The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 752: Thanks to the Ancestors

Chapter 752: Thanks to the Ancestors

Under the mask of calmness on White Rabbit’s face was a great turbulence. She was caught off guard by the turn of events, but thinking about it more carefully, it made sense to her.

The Qilin Guild had successfully annexed the Hundred Rivers Union. According to what White Rabbit had found out, the two organizations were becoming the Ocean River Union tomorrow, and the Union’s underground base would be their new headquarters.

It was clear that Zhong He never liked the Qilin Guild, and he couldn’t go to the Nine Scions, and not least the Godbearer Cult. Thus, the Twelve Zodiac Signs was his only and best option. Given his power and clean resume, the Twelve Zodiac Signs was very likely to take him in.

“May I ask why?” White Rabbit asked.

“Yeah, but I’ll only give you the surface reason now,” Zhong He said bluntly. “If you take me in, though, you’ll also get a very important piece of information. I promise that you’ll be interested.”

“Won’t you give me a hint first?” White Rabbit smiled shrewdly.

“It’s about the truth of what happened at the Starcatching Pavilion.”

White Rabbit started. That was indeed a great intel.

She only knew that the Qilin Guild had struck a heavy blow on the Nine Scions, and both suffered casualties. She had the list of deaths, and she was relieved to learn that Gao Yang and Green Snake were still alive.

The Nine Scions had suffered a serious blow, though, and they had gone completely off the radar after that night, never reaching out to the Twelve Zodiac Signs in any way.

That worried White Rabbit. Now it seemed that Zhong He had learned something about the incident, causing him to leave his original organization and seek another path.

It would be a great bargain to recruit a strong member and find out the truth about the Starcatching Pavilion. She would effectively be buying one and getting one free.

She was leaning toward accepting the deal.

She was an experienced awakener, though, and she hid her reaction and smiled politely. “We’ll welcome you if you’re honest about wanting to join the Twelve Zodiac Signs, of course, but I’ll be frank with you. Don’t even think about joining us as a spy. Change your plan to save yourself if that is the case.”

“Inside the realm of influence of Captain’s Overlord, no one will be able to lie to him. If we find out that you’re up to no good, guess what the consequences will be?”

Dragon couldn’t actually detect lies. White Rabbit was testing Zhong He.

“Of course.” Zhong He’s expression was open, his hands still in his pockets. “I’m never one for subterfuge. You may detect lies and read my mind if you want.”

After a few seconds of silence, White Rabbit concluded with her hunch that he didn’t lie.

She extended a hand and said, “Congratulations. You’re now a member of the Twelve Zodiac Signs.”

“Huh?!” Fat Jun gaped. “Wait, Sister Rabbit. Did he become a member just like that? Aren’t you going to test him first? We almost died to join the organization back then.”

“Oh, right.” White Rabbit added. “There’s something we have to make clear now. We don’t allow unprovoked attacks of companions and wanderers. And no office romance. We’ll turn a blind eye if you can’t help it, though. That’s it. Any question?”

“No. It’s also my bottom line to not attack a companion or a wanderer without a reason,” said Zhong He.

“Good,” said White Rabbit. “We’re companions going forward.”

“Sister Rabbit!” Fat Jun was so shocked that his eyes shook. “That’s, that’s way too easy! Back then, we...”

“Adept Horse. Things are different now. This is a special time. The end of the world is coming as we speak. We can’t afford to recruit people slowly like before.”

White Rabbit’s large eyes darted around. Then she came up with a weird analogy for her double standards. “With you, we got married before falling in love, and with Zhong He, it’s getting married after falling in love. You get it?”

“Yeah, yeah...” Fat Jun didn’t get it at all, but hearing the talk about marriage and love turned his brain into mush. “We got married before falling in love” kept ringing in his head.

It was only an analogy, but Fat Jun was still happy about it.

“As expected, your organization seems like fun.” Zhong He smirked. “Ah, but I forgot one thing.”

“What is it?” White Rabbit was immediately wary. She knew nothing would just fall on her lap. Zhong He had a condition, or perhaps a hidden ambition and goal.

“I’m not on my own. I’m taking five people with me. If you want me, you have to take in all six of us.” Zhong He rattled off. “There are Lying Wood, Yellow Lotus, Muzitu, Deep Earth, and Quiet Book.”

Zhong He took out a slip of paper from his pocket. “These are the dossiers on all six of us. Give them a look and consider my offer. You have to hurry, though. Let us know before tonight ends. Once the Qilin Guild comes in tomorrow, it’ll be difficult for them to get out...”

White Rabbit slapped the slip of paper away.

Zhong He sighed silently. Ha, so it doesn’t work...

Eyes sparkling, White Rabbit took a step forward and grabbed his hands. “I don’t have to check it. All of you come! Every single one of you!”

Zhong He gaped. Huh?

White Rabbit was cursing up a storm in her head.

I *** get ****** **** lucky!

I **** **** thanks to *** ***** ancestors!!


North Harvest, early morning.

Powder snow fell from the night sky. The silent cedar forest was bathed in a dim gray light. Deep in the forest was a small cabin. Through the cracks of the windows covered by wood planks, orange light seeped through.

At the center of the cabin was a small brazier with reddening coals. The windows and door were opened every once in a while to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Resting before the brazier was a multi-functional wheelchair, in which Vermilion Bird was seated. She had a wool blanket on her with her head slightly cocked. The heated coals reflected in her eyes. Her expression was numb.

Vermilion Bird was in a coma most of the time, and when she woke up, she was as quiet as a marionette. She didn’t even blink, which led to dry eyes over time and made tears come out.

Gao Xinxin closed her eyes for her every now and then, but it never took long for Vermilion Bird to open her eyes again, gazing forward with unfocused eyes like she was gazing into the void to stubbornly resist something.

Gao Xinxin sat by her side, lifting her one leg and massaging her muscles, quietly talking to her at the same time.

Gao Xinxin was well-versed in taking care of someone in a vegetative state. After all, her brother had been in this state for three months before.

“Sister Xia, ever since my brother told me the truth, you’re one of the people he brought up the most.” Gao Xinxin chuckled. “When he was in the Qilin Guild, you took good care of him and treated him well...”

“And without you warning him, I would’ve been taken by Qilin. I was the one who got you into this situation. If not for me, you wouldn’t have turned out like this.”

“But don’t worry. My brother will cure you. He’ll find a way...”


The wooden door was pushed open. Gao Xinxin jumped to her feet, alerted.

She thought Wang Zikai and Raven Shark had spotted a threat while standing watch outside and thus came to notify her, but it wasn’t the case.

The man standing outside the door had a face she couldn’t be more familiar with, yet it was different now. The face was thinner. And the messy black hair was tied into a small ponytail.

His eyes and brows reflected the torment he had been through. His eyes were darker, his gaze colder with a hint of exhaustion. Only when Gao Xinxin’s look of surprise and heartache was reflected in the black eyes did they gain some warmth.

Gao Xinxin stared at Gao Yang through the door, lips parted to say something.

Her eyes quickly brimmed with tears, and the words she wanted to say got stuck in her throat and chest. In the end, all her thoughts came out as one word.


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