The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 642: Chance In The Lands of Zeret

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 642: Chance In The Lands of Zeret

Bits of moonlight glanced off the low, soft waves, their light skimming along the tides. The sound of the waves wafting gently on the sandy shores was oddly soothing, beat by beat, landing and receding, like the ticking of a clock in a quiet room. Avril recalled these shores, unable to hold down her smile. Here, she protected Oscar from hordes of beasts and kissed him for the first time. Perhaps she could start anew here and let Oscar rest and heal.

Unlike before, the shores were at peace. But a roar erupted from the forests near the shoreline, breaking the peaceful air and worsening the winds into fierce gales. Beasts stampeded forward, snarling and drooling, and others flew above, swarming around the airship. The beasts howled and whimpered, seemingly realizing the higher realms on the ship. Slowly, they backed away, and a more ferocious roar, akin to a squeal, reverberated, the trees blown away. A large beast emerged into the moonlight, boasting two large tusks, curled and pointed at the heavens, and a thick coat of white fur emitting a radiant glow.

Wreathed in its holy light, the large boar sniffed and yawned, flailing its tongue around. Its voice was dignified. "Humans. A beast. Three smell familiar. Right. You have returned, little ones, blessed by the Ancients. We have been waiting for you since the great snail sent out his edict."

"Lord Almos?" Avril stayed behind Remulus and regarded the Hakkebaren King Exalt with a smile. Almos had been the one to guide them off the shores long ago, and he would do it again. She trusted him, remembering how he fought with Ness for their rights.

"We understand your plight. The Lands of Zeret shall protect and house you for as long as you require. Right. Follow us, humans, but we go on foot, not on that airship." Almos snorted and transformed into his human form, a towering figure with a broad face and well-defined jaw, a sprawl of ragged red hair going past his shirtless body and down to his feet, garbed in white pants. Two tusks rested on his shoulders, curled to fit them. He eyed Remulus for a few seconds, an intensity rising between them. "You smell like you've fought one of us. Very recently as well."

"Half a day ago, I fought to protect these children. The great beast, Cerberus, was my foe." Remulus answered, remaining seated, relaxed.

"Cerberus? We know him. Right. We have much to discuss, human king. The news of Cerberus is alarming. It is good that you and the others have made it safely to our shores." Almos gestured for them to follow him, his figure jumping on thin air, great leaps across the night sky.

Remulus put away the airship and carried Avril and the others in a bubble of Ein, his speed catching up to Almos, who grinned and picked up the pace, the competitiveness of beasts taking over. Avril cradled Oscar in her arms as the forests changed to a blue hue, the leaves, bark, and grass painted azure. After an hour, a great tree, taller than all the others, came into view, the branches piercing the night sky, its trunk thicker than the mountains, and the leaves shining like the stars.

"It has been too long since we've last stayed here." Erden recovered well and went under Avril, allowing her to mount him.

"The Pools of Ascension. She remembers being afraid for you and Oscar, never a moment of peace with you two." Avril brushed Erden's head, scratching his skull as he groaned, almost like a purr from a cat. He always loved it when she did that. At least some parts of the past remained.

Almos led them into the great tree through the familiar network of tunnels and passageways dug into the trunk. Moonlight shone through the smaller tunnels meant for light to travel. The entire interior of the great tree was brightened, and masses of beasts revealed themselves, staying back but watching with apprehension. A few twists and turns later, Avril felt she had gone on this route before, and she was right. The court of beasts welcomed them, their roars and howls filling the chamber. From the shortest step to the tallest, the beasts surrounded them, pounding their claws, feet, and fists in great clamoring like spectators in a great coliseum.

A large King Exalt, the gorilla Hons, beat his chest once, the sound of thunder silencing the rowdy beasts. He sat on the tallest seat, and Avril wandered her gaze to the left, where the Yatscrow, Ness, had been in the past, but not at this moment. She felt a wave of exhaustion overcome her. Leaning her head near Oscar's, she whispered her promise to give him a blessed life again, finding renewed energy in that vow. Renn and Gloria held her up by her sides, and Erden pushed his wings against her back, letting her lean for support.

In mid-air, Almos returned to his boar form and took his place by Hons's side. "We have brought the humans and our own Erden."

"Welcome to the Lands of Zeret, little ones." Hons's deep voice was magnetic and powerful, pressure rising from his words. "I see you have encountered trouble along your journey."

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"The Cerberus King Exalt attacked them," Almos stated, and all the beasts whimpered or choked, their version of being speechless. "It is a clear provocation to us. Let us rend his body and tear off his spine with our tusks along the rest of his ilk." His declaration stirred the beasts again into a loud clamor as fangs clanged and claws scraped in a cacophony of rage. "They misunderstand the will of the Ancients! Our faiths are put to the test."

"Enough!" Hons pounded his fist, shaking the chamber. Silence returned, and he grunted, "Do not underestimate them, Almos. I forbid you from acting on your alone."

"Excuse me!" Avril mustered the courage to speak against the King Exalts, all eyes turning to her. Erden roared, spreading out his wings to intimidate. She unmounted Erden, leaving Oscar on his back, and carried Maia to the center of the court. "My friend is badly burnt. But they resist all attempts to cure them. Please help her."

Hons leaped down, his figure towering over her, but she felt no fear and neared the King Exalt. He sniffed around, raising his brow, seemingly confused. His hand reached out, palm open to receive something, Maia. Avril hesitated, tightening her hold on Maia, then chose to trust Hons and gave her to him, wondering what piqued the gorilla's interest. Her friend looked so small in his mighty hand, a twig that could easily be broken between the fingers. Before the entire court, Hons raised Maia gently. "She has been marked by an Ancient. The flames are marks gifted by Ignyres!" He roared at the end, causing an uproar amongst the beasts.

"See, Hons? It is the will of the Ancients! They have harmed one marked by them. Why are we holding back?" Almos squealed, slashing his tusks in the air.

An Ancient? The tall figures of Xures and Okeanes appeared in her mind. How did Maia come into contact with one? Avril felt a tug on her back. Erden pinched her dress with his antler wing, a wordless message from his shifting gaze. She breathed in and calmed down. She would have to ask Erden about it later. Ein rode her voice and amplified it. "Can you help her?!"

"Not here. Almos! Do you dare to lead our beasts into a nonsensical war? I say no, and that is final!" Hons beat his chest twice, forcing Almos to lower his tusks. His stern voice became softer when speaking to her, "Follow me, humans and Erden. You must rest for now. In the morning, we set out. A few days of travel will bring us to the domain of the Primaere Solara." He returned Maia to Avril's arms and nudged her with his hand to follow.

Rivers of blue sap flowed like molasses, seeping out of the wide pores in the trunk and dragging themselves down the spiraling crevices. The Wildersap, she remembered how Oscar had Helen make them into an elixir to heal her scars, a fond sigh escaping her wide grin. Come to think of it, Helen also resided in Oscar's domain. Perhaps she should visit them later. Hon hurried them into another chamber, a hollow gap carved from the tree's trunk.

Resting Oscar and Maia on the soft blue moss, Avril took out some packaged meals, tossing some to the others. It wasn't much. Since she used all the fresh ingredients for Renn and Gloria's return dinner, she took mostly preserved foods like pickled vegetables and smoked and cured meats. Remulus pulled out some cookies and scones, already starting a fresh pot of tea. After the ordeal she had been through, finding Oscar and fighting Sirsi, this one moment warmed her heart. Everyone was still alive, some barely, but alive nonetheless, and sharing a meal.

During the meal, Avril put down her plate and asked, "What really happened, Erden? After the war? And how does Maia have the mark of an ancient?"

"I believe I can explain that," an unknown voice said. Embers scattered from Oscar, like flower petals to the winds, and converged into a single whole. It burned and fanned in the most beautiful colors, a rainbow swirling in fire. The same voice emerged from the flame, "I am Ignyres, the Ancient of Fire. I offered her a chance to help, and she agreed without hesitation, her flame burning brighter than I could have ever imagined."

"Bastard!" Renn slashed his sword, passing through the flame and hitting the floor with a loud clang. "How dare you harm Aunt Maia?"

"She chose it herself, boy. If not for her burning resolve, all of you would have fallen." Ignyres stated flatly. Arguing was impossible because he was right. Avril clenched her hands, feeling so helpless. She didn't want to thank him, but he did save them. "Do not thank me, girl." Ignyres somehow knew her thoughts and countered, "I was merely the boost. All of it fell on the girl, Maia, and she surpassed my expectations."

"Is there a way to save her?" Remulus asked, sipping some tea.

"Primordial flames are not meant for ordinary humans or any humans. The boy can use them because of his perfect Reis body, and others with the unique Volten bloodline can do it. For her to use it has burned her to the very core." Ignyres coughed at the unease rising, Avril gnashing her teeth, and quickly continued, "The Phoenix is a beast particularly close to me. All of their descendants will inherit the power of fire, with no exceptions. Esteres created them for me not to want to burn everything. She could never leave me alone, that one."

"Can the Phoenix Primaere save her?" Avril saw hope at last.

"I'd rather not give you that hope. Flames can burn for a while or fizzle out in an instant." The flame crackled. "There exists one method, but I won't say. You'll find it out when you meet Solara."

"But there is a chance." Avril patted her friend's forehead, believing in her chances.

"The other problem is the boy." Ignyres said. Avril looked at Oscar, still blindfolded and deafened. Ignyres sighed, "There is not the slightest spark in him. What will you do for him?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Avril smiled and held Oscar's hand, a gentle light pouring from her golden eyes. "However long it takes, she will care for him and wait for his spark to reignite. That is how it always has been since she met him. He gave her light, and now she'll do the same."

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