The S-Classes That I Raised

Chapter 218: Showdown (2)

Chapter 218: Showdown (2)

I chose to pick this up because I really liked the novel and was shocked that it’s translation has been dropped.

And oh btw, this chapter is really hard to translate since the POV is confusing, so I will be putting some indicators which character said the line and to make the POV consistent everything will be in Third POV. Also, the added words for the changing of Third POV will be italicized.

Without further ado, enjoy this translation.

The view inside the stadium also looked amazing. Round, wide stone slabs were laid on the floor and the spectator stands were built quite well. There was also built platform that looks similar to a stage.

Yoojin wondered why they made something like that when it will just break as soon as the match starts. The stone plates, for example, have already started to crack on one of its sides as a result from the jump that Kakuto did earlier.

Drones flew into the sky and hunter equipped with cameras stood on top of the outer walls of the stadium. One hunter from Korea and two hunters from Japan. All three were A-class rankers that have Flight skills.

[To the two hunters that would fight, please stand in the center of the stadium. Audience members, please take your seats.]

An announcement was declared. Yoojin then went up to the stands and sat down in the special designated seats that have been provided for me. And as safety precaution, Yoohyun and Sung Hyunjae sat beside Yoojin and occupied both his left and right side. Likewise, Noah and Moon Hyuna sat beside Myeongwoo and occupied both his left and right side.

“We should have brought some beer and chicken.” Moon Hyuna regretfully said.

Yoojin pondered if she was being too complacent with the fight. However, he too anticipated that Yerim wouldn’t lose. Even if a dangerous situation happens during the fight, there are a lot people present here that are capable of stopping the fight and rescue them immediately. And perhaps, even the Amaterasu Guild has at least an A-class Healer on standby.

[On the left corner, Japan’s S-class Hunter, Iwahata Kakuto from the Amaterasu Guild!]

Even though the location of the battle is in Japan and the host is Japanese, Yoojin didn’t like the idea of introducing a Japanese person first.

(T.L. Note: Oh my the Korean v.s. Japanese tension is isn’t so subtle in the novel.)

[And now onto the right corner, an S-class hunter hailing from Korea, Park Yerim from Haeyeon Guild!]

After Yerim said her greetings, she smiled and waved at the cameras. The coat she was wearing belonged to Yoohyun. It was an S-class item that is centered around increased mana stat by a percentage, increased mana recovery, and defense-related options. This is the coat that Yoohyun tried to give to Yoojin after declaring that he would now use the Thunderbird coat.

But it would be a waste for Yoojin to use the percentage increase stat. The mana increase and mana recovery options were good to have, but he declined on taking it. Yoojin told his brother that he can change into that equipment anytime.

‘You also said that I can use any of your guild equipment’, Yoojin thought.

As such, Yoojin lent it to Yerim today. In addition, she is wearing some S-class equipment that belonged to Yoohyun, including the ones with poison resistance and curse resistance.

If one is unfamiliar with their opponent’s skills, it is best to be prepared. You have to be thorough with your preparation since the usage of recovery-related items, unless they are part of the equipment’s ability, is not permitted during the match.

[Fighters, please greet each other.]

Yerim and Kakuto faced each other and bowed their heads. Unlike at the hotel, Kakuto was dressed in an outfit that is similar to a uniform.

Since the uniform he wore was different than the one he wore at the airport, Yoojin assumed that it is a dungeon equipment.

Yoojin did some research about Kakuto’s abilities, but he didn’t manage to find out that much his skills. From what he managed to dig up, Kakauto is fast, uses a sword, and is adept in fighting close combat.

‘But our Yerim is hiding some of her skills too.’ Yoojin reckoned out.

No one knew that she can control water since the ability known by many is that her skills is about controlling and handling ice.

The events that transpired on the cruise ship during the Sung Hyunjae’s birthday didn’t seem to spread that much. Perhaps it’s because he knows how to control people’s mouths. After all, he too hides some of his skills from other people.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

And then, one door of the stadium opens wide. A mobile stage slowly entered the stadium. The melody of music echoed around as the door opens.



… There were people wearing colorful lion masks, similar to those seen in Chinese movies, appeared in a long line.

Yoojin pondered at the spectacle that was happening, ‘Why is there suddenly a lion dance?’

With the flag of the Amaterasu Guild at the forefront, four lions dyed with mixtures of the different colors of gold, red, and black jump up and down. The people inside seemed to be mid-ranking hunters. They were moving around the stadium vigorously and showing off all kinds of tricks. It’s worth seeing such spectacle though.

Yoojin suddenly realized and contemplated, ‘Mr. Lion King, you came and asked me to lend Peace just once, were you planning on putting him out there?’

(T.L. Note: If you guys haven’t read the previous translations, the Amaterasu Guild Leader’s name is Shishiou. In Japanese, Shishio means Lion and the guild leader refer himself as Lion King. So if you’re wondering why Lion King suddenly appeared, it’s the Amaterasu Guild Leader.)

It’s really ridiculous. Then as the stage has gone completely inside, a huge gong with a diameter similar to a size of a person was erected. Around the stage, people wearing traditional Japanese attire are dancing onto something like a slow dance (?) and then, Yoojin sees Shishiou standing next to the gong, wearing also a traditional attire.

‘Is that a beard?’, Yoojin wondered as he saw the face of the Amaterasu guild leader.

His beard, which Yoojin hasn’t seen at all until this morning, looks bushy.

It looks more like a part of a lion’s mane since his beard is connected to his hair that already look like a lion’s mane. But, that beard is completely 100% fake. Judging by his appearance and the fact that he came out like that on purpose, it seems like he wanted to grow a beard, but it didn’t work out to what he intended it to be.

‘… I should send him one of those developed hair loss medicine. It should work into your chin too.’ Yoojin thought as he decided to give the hair tonic as a gift to the Amaterasu guild leader.

[The head of the best guild in Japan, Amaterasu’s guild leader, Mr. Shishiou! He’s finally here, gracing us with his presence!]

The host shouted loudly while making a huge fuss. Fireworks also exploded as announcement was said.

‘Oi, isn’t the main character of this event, my kid?’ thought Yoojin, seemingly annoyed.

The Lion King hoist the flag up and shouted loudly.

“The first JAPAN V.S. KOREA S-Class Hunters’ Solo Exhibition Match will now commence!”

His voice resonated throughout the stadium like the firecrackers1.

“Let’s do the second one with the Ice Prince V.S. Lion King.” murmured by the TV broadcasters.

‘No, don’t do that one. A fight between the guild leaders of Haeyeon and Amaterasu…’ Yoojin shuddered as he imagined the scenario that will transpire if their plan pushes through.

This is why TV broadcasting stations are dangerous. The power of transmission and telecasting is way too strong and knows no bounds.

When Yoojin heard that the match would start right away after the gong is strike, he quickly applied the [Teacher Skill] to Yoohyun.

The people near the stage, the dancers and the hunters dressed in lions, went out of the stage first.

And then, Shishiou waved the flag.



The gong rang and the host shouted. The two people who were standing while facing each other at some distance did not move immediately from their spot.

In Yerim’s hand, the spear tied to the Magus Shawl of Waves was held. On the other hand, Kakuto took out his long sword.

It seemed like neither of two has used their skills yet. Yerim was bothered with her weak muscle strength as the distance between them was too close. However, she does have her teleportation skill. While she is preoccupied thinking about what to do…


Kakuto kicked the floor. Like a lightning strike, he runs toward Yerim at a fast speed. But before he could connect his sword strike, Park Yerim disappeared from his sight. It was teleportation. Although his attack missed the opponent, like an S-class hunter that he is, Kakuto didn’t panic and used his skill.

His sword formed a large semicircle, and sharp sword strikes poured out in all directions. Up, down, left, and right. Hundreds of mana strikes that were difficult to avoid appeared and spread out like a machine gun.



The sound of the stage being smashed and the noise of the trees breaking was heard throughout the stadium. An ice shield was instantly created under Yerim’s feet, who was floating in the air. The ice shield then shattered to pieces as it got hit by the sword strike. Kakuto jumped between the scattered pieces of ice.

“You can’t escape from me!”

He then fired another wave of sword strike. At the same time it was happening, white fog scattered around and enshrouded Yerim.

Although the fog was trying to hold the enemy back by twirling and twisting around the surroundings, Kakuto wasn’t affected and kept his speed.

As the fog touched Kakuto’s body, it quickly dissipated. It’s the effect of cold resistance.

Well, there’s no way that Yerim wouldn’t know that Kakuto would wear a cold resistance item.

‘Why isn’t she using [Shadowless Day]?’, Yoojin wondered.

That skill would be able to reduce Kakuto’s speed regardless of his skill effect resistance. It also has some buff effects. But for some reason, there was no sign of her using it. Does this mean that there’s no need to use buffs?

“You’re only good at using tricks!”

… Yoojin want to sew this bastard’s mouth shut.

Yerim used her teleportation skill to dodge his attack, but this bastard still tries to pursuit her. According to the rules, she cannot leave the playing field. So, even if she can use her teleportation skill, it would be difficult to completely shake Kakuto off.

With a thud, Kakuto kicked the ground with all of his might, leaving his footprints on the hard floor once again.

The hem of the shawl fluttered as Yerim narrowly avoid the sword passing through the air.


The sword that passed by curved itself and tried to stab Yerim again. And in unison, Kakuto stomp the floor with one of his feet.

With a loud bang, the stone floor broke and flew upward. Kakuto then stomp the floor again, and one after another, stone floors were lifted into the air, forming a huge wall midair.

Unlike spatial movement skills that goes through space itself, teleportation was a skill that moves the user at an extreme speed.

In other words, if you were blocked by a wall, you have to stop or go through it. However, if there are multiple obstacles everywhere, you have to slow down your speed. And if that happens, it becomes easier to predict your movements.

Instead of evading the sword by teleporting,


Park Yerim blocked it with her spear. Unable to withstand the impact of Kakuto’s strength, Yerim was pushed backwards. Her pretty eyebrows frowned slightly. And then, dozen of ice spears simultaneously appeared across the sky.


The blue spear blades imbued with chilling effect rained down from the sky. As the spear blades crashes onto floor, the stadium froze, cracks began to appear, and eventually broke apart into pieces.

Thousands of debris blasted out in all directions, seemingly like a bomb explosion had occurred.

Simultaneously, Kakuto used his skill to block the ice spears that were thunderously striking him in all directions.


The stadium, which is already half-destroyed, began to collapse completely. Yoohyun lifted me up and jumped up using his skill [Azure Willow Leaves]. A golden chain then formed a long line, blocking the debris that are flying towards us.

On the other hand, Noah spread his wing and fled together with Myeongwoo and Moon Hyuna. The Amaterasu guild members who occupied some of the stands also evacuated.

[The stadium is collapsing! Look, the Haeyeon guild leader is using the skill [Azure Willow Leaves]. He’s currently in the VVIP seats!]

Yoojin was shocked that the camera was pointing at them instead of focusing back to the fight, ‘Hey camera man, stop pointing at this direction. Don’t pay any attention to us and go back to observing the fight.’


Even the the huge, thick pillars that supported the stadium collapsed one after another. Thick clouds of dust rise from the wrecking mess that happened. Two people stood still in the chaotic stadium, separated by a few distances apart.

Yerim angled her spear against her shoulder.

“Have you finished your sword dance?”

“That was just a warm-up exercise for me.”

Kakuto grinned.

“Now, I’ll show you my real power!”

Yoojin is starting to get pissed off on Kakuto’s unnecessary blabbering, ‘Seriously… somebody needs to shut him up.’

“The beach is not a favorable place for you, Park Yerim! All this abundant amount of moisture is on my side!” Kakuto shouted confidently.

Taehyun mused over Kakuto’s confident declaration, ‘Does this guy also have water-related skills? No wonder they, for some reason, confidently selected that the location for the match will be held on the beach.’

Yerim narrowed her eyes and looked at Kakuto.

It sounded so ridiculous.

‘I may not know how great his skills are, but when it comes to water…’ , Taehyun surmised as he knew that Yerim has a great control over water.

“Ah, that really startled me!” Yerim was surprised and immediately shakes her hand.

When Yoojin looked at her using Yoohyun’s eyesight, he saw the back of her hand turned red.

“The surrounding air got hot.” Yoohyun said softly.

It’s definitely gotten a little warmer. The stadium looked slightly murky and hazy, as if steam is rising.

Yoojin then makes a conjecture inside his mind, ‘Is it a skill that makes the moisture in the air heat up?’

[The temperature in the stadium is rising! The information from the Amaterasu Guild that has just arrived. This is Hunter Kakuto Iwahata’s skill: [Volcanic Heat]! It is a fiery and intense S-class skill that makes the surrounding air in the atmosphere boil hot!]

Yerim used [Cold Sigh]. Yet the cold fog instantly evaporated.

“… Did you give Yerim any fire resistance items?” asked Yoojin, directing his question to his brother.

Yoohyun replied, “It’s not a high grade, but there’s one piece of equipment that has that effect.”

‘That’s a relief, but why won’t she use[Shadowless Day]? Even if ice is weak to heat, if the attribute buffs stack up, it should be able to handle the S-class skill.’ Yoojin is mulling over his thoughts, he was puzzled about Yerim’s decision of not using her skill [Shadowless Day].

“No matter how high-ranking you are, it becomes difficult to move and take action in high temperatures. If you are below mid-rank, the moisture in your body will immediately boil over and you will die!” said Kakuto, relishing in his statement of being the victor.

Kakuto pointed his sword at Yerim, looked at her as if he had won the match.

“This limited space called stadium by the sea! It’s the perfect environment and setup that can guarantee the outcome of this fight into my victory!”

‘If his opponent was Yoohyun, he would’ve been directly set on fire, especially since he wouldn’t kept his mouth shut.’ Yoojin thought as he can’t stand the infuriating bastard.

However, what he said is true. Heating the entire air in a certain limited space just like this stadium is really advantageous for his skill.

Even if you are an S-class hunter, engaging in intense activities that can raise your body temperature in a boiling air is gonna put so much strain in your body, especially if you don’t have resistance skills. And above all, it is going to consume more energy and stamina to move in such situation.

For an S-class hunter, Yerim has weak physical strength. Even now, beads of sweat were already forming on top of her forehead.

“The more you move, the harder it will be for you. You have no choice but to surrender now!”, Kakuto spoke with a strong conviction of winning the match.

‘That bastard is treating Yerim like a prey that has been finally caught in his trap’, Yoojin got angry and reckoned Kakuto’s actions as despicable.

Yerim laughed, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

“Hey, you’re done warming up now, right?”


“I am also just warming up. Now it’s my turn to start.”

After finishing saying those words, the ground was rumbling and shaking violently!

Kakuto was so confused and wondered why the ground started trembling as if an earthquake had occurred. Other Japanese people were also astonished and looked so surprised from the unexpected situation.

[Is it an earthquake? The ground suddenly started shaking!]

‘Eh? Wait, there’s an earthquake? Right now?’, Yoojin was also shocked and alot of questions ran onto his mind.

“It’s not an earthquake.”

As soon as Yoohyun finished speaking, the ground began to crack.

And then,


The sea water rose. It wasn’t just one or two levels. Thick streams of water broke through the floor of the stadium and rose one after another like a dragon ascending to heaven. The air started to cool as it happened.


Streams of water poured down like rain. Even if it was an S-class skill, there was no way the heat would stay permeating in the air if a huge quantity of water falls down.

Kakuto widened his eyes, he looked so bewildered when the heat vanished quickly.

‘His wet appearance is rather amusing to watch, since he resembles a drenched rat.’ Yoojin commented inside his mind.

Yerim then opened her mouth, “This limited space that you called as stadium by the sea.”

Yerim smiled brightly.

“Nope, that’s not right. Since we’re at the beach, it’s the perfect environment where no matter where you go, it’ll be my victory.” Yerim mockingly repeated what Kakuto said, albeit some lines were changed.

The seawater continued to rush in, and the damp ground broke and collapsed even more. Yerim ascended into the air and gazed down upon Kakuto.

Yerim smirked and announced to Kakuto, “Hey, I’ll expand the area of this beach stadium to the penalty zone. So, try your best to run away.”

Kakuto stammered, “I, I…”

Yerim didn’t wait for Kakuto’s response and continued to talk, “If I don’t catch you within an hour, I lose the match.”

“What do you think? I, Park Yerim will be even generous to you. I will give you a headstart to slip away.” Yerim declared to Kakuto, resembling how he proudly stated a while ago that Yerim should surrender.

Kakuto’s face turns red, feeling humiliated.



The stadium floor completely collapsed and water rose.

Yoojin saw the alarming situation, ‘We need to issue an evacuation order now!’

T.L. Corner:

[1] The figure of speech here says “shouted loudly like he’s gonna load up a fire barrel.” I think this meant shouting loudly like those army soldiers when they load up something and fire at something. But I changed it into his voice resonated throughout the stadium like a firecracker since it easier to imagine his voice being loud like a firecracker.

[2] T.L. Note: 콰과과과─! is a Korean mimetic/onomatopoeia word for something exploding or unprecedented loud noise. I was having hard time whether to just translate it as “An unexpected loud noise was heard” or stick to its equivalent meaning.)

AND I’M DONE TRANSLATING! WOHOOOO THIS IS SO EXHAUSTING LOL! Do comment if I should do this or stick to how the novel unknowingly switch from Third POV to 1st POV.

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