The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

Volume 57 2 - Doomsday Part 1

Volume 57 Chapter 2 - Doomsday Part 1

Hegel, Bella, Rumi, Celcia.

The students of the Virtual Reality program brought a bunch of new recruits to Morata.

“As you all know already, this is the birthplace of the Arpen Empire.”

Hegel raised his chin and began his speech.

“The 2-3 meter radius around the Black Giant Star? Yeah, this is a historical site. This place existed since the days of ruins; it was one before it became a developed city.”

The 80 freshmen of the VR program were listening with glistening eyes.

Many of them knew a lot about the city, having started Royal Road in Morata but they had alternative goals.

Paella with long waving hair past her back raised her hand.

“You there, go ahead.”

“Hegel sunbae-nim, does it mean we can see Weed sunbae-nim today?”

“Uhh… About that.”

Hegel hesitated to answer.

It was true that he was acquainted with Weed and took classes together, but now it was difficult to get in touch with him.

‘Seriously, I call him every day and leave texts, but he never answers them.’

Weed’s worth skyrocketed and even the broadcast stations contacted him with care.

Producers could not dare contact him even with urgent business and, instead, the job had to be escalated to the board of directors. Hence it was difficult to get a hold of Weed.

The truth was that Hegel’s constant calls and messages already got him blocked.

“Tsk-tsk. You had it coming.”

“We haven’t seen oppa in so long too, so how can you bring a crowd of newcomers and ask him to spare us some time when the war is tomorrow? Let’s just tour around Morata and leave it at that.”

Bella and Rumi scolded him and tried to wrap up the situation, but Paella raised her hand yet again.

“Then… Can we see Nide sunbae-nim?”


Hegel was rather thrown off at the mention of his friend’s name.

“What about that guy?”

“He’s like so famous nowadays!”

“That idiot?”

“Yeah. I want to see Nide sunbae-nim!”

Nide was the famed heroic thief who robbed Kaybern’s lair along with Weed.

Weed was a legendary individual in the eyes of the freshman and so were his comrades.

“You really want to see Nide? No joke?”

“Yes! Sunbae-nim.”

“Does everyone else want that too?”

“Of course! I really want to meet him.”

“We want to see him!”

The freshmen were shouting in unison. Hegel sighed deeply and whispered to Nide.

“Where you at?”

- Nide: Hmm? I’m in Morata for the fight against Kaybern tomorrow.

“Come to where I am.”

- Nide: Where? Are you in Morata too?

“In front of the Black Giant Star. I’m wearing a shining winged armor so you will notice me right away.”

- Nide: I’ll be right over.

Hegel kept on exhaling, feeling an uncomfortable tightness in his chest after the conversation.

It was like he had been robbed of something that was meant to be his.

Moments after, Nide walked out the entrance of Black Giant Star.



“It’s really him!”

The freshmen were in joy seeing him walk from a distance.

The cloak worn by Nide surprised not just the freshmen, but Hegel as well.

It looked like it was made from a mystical material, flocking on its own and stealing the crowd’s attention with its obsidian gloss.

Hegel felt like he shouldn’t ask but he wanted to relieve his curiosity.

Nide was a higher level than him to begin with and being a thief granted him great equipment, but he was curious about this new cloak that he saw for the first time.

“What’s that cloak? I have quite a bit of gold saved up. How much is it worth?”

“Price? It’s not for sale.”

“Then where did you get it?”

“I got it from Weed-hyung after helping him out on the lair raid.”


“I picked it because it was alright, but it turns out this thing attracts quite a bit of unwanted attention. Still, it boosts movement speed and has a flight skill. Its defense and magic resistances are high too.”

“Could it be that this was made from…”

“Yep. It’s made of the Black Dragon’s scale.”

Nide’s honest words smacked the back of Hegel’s head.


“Can we get some autographs?”

“Can you tell us some of your adventure stories?”

The freshmen that had looked up to Hegel were leaving his side for Nide.


“We have today’s special dish. Let’s use all of the expensive ingredients of Morata!”


Chefs gathered at the town square.

Barberota on the full course, Mihael on the seafood, Sanjelly on roast meat and Moku on the desserts.

They were all experts in their own fields and it was tough to say who was the best. Nonetheless, the famous chefs over the continents all assembled at Morata.

Continental Cooking Competition

Hosted by the Arpen Empire.

Sponsored by the Mapan Council, Gamong Council, Undefeated Council, Anything Cheap Council.

It was a so-called cooking tournament.

The winning prize was 5 million gold and promotion to a lord seat of the Arpen Empire.

There were countless cooking competitions in the past run by judges of questionable tastes, but the rules were simple for this tournament.

- The tournament will commence the night before Kaybern’s attack.

The tournament will begin after sunset and continue until the next morning.

The guests served with a dish can give a rating between 1 and 5.

The chef with the most points will be the winner!

All the chefs had to do was cook delicious food with the provided ingredients.

“So, all it takes is to just cook all night long and get the most votes?”

“Yeah. But it is better the more you sell, so I think it comes down to popularity.”

“Fame is also a skill. If they try out the food and it turns out bad, they won’t vote for the dish.”

“Like disappointment after visiting a restaurant that you were told was fantastic?”

“Right. Fame will only be a contributing factor early on. People won’t crowd over bad food when the good dishes are just within reach.”

“I guess that’s true.”

The players could purchase the food cooked by the chef of their choice.

The cooking of delicacies from all across Versailles began simultaneously.

The huge fire show from the chefs attracted a huge crowd of players.

“The smell is amazing.”

“I didn’t get to eat this level of food even in Castle Aren.”

Before the war with the dragon even the Hermes Guild had roamed freely.

Just the forces of the Hermes Guild alone numbered well over 300,000. The best dishes worth several hundred gold were things that they could afford and food was an extremely important matter. Delicious and nutritious meals greatly enhanced Strength and Stamina during combat.

Boemong bit off the marinated boar skewer.

“Could it possibly be that Weed hosted this event so that we get well-fed for the fight?”

Slaughterer Calcus, too, had a hankering for meat. He tasted the stirred beef of Morata that melted away in his mouth.

“It seems that way. The event offers money and fame for the chefs and provides the best food for us players.”

Crebulta who led the 7th legion back in Garnav Plains was also with them.

“K-hh. This is pretty nice. I’m feeling energized. But will this bring our chances up by even 1% against the dragon? It seems meaningless to me.”

The commanders predicted that the effects would be minimal as they weren’t dealing with a typical monster. Still, they were optimistic about the morale boost. They themselves were able to break away from the tension before the war.

Boemong grabbed another boar skewer and spoke.

“Don’t you think the prices are pretty high around here? 10 gold for a skewer?”

Crebulta laughed and replied.

“We are just before the war. The merchants could sell a bit higher than usual.”

The Hermes Guild members felt cheated but accepted the circumstances and spent well.


Every street in Morata was brightly lit with torches and magic lanterns.

The shantytown also hosted what could be the final event and the people cleaned out their belongings in their homes.

“Whew. This has prints all over it…”

“You had it for long?”

“Nah, I bought it used and it’s covered with the prints of its past owner. I didn’t even get to use it much.”

The players at every shantytown were moving or selling their furniture and household goods.

Through the wide open gates, the players who have yet to visit Morata flooded inside.

“This is truly an awesome city. I’ve only come after so long… I should have bought a house here.”

“There’s a different festival going on at every townsquare.”

“Well let’s go to any one of them quickly.”

The players enjoyed the busy night.

At Light Square, the bards opened a masquerade.

Marey, deemed to be Versailles’ best bard!

He and 1,000 other players played their instruments.

At one side, the mages and priests emitted rays of light into the sky. With light and music, anywhere was the stage.

“Let’s party!”

The players shook their bodies and danced.

The war was only several hours away, but they seemed to have lost all sense of it.

Even the assault squad members and the Hermes Guild members who had hunted until now blended together and shared the joys of the night.

“Hmm-hmm! Sorry about that.”

“You have to look around buddy… Hello, Carlise-nim.”

“Hi. You are here too, Lancelot-nim.”

“I thought it would be a waste to just sit and wait for the war.”

“I hope you have some fun…”

“To you as well, Carlise-nim.”

The town square was so packed that players accidentally stepped on each other’s feet.

The leader of the Black Lion Guild and the commander of the Hermes Guild that had deep grudges against one another bumped shoulders, but they were quick to slip away.

It was not the point in time where they could put their feelings before the rules of the Arpen Empire and it seemed all they wanted this night was to be at ease and enjoy the festival.

The Light Square entertained the players in Morata as if it put them under a spell.

“Shall we dance for one song?”

“But there are so many people around.”

At one corner of the town square was a man under an orc mask with protruded teeth and a woman with a cat mask. It was Weed and Seoyoon.

They walked the streets of Morata, hidden behind their masks.

“No one will recognize us.”

“I’ve never danced before.”

“Just let your body flow with the music. You have great athletic senses. I think you will catch on fast.”

“I’m not good at exercising either.”

“You’ll be fine. Seeing you clobber those monsters, I’m sure…”


“You were light and swift.”

Weed grabbed her hand and entered the townsquare.

They offered themselves to the light and the music.

They blended with the crowd and danced awkwardly but freely. It was the happiest moment.

Weed pulled Seoyoon’s hand and at times he hugged her closely.

“How is it?”

“It’s not bad.”

“Should we do this more often?”

Seoyoon nodded wordlessly. The musicians continued to play but they could hear the heartbeats of their partner.

Seoyoon was wearing a common traveller’s outfit and more than half her face was covered by the cat mask. Even then, Weed could tell by the corners of her mouth and the little of her expression that he could see just how happy she was.

‘Is this true love?’

Weed thought he was learning emotions. From the first time he met her, his feelings were expressed from the tone of his voice, facial expression and actions.

Though no one told them about happiness, they were sure in this hour that they were happy.

Even if Morata were to be reduced to dust by Kaybern, this moment would last in their memories forever.

Weed wrapped his hands lightly around her waist and danced.

‘It’s fortunate that I can’t see her face.’

Seoyoon’s eyes were glimmering like gems under the torchlight.

He was sure that he would lose his mind to her beauty.

A song, and the next.

Like they had forgotten the concept of time, they held hands and danced.

Players kept crowding into Light Square and soon the place became too packed to dance.

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