The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 714: Lysander, The Shattered Scion

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 714: Lysander, The Shattered Scion

'These stairs are endless.' Oscar griped as he kept rounding down the spiraling stairs, hearing nothing but the sounds of his own feet clacking on the smooth white stairs. Apparently, age did not affect them, not a single fracture or crease of time gnawing on their surfaces, and the gilded edges remained sharp and as dazzling as a freshly cut gem. Descending by flying would be faster, but he remained grounded, deliberate in every step to avoid being surprised or caught by an ambush. Still, despite the irritation rising, he kept it up. Erden was close by; he could sense it like spotting the moon in the starry night.

After several minutes, he noticed the stairs had ended and turned the corner to find an exit of colossal size leading to another hall of great grandeur and luxury. These Caerulumen had no reason to create such tall and wide halls that could fit mountains. Their vanity was beyond compare. Halfway across was a man rushing toward him in full flight, calling out in a hearty cheer. Oscar bolted through the air and clasped his good brother's hand. "It's fortunate we found each other quickly, Erden. I feared having to face the enemy without you."

"True. But don't celebrate too early. It'll be easier to move together, but we must find her first." Erden grunted and transformed into his Prielapos form, allowing Oscar to mount him. "The Ancient of Metal might have an answer."

"My thoughts, exactly." Oscar galloped forward as Erden stretched his antler wings in full flight, heading to the next exit at the other end of the hall. Ahead, he spotted another set of spiraling stairs that had no step leading upward, the stairs smoothing to a dead end on his level. Erden stomped to a forceful halt and landed on the floor nowhere near the exit. Frowning, Oscar heard faint steps becoming clearer and louder, slow yet consistent. Surely, the person ascending now had not an ounce of worry or fear, and that was unsettling. He felt his skin tightened as his spine stiffened straight.

An incredibly powerful person was approaching. The taps and clangs of the heavy footsteps echoed in the deep halls, and a figure emerged from below, turning to face Oscar with a slight grin that bared his teeth. He wore white pants and nothing more, not even shoes to cover his feet. Scars decorated his naked upper body that brimmed with energy, the muscles tightening under the skin. The intruder scratched his short black hair that barely extended past the scalp and stared at Oscar with whirling pools of sharp yellow eyes.

"Prielapos and a man of black hair and eyes. You must be Oscar Terr. It's nice to meet you. I missed you at the gathering six months ago." The man's clear voice didn't echo as if it knew its target and directed all focus onto him. Great orators would be jealous of him, for his voice carried gravity yet felt quite friendly and welcoming. "Great! Great!" He applauded. "It's nice to see my rivals before the climax."

"The Shattered Scion, Lysander Taradun. There is no reason for us to fight." Oscar gestured for peace by holding up his hand. "I don't believe there is any conflict or ill will between us. Why don't we pass by each other and move on."

"Hah? But that way leads only down." Lysander shrugged and pointed at the exit behind Oscar. "You already descended from one floor to here. Why? What purpose is there in going down when everyone wants to ascend to the peak?" He chuckled, waves of Ein expanding from his exhales. "Normally, to me, someone who doesn't strive is a mere piddling existence, but for you, I can't bring myself to think the same."

Oscar went mute and stared intently into Lysander's eyes, their gazes locking for a few minutes. Erden shifted his hooves into a forward stance to charge in at any moment. However, Lysander broke the silence and crossed his arms with a grin, seemingly satisfied by the mute exchange. He coughed and cleared his throat, saying, "Fine. We can ignore each other for now. But I am curious." He held a finger up. "One exchange. I wish to feel your strength and assess whether I made the right choice by letting you pass."

"I don't want to waste my Ein or time. Neither should you." Oscar stepped to the side and strode forward. Ein erupted from Lysander and spread, forcing Oscar into retreat as the Ein squashed even the air itself. Irritated, he cursed out, "Are you insane? There is no reason for even one exchange."

"When did I ever need a reason to fight? I do not require convincing. It's simple. Spar with me, or I'll try to kill you." Lysander lost his smile and exerted an impressive pressure that made Oscar wince. In a voice that rumbled like the deep earth, he said, "Well? Have you made your decision?"

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Beads of sweat dripped down his chin and plopped to the floor. Oscar had no experience against a true Grade Nine Exolsia. The short skirmish with Lelith couldn't be counted as a true fight since it was Demon, and she was far beyond his realm at the time. He eyed the exit behind Lysander and pondered on a chance to escape. Erden let out a roar and stomped, spurring Oscar to act, not think. Sighing, Oscar jumped off and entered the Pseudoguise, Eirin burning on his limbs. Lysander had no lie in those clear, yellow eyes, and Oscar didn't want to risk insulting and making an enemy out of this formidable foe.

Raising his shield, Oscar invoked Duality, and Demon unsheathed the white sword. Oscar held up a finger, mimicking Lysnader's motion. "One exchange, correct?"

"In olden times, this method was used as a trial. One exchange between two Exalts. All the preparations were done beforehand. No tricks, no outsiders, only a purity of strength, will, and Ein." Lysander stomped his foot forward and took an offensive stance, one fist stretched out and the other clenching hard by his waist. His Anima manifested beside him in a flash of yellow light. Oscar was astonished by the Anima, having never seen the type in the records or any living person so far, only hearing rumors of it from the deserters of Shattirma in his army. It was an exact replica of Lysander yet slightly transparent like a ghost, an Anima in a human form.

"Show me who you are, Lord Terr. This is who I am." Lysander widened his grin, clearly excited by the thrill of the battle. His Anima smiled as well and rushed into Lysander, his skin radiating a slight yellowish glow. According to the people of Shattirma, Lysander's Meld fused the Anima into his very skin, much akin to how some were able to meld their Anima into beasts like Oscar. Still, it was baffling to behold. His Anima shattered the consensus that melds had to be used on objects or beasts, not the skin of oneself. After all, the skin counted as a part of the person.

"I guess we're both existences separated from logic, aren't we?" Oscar leaped on one of Erden's wings, and Demon stood on another. His deer Anima melded into Erden and clad him in sapphire armor, smoke smoldering from between the tight plates. Erden roared and repelled Lysander's formidable pressure.

"Magnificient," Lysander spoke through clenched teeth and took out a small lump of metal. "When the ore hits the ground, it's signal the start of the battle." He threw the small ore up and focused his gaze on Oscar.

Oscar inhaled a deep breath, preparing for the lunge. Time seemed to slow as the ore reached its peak and descended like a feather. The sound of his heartbeat droned on into a long tune, filling his hearing until the stone landed with a loud clack, killing off all other sounds. On a great exhale, Oscar rushed in, the winds tugging on his hair, and resonated his elemental armament's power into his spell. A scarlet-platinum drill encased his arm, magnetic orbs of scalding molten flames rotating around it. Blue flames blazed along Demon's white sword and concentrated into a simple blue streak glinting down the edge. Erden's armor clattered and groaned as it tightened, the sheer force of his forward charge tearing the air before them.

Lysander kept pace, clenching his wrist. The fist above was clad in dense diamond with an overwhelming Ein swirling around it that rumbled the cries of an earthquake. Oscar, Erden, and Demon centered their attacks together, and Lysander met them. Their blows didn't touch before the air struggled between them. The hall shuddered as their blows crossed and met. A shockwave burst and flashed across the span of mountains, silencing everything into a dead calm.

Blown off Erden's wing, Oscar staggered in the air and held on, looking at Lysander, who clenched his wrist, pieces of diamond cracking off and clattering to the floor. Slight globs of blood seeped out of the gaps in the diamond-clad fist. As Oscar landed, Lysander raised the fist, studied it for a few seconds, and grinned. "Good one. There is no need for another exchange."

Oscar sighed in relief and undid the Duality, striding past Lysander, who stepped aside. His hand trembled, and he noticed several cuts on his knuckles. That last exchange destroyed his combined spell and even stripped off pieces of Erden's armor. Lysander was truly a frightening man.

"Tell me. Why do you go down? There is only the dirt and a broken mess down there." Lysander asked from behind.

Oscar stopped walking and answered, "That is my path. It is what I must do."

He didn't expect Lysander to laugh in response, the quaking Ein shuddering the very walls of the hall. The Shattered Scion said in an amused tone, "Right. That is the path you have chosen. I see now why your decision doesn't disgust me. There is a purpose in your path. Whether one ascends or not, as long as one strives with one's mind made up, it is enough. I've seen too many give up and settle or descend into mindless squabbles for a little piece yet lie to themselves that they are still striving to be the best. I'm satisfied. Go down if that is what your heart has set to. And rise back up for another fight."

Lysander's voice vanished, and Oscar turned back, seeing no one else in the empty hall.

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