The Whole Village Thrives After Adopting a Lucky Girl

Chapter 318 - 314: Immortal Water_1

Chapter 318: Chapter 314: Immortal Water_1

Two hours later.

The villagers gradually arrived at the Taoist Temple, even Mr. Wu and his son came.

Today, Master Zhou and his senior apprentice were not in the temple. Only Yingbao and the second apprentice were there. Of course, Little Douzi and his sister Cui Lan were also present.

Yingbao brought out a booklet, on which she wrote a story with charcoal.

Because she wrote in a hurry, the handwriting was a bit sloppy.

Wu Yi curiously asked, “Little Preceptor, what did you call us here for?”

Yingbao replied seriously, “Last night, I suddenly received a prophecy. I recorded it this morning, and I invited you all here to inform you about it. It’s about the legend of Shiquan Cave.”

The villagers all opened their mouths wide, stunned as they stared at the little child standing on the steps.

Even Zhang Min turned to look at his junior fellow apprentice, wondering what she was up to.

Yingbao cleared her throat and began, “Actually, the water in Shiquan Cave is created from the tears of the Mysterious Heavenly Woman. Feeling sympathy for the sufferings of the world, she created the Immortal Cave here. As long as people are kind-hearted and have not committed heinous crimes, drinking this water can dispel evil, cure diseases, and grant long life.”

“Re-Really?” The villagers were somewhat skeptical, but deep in their hearts, they held a flicker of hope. “The water from the cave can truly cure diseases, dispel evil, and grant long life?”

Yingbao nodded and added, “Of course it can help the good-hearted people, as for the wicked…that’s another story.”

Whenever someone questioned, she encouraged them to explore the cave, believing that many people could not understand why two vivid peonies were blossoming in the cave.

Even her master would be surprised when he saw it.

“Can… can it cure my chronic rheumatism?” An old villager asked with great expectation.

Yingbao scratched her forehead, hesitatingly saying, “Well, I’m not sure about that, why don’t you try drinking a scoop of water from the cave?”

Chronic rheumatism is mostly caused by dampness and cold, even if he drank the most potent medicinal concoctions, it probably wouldn’t cure it instantly.

But to make the villagers believe in the magic of the water from this cave, this step was necessary.

The old villager was about to go to the kitchen to get something to hold the water when several young men rushed out, first grabbed buckets and basins from the temple kitchen, and then ran to fetch water.

Soon, they returned with the water.

Yingbao went to the side of the bucket, glanced at the clear spring water, and her sleeve unintentionally brushed over the bucket. She scooped up a gourd of water, stirred it inside, and gave it to the elder villager.

The old man took it tremblingly, and drank the whole gourd of water bit by bit.

After drinking, he patted his stomach, feeling very refreshed.

The remaining villagers also come around, inspecting the old man up and down, asking, “How does it feel? Notice anything?”

The old man laughed and said, “I suddenly feel more invigorated.”

Hearing his words, the villagers suddenly turned their gazes towards the bucket of water, their eyes burning with anticipation.

Seeing this, Yingbao quickly said, “Young people don’t need to drink it, this water is for the elders.”

With that, she signaled the second apprentice to come and distribute the water.

Zhang Min was extremely curious and also wanted to take a sip. But with his junior fellow apprentice watching, he could only distribute the water to the elderly and weak of the village.

“I, I also want to drink.” A man with a pale and thin face pleaded to Zhang Min.

Zhang Min looked at his junior fellow apprentice. Seeing that she did not object, he scooped a large gourd of water and handed it to the man.

The man gulped the water down in one breath, and even tipped the gourd to ensure not a drop was left before reluctantly returning it to Zhang Min.

Just like that, the bucket and basin of the fetched water was cleaned out.

However, some were still skeptical. One of them doubted Yingbao’s words, “Little Preceptor, this stone cave has long existed. How come I didn’t know the spring water could cure diseases?”

All eyes turned to Yingbao. “Yeah, Little Preceptor, how did you know this spring water is magical?” They found it hard to believe on her word alone.

“Could it be that you are tricking us to make contributions to the temple?” Some started to speak insolently.

Yingbao replied, “Since you don’t believe it, then go home.” She didn’t want to waste more words.

She was doing all this only to fulfill her master’s request, to provide them with a path to prosperity.

If these people were unwilling to cooperate, she could do nothing about it.

Mr. Wu glared at the villager, “If you don’t speak, no one would take you for a mute. When has Master Zhou ever asked you to make offerings?”

The villager hung his head and stayed silent.

After a thought, Yingbao decided to clarify her intentions now to dispel their doubts.

But she planned not to disclose it to everyone.

So, she spoke to Mr. Wu and Wu Yi, “Grandpa Wu, you guys come with me, I have something to say.”

Mr. Wu and his son Wu Yi followed Yingbao into the main hall.

Although called the main hall, it was just a main room, furnished only with an incense table and a few mats, not even a single chair.

The three of them sat cross-legged on the mats. In front of the incense table dedicated to the Three Pure Ones, Yingbao explained her plans to the Wu Father and Son.

“A bucket of water for one coin?” Wu Yi thought he had heard it wrong.

Yingbao, “Yes, the water in the cave is ‘Immortal Water.’ Selling it for one coin is not too much. The wealthy families in the city are willing to pay five to ten coins for a pot of ‘Cold Fragrance Snow’ from a plum blossom. We are just selling it for one coin, it’s already very cheap.”

This water would not be bought by common people, only the wealthy families would be willing to spend this much.

A sparkle flashed in Mr. Wu’s eyes, “So, Little Preceptor, you told that story today for our sake?”

Yingbao looked at him and nodded, “If I didn’t say those things, how will you explain the origin of the water when you go to the Prefecture City to sell it tomorrow?”

The rich people in the city are not fools, why would they spend a coin to buy an ordinary bucket of water?

Labeled as ‘Immortal Water,’ it’s a different story. According to her estimation, in the future, even selling a bucket of water for two coins wouldn’t be a problem.

“Good! Too good!” The village heads of Jujube Tree Village and the two surrounding villages had discussed numerous times but still couldn’t make up their minds to flee to the south.

No matter what, this place was their roots. As long as they could barely make a living, who would be willing to flee to a foreign land?

Seeing that the village heads and their sons did not oppose this business, Yingbao decided to send the first batch of spring water to the Prefecture City for sale the next day.

Of course, to be on the safe side, her master and fellow apprentices would also need to accompany them.

It was said that the home of her second apprentice, Zhang Min, was in Prefecture City. This time, he could conveniently visit his family.

Early the next morning, Village Head Wu Yi mysteriously procured a donkey cart and came to Shiquan Cave to fetch water, accompanied by two villagers.

They scooped up ten buckets of water onto the donkey cart, and also placed two more buckets on Master Zhou’s horse cart.

Having fetched the water and prepared to leave, Yingbao abruptly said to her second apprentice, “Second apprentice brother, you once mentioned that you stored something in the cave. Since there are many people here now, you should go and bring it out for me to see.”

Zhang Min slapped his head, laughed and said, “Right, right, right! I indeed need to fetch it.”

With that, he asked Little Douzi to come with him into the cave. They also brought a torch made from a stick and dry grass.

Because he had hidden the item deep inside the cave, they would not have found it without the torch.

He took off his shoes and held them in his hand. Before entering the water, Zhang Min said to his junior fellow apprentice, “I will break off a stalactite from inside for you. It is very beautiful.”

Yingbao nodded, “Ok, be careful.”

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