The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 206: Preisn Observatory

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 206: Preisn Observatory

Confused, Frederick glanced all over the training room where Celestina's group gathered for group training and discussions. He noticed two people were missing, one being his best friend and the other being the center of their group. Emily, by his side, was also visibly confused at how the two most punctual individuals could not arrive without an excuse.

"Has anyone seen Os and the princess?" Frederick asked the rest of the group.

Phillip and Eleanor shook their heads as they were also worried about the princess's sudden disappearance. Mary and Serena, likewise, had no idea and shrugged their shoulders. But Charles was the one to step up and say, "They're on a mission."

"A mission?" Emily asked. "What kind of mission?"

"She didn't say, but said that she was taking Oscar on a mission to celebrate his advancement to the Elite Exalt realm," Charles explained with a hint of confusion as to why his sister had to go alone with Oscar. The rest were also confused about why Celestina brought Oscar along but not them.

"S-so, it's just the two of them?" Serena smiled, but her voice lacked her usual confidence. "Did the princess mention what kind of mission it was?"

Charles shook his head, his silver hair whipping through the air. "She didn't tell me the details but said it was necessary for Oscar and that it wasn't dangerous."

"If the princess says so, then I don't think it's anything too bad," Phillip remarked while meditating with his sword anima.

"That's right. Celestina is no fool. But it would have been better if she brought some of us along." Eleanor looked disturbed for a moment before her face returned to tranquility, as expected of her great emotional control.

"That's right. It's also something good for Oscar, right? I don't think there are any issues." Mary glanced at Serena with a pair of worried eyes, fearing Serena may become bitter. After their fight at the tundra and reconciliation, Mary saw Serena as an unhinged little sister she had to watch before something bad occurred.

Serena, however, kept up her relaxed face as though nothing was wrong. "Yes. As long as Oscar benefits from this." However, Mary noticed her hands were trembling slightly.

Frederick groaned slightly at Serena's forced acceptance. He could only sigh while being comforted by Emily, who patted his head with a smile.

"Chin up. Everything will be fine." Emily whispered.

"I'm more worried about the aftermath," Frederick said. "Os is one lucky or unlucky person."


"So what is this mission?" Oscar struggled to make his way through a busy city street. By his side was Celestina, who disguised herself with blonde hair and blue eyes to whom he asked his question. The day after Celestina mentioned she wanted to go on a mission, she dragged him to an airship, and they arrived at a city close to the Blue Ocean Pavilion.

Celestina hummed along as they walked down the busy street, catching the gazes of many onlookers entranced by her beauty; her hair and eyes were different colors, but her beautiful features were unchanged. She laughed while glancing around the many stalls lining the street. "There's something I thought of doing but held off until you were in the Inner Hall and an Elite Exalt so we could take a mission together."

Her words struck Oscar as odd. Oscar mulled over her explanation to try to understand. "Wait. It doesn't matter what mission we took. What mattered was coming to Gosla City?" Oscar stared at Celestina inquisitively while also admiring her smiling face.

"Correct. There's a certain place in this city that we can visit, but we can only get in as Elite Exalts, and I was thinking of heading there alone until I met you. I held back so we could go together." Celestina bought some donuts from a stand nearby and passed one to Oscar, who received it gratefully. "Not only that. There's also an objective nearby that will be great for you."

"What are you referring to? What place and objective?" Oscar tried to get more details, but Celestina shut her lips teasingly. He sighed, realizing that she didn't want to ruin the surprise. With that, Oscar munched on his donut, feeling the sweetness fill his mouth.

They roamed through the city until they reached a domed building with a large telescope sticking out the roof, looking at the sky. Oscar was in a daze in front of the building; he recognized the telescope and dome building it extended from. He snapped his head toward Celestina, who stared back with a 'do you get it now?' message in her eyes.

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"The Preisn Observatory!" Oscar exclaimed with joy. "I forgot this was in Gosla City. This place is what you were talking about!" He smiled gratefully at Celestina, who nodded.

"I knew this wouldn't disappoint," Celestina said.

Oscar felt his heart quickening at the prospect of entering the Perisn Observatory, a place he had always wanted to enter since reading about its existence. It not only provided an insight into the stars beyond the blue sky but also had one of the most massive and well-kept libraries in the Brilliant Drake Empire. However, the requirement to enter was to be at least an Elite Exalt and have a recommendation.

As students of the Pavilion, Oscar and Celestina had the Pavilion's name behind them, unlike wanderers, who had to work to earn a recommendation. Oscar continued to stare in a daze, thinking himself an idiot for forgetting such an important place he wanted to go to if he became an Elite Exalt.

"Oscar." Celestina poked Oscar's cheek with a laugh. "You should see the look on your face. Though, only someone who buries his head in books like you would have that look."

"You've never been here?" Oscar snapped out of his daze with a slight blush.

"Nope. Even royalty like me isn't allowed to bypass the rule. Only Elite Exalts and above can go. The Observatory Master here is quite eccentric like the previous generations, and they always adhered to this policy." Celestina had a hint of annoyance in her tone. She tried to get in early but was rejected every time. But finally, she had the chance to enter with a fellow book lover; Celestina pulled Oscar's hand. "Let's hurry inside!"

Celestina opened the doors wide with Oscar in tow. The guards of Preisn Observatory stepped forward and only stopped after seeing the Pavilion's uniforms and the powers of Elite Exalts emanating from the two. Oscar and Celestina both stared in wonder at the vast library.

The entire structure was a dome with bookshelves all around the circular walls extending high up; ladders were placed at certain intervals for people to get the books from higher levels. In the center was a set of stairs that led up to the large telescope that a few were allowed to use to peer up at the vast void beyond the sky. The observatory floor was lined with many tables and chairs for people to rest and read.

Oscar and Celestina ran forward, looking at each shelf with interest. Many books related to the stars, their movements, and the properties of the world beyond the sky. Oscar and Celestina piled large towers of books to take to their table and began reading with contentment, pausing to speak about what they read and then continuing reading in silence.

"The closest planet to our own is Meres, but no one can determine if there's anything there." Oscar discussed this with Celestina.

"It's said there are legendary Exalts capable of breaking through the sky and exploring the void beyond, even visiting other worlds," Celestina tapped her book. "I heard about such tales, and they said Exalts from other worlds even visited our own in the past."

"Where are these Exalts now?" Oscar was speechless.

"Who knows?" Celestina sighed. "Though, if they are Exalts so powerful to be able to travel through the void, then they'd probably only find other powerful Exalts to converse with. They most likely also avoid being detected."

"That makes sense." Oscar returned to the passages of his book describing Meres. "At least we can see Meres is a desolate wasteland. Though, exploring the void seems way too big right now. I'd be content with exploring our world first."

Celestina nodded. "It's good not to have such a big appetite. However, that seems like a moot point to you, who can devour an entire table worth of food." She chuckled at her joke.

"Reis makes me hungry." Oscar looked embarrassed.

They spent quite a while in the Preisn Observatory until night rolled over. Celestina suggested they head to the telescope to observe the clear night sky.

"Are we allowed?" Oscar was hesitant.

"I'm the princess and an Elite Exalt now. They have no reason to refuse me." Celestina scoffed. "Come now."

Oscar traveled up the flight of stairs to the base of the telescope. There was a singular small lens for one to look through; it was small, but through it, a person saw such a big world beyond their understanding. Celestina peeped through the telescope first, exclaiming and admiring the wonders of the stars and the void she encountered.

Oscar couldn't help but think how cute she was being at this moment. Completely different from her usual princess-like manner.

"Oscar, you give it a try." Celestina had her fill and beckoned Oscar to come forward.

Oscar stepped forward and peered through the lens. There was a vast host of stars that he could zoom in and out of. He never thought he'd be able to see the stars so closely in his life, but here they were, like bright stamps in the dark void.

'There are constellations, aren't there?' Oscar pulled away from the telescope and opened a book on constellations which also recorded the telescope settings to view them. Following the instructions, Oscar saw many different constellations, such as a man with a bow, a creature with wings and a lion's head, a sword and shield, and many more.

"The constellations are amazing," Oscar said.

"Let me see. I forgot to view them." Celestina was excited. She had been moving the telescope randomly so excitedly that she disregarded the constellations.

"Wait…." Oscar felt something churning in his mind, like an itch that needed to be scratched. The constellations were so bright, and Oscar could imagine a network of connections to form the shape. "Constellations….are like formations."

"What?" Celestina asked.

A tremor ran down Oscar's spine like his head had been struck by lightning. "Of course! That's what was meant by a fabricator's preference. It's the shape that suits them most. Others were somewhat unique. No matter how I looked at the past formations, none were truly my own, so it was hard to grasp them. Can I use the concept of constellations as the base shape for my formations? The fact I could see formations from constellations is very telling."

Oscar was so excited that his breathing grew heavy. He wanted to run off to the Foundry to test his new theory.


Oscar snapped to the irritated Celestina, who stared coldly at Oscar.

"I'm glad you seem to have understood something from the stars. But didn't I ask for my turn? How long are you planning to hog the telescope?" Celestina smiled, but her eyes remained chilly.

"I'm done!" Oscar backed off instantly.

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