The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 34: Tell Me The Cost

Chapter 34: Tell Me The Cost

Hehe~ Chen Ling! Can I touch this?

Chen Ling remained silent.

Hehe~ Sui Lier bit her lip and slowly reached out her hand towards the 3D projection.

But her hand went through the body of the projection.

Ah! Im sorry. She was startled and then realized: I cant touch this, can I?

Of course not, I already told you its a projection.

Oh, so other people can see this?

Chen Ling replied calmly: Otherwise? if you can see it, naturally others can see it too. Although people in this world cant see your existence, they can see this projection.

This projection is completely independent of your existence. It has no physical body, no soul, so it is not affected by curses.

Its like three-dimensional beings cant see four-dimensional beings, but they can see the projection of four-dimensional beings in the three-dimensional world. It doesnt exist in this world, but the world can see it. Do you understand what I mean?

In this way, although you still dont exist, your projection can exist on your behalf.

Its like a bug in your curse, although you were already a bug to begin with.

Sui Lier barely understood what he was saying. But it didnt matter!

Wow, its so amazing! Hehe!

This projection cant move, right? But its okay! Im happy just being able to see myself. I cant believe I look so beautiful.

Chen Ling was speechless. Then he calmly said: Of course It can move.

Without waiting for Sui Lier to speak, he issued another command to the system: Projection motion synchronization!

Ding~ Synchronizing projection motion!

Synchronization completed!

Okay, try moving.

Upon hearing this, Sui Lier immediately turned her head to look at her own projection. She found that the head of the projection also turned towards her in synchronization.

Surprised, she took a few steps back, and the projection also took a few steps back, looking at her in astonishment.

Oh my! Sui Lier exclaimed in surprise, and the projection widened its eyes, speaking in astonishment. But there was no sound.

This! Its so amazing! Sui Lier murmured as she looked at her own self in front of her, then she spun around.

No matter what action she performed, the projection would instantly synchronize with her.

Chen Ling spoke again: Voice synchronization!

Ding~ Synchronizing voice! Synchronization completed!

Sui Lier immediately understood: I can talk now!?

Sui Lier exclaimed with joy, and the projection opposite her also expressed its excitement!



Both Sui Lier and the projection voiced their excitement simultaneously.

Wow wow wow!

Haha~ Its so much fun!

Hey hey hey~

Sui Lier excitedly experimented.

The people in the world could only hear the voice synchronized by the system, while Chen Ling could hear both the systems voice and Sui Liers voice at the same time. Both voices sounded together, creating a sensation of 3D surround sound. His mind was buzzing!

Chen Ling frowned speechlessly and reached up to rub his ears: Its so noisy!


He was so fierce! Startled, Sui Lier quickly shut her mouth, but her face still showed delight.

So, from now on, she will be like me? Sui Lier was extremely happy, even though she was seeing herself from a third-person perspective. But she was still happy! At least she could prove her own existence.

Initially, she could touch others, but they didnt know she existed, couldnt see or hear her. But from now on, even though others couldnt physically touch her projection, they could see her and hear her.

Chen Ling had essentially reversed the way she lived. From now on, she could freely walk on the streets, and everyone on the street could see her appearance.

No more need to wander around asking if anyone could see her.

No more need to steal and scrape by for survival.

With this projection, she could work, study, and become an abnormal normal person. Living openly in this world.

As she thought about it, tears filled her eyes uncontrollably.

Ding~ Target feels happiness, points +100,000!

100,000 points flooded the screen.

This time she didnt cry out loud; the tears fell silently, making dripping sounds. Upon seeing this, Chen Ling said, Dont cry in a hurry, theres more.

Sui Lier quickly wiped away her tears and turned her sobbing into laughter.

Hehe~ What is it? Huh~

Chen Ling looked at her enchanting smile, and a smile unconsciously appeared on his face as well. He liked seeing her smile; it felt reassuring.

Position correction!

Ding~ Conducting position correction! Please set the targets relative three-axis deviation values.

x=0, y=0, z=0

Ding! Correction complete!

After Chen Ling finished speaking, Sui Lier noticed that her projection had disappeared from the corner of her eye!


She immediately turned her head and realized that the projection was indeed gone.


Chen Ling chuckled and said, Silly, look in the mirror.

With that, he had a thought and brought out a full-length mirror from the systems space, placing it in front of Sui Lier. The moment she looked into the mirror, her heart skipped a beat.

Chen Ling had directly overlaid the projection onto her own body. This way, the problem of position synchronization was perfectly resolved.

For example, it prevented the situation where the projection would appear in the adjacent room when she went to the bathroom.

That would easily scare someone to death.

Sui Lier could only stare blankly at herself in the mirror, her hands incredulously touching her own face.

Tears instantly welled up.

Ding~ Target feels happiness, points +100,000

100,000 points flooded the screen once again. Chen Ling, seeing this, didnt say anything but just smiled at Sui Lier. He felt that his mood was also quite good.

However, he still couldnt bear to see her cry and heartlessly said, Look at yourself in the mirror. Crying makes you look so ugly.

Sob Sui Lier wiped away her tears and sobbed, But I think I look pretty when I cry sob

Chen Ling replied, Sure, everything you say is right.

After some time passed, she suddenly turned her head to look at Chen Ling.

Chen Ling, Lord God!

Whats wrong?

Sniff Thank you! Sui Lier wiped her tears and looked at Chen Ling gratefully. Her eyes were watery and charming.

Chen Ling quickly turned his head away and didnt look at her, saying indifferently, Its just a small favor, nothing significant.

Sob, thank you! Sob Although Chen Ling didnt look at her, there was a slight upward curve at the corner of his mouth.

Are you happy?

As long as youre happy.

Sob But After a while, Sui Lier stopped crying and asked in confusion, Whats the cost?

She thought this projection was perfect, so there should be a significant cost, right?

Chen Ling didnt even look at her and closed his eyes. You dont need to worry about the cost.

No, I must know!

Chen Ling furrowed his brows. I told you not to worry about it.

No! Sui Lier looked at Chen Ling firmly.

Seeing her determination, Chen Ling threatened, If you keep asking, then forget about having this projection.

No! I must ask.

Chen Ling said, The cost is power consumption. Okay?

Huh? Power consumption? What does that mean? Sui Lier had never heard of this term before.

If I explain, you wont understand, so why bother asking?

Sob, youre lying to me!

No, Im not.

Yes, you are! Tell me the cost!

Chen Ling didnt know how Sui Lier could tell that he was lying to her, but he didnt care. I wont tell you.

If you dont tell me, then I dont want it. Hmph! Sui Lier muttered softly.

You can have it or not, its up to you. After saying that, Chen Ling directly made a mental command and retracted the projection.

The reflection of Sui Lier in the mirror disappeared instantly, and she subconsciously reached out her hand.

Huh? Its gone She pouted unhappily and glanced at Chen Ling.

Chen Ling was looking at her with an exaggerated expression on his face.

His expression clearly said, Gone, right? I told you to stop talking!

Hmph~ Sui Lier let out a light snort.

Chen Ling glanced at her and helplessly said, Ill give you another chance. If you dont ask, Ill give you the projection.

Sui Lier gritted her teeth and looked at Chen Ling, who was lying on the sofa.

She let out another Hmph~ and turned her head away.

Chen Ling: ???

I think youve lost it! Do you think Ill indulge you?

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