The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 625: A New Protector

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 625: A New Protector

Demon arrived at the foot of the largest volcano, one larger than Aeon Peak, with a constant gray cloud spewing from its mouth that gathered into a constantly spiraling vortex of dense ash. Normally, no life should sprout under the choking ashes that blocked the sunlight from gracing the lands, but instead, the ground teemed with small foliage, a gray grass that persisted in its defiance against the natural law. As the ash floated down, it popped like bubbles and expelled a small burst of Ein, the grass greedily devouring the nourishing Ein, the breeze allowing them to sway as if dancing in delight at the meal. A Divine Essence was truly an astonishing treasure, even the faintest ash carrying ample Ein.

The entire volcano was a Divine Essence, taller than the sprouting flower in the Blue Ocean Pavilion. Sizing up the entirety of the volcano, Demon remarked the flower would only reach a fifth of its height, meaning the volcano was very ancient, age being a factor in the growth of a Divine Essence. He felt the soil in his hand, not knowing why he did it, perhaps an instinct from Oscar's remnant will. It was rich and suitable for farming. Erden happily dug his hooves into the dirt and rolled around, covering himself in the dirt. He seemed to enjoy it.

Demon let him be and wasn't sure where to go. The volcano stood in the center of a gigantic crater, perhaps as deep as the unfathomable ocean and wide enough to encircle the volcano. The crater's edges rested outside the volcano's shadow and the cloud of ashes, receiving the gift of the two suns that shone brightly on the city. Twenty layers, shaped like a coliseum from the top to the bottom, circled the entire crater, and countless buildings, many with domes as roofs, stood on each layer. Four wide stairs in the north, south, east, and west led straight from the top, where tall ramparts protected the city, to the bottom, where four castles awaited. Another wall stretched from one castle to the other in a square, protecting the passage to the volcano.

He closed his eyes and took in several deep breaths, feeling a faint Ein suited for him that leaked from the mountain. He had received the invitation from the Snail Primaere, Carcoatl, but the location indicated the center of this volcano. Did he need to fly to the very top? Right as he thought so, the volcano trembled, more specifically, a small part of the elevated ground in front of him. Cracks carved out a circle into the rock, collapsing into a tide of pebbles and exposing a gaping tunnel in the volcano.

The passageway inside was surprisingly well-lit, red veins glowing on the tunnel's surface, widespread and reaching deep inside. Demon stepped inside and explored the tunnel, finding it to be completely straight, seemingly endless. He could only walk silently as the heat rose, his armor smoldering and feet hissing as they stepped on the red veins. His pace slowed. Ignyres manifested outside and waved his flaming hands, the heat waning to his command. Freed from the constricting heat, Demon strode ahead, and half a day later, he saw a bright light at the other end.

"Welcome, young shard." Carcoatl welcomed him. The Primare was not in his human form of a leper in black robes but sat in the middle of the ocean of fire and magma, assuming his true form. Obsidian coated his slimy body like stacks of iron plating strung together. His head peeked out of his armored, black shell. It shared the color of the magma around him, and two stems extended from the head, holding two large black eyes on their ends. It was the largest snail Demon had ever seen, a thousand feet tall. In the ocean of fire, many other black and red snails of varying sizes lazily floated, the smaller ones near the coast of soot where Demon arrived, gradually gaining in size the closer they were to the center.

"My family. Say hello." Carcoatl said, his raspy voice sounding gentler. The snails all hit their eyes together, mimicking how humans clapped their hands. Out of all the applause he watched from inside Oscar, even he admitted this was the weirdest. Carcoatl let out a gargled laughter and joined in the strange applause, shaking the chamber and sending tides through the magma ocean. After they finished their strange welcome, he asked, "How is the development of your sect?"

"Academy, and you already know. Can't you hear from your snails?" Demon was too lazy to respond and disdained wasting time on meaningless questions. By now, Hector and Helen should be leading the construction of the new academy, along with Auren's help.

This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

"Sometimes, simply asking is a way to hear differently. Speech is a gift so everyone can receive each other's intent. Listening from the side won't give me that." Carcoatl chuckled. "Once your academy is ready, I will plant the seed of a Divine Essence."

"Very generous. You can't wait to start the fire." Ignyres remarked, and Carcoatl lowered his head, his stems drooping. "But beware that the flames don't burn you. Too many favors, and this one will start to doubt."

"I am not the one named Saul. He somehow reached the stage of being able to see the Threads slightly but failed to peer into its deeper nature, only glancing at the emotions. Deceived by them. His actions might have differed if he saw what I do now." Carcoatl coughed and bathed in the ocean, a relieved sigh echoing from his mouth that leaked pus.

"And what do you see in my Threads?" Demon asked.

"Nothing and everything. There are no limits to what you and the one inside you can be, so there is a chance of nothing and everything. Compared to others, your Threads can stretch to infinity." Carcoatl laughed and splashed around. "You can be crushed to the dirt, shamed and lowered beneath all, or climb to the highest peak that no one has ever been. That is your potential. So I help. I help you."

"For your family?" Demon crouched and picked up a snail that crawled on the soot. It didn't seem to fear him and squirmed on his palm, not retreating into its shell. So weak. He could kill it in a simple clench, yet the Primaere placed so much importance on it.

"Not just them. You saw the city outside, no? You saw the land when you flew over to reach me." Carcoatl coughed again. A few shards of obsidian fell from his body, magma seeping from the exposed skin like blood from a wound. "I am old. I am approaching the end. All on my lands are everything to me. They had propped me up and given me all I needed, so shall I ensure they last."

"You are honorable, ancient one." Erden bowed his head. "But the decision will be up to Oscar."

"As it should be. I can only sow the seeds, but the choice is his. And I shall honor his decision." Carcoatl promised. "Now, you wish to retrieve his wife and bring her here. Indeed, she will be the safest here, but the journey may not be as easy as you intend."

"Why is that?" Demon asked, letting the snail return to the ground.

"The Primal Council is interested in the inheritance of Isaac Stonewell, the greatest golem crafter and advent of advancement. They know that his heir has come forth, Oscar." Carcoatl transformed into his human form, a rotting body hidden under a black robe and hood. "They have learned of his existence, but the Dragnar boy made a convincing report of your death. Still, he was forced to give up the plans for the Garantulem and Gungnir."

"Bastards…." Erden growled.

"I remember the war between the Divine Stone and Forest Heart clans. I was a fresh Primaere at the time and knew Isaac. He is a friend. Often, he came here to get some rare ores. Partly, I must protect you for his sake. After his demise, I learned that some of the Primal Council secretly backed the Forest Heart clan. Their greed for his inventions led to us losing one of the brightest minds on Talos." Carcoatl hissed. "They will want you. A few are skeptical of the death report. For some reason, your Threads are well hidden and masked by fakes, visible only to us beasts. The more powerful Primaeres already know you're not dead."

"It must have been Metures. I see why Tectones said he's sleeping. To manipulate the Threads must have been costly. That idiot." Ignyres scratched his flaming head.

"They will be competing to catch you. No one would want to share the knowledge you carry. Your display of strength against the Togros did not spread to the other regions. I have hushed them, but the danger is still nigh. You must get your wife and quickly return." Carcoatl shouted to the ocean of fire, calling out, "Sqaurmo!"

The surface bubbled, and a large snail ascended from the depths, a third of Carcoatl's size. It yawned and extended its stems, revolving its eyes around to peer around the ocean. Drowsy, it toppled to its side, splashing a huge tide of magma to the surface. Ignyres flared up and diverted the wave from touching Demon, remarking that it was a Tricrown King Exalt. The King Exalt snail rolled to its bottom and asked, "Yes?"

"Protect him." Carcoatl descended into the ocean, no longer speaking.

"As you wish." Squarmo gazed at Demon and floated above, dripping magma off his obsidian shell and scales. He reined in his King Exalt's presence and transformed into his human form. Garbed in black robes, Sqaurmo walked on the surface of the magma, his long black hair draping to his waist. With smooth, glossy skin, he had a lazy look, his eyes closed as if asleep, only flickering open in tiny gaps. On his shoulder was a black snail shell, like armor. "I am Squarmo. Let us be off. I already miss soaking in magma."

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