The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 25: God Said: Take Off Your Pants

Chapter 25: God Said: Take Off Your Pants

Just as Lin Moyu was about to make a phone call to warn Chen Ling,

Sui Lier finally realized what was happening and quickly said: Um Im not injured.

Huh? Not injured?

Well this blood its not from an injury. Sui Lier bit her lip, looking at the angry Chen Ling, feeling so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole to hide in.

Chen Ling continued to look at her, still in a state of anger and confusion.

Its Sui Lier hesitated, feeling awkward about what to say.

Doesnt god know? Could it be?

Humans are created by god, right? He should know!

Please remember quickly Im too embarrassed to say it! Sniff

She actually thought that humans were created by the gods.

Chen Ling lowered his head as he saw her hesitating, and his gaze fell upon the bloodstain on her pants. He furrowed his brows and spoke in a low voice: Take off your pants, let me see.

Huh? Sui Lier doubted if she heard correctly.

The Lord God, asking me to take off my pants? I

Take them off!

Oh The tone was like giving an order, not open to refusal. Under the immense pressure, Sui Lier involuntarily reached for her waistband.

Wait a minute Luckily, she realized what was happening and hastily took two steps back in panic! Blushing and at a loss, she waved her hands and said, No! No! I Its not like that, Lord God!

Then she quickly covered the bloodstain on her pants with her hands and crouched down.

That is Well, its just


Chen Ling: ???

Sui Lier gritted her teeth and made up her mind: That is menstruation!

In an instant, Chen Lings terrifying aura immediately dissipated. He stood there awkwardly.

Chen Ling wanted to die. He was so embarrassed.

Inner thoughts: Mom, Dad, and that silly sister, Im sorry! I want to leave this world Dont make me a tombstone, Im too ashamed.

Sui Lier also didnt want to live anymore. She was so embarrassed! Sob How did it end up like this? Help!

It was an awkwardness that seemed to freeze the air. Deadly levels of awkwardnessthe scene was like a frozen frame in a paused movie.

Chen Ling stared blankly at Sui Lier crouching on the ground. She closed her eyes, biting her lip, feeling flushed with embarrassment all over her body.

Meanwhile, people around the world collectively breathed a sigh of relief.

Report to our king! The energy reaction has disappeared We couldnt pinpoint the exact coordinates, but we confirmed it was in Nanyun City!

A bunch of useless people! Send someone to Nanyun City! Find them for me!

Yes, sir!

At the same time, various forces, both overt and covert, made their way to Nanyun City. They were all searching for the source of that terrifying energy.

Chen Ling was now really hoping that someone would come and find him. Damn it, is there anyone? Someone, please Break this despair-inducing awkwardness! If no one comes soon, Ill die of embarrassment. What should I do What should I do?

Chen Ling stared blankly at Sui Lier crouching on the ground, lost in thought. Suddenly, memories of her past came rushing back.

How had she come this far? Those memories were vivid in his mind. Suddenly, the awkwardness didnt feel as intense. Instead, he felt a pang of heartache. Without knowing her memories, one couldnt imagine how she had dealt with such situations in the past.

A seemingly mundane aspect of life was incredibly challenging for Sui Lier to handle. It was beyond the level of just making ends meet.

After a while, Chen Ling sighed and shook his head. Ah Its my fault for not considering everything.

Then he bought a large box of womens supplies from the system and placed it in the room. Um You can use these first, and if theyre not enough, let me know.

This box would last her for several years.

Ill step out for a moment and come back later. Without waiting for Sui Lier to respond, he slipped away.

Sigh He left? Sui Lier secretly lifted her eyelids for a glance.

Hes gone!

Phew~ She couldnt help but let out a sigh of relief. She gritted her teeth and glanced at the box next to her.

Every month, she had to get some of these supplies from the convenience store, so she definitely knew what they were used for. But she felt a bit embarrassed because, after all, these were the most intimate things. And it was Chen Ling who bought them for her

Its okay, Sui Lier This The Lord God is just helping me! In the end, she decided to use them because she didnt have any other options, and continuously bleeding wasnt a good situation either.

Well Im fine now. Sui Lier spoke softly.

At that moment, Chen Ling carried two large boxes and pushed the door open.

Thud~ He placed them on the floor.

Huh? Sui Lier was puzzled.

Um One box is enough! I wont be able to use so many!

Chen Ling shook his head. No, this box contains clothes. I didnt know your preferences, so I got some simple styles. You can start by trying them on.

If you dont like any of them, Ill take you to the mall later, and you can choose your own.

The other box contains well, you can see for yourself.

Indeed, it was intimate clothing. Chen Ling rattled off a bunch of explanations and instructions.

As Sui Lier listened, tears started streaming down her face, she no longer felt embarrassed or shy. Now, all she felt was immense happiness, being so fortunate to have met Chen Ling! The tears that fell were tears of happiness.

Alright, stop crying. Its my fault for not considering everything. With these, you should have everything you need. If theres anything missing, just let me know.

And if the bed sheets and covers get dirty, you can just throw them away, and Ill buy a new set.

Sui Lier, who had been silently shedding tears, suddenly spoke up at this point: Uh um Cant we wash them off?

Chen Ling was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: Do you want me to hand-wash them for you?

After Chen Lings remark, Sui Lier imagined the Lord God squatting by the water basin, washing the blood-stained sheets for her

This This seemed a bit absurd! How could she let the Lord God do such a thing!?

Blushing, she quickly explained: No! Thats not I was just thinking

Sui Lier thought that since Chen Ling had even cleaned up the mixed-up soup he had sprayed on her before, it shouldnt be a problem for him to clean this.

Seeing her embarrassment, Chen Ling didnt tease her any further: I was just joking. I can clean it up perfectly fine, but theres no need for that. Well just replace them

I want it! Sui Lier suddenly interrupted Chen Ling, marking the first time she interrupted him.

I want the Lord Gods bed sheets

Chen Ling:

Sui Lier:

Wait Did I say something really weird?

No! I, I, I mean Sui Lier stumbled over her words in an attempt to clarify, afraid that Chen Ling would think she was being perverted.

Chen Lings face turned red, and he coughed: Cough Alright, then Ill wash it for you.


Sui Liers heart skipped a beat, and she pursed her lips, lowering her head, afraid to look at Chen Ling.

Feeling somewhat awkward, Chen Ling scratched his head with a thought, he used the system to clean the entire room thoroughly. The bedsheet and covers that Sui Lier had dirtied were placed back on the bed, neatly arranged. This simple cleaning task only required putting all the dirty items into the system space and then sending them to the garbage disposal.

There, all cleaned up. You should change into clean clothes first. After saying that, he quickly turned around and without looking back, he said: Im going out for a bit. When youre done tidying up, come out and have dinner.

Okay Sui Liers voice was barely audible, as she nodded softly.

Once Chen Ling returned to the living room, he sat on the sofa and let out a long sigh of relief. Phew I survived!

As a majestic god, he almost died of embarrassment.

For the first time in his life, he truly felt such awkwardness. Even if the whole world considered him a fool, he wouldnt feel embarrassed. But this Sui Lier she was indeed lethal!

Inside the room, Sui Lier opened the two boxes of clothes Chen Ling had bought for her. Blushing, she began searching through them

Chen Ling was truly lazy in choosing, as he bought a whole box of identical clothes. As Sui Lier opened them up, she saw several identical black sweatshirts, several identical jackets, and several identical pairs of pants.

On them, there were embroidered brand logos that Sui Lier didnt recognize at all. Although they were all identical and seemed perfunctory, Sui Lier didnt mind! She was incredibly happy!

Hehe, they look so good! She happily picked up the clothes and held them against her face. The material was soft and skin-friendly, bringing her a sense of bliss.

Although the styles were simple, they were definitely made from the best materials, outrageously expensive. With this box of clothes, she could buy a house in this neighborhood. If Sui Lier found out, she would definitely ask Chen Ling to return them all. But he had already removed all the price tags from the clothes.

Then Sui Lier opened the box next to it, which contained the intimate clothing. Huh? Why are there so many styles here She couldnt help but furrow her brow, feeling a bit puzzled as she searched through them.

Various materials and styles, a wide variety of choices, filling up the entire box. What happened to being lazy in choosing!? Sui Liers face was turning red!

White silk black silk lace sheer fabric these?

Lord God Her hand holding the white lace was trembling a bit. Do you want to see me wear this?!

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