The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 621: Avril's Journey

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 621: Avril's Journey

Twenty-five years ago, an airship hovered over the ruins of a once beautiful city, the white bricks charred by flames long gone and grayed by the ashes that remained. The toppled statues of intricate details down to the tiny creases in the stone robes lined the ruined streets. Where towers once stood, piles of stone and ash took their places. Avril reached out and slowly clenched her hand, bringing it over to her sight. On her palm, flakes of ash dotted her white gloves. From a flick of her wrist, the ashes rode the winds to float down to rejoin the others in the city.

Odd shapes lurked among the rubble. Shadowy forms roamed, crying and weeping, shouting and lashing, laughing and skipping. They lingered like ghosts haunting the desecrated city. Some stared up, and she withdrew. The restless regrets and hatred of the deceased had given birth to Wraiths. She had read they formed in droves on former battlefields.

"The battle here had been fierce from what I heard," The captain said, stepping onto the deck while sipping from his bottle. "You're up early, lass. The suns are barely up. Breakfast isn't for another two hours."

"I'm used to it," Avril grinned and stared at the two suns, the arc of their heads barely glancing over the horizon, a silvery plain glittering with golden sparks at the beating sunlight. She knew that Oscar had to be waking up to the same sunrise. The breeze picked up into fierce gusts, and she tidied her black hair from prickling her eyes and was guided by the captain back inside. Her heart sank into discomfort, erratic beats that drove her feet to tap nervously, impatience weighing on her lungs. "When will we reach Dragonheart?"

"Dragonheart is off limits to outsiders. You'll be locked out the gates unless you can provide proof of your citizenship." The captain poured her a cup of hot tea, a nice gesture.

"You told me this ship was headed for Dragonheart!" Avril said, pressing her lips about to bite them. She still minded her manners by thanking him for the tea and drank, hoping to soothe the irritation that gnawed at her thoughts. Finding no comfort, she grumbled and nibbled on a cookie, the usual sweetness failing to uplift her mood. Why did the sweets that Oscar bought for her taste much better?

"I just got the news. Sorry, lass. I can refund you part of your fee." The captain lightly placed a pouch of coins, metal clinging against each other on the hardwood. Before he could open it, Avril denied his kind request and asked to be alone. The captain nodded and left her the entire pot of tea.

Avril sipped her tea as she studied the map on the wall. Before, it depicted another continent when the airship flew over it. But now, it reflected the entire Farksky Continent. The mark on Dragonheart City was crossed out by red ink, and a new course had been drawn to a nearby city. There was no guarantee she would find Oscar or be able to get into the Pavilion and the capital. She palmed her face, fingers clawing at her hair, and sank her head lower, knocking it on the table several times.

'I want to see you.' She grasped her ring and sighed deeply. The more she drank the tea, the colder it became from the passing of the hours. A few hours later, the airship groaned as a horn sounded on the deck, signaling their arrival. Avril exited the cabin and relaxed at the scent of cleaner air, walking to the rails to overlook the scenery. An intact city greeted her, the walls high and mighty, their shadows stretching over the meadows and rivers of a lively land. At least this part of the land was safe from the ravages of war. Everywhere else had been scarred, a sight that stuck like a stone in her heart, her worries turning to her beloved.

To see this beautiful city still standing gave her hope. Cheerily, she leaped off the airship at the port and said her farewells to the captain and the crew, who accommodated her the entire way. Suddenly, a group of armored soldiers stopped her. The flanking guards dampened her spirits, and she hastily showed the badge of the Alchemist Guild, which was still not good enough for them as they drew closer. She hesitated to give them a closer look since her name was on the back, unwilling to risk exposing herself to potential New Dawn agents who might be anyone.

"I'm not here to cause trouble. Just let me pass." Avril said coldly, her black eyes becoming ice-clear as they glared at the guards. They froze in fright, their armor clattering faster than their teeth. She was so close. Her anger flared up at their interference. She was so close. As she stepped forward, the guards stepped back, letting out quick stammers and pleas. Her voice chilled further. "I need to see someone. I'm not here to make trouble."

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Her unstable Ein constricted their armor. The steel was dented all over like boils on the skin. She had just ascended to Lower Marshal Exalt, lacking proper control of her newfound power and Ein. Realizing her mistake, she grasped her will and let go of the soldiers, sweat covering her brow. She almost messed up. Bowing, she apologized with a plea, "I'm sorry. But please…I am not an enemy. She–I want to see my husband. He was a part of this war, but I'd rather not speak his identity."

"If he is one of us, where were you when Wyrmir fell? Where were you when the enemy broke past the gates and devastated the streets of Dragonheart? With your power, more lives could have been saved." One of the guards ranted and gripped his sword, his hand trembling on the hilt from what seemed to be anger. What was his problem? A thought struck Avril, and she walked to the man, tears dripping from his bloodshot glare.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Avril bowed. This man must have suffered greatly from the war despite being victorious.

"You…." The guard said, letting go of his blade. He shook and fidgeted uncomfortably, averting his head away from her wholehearted gaze. To receive a personal bow from a Marshal Exalt would shock anyone. "It's not your fault. I'm sorry. But understand that we can't let you go without seeing your proper identification. Flashing a badge won't be enough."

"Then, please escort me to your superior. I need to enter Dragonheart City. Please believe me." Avril felt drained. After an hour of discussion, the guards relented and decided to escort her to someone else. She was certain the hour was purposely done to gauge her reaction and patience. The most she could do was endure, no matter how her feet itched in their desire to fly away straight for Dragonheart City. Thanking them, she flew toward the large castle in the center, stunned by the clogged streets, everyone crowding together without a single inch of space to breathe.

"They're refugees. The enemy razed many homes, and hateful Wraiths now roam the former battlefields and cities, leaving the lands unsuitable to be settled on." A guard noticed her blank face and explained. "So they have to settle here until they can return home."

"Home…." Avril muttered. She never had a place to call home for many years, always moving to the next place. Glancing around the beautiful scenery outside, she considered the prospects of living here. It was a place that won its peace and would not be disturbed anymore, perfect for her and Oscar to live out their lives. He did mention wanting to return to his farm and raise some crops in the future. Recalling his simple dream, she giggled in delight, eager to live out that life.

After a quick flight, they landed before a great palace, the gate guards raising their weapons, brandishing them at her. The others attempted to convince them to lower their weapons. To make matters worse, more guards arrived and circled her, chiding the ones who guided her for bringing a powerful foreigner to their doorsteps. Ignoring the orders and looks from the guards, Avril stepped closer to the gate, their collective Ein breaking before her like eggs on a rock. Rows of guards stood between her and the castle.

Annoyed, she raised her hand, intent on slapping them away with a root, but a sudden voice intruded, followed by an immense Ein that surpassed hers. "What is going on? Is it an intruder?" Above her, a powerful man in golden armor and a dragon's head helmet descended, wielding a dark spear that absorbed the light. He exuded the power of a Lower Marshal Exalt, more potent than hers. But he was not the one who spoke. A woman with wavy red hair and green eyes had spoken. Her pairing gold dress fluttered to the breeze, exposing the healthy flush on her shoulders. A white feather hairpin rested in her hair.

'Pretty….' Avril remarked.

"Excuse me. I am Serena Rudinberg. May I know your name?" The woman introduced herself and bowed politely, not intimidated by Avril's power. No doubt, she had great confidence in the man beside her to protect her, an act that brought up more memories of Oscar to Avril.

'Wait…Serena?' In her deep reminiscing, she remembered Oscar mentioning the friends of his home, one of whom had the same name and appearance that he described. Scratching her head, she knit her brow and mumbled, "Serena Fulgir? But the last name is different."

"That is my maiden name. I chose to take up my husband's last name after marriage." Serena frowned as Avril drew closer and glanced over her from head to toe. The man gripped his spear harder and stomped forward, but Avril didn't fear him and studied Serena from side to side. At last, Serena seemed to have enough and said, "Do we know each other?"

"No…but you know my husband. She-I heard about you. He mentioned you a few times. He said he always felt bad he couldn't reciprocate your feelings for him. I'm glad you found your happiness." Avril smiled and shook Serena's hand up and down. She leaned closer to Serena's ears, the man raising his spear, and whispered, "I am Avril Terr."

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