better than him? No, he could not let himself and his soldiers down.

He quickly upped his aggressiveness in the battle, as his shield now changed from only a defensive tool to an attacking tool also.

He bashed the wolf at various angles on its body with the shield, making the poor fellow stagger and howl in pain. Despite all these pains, it did not think of escaping as it kept fighting ferociously.

Clark was also surprised on seeing this guys sudden fierceness, he felt a faint familiarity on seeing this fighting style but he held his curiosity back and continued his battle.

Whoosh!! He suddenly stabbed his spear down in between the wolfs legs before flipping it to the side, as the force turned the wolf unsteadily to the side, exposing its belly.

His left hand suddenly went to his bag and quickly came back with his sword, as he stabbed ruthlessly at the exposed belly of this fellow.

The guy behind him was not to be left out, as his eyes quickly lit on seeing this opportunity. His muscles bulged; his eyes narrowed into slits while his veins erupted outwards as he suddenly leaped upwards.


Coming back down, his enormous shield was bashed heavily at the wolfs unprotected head with mind-blowing force.

Shockwaves stirred from the blow; the wind protested by squeezing rapidly in honor of this force as a crack sound reverberated after it came into contact with the wolfs head.

This did it, the wolf became a mad wolf immediately. After standing uprightly, it staggered disorderly like a drunk wolf with dazed eyes that already rolled to the back of its head.

Thats some powerful blow. Clark said with a slight smirk on his face, as he raised his spear before stabbing it directly at the head of this alpha wolf.

Just like that, these 2 monster soldiers killed a wolf that had 3rd rank high-grade strength. Seeing this from afar, Diana and Benny were shocked as they tried to guess who this unknown soldier was.

Their battle was also already drawing to an end, they already killed most of the wolves. After they combined with the soldiers of the other side, their killing frequency increased exponentially.

The other wolves started escaping after seeing their leaders death. They were intelligent to know that they no longer had hope of victory, to your tents oh Israel.

The originally desperate soldiers were very happy after being saved, as they walked closer to thank Clarks men excitedly.

As the aftermath of the battle was slowly being cleaned up, Clark went closer to the leader of the other group. The soldier grew tense immediately on seeing him.

No need to be so tense, I already know you, Great defender. Clark said with a smirk while patting him on the shoulders.

What, who are you? He immediately grew alert.

Hehe, no need for that, we are old acquaintances. Clark muttered a smile as he slowly removed his mask.

You, you, its you!!

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