The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 694: The Lively Day

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 694: The Lively Day

A gale of refreshing air swept over, and the accursed halted still like statues, some stopping awkwardly in mid-swing. Bits and pieces flaked off the ghastly bodies, becoming dust to the wind and scattering into nothingness. It was an unbelievable sight, an entire army vanishing out of sight and existence. A few of the accursed, including the tall Stegan, stared at him and gave a small bow, a semblance of clarity blinking in those pale eyes. The radiance of the new day showered graced the eleventh land, the endless plains of grass dancing to the fresh breeze in a gentle sway back and forth as if no battle had occurred the night before.

The daylight brought a clean slate. Oscar supposed. The last bits of his strength faded in exhaustion. Falling, he leaned on Erden and mounted him, resting his head as a tired sigh escaped in a groan. Twelve hours, twelve hours of fighting those damned accursed. If there was a word to describe how tired he was, it didn't exist in the dictionary. The thought of inventing a new word to describe his present state gave him a slight chuckle. Erden snorted and purposely rocked his hooves, bumping his back up and down.

"Stop that!" Oscar coughed, and his sore muscles wailed in pain from Erden's rough movements. Still, he didn't lose his smile at his brother's antics, for they were that, antics and pranks. However, in the midst of basking in the pleasant daylight, Oscar picked up rushed words from the winds, and his smile fell into a frown. Erden slowed his hooves, the loud clopping turning silent as they slowly sank into the ground step by step. It seemed to be an argument.

"But you must know. You saw him command the accursed. How much longer will you remain stubborn and refuse to follow our Lord? What more must he do for you to open your eyes?" Marcus's stern voice cut through the wind. Peeking from behind a corner of a stone pillar, Oscar saw Marcus arguing with a red face of frustration against Astrid, who kept an indifferent expression.

"Even with a dragon's pair of eyes, you're blind to hell. All wasted on you." Astrid started off with her usual string of insults. "Don't you see the reluctance? How he doesn't want to be around any of you." She jabbed a finger at Marcus's chest. "I will serve if he is willing to lead once again. Not the tear-ridden baby who wishes to stop and leave. I vowed my service as Astrid the Seventh to the one with conviction and a vision. He has neither now, and he isn't even that man anymore."

"All the more reason he is suitable as our leader. Lord Draven and Lord Terr are both our saviors. He denies it but still fights for our sake." Marcus raised his voice, growling an inch before Astrid's face.

"Put your teeth away, lizard. I've smelt enough foulness for the night." Astrid spat on the ground.

"Enough!" Oscar shouted, riding in between them. Erden spread his wings and pushed the two back. Marcus knelt and lowered his head at his arrival, shame flickering across the trembling pupils. Astrid dusted off her shoulders and stood firm, ever silent, and staring in deep scrutiny. Oscar held in the groan of pain as he unmounted Erden and stepped toward Marcus, looming over the loyal dragon. "Leave us. Go and guard Auren. He must be busy fixing up the formations."

"My Lord. Santen and Kragg are already there." Marcus said.

"I said…Leave." Oscar spoke grimly. The loyal First dipped his head lower and rose. In a quick second, Marcus turned and departed, heading toward the main building where Auren was hard at work. With that settled, Oscar turned to Astrid and nodded to her, clear confusion knitting her brow. It was heartening to see that she became more expressive in her emotions, showing good progress from the indifference she always acted in the early days. Oscar smiled and said, "Thank you."

"For what?" Astrid said curtly.

"For doubting me. It's good to know not everyone is a fanatic." Oscar clasped Astrid's shoulders and made a plea, "Please keep doing so. I need more like you who can say no, who can scold and refuse."

"It'll be my greatest pleasure to put you down. Or if you can allow the one in you to come out and reaffirm our quest for vengeance, I will follow without question." Astrid smirked.

"All the more reason not to let him take control. Keep it up." Oscar remounted Erden and carried on. The resounding cheers and the chanting of his name erupting from the invigorated warriors gave credence to the importance of Astrid, the one who can deny him. Though Avril could fill that role, it was natural for his wife to understand and not become a zealot. Speaking of, Oscar felt a rush of strength and leaped off Erden, pure delight numbing the pain. Avril sprinted closer, lifting her dress by the hem of the skirt.

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She was enchanting. Oscar felt his throat run dry. His heart raced faster than his steps could carry him. The twelve hours of fighting had only worsened the longing he had for her warmth. However, his legs gave out, drained of even the emergency stamina, and he slipped, falling forward. As it turned out, she also slipped, and their heads collided in the sound of a dull thunk. An immediate squeal of pain came from Avril as she clutched her head, a large red spot emerging on her forehead. Oscar felt no pain thanks to the body forged by Adamasreis and perfect Reis qualities.

"Two idiots…." Erden grunted and plopped down, resting on the bed of grass.

"Sorry," Oscar forced his trembling arms forward and embraced her, kissing her on the afflicted area. He noticed the faint scar hidden near the edge of her forehead and kissed that, too. The breeze brushed her indigo hair, and a few strands tickled his face. Avril ran her hand over her hair, tidying it up and tucking the loose strands behind her ear, an adorable act that fully showed her dazzling golden eyes and fair beauty. Her smile revealed two dimples on her cheeks. 'You damned seductress.' Oscar couldn't resist and kissed her a third time on the lips, deepening it as her muffled moans were forced back. They merely spurred him on.

Suddenly, the wash of delight relaxed his body, the strength snapping away like cut strings on a puppet, and he slumped over. He leaned on her, his head resting on her chest while Avril stroked the back of his head. He could hear her heart thumping softly, a soothing sound to his ears. After a few minutes, her rushed breathing waned, and Avril embraced him tighter.

"Hubby, what happened last night? What is that sword? She remembers the bright light for last night and how the accursed fought for us. She shakes him around and wants an answer." Avril asked.

"Oh…We've been so busy I haven't told you what happened yet." Oscar nearly fell asleep in his most comfortable place, but her questions roused him awake. He started from the moment he arrived in Fallen Heaven, sharing the story of Volten and their meeting. Near the end, he said, "The sword took in my Eirin and acted as a beacon, and I guess some accursed with close relations were influenced."

"...If possible, she wants him to use it less or not at all. I'm worried." Avril rested her chin on his head, burying him deeper in her embrace.

"Why?" Oscar felt his breaths heat up in her tight hug.

"You…didn't look happy. If it's something that makes you sad, then I don't want to see that." Avril said right by his ear. Her words turned into a melody that stoked the flames of lust that nearly overran his mind. But he kept his senses and wit and shook his head. He couldn't see her from being enveloped in her soft chest, but she sounded disappointed. "Why?"

"I can't let more die. I know we promised not to get involved, but we can't hide, and I'm afraid you'll be dragged along. I want to protect you and the others. If I have to lead them again, I will." Oscar sighed. Blood-drenched streets and half-submerged bodies flashed across his mind. He hoped it would be different from before. This time, he had to win; he couldn't afford to lose any more than he already did.

Suddenly, his head was lifted up, freed from the soft prison, and a small peck graced his lips. Avril knocked her forehead endearingly against his. "Whatever you decide, I'll follow. But she's glad you're willing to fight again. My hubby is the most handsome when forging or fighting for others like a hero from the stories."

Her cheeky grin lifted, and that brightened away the dark thoughts and tossed out the last barriers of his control. Overwhelmed by desire, Oscar toppled her down on the grass. He sealed her lips before any sound came from her and only let go after a few minutes, her expression already warped by ecstasy and eyes moist from delight. He whispered in her ear, inducing a shaky reaction from her body, "Didn't you say you wanted a child?"

"T-that's–" Avril stammered and glanced around, squirming in his arms. "N-not here. Sh-she's afraid of raising a baby here. W-When we're out." Decades before Fallen Heaven, she had taken the tonic made from a concentrate plucked from a Divine Essence. The issue that had plagued her ever since her time as a slave was healed, allowing her to bear children. It was a pity that Fallen Heaven was nearing, and they couldn't risk leaving a child behind as an orphan.

"Fine, but I'm not stopping." He said the stuff earlier as a tease and enjoyed her reactions, never bored of her changing expressions.

Avril flushed red to the ears and averted her gaze, "J-just don't ruin my clothes. I have no spares." Surprisingly, sometimes, she was bold, and other times, she was very timid. It didn't bother him; rather, that duality enticed him more.

"Ahem!" An angered shout interrupted the good moment, and Oscar scowled at Avila, who arrived nearby. Avril hid her face away in shame, not facing Oscar or her sister, mumbling incoherently. Avila seemed to be breathing deeply in exercises and sighed loudly, "Serit wants to get everyone together for council and further preparations. Get. Off. My. Sister!"

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