The Last Primal

Chapter 228 - 228 - The Goblin Envoy

By the time Aiden finally left the comfort of the tent and stepped outside both Sarah and Naybeah have already finished the tasks they assigned to themselves and was sitting around the campfire.

Stepping out, Aiden first looked up to the dark, clear midnight sky and quite fat, curvaceous moon glowing proudly, ruling this domain of the night.

"It's time." He spoke curtly, slowly shifting his gaze to the girls who were already looking at him with varying expressions on their faces. Whilst Naybeah had her usually goofy, enamored look in her eyes, Sarah looked solemn, somewhat stoic.

"Are you alright Sarah? Is something bothering you?" Aiden asked the purple-haired girl, seeing the look on her otherwise delicate, gentle face.

"Mhm." Sarah nodded, as she pushed herself up from the round stump of wood she used as seating as they waited for their 'master'. "I am just getting ready for the rest of the… night."

She frowned at the thought and deeper meaning of the last word. They would essentially be playing the role of human slaves of a goblin and will be escorted to some sort of holding block just outside the tribe's grounds. Well, despite the fact that they were going to be treated like cattle or worse, it will be a good way for them to get in touch with all the other, real slaves and come up with a plan to rescue them.

"I see. Be careful on your missions… we have no idea about the dangers we are about to face, first and foremost just stay alive! I will get inside their compound and get all the necessary info we would require. Also…" He looked at Naybeah who meanwhile came to his right side, hugging his arm like some precious treasure. 

"Also…" He sighed, shaking his head lightly. "...Naybeah, you also make sure to protect Sarah and yourself as well, okay? Don't try to fight with everything you see, this is the enemy's territory, you don't want to pull unwanted attention to yourselves! Got it?" 

"Uhm. Don't worry my mate! I will come back to you safe and sound and will make sure she will too." She spoke while she continued to hug and caress his right arm like a pillow.

"Right…" Aiden responded with a wry smile hanging from his face looking at her actions for a bit more, before he gently pulled his arm free from her grip and pushed her back.

"Get ready, everyone. We will head out now."


A bit further away at the right side of the crossing they visited earlier, a huge, tall and wide stable-looking building stood at the middle of a muddy area. The buildings that looked hastily erected were made of chopped but uncleaned and prepared tree trunks and some weird mixture of literal mud, leaves and probably a few other ingredients to glue them together. 

Even though the whole structure looked incredibly fragile, and ramshackled, it was surprisingly sturdy. Large sharp pikes were planted on the ground circling around the building, creating a barrier, a weaponized fence-like wall, keeping and warning the outside to not step inside.

Only one area was left open, leaving only one single entrance into the inner grounds of the strange building. In front of the fenced gate stood 2 tall, robust, muscular dark-brown skinned Mountain Orcs. They wore full body leather armor sets, covering most of their wide chests and trunk-like arms as well while leaving their hands free. Below the black, leather belt they had similar-looking padded leather pants reaching just below their kneeline, leaving their shin and everything below that free as well. Strangely they wore no gloves, nor any type of boots, leaving their barren feet get dirty in the slobby mushy ground. 

Contrary to their species usually favoured weapon types, these two were holding huge, long-reaching pikes, similar to the ones that were planted and used as fences around them.

They looked rather annoyed and grumpy, as they had to waste their time standing guard to slaves that they weren't even allowed to touch just guard. All the human cattle that stored here were properties of the higher ups and envoys that arrived in the recent days to the Gathering to discuss the details about the supposed "Second Phase" whatever that could be.

For them, life was actually quite simple. As warriors they were considered elites. As elites they were not sent on disgraceful missions like hunting and patrolling, but they were usually assigned to protect a valuable and high ranking member of one of the conjoined tribes. The duty was usually quite lucrative too, and also boosted their own standing in the process. Guarding a shaman, or following a captain, general, or sometimes a tribe's chieftain… It was easy, and their name and standing were recognized there. They were feared and revered in the eyes of the common folk, and their entire group of Elite Warriors loved that feeling of basking in respect and borderline reverence. 

However, this current gig, this current job wasn't one of those lucky ones. They were not revered, they were not respected out here. Nobody even bothered about them. They felt like that old outcast, that heretic shaman. Left here to whittle and fade away to nothingness.

Tonight seemed especially boring. Not a single soul in sight, and besides the faint sound of the groaning and wobbling coming from behind them in the building, they couldn't even listen to anything to entertain them. 

Despite that, they did not slack on the job. No, they weren't those average, pathetic warriors of the tribes, they were at the very top, they were Elites! No matter their unwillingness, they both focused on doing an outstanding job before their shift arrived the next morning.

As they continued to sternly gaze at the horizon, suddenly their eyes spotted three silhouettes. Although they were quite a distance away still, they could still make out three distinct figures. Two taller feminine figures, -albeit the one on the right was much taller and bulkier than the others-, and one shorter, frail-looking one walking in between them.

Their stoic, stern expression unchanging, both Orc Guards focused on the approaching party as they unseenly refreshed and moved their fingers on the shafts of their weapons. They watched with keen interest, apt attention as the dark silhouettes slowly gained their colors under the star- and moonlight as they got closer.

Raising the sharp end of their pikes towards them, both guards raised their free hands motioning for the approaching party to halt their steps.

For the next few, but incredibly intense moments, neither party spoke nor uttered a word. The Orcs slowly looked over the party, surprisingly, taking their time on the little goblin, showing more interest in him then the two females he brought with him.

After a while, the guard on the right opened his large mouth and spoke in broken, but still understandable Goblin tongue.

"[Goblin] What business you have?" His tone was harsh, unfriendly. His partner, the other guard did not speak, but kept his eyes on him as well as the tip of his pike aimed towards his throat.

A large, friendly, warm smile stretched across Aiden's goblin-skinned face, and slowly began to dominate his expression. His eyes turned into friendly, welcoming crescents as he turned towards the speaking Orc on the right.

"[Goblin] I am an envoy of the goblins, and have arrived at this tribe for discussing the future plans. These two…" He opened his arms wide gently pointing at the two women at his sides, as he continued his introduction. "Are my guards, my slaves. As per the rules, I have come to place them here for the duration of my stay at your grounds."

With that, he did not speak any more words, and just kept looking with the same, warm, friendly smile as before. 

The guards did not respond immediately and did not lower their weapons either. They took their time to take another long, cautious and thorough look over the little goblin and the two girls as well. 

Contrary to what Sarah and Naybeah expected, their gazes did not hold any lust, or hunger. Their eyes were cold as they slowly went from top to bottom, only stopping when they spotted the weapons on their bodies.

"[Goblin] Weapons, no good. Take them off from your slaves!" The guard on the right pointed on the huge battle axe on the back of the amazon and the sword hanging on Sarah's belt.

This caused a frown to appear on both girl's faces. While Sarah was just simply reluctant to leave himself unarmed in such a place, Naybeah was borderline furious. However, before she could reach for her axe and swing at the guards, Aiden raised his hand and lightly shook his head, motioning for her to just go with it.

"[Goblin] Sure, that's no problem at all. As I said, they are tasked with defending me, so they obviously need weapons. However, here they will be protected and there would be nobody stupid enough to damage the properties of the envoys, right?" As he spoke, a golden flash of light appeared in his eyes, fading just as fast as it appeared, giving the first shake in the statuesque guards' expression as they looked at him with slightly startled expressions.

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