The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 461: the target

Chapter 461: the target

After leaving the first pirate city that they visited, Clark and Arthur continued their journey through the enormous world of gold.

As 3rd rank high-grade soldiers, their journey was super-efficient compared to when Clark was still in the expedition team. Any exobeast or desert beast that they met, they simply killed and continued their journey.

Unless they met a desert beast with 4th rank high-grade strength, they could not be stopped and passing was as easy as eating pie to them.

With such a speedy traveling rate, it did not take them much time before they arrived at the city that the clues left by the Pirate Queen Anamel led to. They arrived after 3 hours of constant traveling.

Compared to the previous pirate city that they visited, this was even more deserted and strange. Every building in the pirate city was built with sand, even that of the pirate leader of the city.

Having gotten experience from the previous pirate city that they visited, Clark and Arthur restrained their curiosity and simply started looking for clues that led towards their target immediately.

To avoid arousing suspicion, they paid a random pirate that they met in the city to help them with gathering information. With the right means not in place, gathering information took time.

Having delegated a pirate to do it, Clark simply installed a device on the pirate that would enable him to see and hear every single one of his actions.

After doing this, he finally left with Arthur to explore the deeper parts of the pirate city. Even if the activities in the city was disgusting, they didnt want to leave without having in-depth experience about the city.

As experienced soldiers, they knew that a time may come in the future when they needed it and this experience could perhaps save them.

Mentally forging a zip in their eyes to restrict what they saw, they started their tour. So as to not arouse suspicion, they first visited one of the only 2 bars in the pirate city.

Like they already observed, the conditions of the bar that they visited was even more extreme than just being built with sand.

The bar was located underground, and despite with the measures that the owners employed to make it habitable, Clark and Arthur still felt like they entered an oven. It was so freaking hot.

And inside this hot environment, scantily dressed female slaves that were captured by the tourists danced to the music being played, entertaining the male pirates that were in the bar.

From time to time, a male pirate who took a fancy to any of the girls would simply go on stage, grab her and take her to one of the many sand rooms that were constructed in the underground bar.

Space was not a problem to the owners of the bar, so with the right resources, they could simply expand more and build more rooms to entertain pirates so long as the money kept on rolling.

Seeing the girls dancing in the podium, Clark sighed. He was pretty sure that they were like the enthusiastic tourists that he traveled with for over a month.

Seeing such a sight that displayed what they now became was sad. Though he blamed them he simply couldnt heap all the blame on them. Instead, he placed more blame on the system.

The system of the world currently was in no way ideal, every day, he couldnt help fantasizing about when he would be strong enough to forcefully bring a new system of equality and love.

He knew that even in such an environment, there would still be bad people but at least his consciousness would be free knowing that he did his best to contribute in making his society a better place.

Clark and Arthur stayed in the bar, drinking for over an hour. When by this time they still didnt get feedback from their informant, they finally left.

They left the bar and continued their tour around the pirate city, taking in all the sights that were here. Surprisingly, their informant still didnt contact them for the whole day till the sky became dark.

Immediately, they knew that something was wrong but they were patient as the device secretly installed on the informant havent projected any meaningful information or voice message.

Feeling disgusted to sleep in the dirty sand buildings made by the pirates, Clark and Arthur simply decided to go out into the wide to lay their tent and sleep.

In the night, in a secret underground room, a bald-haired pirate knocked on the door after climbing underground before getting access inside the room.

This bald-haired man was Clark and Arthurs target. He was the subordinate of the Pirate Queen Cobra, and he was the pirate who stole the exotic custom-made pistol of the rich man.

After entering the room, he went up to a corner where a man dressed on all-black was seated. The strange thing was that despite being a man, he had a certain beauty to him that was universal of women.

Seeing him, the bald-haired pirate gulped down his saliva before reporting. Pirate leader Crane, Im being followed.

Pirate leader Crane was one of the 4 assistants to the Pirate Queen Cobra, and they were her closest confidants.

The pirate leader slowly turned his head. Pirate Queen Anamel didnt take the bait?

No, she discovered our trick and instead used it to lure the mercenaries that are out looking to capture me to get the mission reward.

Ok, do you know the identity of the mercenaries that are going after you and their strength?


Good, then forget about it. If youre apprehended by them, Ill be there to help you out.

Ok, leader Crane.

Without saying another word, the bald-haired pirate turned and carefully left the underground room. After he left, the pirate leaders eyes gleamed coldly as he rubbed the weapons that were attached to his leather clothes.

I know you are out there somewhere Anamel, Ill drag you out no matter how far you go in planning and preparations.

As he muttered this, his face changed for a moment as his eyes glazed over like he was reminiscing memories but he quickly stopped and forcefully brought his emotions back to normal.

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