The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

(619) Volume 56 2 - The King of Devils (Part 2)

Volume 56 Chapter 2 - The King of Devils (Part 2)

Weed received news about the Earth Shadows party while on his way to the dwarf quest.

“The high elves are stepping in…”

- Mapan: Yes. Apparently the quest for reviving the World Tree has surfaced.

A quest appeared for all elven users across all continents.

< Protect the World Tree.

The last hope yet to be destroyed by the Black Dragon Kaybern.

Adventurers Unring, Ben and Elicks are planning to recover a part of the World Tree’s roots and return it to the large forest.

The World Tree is a great presence that calls for fairies and spirits and protects the elves from harm. When the World Tree returns to the forest, the elves will regain their lost powers.

Unfortunately, this news has also reached the ears of the dark elves and Kaybern’s subordinates.

Protect the World Tree so it may return to the forest from the far south.

Requirement: Elves exclusive racial quest

Reward: Elven magic and Elemental Summoning enhancement.

Difficulty: S >

The quest popped up for all elven users from level 1 to over 500!

“This is pretty sweet too.”

Weed thought it would be worth offering his support if it wasn’t for the dwarf quest.

All he had to do was to use Sculptural Transformation to access the elf race quest.

“If I weren’t too busy with my schedule I would have loved to visit.”

- Mapan: Are you considering helping them?

“If it’s possible.”

- Mapan: I thought you weren’t interested in the adventures of others.

“Unless I’m going to be active as an elf for a long time, enhancing Elemental Summoning or magic won’t do me much good… But, I have to devote myself to this world.”

- Mapan: Yes, the amount of taxes from the elves would have to increase as well.


- Mapan: K-heh-heh-heh.

Weed wished to help the elves but he could not offer transport with the wyverns like with the Brazier of Sacrifice. The World Tree must be in the presence of the earth’s essence, so if it gets too far off the ground it would wither away.

Before its roots settled firmly in the earth, it was a frail being that would die easily when exposed to heat or to cold.

“It won’t be easy to travel through the desert.”

- Mapan: They plan on passing through the oasis and taking the long way east.

“Are you close with them?”

- Mapan: Yes. Well, they’re my usual customers…

The more famous an adventurer was, the closer they were acquainted with the merchants.

The bigger the merchant council was, the quicker they could deliver the necessary equipment and materials.

“It would be great if the elves could join in the fight against Kaybern.”

- Mapan: I also think it is possible. However, the fact that a quest that connects elves after the dwarves with the dragon must mean…”

- “It means that the savior quest connected with the dragon will be a serious challenge.”

Weed was assessing these quests all along.

The quest that recovered the Brazier of Sacrifice was the dwarf race quest.

There were savior quests for rescuing barbarians and the fairy knight as well, and perhaps it was possible for the elves to join.

Several races were binded to a single fate due to the dragon.

“It will become a disaster… What about the information that I asked for?”

- Mapan: I am still in the process of organizing the information about Knatul and Malin. There were too many incorrect stories and too much fake intelligence, so it will take a considerable amount of time.

“Fake intelligence?”

- Mapan: It’s because of the hopes of becoming a lord of Arpen that… They are reporting just about anything.”

The lord seat and a million gold. The reward was attracting a huge amount of information about the barbarian and the fairy knight.

The problem was that they were rarely useful.

Even quests of rank F difficulty that were incomplete were still being sent in as information.

“It is what it is. We have to sort them out from our side.”

- Mapan: That is so.

“It will only become more dangerous given how the scale of the quest continues to grow. Nothing to fall back on if we fail…”

- Mapan: Yes! We have faith in you, Weed-nim.

“You speak so calmly since you’re not the one behind the wheel.”

- Mapan: Well, that is life.


The entrance to Norn Mountain Pass.

Weed arrived on Wy-3 to attend the dwarf council meeting.

‘I have to be careful from here.’

It was a considerable distance away from Kaybern’s territories, but there were terrible rumors that thousands of draconic warriors were roaming around Thor.

- We have to retrieve the treasure.

- Find them and kill them. How dare those lowly dwarves intrude Kaybern-nim’s lair!

Additionally, the monsters level of activity became more frequent, turning Thor into a danger zone.

“Bypassing the obstacles and getting to Treestub Village where the dwarves are is a quest in itself.”

He had 10 days and it would have been far easier if he moved as soon as he accepted the quest.

However, he had to split up his schedule in order to host the Arpen Empire lord conference and another slot for hunting. During that time, the draconic warriors and monsters filled the entire mountain pass.

“It’s already difficult as it is and it’s getting even harder. I suppose this is how we all thrive.”

- Bidol: No enemies in sight within a 200 meter radius. They may be hidden in the grass or below the trees, so be wary.

Just like how they scout with drones in the military, the avian users were scouting the surroundings. The avian were always helpful for Weed, but after the lair raid, their loyalty grew exponentially.

“Sculptural Transformation.”

Weed transformed into a dwarf and equipped average equipment around level 300.

There were many useful things out of the dragon’s treasures, but they carried a risk of drawing too many eyes and hence he did not bring them.

Even so, he stashed equipment like the Loa sword and the Sky Ruler’s Armor in his bag.

It was a kind of infiltration quest into the heart of enemy lines!

If he were to be discovered, all draconic warriors and monsters in vicinity would swarm on top of him. Kaybern too would undoubtedly fly over from the lair.

“I am on the move.”

Weed’s voice transferred through the regional chat to 100 avian that were mobilized to provide aerial surveillance.

- Pale: Preparations for reinforcement complete.

With Pale as the core, the backup team, composed of the users out to hunt for Kaybern, waited nearby as well.

“You don’t have to do this.”

“We are doing this because we want to.”

Weed wanted to turn them back because he did not see them as any significant help if the situation were to turn for the worst, but they were voluntarily gathered.

“As I have seen for quite some time, there’s a lot to gain from staying near Weed-nim.”

“It is draining… Deathly painful, but ultimately worthwhile.”

“You get to be on broadcast. That in itself is profit.”

Much like how the Hermes Guild assisted in Bard Ray’s hunt or quest, Weed was receiving the same reliable support.

- Biwalde: There are monsters at the east ridge. The trees are blocking the sight, so I think Weed-nim will stay undiscovered.

- Chukyeong: There are 20 draconic warriors found in this area. We are confirming all of their movements.

- Kaliyacard: There are some outposts along the progression path. They were built by the dwarves but were overtaken by the draconic warriors. The detour is west but you must pass through a gorge.

- Seum: Currently scouting the gorge. Large group of monsters are resting here. It may be possible to progress through them without being discovered but… It’s not certain.

- Toro: The gorge is not viable. Judging by the look of these monsters, I suspect that they possess a keen sense of smell.

Weed received a wide range of information on his mountain climb.

‘draconic warriors on outposts… That’s the first challenge.’

If he were to be seen, nearby draconic warriors and monsters could overrun him.

‘S difficulty quests are not simple. If things go wrong, it won’t end with just me, but all dwarves in Treestub Village will perish.’

Weed’s mind was sharp and sensitive like the tip of a blade.

Avian scattered all around informed him. He assembled those stories into one. He did not take anything lightly; the surrounding terrain, sound of the wind, the smell.

‘I will not let up my guard.’

It was Weed’s style to not get full of himself or underestimate his opponent until the moment of death!


Using his short legs, he barely made a sound during his climb. He even carefully avoided tree branches and leaves.

- Herman: I know a lot about Norn Mountain Pass. The outpost on that side can be evaded by going through the dwarven liquor storage.

Herman spoke to Weed after watching the live stream.

“Liquor storage?”

- Herman: I can’t call it the next crossroad… If you continue that way for a bit more, there will be a secret path on the right. It might be covered by grass. It’s where the hundred year old trees intertwine and if you switch directions towards that way and keep walking, you will encounter a passage between the rocks.

Norn Mountain Pass had lots of huge trees and also large boulders.

- Herman: Cold wind seeps through it, so the senior dwarves store their beer inside. The manager of that area should be Brockhand… The place is only known by reputable dwarves. Eh-hem. He will treat you well if you mention my name.

“Thank you, Sir old dwarf.”

- Herman: … If you could take out “old”. Damn it! If this goes live, more people will mock me. Curses. Ah, my cursing just went live. This is not good.

Weed received Herman’s info which was soon confirmed by Seoyoon and Mapan.

He wouldn’t have told Weed wrong information, but Herman was more a blacksmith than an adventurer. Many things could have changed since his last visit.

- Seoyoon: The dwarven liquor storage. Location confirmed. Sir Herman’s words are correct. If you pass through the storage, you can cut down the distance down by approximately 340 meters.

- Mapan: I am assessing the mountain map. The location is firm and based on the words of other users it seems that NPC Brockhand is a bit picky. He doesn’t seem to let dwarves with low reputation through the entrance… Well, I guess that isn’t a concern for Weed-nim.

An adventurer, an artist.

Weed’s reputation as he climbed to the position of emperor of the Arpen Empire, with a bit of exaggeration was known even by the aquatic creatures just fished out of the ocean.

In fact, mermaids and creatures of intelligence spoke about Weed.

- On land I heard there is an honorable man who creates beauty and doesn’t know fear. How can I meet him?

- There is rumour spreading throughout the oceans. The polar explorer, the honorable king of kings, a determined fisherman. I have stories to tell day and night about the man with such titles. Shh. These are secrets that I haven’t told anyone.

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