The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 684: One More Year

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 684: One More Year

"Your legs! Your legs!" Her crisp voice made his ears shiver as she fidgeted in his arms. Her look of shock was understandable, considering she had cared for him in his despondent state for several decades, and yet he never recovered. Oscar heard Avril clamoring and shouting all manners of delight, mostly joy at his recovery, tears marking her fair cheeks. It had been several years, yet she hadn't changed a bit, even behaving like they had never parted. He liked that as she beamed a sunny smile in his direction.

Her lips moved, but the words became muted as his gaze lingered on her bright expression, the glimmer of joy sparkling in her golden eyes. With that, Oscar held nothing back, lowered his head, and kissed her. Her reaction was immediate, her shoulders jolting as if struck by lightning while her back stiffened. She seemed to be saying something and tried to peel away, presumably embarrassed to display such affection in public since her eyes darted from side to side, glancing at the people behind her. But he didn't care and wrapped his arms around her, not letting her escape.

Soon, she melted in his embrace, her stiffened hesitation softening as she reciprocated his kiss. That prompted Oscar to be more daring, deepening the kiss as her body quivered, behaving like a squeamish squirrel in his arms, absolutely adorable. He kept his eyes open the entire time, capturing every second of her cute reactions, her eyes closing as she lost herself in their loving reunion, and the blushing of her cheeks. He wished he could stop time and let this moment last forever, but alas, his hopes fell short.

"Hey! You're choking my sister!" An enraged shout interrupted them, and they parted at last. His adorable wife, Avril, gasped and panted, turning to her sister, Avila, with a scarlet expression. Then, she buried her face in Oscar's chest, her usual reaction when embarrassed, though Oscar felt doing so should be more embarrassing.

"Let go of her!" Avila shouted again, her face also red, probably second-hand embarrassment from seeing her sister in such an act. Oscar didn't have any siblings, but Celestina mentioned long ago how awkward it would be to see her brother be romantic toward a woman. Perhaps all siblings had the same aversion, but Oscar clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction. Even if she was his wife's sister and, therefore, his sister-in-law, he had the damned right as a husband. Of course, in the back of his mind, Oscar knew it wasn't the time to frolic in romance, but how could he resist her after many years apart? She was far too lovable to avoid that.

"Avila!" With impeccable timing, Serit caught up with Oscar, bringing along the rest of the group. Shockingly, the harsh Avila cried tears and sprinted past Oscar and Avril, crashing into Serit as they also entangled in the throes of passion, some of the group looking at them with funny faces as if caught mid-laugh. Oscar found nothing wrong with that, but Avril escaped his embrace and rushed toward the couple.

"Stop!" Avril shouted, much in the same manner as her sister, the two quite alike.

"Huh?" Serit blinked in clear confusion and seemed lost as Avila regained her senses and tore off the moment, his hand reaching out for her retreating figure that joined Avril. Oscar and Serit shared a look, then nodded to each other, reaching a tacit agreement between brothers-in-law to find other opportunities without being interrupted. Certainly, there will be many more chances in the future to make up for the lost time.

As the sisters whispered in secret, Oscar turned to the other members of Avril's group, passing his scrutiny over the gorillas from the Lands of Zeret, who beat their chests in pride and confirmed their loyalty to him, members of Haven Academy, who knelt and pledged themselves to the cause, a few strangers who Serit quickly got acquainted with, clearly members of the Defiants, Eve, Restel, and Santen. The last three brought him great relief. Sighing, he now only had to find the others.

"My Lord, it is good to see you," Santen swung his long arm to his chest and bowed, closing his fish-like eyes.

"Are you certain?" Oscar asked.

"True, it is my first time seeing and speaking to you. But this Santen will always be loyal, regardless of your identities." Santen drew in a deep breath and laughed out the strange clicking noises. "Santen, the Third, is here to serve and to protect. I have diligently performed my duties and safeguarded the Lady for many years."

"Eve, the Second, also here to serve," The bandaged woman, Eve, flashed her radiant blue eyes.

"R-Restel, the Fifth, is here! S-sorry for being late!" Restel apologized, her shaggy black hair stuck to her face. "Sorry. Sorry." She bowed deeply as if facing punishment.

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"Pathetic. How can you give up revenge so easily?" Astrid strode over, throwing a chilling glance at each, Restel whimpering and burying her head further down.

"It's simple as I said sixty years ago, dear Astrid," Eve spoke softly, a gentle voice that might soothe anyone, but Astrid was wholly unaffected. Eve coughed, "Before revenge, before New Dawn, our hearts and minds are dedicated to our Lord. Whatever he decides is the path we follow. If he desires revenge, we will take it. If he wishes for a peaceful life, we will protect it."

"Sophistry. The true way to protect our Lord would be to crush the scum seeking to threaten his life. Crush all his enemies before they strike. The New Dawn will come." Astrid clenched her fists, a cold air rising as her hair fluttered from the unnatural winds born from her heightened emotion. Oscar didn't activate the flame seal and watched the two argue, wondering how Astrid may change.

"Who is using sophistry now? Trying to argue that we destroy any threat is outlandish. Only more enemies will be born from what we do." Eve argued back.

Before they could get another word out, Santen clapped his hands together, a single boom resounding and catching everyone's attention, including Avila and Avril. His calm words rang clear in the silenced air, "I understand we have much to discuss, but we must move quickly, lest the dangerous foes hound us. On the first day, we met Lelith. Run for now and find a safe place."

A memory intruded his thoughts. A bloody memory of the fiercest enemy he and Demon had ever encountered reddened his sight, a woman with a great scythe looming from above, cold, emotionless eyes staring deep into his soul as the long black hair draped down and swayed like a cape. Before her, Oscar knew he had no chance and certainly didn't want to waste any lives in a foolish attempt to overwhelm her.

Serit almost formed a snarl, an unfitting reaction from the master spy, but Oscar knew his past and understood it was hard to maintain calm when hearing about the descendant of the one who wiped out his family. Avila hugged Avril close, anger warping her expression in a similar snarl to her husband. Oscar took a step and closed the distance, snatching his pale wife from Avila's hands. Just a moment ago, Avril was warm and soft in his embrace when they kissed, and now, she turned cold and rigid, breathing heavily, not from the pleasant exertion but from gripping fear even he could somehow feel.

Her eyes trembled, not looking at him. He had seen it many times to know she was reliving a horrid memory. Having no choice, Oscar put her to sleep by pressing on her neck. His fingers ran tenderly on her brow, smoothing out the tense creases lining it.

"Snail," Oscar called out.

"Yes?" The snail crawled closer, lifting its eyes to look forward.

"Who else can you find? Have all of your brethren gather all the survivors on our side." Oscar turned to everyone else. "First, we search for a suitable base to hold up and survive the final year before the dark tower opens. Santen, watch our backs. Restel, hide in his shadow. Gnar, take point and sniff out enemy tracks."

"Let me have my sister back," Avila pressed for her sister.

"She's with me," Oscar rejected her and held Avril tighter.

"Forget it, my dear. Remember our great Ollanar's words. We have to listen to him." Serit chuckled and swept Avila off her feet as she yelped in surprise. She kicked her feet around and shouted some protests but never left Serit's arms when she could do so. His brother-in-law was surprisingly competitive in some areas, holding Avila like Oscar held Avril as if challenging him to a strange contest. Oscar had no intention to play along and ran off with Gnar by his side, followed by the rest.

'Erden. I can sense you. Hurry up and get to me.' Oscar relayed to his friend, sensing the beastly presence far from the side.

'I'm glad you found her.' Erden sighed in relief.

'Yea.' Oscar glanced at the lovable woman in his arms, smiling faintly at her mellow face. Not a single nightmare was forcing her to suffer, and he was glad for that. Lowering his head, he kissed her forehead and wished her a good sleep, his heart skipping a beat at the slight upturn of her lips into a smile. Even asleep, she responded to him, always there for him.

They passed by a few ruins but ignored them. The few ruins appeared more like rubble flung off a greater building, pieces of a greater whole. Certainly, the entire land was blessed with amazingly thick Ein, perfect for many to progress and train in their realms. It was a pity they had a mere year here. The grass was endless and persistent, growing between the bricks of every ruin, growing great groves atop the worn-down roofs. Oscar's eyes glinted, focusing on the ruins of a small fortress town, the walls riddled with collapsed sections, separating them into separate ramparts. Inside it, many of the buildings had been reduced to piles of grass-ridden bricks, a few retaining a semblance of their former shape, albeit without complete four walls or roofs.

Overall, it was a good place. The walls could be repaired, and the buildings renewed by good effort and days of work. The final year would bear down the harshest Fallen Heaven on them, and he lucked out in this place.

"Settle here. I want a full inventory of what we have." Oscar scanned the broken ramparts, eyeing the gaps.

"Why not take a great fortress rather than this small outpost?" Serit asked while looking through everyone's space pockets.

"Too much trouble. The greater forces of the Primal Council and Shattirma will occupy the best fortresses for their bases. I'd prefer not to get entangled in their wars." Oscar brushed aside more of Serit's comments and found a semi-intact building, the roof completely caved in. He lined fur pelts on the floor and rested Avril down, gripping her hands and mumbling for her to be alright. She seemed at peace.

"One more year, my wife. We can retire once we survive this." Oscar promised to her and himself. He was tired and lay down beside her, still holding her hand. "One more year."

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