The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 3 - Chapter 19 - Northern Forest

In a forest alive with the chirping of birds, I breathed in the crisp, cold air. Accustomed to early rising during my travels, I found myself wandering through the woods early in the morning, a time when I'd typically still be asleep.

Guided by Didier and Hermes, we crunched through the fallen leaves. Our breaths formed white puffs, cheeks tingling in the cold breeze, ears alert to detect signs of creatures.

"Wow, it's such an amazing place. This is my first time entering a real forest."

The atmosphere felt a bit damp and heavier than usual for the morning. I knew we had to be cautious; getting lost here could mean certain danger.

Didier seemed to have entered forests several times before and taught me how to spot animals and navigate the woods. While gathering herbs, Didier explained the names and uses of each one.

"In your previous life, you were a commoner, right? Did you not collect things like this?"

"I used to buy food from stores, so I never went to get it myself. Some people would go camping in the mountains or by the rivers, but I disliked going outside, so this kind of nature is truly new to me."

Even in my past life, there were people who ventured into the mountains to gather bamboo shoots and wild vegetables. Although I was usually a homebody and hadn't even played by the river, somehow it felt oddly nostalgic. Did I venture into forests in a previous, previous life?

A crack echoed as a branch snapped. Turning around, I saw a wild rabbit sitting upright, gazing towards me.

"Sheriel, it's on top of the rabbit. Look at the tree branch."

"Up..." There was nothing there even when told to look up. As I lifted my gaze anyway, I spotted a small doll with wings perched on a tree branch. It exchanged glances, chuckling softly and swaying its shoulders. Wait, it's alive!? Could it be... a fairy!?

"This is rare. It's my first time seeing one up close."

"It's a fairy, right? Aren't they uncommon in this forest?"

"They're around, but the Beriard clan is disliked by fairies. Even if we sense their presence, it's hard to catch a glimpse of them."

Come to think of it, I've heard such stories before. Fairies wear skirts resembling flower buds turned upside down and yellow shoes. Their green wings are translucent, just as imagined. Wow, meeting another famous figure.


As I waved, the fairies stopped smiling and seemed to discuss something. I guess words wouldn't work...

However, the two fairies fluttered like butterflies, danced closer, and started circling in front of me. They were humanoid but so small they could fit in the palm of my hand; they truly resembled dolls.

"W-What are they? Are fairies surprisingly used to humans?"

"Who knows? It's my first time seeing one too."

I gently extended both palms, and each fairy sat on one.


Their mouths opened and closed, seemingly speaking. Their voices are so quiet... Concentrating magical power in my ears, I managed to hear something resembling words.

"Hey, what are you doing?" "That's some strange magic; are you really human?"

Ah, I understand their words. Despite the low volume, it seems we share the same language.

"Can you hear us? We're speaking normally, right?"

"Yeah, I can hear you."

The fairies quickly covered their ears with their hands and now seemed angry at us.

"Too loud! Your voice is so loud!" "Be careful! We're delicate beings!"

"Sorry, I'll be more careful..."

They're quite straightforward in their anger... I lowered my voice and apologized to the fairies, who then straightened their backs with a huff.

"So, why did you come here? Answer us!" "Bringing a demon along, what are you planning? You brought something bad here, didn't you!"

A demon? Their gazes are on Didier and Hermes, but I didn't expect that term to permeate even the fairy realm... Admittedly, Didier might be classified as something negative, but we've only come to search for spirits.

"We've come to find spirits. Are there spirits in this forest?"

"Spirits? Spirits wouldn't be in such a rural place! Hurry and leave this forest!"

Huh, none here? Coming all this way, and suddenly the purpose of our journey shatters... Is this place rural for the fairies then? Then where would be considered urban?

"I see... that's disappointing. Also, these people are humans, not demons, okay?"

"They're human!? I don't sense any sweet scent at all!" "Yeah, this one's kinda dubious too, we have to drive out the bad ones!"

"A sweet scent?"

"Yeah! The gentle feelings of humans have a sweet smell!" "But you guys don't have it at all!"

Oh, they discern emotions by scent. Perhaps it was the fairies who first labeled Beriards as demons.

Come to think of it, I've heard stories about leaving cookies and milk for fairies in a past life. I wonder if there's any connection.

"Sir, you have meringue with you, right? Please give some to these little ones."

"Meringue? Well, alright..."

Instead of me, Didier took out the meringue and placed one in the palm of my hand.

"What's this!" "Isn't this a mushroom?"

"It's a sweet called meringue, but can fairies eat sweets?"

At first, they cautiously poked it, but when one nibbled on the meringue, suddenly its wings fluttered. Seeing this, the other fairy also opened its mouth wide and started nibbling from the other side.

"It's sweet! So, so sweet!" "You're a nice human!"

They swiftly finished the meringue, then relaxed, crossing their legs while rubbing their bellies. It seems fairies like sweet things. Somehow, I found myself conversing normally with them.

Fairies gather magical energy as sustenance, and apparently, honey and flower nectar serve as snacks. They're not nutritious, just for pleasure.

"No scent of honey!" "Why is it so sweet?"

"We used sugar. Haven't you ever eaten it before?"

"Ah, sugar! I occasionally heard about it in human towns!" "It wasn't something bad!"

Getting excited about receiving sugar in a forest like this, we decided to venture a bit deeper. Although it seems there are no spirits, we were guided as there were many animals around.

"Both fairies and beasts are further in! We came to see as we felt a strange presence!"

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"It's okay! We got to eat sugar!" "But this forest doesn't feel lively now. The guardian doesn't seem well, so we're cautious."

Something might have happened. Conversing with the fairies, who swiftly change topics, isn't progressing as expected.

With sparkling translucent wings, the fairies continue deeper into the forest. After walking for a while, they reach a water body resembling a pond in the middle of a stream. It seems like a large puddle formed in the stream. There are deer, tall water birds, monkeys, and even parrots.

"Wow, amazing! There are so many animals!"

"This is a watering spot! Oh, by the way, do you still have those white sweets?"

"Yeah, just a few."

The fairies whispered among themselves and flew off somewhere.

"What was that about?"

"Who knows? Maybe they went to call more of their friends?"

As Didier guessed, shortly after, the fairies returned in a group. Besides the flower fairy, there seemed to be various types of fairies.

"Hey! Give us the white ones, too!"

"Okay, but will it be enough? If not, I'll bake some more."

"Yay! You smell different, but you're a good human!"

When I spread out the meringue in a small bag, many fairies gathered in my palm. Breaking it into smaller pieces for them, each fairy took a fragment and joyfully nibbled. It was like feeding birds.

"It's so sweet! Really sweet and white!" "It's crispy and delicious!"

"Do you like it? Near the large spring in the forest, there's a mansion where an old man lives. You should ask for some there occasionally as thanks."

"Really? Then we should thank him too!" "Yeah, we should!"

"Okay, if anyone unknown enters the forest or if something strange happens, will you let us know?"

"Sure! Grandpa, please prepare the white ones, okay?"

Though I made the deal without consent, Hermes agreed with a laugh. Since the watchtower hardly functions, Hermes usually doesn't notice forest disturbances until the fairies alert him.

"Now I can focus on my research. Living long enough to coexist with fairies is quite something."

"Did you meet Gree-chan here, sir? Really, you've never seen fairies before?"

"Ah, I occasionally sense their presence, but this is the first time I've conversed with them."

While I couldn't meet spirits, making friends with fairies left me completely satisfied. Sleeping with Ciel should keep petrification at bay for a while. When awake, my magic is active, so there's not much danger. The overflowing magic during sleep was the problem.

"Oh, at home, there's a planter that attracts fairies. It's a bit far from here, but come play sometime. I'll prepare sweets."

"Oh, the one I gave you? Ah, it's difficult because it needs magic to bloom the flowers."

"Was it such a rare plant? I'll take care of it when I return!"

The fairies seemed to have taken a liking to the meringue and started asking for other sweets if available. I plan to progress with my chocolate research when I return, so I'll have the fairies taste-test it too.

Fluttering around the vicinity were numerous fairies, truly emphasizing the feeling of being in another world. Gradually, more animals were gathering around the water's edge.

"Hey! If the Master eats this, maybe he'll get better!"

"Yeah, let's take it to him!"

The fairies each held a fragment and, while fluttering around, discussed amongst themselves.

"If the Master's not well, the forest isn't well either!" "Let's go quickly!"

"Human, we'll introduce you to the Master! You made this, so you might get praised!"

It seemed the "Master" was a bit deeper into the woods and currently not well enough to come to the watering hole. The snippets of conversation from the fairies were the only insights available.

As instructed, we ventured further into the woods, and animals started following, resulting in an unexpected procession.

Suddenly, the procession halted. It seemed they couldn't go any further; they remained there, watching us intently.

"Look, it's almost time!"

A large tree root formed a cave-like hole, resembling a small house. Supposedly, that's where the "Master" was.

"Master~! Humans have come!" "We brought something sweet!"

As the fairies entered with their fragments, we glimpsed something white like a branch from the hole. Antlers...?

Emerging from the hole was a magnificent stag with impressive antlers. Probably a stag, akin to a moose. With its completely white body and a majestic aura fit for a forest ruler, it exuded a grand magical presence.

Looking back, the animals that had followed us were all bowing low, as if paying homage to a king.

"A white magical beast... in this forest...!"

"Is it really that rare?"

"It's not just rare; they were said not to exist. Including Sheriel, white creatures..."

Right, I think I was told that I'm a color that doesn't exist. But well, I'm here, aren't I? White rabbits and birds were quite common.

"The forest ruler, I suppose. Perhaps governing the forest in place of spirits. But more importantly, I feel something unpleasant..."

"Something unpleasant? But rather than that, isn't it futile to give it such small fragments?"

The completely white forest ruler seemed slightly unwell. It appeared to drag its hind legs. While not injured, its knees down to its feet were hardened with a mud-like substance, rendering the legs immobile. Although the fairies were offering meringue fragments, the forest ruler shook its head.

"Mr. Forest Ruler? Nice to meet you."

He was so tall that my neck ached from looking up. The forest ruler folded its legs, sitting down and stretching out its mud-covered right hind leg.

"(Hello, Lady in White, I apologize for appearing in this state.)"

"Wow! It spoke!"

"Huh? Did you hear something?"

Didier and Hermes tilted their heads; it seemed they couldn't hear. This resonating voice within me was familiar; it was directly addressing me.

"Despite not feeling well, I apologize for intruding."

"(It's fine. White is rare. I also met my kind after a long time.)"

My words seemed to reach it directly, allowing for a proper conversation. It's strange to be able to converse with animals when, even among humans, different countries have different languages.

The forest ruler appeared weak, with no strength in its eyes.

"About that leg... Are you not feeling well?"

"(Ah, I've received some impurity. Soon, another like me will be born to take my place, so the forest will be fine.)"

"Impurity? It does look like dirty mud, but is it a cleanliness issue?" The forest ruler was glancing at the animals behind it and quietly echoed its voice in my head.

"(Fellow being, could you hear my request?)"

"What is it?"

"(I want you to kill me. I'm about to die. Just dying isn't a problem, but if I become a monster, I'll trouble everyone. So, before that...)"

Uh, this forest stroll suddenly took a heavy turn, asking for a sudden kill... Huh?

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