The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 4 - Chapter 12 - Walpurgis Night - Part 2

The sudden appearance of Alphonse instantly changes the atmosphere. Alicia is tense, Giselle is frightened, Didier contains his aggression, and I worry about Didier's actions.

Although greetings have already been exchanged, I decided to politely nod my head.

"Your Highness, is something the matter?"

"Don't play innocent! Ugh! You rejected my invitation! You insolent fool!"

Alphonse seems to choose his words carefully in this unofficial setting, but anyone listening can sense the tension. Despite being older than me, I wonder if this behavior is acceptable.

"I declined as it was beyond my capacity to handle such matters."

"Hmph! Just understanding your place. Alicia there should learn humility too. Well, fine. Sheriel, make an appearance at the royal palace sometime."

"I am still in the midst of learning proper etiquette, so please forgive any rudeness."

I can't bear to look at Alicia out of fear, and it must be an uncomfortable situation. Despite becoming friends, why is she constantly interfered with by those around her?

"Your Highness, could you please refrain from bothering my cute sister?"

"You, Didier! How disrespectful! Do you want to be arrested for disrespecting royalty?"

Oh, elder brother... Please don't complicate things further.

I can't use telepathy due to the barrier. Amidst the tense atmosphere, I discreetly glance at Alicia, surprised to see her maintaining an unwavering poker face.

"Fine, do as you please. If your intellect doesn't improve, even girls won't bother with you. First, you need to study properly."

"You insolent fool! I'll report this to my father! I'll have you thrown in jail!"

Alphonse turns red, shouting, and Didier enjoys provoking him. It's thrilling in a way, but what are they doing with children?

"If I ever end up in jail, I'll bring Your Highness's head as a conversation piece. With such a loud mouth, it would be lively even as just a head."

"Hic... I'll, I'll catch you for real!"

"That's troublesome! You better hurry and learn the art of beheading from your father!"

Didier exaggerates his surprise and pretends to look for Sergio. Concerned about disrespect, I worry about the lack of movement from the guards standing behind Alphonse. Despite being allowed only for royalty, do they not have to do their job?

"Brother, please act more mature. Please refrain from tasteless jokes."

"J-jokes? Who do you think I am? I don't want to see your faces anymore! Just disappear!"

Didier grins, places his hand on our backs, and turns us around. He turns Alphonse's head, bids farewell with a cheerful mood, and leaves.

"As you wish. Since the invitation to the royal palace has been revoked, we will take our leave. Have a good night."

Pushing forward, Alicia, Giselle, and I walk away. Once Alphonse's tantrum fades into the distance, we finally come to a stop.

"Brother, that was too much. Isn't it troublesome if you provoke more anger?"

"He might show hostility, but it's better than Alphonse taking an interest in Sheriel."

I wish they would consider the situation from our perspective. I notice the pale faces of the two young ladies and hurriedly apologize for the commotion, especially considering it wasn't pleasant for Alicia.

Didier addresses the composed Alicia.

"Alicia, are you really aiming for the queen's seat? If so, act like a foolish and incompetent girl to win His Highness's favor. Express your emotions openly, show sadness and joy; it will be more effective. He seems to prefer modest girls, and he doesn't want someone more capable than himself by his side."

Ah, that explains why he fell in love with Maria in the dream. She wasn't particularly intelligent. It seems Alphonse himself prefers demure girls.

Astonished, Alicia counters Didier.

"What about my efforts then? Besides, how can I assist His Highness while pretending to be incompetent?"

"Hmm, secretly assist him, or just take it easy without doing much? If Alicia gains His Highness's favor, no one would oppose, considering her status. Besides, if he marries an incompetent queen, the country is doomed, you know?"

Alicia bites her lip, deep in thought. In my dream, I was burdened with work, but Alphonse didn't consider it a significant task. Didier's words align with that, and while Alicia seems to be contemplating, I feel a pang in my heart at the thought of her in that position.

Ah, I see.

Didier knows about my dream where I become the fiancée of His Highness and face judgment. He also knows about Maria capturing His Highness's heart. Though it's an uncertain future, he deliberately tries to fill that role with Alicia.

"I've dedicated myself to studying etiquette to support the kingdom and His Highness. However, pretending to be incompetent..."

I struggle to find the right words for Alicia. I don't know if Alphonse will genuinely fall for Maria, and even if he does, it's Alicia's choice if she still wants to aim for the queen's position. But I don't want young Alicia to make a choice that sacrifices herself for the country.

Moreover, if it's influenced by Didier's guidance, it leaves a bitter taste.

"Alicia, don't let my brother's words bother you too much. Regardless of what happens to the kingdom, it's not your responsibility."

"Thank you, Sheriel. Just understanding the reason for His Highness's cold treatment so far is comforting. Thank you for your advice, Didier."

Alicia, acting like a high-class lady, swiftly conceals her emotions. While I believe Alicia is suitable as His Highness's companion, I can't help but be concerned about Maria's presence.

Avoiding a confrontation by avoiding the engagement seemed like a good idea, but if the country falls into chaos, our lives may become difficult. If I hadn't befriended Alicia, would I have recommended her to become queen with all my might?

With mixed emotions, I part ways with Alicia and, after a brief exploration of the venue, retire to my room.

"Was it okay for Giselle too?"

"Yes, she experienced enough of the atmosphere."

Sergio and the others planned to drink until morning, so I invited Giselle and Virgil to my room. The adults were going to perform a ritual for purification and a good harvest at dawn, and the guest rooms were mostly unused.

"Can the ritual be conducted properly with alcohol in their systems?"

"The Harvest Festival is about being in a joyful mood, so as long as you don't get too drunk, it should be fine. The priests and the Mage Guild mainly lead the ceremony."

It's hard to imagine, as the Baptism ceremony had a solemn atmosphere. I had wondered why I didn't see Dalia or Marcel at the venue, but it turns out the Mage Guild was actively involved in preparing for the ritual, maintaining the barrier, and providing security.

With Giselle and Virgil in the room, we exchanged glances, and Virgil politely clarified.

"In the past, nobles used to make a lot of noise outside, creating pillars of fire with magic, drinking, and dancing. It was more like a festival for commoners. It gradually evolved into the current form."

Conversely, I started to worry about the effectiveness of the current format. Are the adults genuinely enjoying these elaborate social events?

"There were various events at the soirée, but being able to chat with Giselle like this at this hour is truly enjoyable. It feels like a sleepover."

"I agree! Normally, I can only attend daytime tea parties, so this is exciting."

Night activities are generally enjoyable. We had some food brought from the venue, and I poured lukewarm grape juice into glasses.

"Giselle, let's keep this a secret from everyone, okay?"

We put ice into each other's glasses. Watching the small blocks make a soft sound and sway, Giselle's eyes widened, and she hastily covered her mouth in surprise.

"This is... amazing. Is it... a gift, perhaps?"

"Hehe, it should make it a bit easier to drink, don't you think?"

Giselle cautiously brought the chilled fruit water to her lips, blushing again, and a smile spread across her face.

Her emotions easily show on her face due to her innocence. While it may be a concern as a noble, the relaxed atmosphere is quite pleasant.

We stayed up later than usual, enjoying a midnight tea party.

I, who is accustomed to sleeping quickly even in a new place, suddenly woke up before dawn to an unexpected noise. The sound of a door being violently opened and moans reached me, prompting me to grab my sword.

As I emerged from the bedroom with my sword, Didier, also armed, met my eyes.

"Perfect timing. Can you heal this?"

The nonchalant voice belonged to Sergio. In the moonlight, a large lump, carelessly thrown aside, gradually revealed its outline.

"Is this... a person? What happened?"

"It's the former boss of the dark auction I crushed before. Since he kept causing trouble after that, I thought of giving him a little punishment."

"Do you have the right to punish? Isn't it under royal jurisdiction?"

"Well, he's been bothering us since then, so can we call it self-defense? What do you say?"

Anyway, I cast healing magic on the beaten face. The man, regaining consciousness, suddenly started making noise, prompting Sergio to press his head down.

"So, can you tell us more about what happened? We secured a healing specialist, so we can play a bit more. Still not satisfied?"

"Do you think you can get away with this for free?"

Thud! A dull sound echoed, and just as I thought it had come from stepping on his head, Sergio kicked him in the stomach with the opposite foot while still pressing on his head. The man's moans caused Sergio to casually respond.

"Is there still some alcohol left? Your attitude towards higher-ups doesn't seem to align. You need a wake-up call."

Sergio took out a knife and pressed the tip between the man's fingernails. Oh... is he going to torture him in this room? I couldn't shake the feeling that I wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully in the adjacent room afterward.

"I understand, I understand!"

With the man's anxious response, a nail flew off. Since the beast-like groans reverberated, I quickly deployed soundproofing magic.

"Hehe, Sheriel is quite thoughtful. So, what have you understood?"

"Ugh... I'll talk... Please forgive me..."

As I cast healing on the man's desperate fingers, nails sprouted back, showing signs of regeneration. I had heard that the body doesn't regenerate, but perhaps nails were an exception.

"Szipiasen, indeed, it was under my instructions that we attacked the camp..."

Sniffling and tearfully, the man started explaining. Apparently, there was an attack during their camping trip, and although I didn't notice, I vaguely remembered waking up to an odd vibration in the middle of the night. Anyway, they had frequently sent mercenaries to our house.

"So, did you also abduct Sheriel?"

"No! Th-that white-haired slave's arrival was truly coincidental! I had no idea she was a daughter of the Beriard family! I've caused something terrible!"

Bam! The words were cut off as Didier's fist crushed the man's nose.

"Brother, it's getting troublesome, so please stop."

"I did the investigation, so a bit of fun won't hurt, right?"

Didier healed the man himself, then punched and healed repeatedly. It seems he's a bad person, but well, it doesn't concern me since we're not acquainted.

"Did your lord know about this? Lying in front of Didier isn't in your best interest."

"His lordship is unaware! So please, I beg you, keep it confidential!"

Didier, who nodded, confirmed that it was indeed the truth. With Didier possessing both a lie-detection ability and healing skills, he seemed suitable for this kind of interrogation.

"I see. However, knowing that it was the Beriard family who ruined your business, did you really think revenge was a good idea? Isn't our story well-known in your territory?"

"Um... I realized it after the report on the attack on the camp..."

Investigate more thoroughly! Didn't you notice the crest on the carriage? I sighed, rendered speechless. The man continued with excuses, stating that since the dark auction was operated in secret from the lord, he couldn't employ regular soldiers. Thus, he had to resort to using slaves and mercenaries. Moreover, he claimed to have no knowledge of noble crests.

"Hmm, I see. So, you couldn't back down afterward? Well then, what should we do? It might be clever to continue torturing him until morning, let others witness his corruption, and then smoothly handle the situation. Or should we kill him?"

"Do you plan to kill him?"

"There's no particular reason to keep him alive, right?"

Well, considering the slaves that were sold in the dark auction so far, it's not entirely unjustifiable.

"But wouldn't killing him not bring much benefit? While it would provide assurance that he won't cause trouble again, there won't be much advantage beyond that."

The man eagerly jumped on my dissent.

"I absolutely won't lay a finger on the Beriard family again! Please, spare my life! Just don't let me fall into corruption!"

The man banged his head forcefully on the floor, desperately begging for his life. While I had no obligation to help him, I couldn't shake off the feeling that causing any more harm might lead to future retribution.

"Do you know the identities of those who bought slaves at the dark auction?"

"For commoners, we required identification confirmation and a signature... but for nobles, we processed it with false names and signatures..."

So, to erase evidence and potential retaliation from clients, they avoided recording noble identities. In the end, it was dismantled by Sergio, one of the clients.

"I see. Can you identify all the nobles too? You did investigate them from their handwriting, right?"

"Yes, of course! I thoroughly examined them."

"Hehe, well done, brother! So, shall we retrieve all the people sold as slaves? It should be easy with commoners, and we can send the rescued slaves to Klayla."

Klayla's mud research was progressing, and in about half a year, they could be put on the market. As there was a shortage of mining personnel, this would solve the problem. Considering the man's hair color, he seemed like a mid-ranking noble, and if he had been running the dark auction, he might be useful.

"That sounds like a good idea. Let's focus on those who express interest. Some may already be accustomed to the current environment and prefer to stay. And then, those who were purchased by nobles."

"I'll handle the latter. Once the academy starts, I'll have some free time, so I can take care of it during that period."

Though it wasn't my intention to burden Didier with rescuing the slaves, he seemed eager to do it himself, so I left it to him.

"I'll definitely be of great help! If you can forgive me, I'll do my best!"

"Depending on your performance, we'll reconsider what to do afterward."

After forming a slave contract with Sergio on the spot and healing the man's injuries, I cast a disapproving glance at Didier, who was enthusiastically engaging in the cleaning task.

"Well then, you're free to rest if you like."

After Sergio and the others left the room for the ceremony, I watched Didier, who complained while cleaning the carpet.

I thought my brother was more of a cerebral type, but he surprisingly relies on violence too...

With these thoughts, my eyelids grew heavy, and I drifted back into sleep.

"Yawn... I guess I'm still not fully rested. Is it okay if I take another nap?"

"Yeah, there's still time. Feel free to get some more sleep."

Leaving Didier to continue cleaning, I once again succumbed to slumber.

And so, the first Walpurgis Night in this unfamiliar place came to an end.

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