The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 655: Haven Academy

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 655: Haven Academy

Oscar opened his eyes, having finished communicating with Erden, who chose to remain in the Lands of Zeret, a shame but understandable. He sat in his wheelchair, wearing a fine dress shirt under a brown vest, paired off by a set of black pants, Isaac's usual garments. Harsh waves crashed on the rocks below, crawling up the walls of the precipice only to fall short and retreat for another try. He recognized this spot, and upon a quick glance through his new memories, Oscar felt claws render his flesh, searing gashes burning off his skin.

'I fought here…no, Demon fought here.' A cold wind lifted the ends of his hair, but a warm hand tucked them back. Oscar leaned back, turning to see Avril pat down his hair, holding it safe from the winds, her gold eyes watching unblinkingly with concern. He gave her a wry smile, a feeble attempt to appease the worry laden on her deepening frown. So many memories stuck in his brain, unable to be forgotten or ignored. Technically, he was there for all of it: every meeting, every conversation, every slaughter. But it wasn't him, and a question lingered on the edges of his thoughts. How would the others perceive him?

"One step at a time. First, she thinks they have to see Renn and Gloria." Avril lightly pushed the wheelchair, cutting off any retorts or second opinions.

Great walls, taller than the sturdy Wyrmir that held the enemy back for two years, stood high, the two suns lost behind its structure the closer they got, now looming its shadow on them. Several guards, clad in gray armor, noticed his arrival, a few pointing and shouting to somewhere below, and a shout responded from below. Heavy chains rattled as several guards on the walls turned a large wheel that moved the chains. A creaking noise spread from the top to the gate, and the thick, steely doors groaned as a glowing slit emerged, light seeping through and piercing into Oscar's gaze. The ground quaked, and Oscar understood why, seeing the doors were twenty feet thick outside to in, probably weighing several hundreds of tons.

Once fully opened, a platoon of guards marched forth, lining the brightened path formed by the light pouring out of the gate. Gripping their spears tightly, they struck the bottoms onto the dirt and pointed the blades to the sky, kneeling to the chorus of armor clattering in the rhythm of one pair at a time until the last, the closest by the gate, knelt. In unison, their voices melded into a forceful shout, "Welcome! Lord and Lady!"

"Pfft~!" Avril struggled to contain her laughter, tapping on Oscar's head like a table for her amusement. He groaned and tilted his head to avoid her teasing, glancing over the guards, clearly well-trained and powerful in their own right, all Knight Exalts with an astounding pressure. Even a child would know they were no ordinary guards but great warriors and killers who had fought in many battles. He'd expected the old Pavilion Master's methods to have a significant effect but never expected this much progress in a short ten years.

A guard with emblems adorning his armor and a short cape hanging from his shoulder strode along the bright path and knelt before Oscar. "Welcome back, my Lord."

"You know me?" Oscar pointed at himself.

"Naturally. The Headmaster told us of you and your wife and told us to treat you as Lord and Lady." The guard rose and stepped to the side, gesturing for Oscar and Avril to go past. "He is expecting you inside."

As Oscar wheeled ahead, the guard followed from behind, and the others in the platoon sprang into action and lined up in formation, stomping as one, a few looking back with spears at the ready. Past the gates, while the steel doors shuddered to a close, Oscar beheld Haven Academy, feeling a city more fit the appearance. Neat circles of houses surrounded four large palaces that rested at the base of a large mountain. The Ein rippling from every stone and rock of the mountain and filling the air with its intoxicating sensation on his pores proved the mountain's status as a Divine Essence. Only the Beak of Ra, Carcoatl's volcano, and the flower in the Pavilion matched the concentration of Ein felt here.

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"Like it? I designed it with Remy together, modeled after my city." A faint wheeze whispered in the wind, undeniably Carcoatl's. Oscar glanced around, the guards unaware and Avril admiring the city with a bright smile, an infectious one that lifted his own. It seemed Carcoatl spoke only to him. "Long. Quite long. Very long. Too long. I waited for the real you for too long. Meet me at the top of the mountain after you're finished with Remy."

With that, Carcoatl spoke no more, and Oscar tapped his wife's hand, signaling for her to move on. The guards directed him to a small airship manned by another, relief resting his heart as he avoided having to parade down the city and catch unwanted attention. The airship hummed lowly and floated higher, heading toward the closest palace. Peering past the edge, Oscar watched as several young Exalts, the students of Haven Academy, in their own groups, big and small, a few isolated, spent their time in the city. Some sparred in open arenas, cheers erupting from the stands. Others kept quiet, meditating on the rooftops. Most ate meals together, conversing in idle talks.

"So peaceful." Oscar was lost in thought, his eyes burning. He lurched forward and clamped his hand over his mouth, hacking and coughing. Regret pained him like a thousand daggers stabbing into his vitals. He wished he could return to those days, but Oscar found himself suffering longer and worse whenever his mind went astray in that pit of despair. Avril patted his back and gave him a vial, uncorked and shaking in his grip. Gulping it all, Oscar breathed heavily for a few seconds, the elixir easing his anxious mind, calming his nerves like ice on a bruise. His grip then shifted to grasp Avril's hand, the frail and pale fingers regaining their colors in her warm palms.

"My Lord. We're arriving." A guard informed them and then received a nod from another. He smiled. "We have special permission to fly directly to the Headmaster's office."

The airship didn't descend, levitating at its current height as it headed straight for a small balcony. Near the ledge, Avril lifted Oscar along with her and gently floated onto the balcony, waving goodbye to the guards on the airship, their figures becoming dots on the gates a few seconds later. The curtains rolled up, and the glass entrance opened, softer than the abrasive steel gates, and a familiar old man chuckled, lowering his head.

"I greet the Lord and Lady of the Lunate continent, masters of Haven Academy, and the blessed of the Ancients." Remulus laughed heartily and welcomed them inside. He seemed quite awkward, his movements rough and words forced. A simple gaze of Oscar caused him to avert his eyes, and Oscar figured the old man felt guilty for the tragedy.

"It…it wasn't your fault. None of it is." Oscar said what he believed he should say right now. While many parts of him sought to scream and berate him, they all quieted before the weary elder, the cheek sunk in deeper and arms thinner than before, more wrinkles adorning the hairless scalp. He looked at Remulus and said, "I don't believe Master would also blame you. In the end, he passed on with a smile."

"That he did…that he did." Remulus's voice choked, sounding slightly higher from grief. His green eyes closed. "It's still a mistake I made."

"You protected me. That is enough. No one knew about…him." Oscar couldn't say Saul's name, the cursed name choking his throat. "You can't be blamed. He deceived us all."

"A deceit I should have unveiled. We all paid the price for a decision made long ago. And I will repay with my life. Whatever time I have left is dedicated to you two." Remulus refused to back down, and Oscar helplessly shook his head. There was no convincing the old man. In the end, he nodded, and Remulus smiled as if liberated by his consent. "Come inside. I have tea and snacks ready."

"Where are Renn and Gloria?" Avril asked, sitting by the table where Remulus poured out tea, the soothing aroma tickling Oscar's nostrils, lulling him to lean closer, inhaling deeply.

"You just missed them. I sent them out on a long hunt, one to invigorate their cores and loosen the call of advancement." Remulus plated several slices of cakes and cookies and sipped from his cup. "Auren went along with them for the same reasons. The little brat needs some correction."

Relieved, Oscar stuffed his face with the cake. For now, he avoided the awkwardness of meeting everyone, especially Renn and Gloria. Reuniting was good, but Oscar needed more time to ready himself. What should he say when they meet? Sorry for running away, taken over by grief and controlled by my alter ego? He couldn't come up with anything. Perhaps he should purchase some gifts; he honestly wasn't sure how to approach them.

"How is Haven Academy?" Oscar changed the topic, avoiding Avril's side glare. She always knew what went on in his mind, never missing a thought or skipping a flicker of emotion.

"How about a tour?" Remulus smiled warmly, stretching his lips across his wrinkled face.

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