The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 907

Chapter 907: Kingdom of Marinda

Dawn timidly reflected against the tranquil lake. Igna and Yui’s night is lost in the latter’s retelling of her harsh survival on the enigmatic Marinda. No words need be exchanged, Igna rose from the lonesome study, moved to the grown floor, and got ready for another day of work. Yui followed his step, copied the motions, and was soon helping in the Jelly shop. Deep down, the life he’d come to know and the relations would come to an end.

“Master,” glanced Yui, “-about the return to Hidros?”

Head solemn at the stove, he breathed in a way to gather the passing thoughts. He rose a warm smile at the assistant,”-guess enough time’s passed. Returning now will either make or break the political status of Hidros.”

“Are you afraid?”

“Yeah,” he said, “-everyone’s afraid. The world stage is the end game, screw there and there wouldn’t be anything left – no one alive to pick up the shattered fragments of a fallen nation.”

“Master, let’s do it,” she rose a stern gaze.

‘Days come,’ last of customers passed, the Twin Jelly shop served for the last time. Clock struck a few minutes before noon, he hung his working attire on the counter, threw open a window, and leaned into the refreshing wind. “-I’m ready.”


“Are you sure?” she blinked, “-I expected more a fight seeing the master despised returning to Hidros for so long.”

“Don’t blame me,” the windows shut, “-circumstances I suppose. Besides,” he smiled, “-the king won’t return empty-handed,” a portal summoned, “-let’s go.” Dressed in shorts, sandals, and a summer-styled shirt; the ruler of a nation nonchalantly faded to a large palace of frigid beauty. A hallway of countless portraits, statues, and suits of armor led onto an equally large entranceway adjacent to which stood armed guards. Yui followed, ‘-I know master’s whimsical,’ she pondered whilst hugging his shadow, ‘-didn’t expect this level of casualness. We’re in the frozen palace if judgment serves well.’

“Einheim,” he mentioned and edged towards the guards

“No access further.”

“Must I reveal who I am?” he narrowed.

“Lord Haggard,” gasped the second, “-please, make thyself at home,” the heavy block unhinged – Igna’s very soft footwear squished over the carpet. An array of noblemen and women dispersed in various circles – each rose suspicious frowns at the uninvited guest. He simply returned the suspicious gaze with one cold and unaffectionate.

“Lord Haggard,” hailed a familiar voice at the foot of the Marindian throne.

The pleasant ritual of greetings exchanged, “-pleasant day, is it not, Gustv?”

“Pleasant day indeed,” he paid no heed to the very out-of-place outfit, “-the maiden of the south.”

Yui nodded, “-suppose word travels fast?”

“Only words of extraordinary feats,” he grabbed her hand and pecked the palm, “-what brings the devil to the castle?” on second thought, Gustv took one step back and breathed, “-never mind,” the tone lowered, “-Yui’s from Hidros, an aid?”

“Good,” said Igna, “-I see the art of observation is developing. Never underestimate unspoken words for they are often key to victory or defeat.” A year was long for the new leadership to settle in their role. “-the crowd’s compromised of Celestials. Gustv, is there a celebration or event we’ve perhaps interrupted?”

“No,” he breathed an innocent laugh, “-we heard from Tania.”

“I see,” Yui and Igna understood what he meant, “-the departure is inevitable. Still doesn’t explain the gathered crowd, is it a formal ceremony or a kidnapping?”

Engaging steps rocked the marble floor, “-Lord Haggard, kidnapping or not, if the devil wishes to leave, neither angel nor god will be wise to stand in his way,” said Mariane accompanied by her husband, Djen, who, on looking at Igna, nodded respectfully. Following the couple were Yean and Elliana; the heiress of the Azian dynasty couldn’t be seen without her aid, therein, Igna scanned behind and through the crowd, until he locked onto a friendly face, Jae was in the company of fellow assistants.

“The devil crawls from hell,” remarked Elliana, “-welcome to the palace.”

“The attitude’s no better,” interjected Igna, Mariane chuckled.

“In honor of Lord Haggard, founder of Marinda, we, leaders of Marinda request his lordship to crown our new king, Gustv Rah,” the distant crowd sucked into lines – soldiers appeared suddenly and ceremoniously held their weapons. “-You look surprised, my lord,” echoed the announcer, a lovely dressed Kuthl.

Wings fluttered, sparks fluttered – light around the throne heightened; a projection of the blueish sky stuck overhead, “-don’t dismay,” said the princess of faes, “-teach. Today’s when Marinda takes a step into the outside world.” Yui made her way into the crowd and watched as the leaders regrouped.

The new committee impatiently waited for a reaction, nothing escaped Igna’s timely blank expression, “-why?” he shook his head, “-why did you think I would be a good person to crown the king?” he faced the crowd and rose a confident gaze; jolts of purple and blank enveloped Igna – aura around the castle dropped; it physically pulled, *snap,* circles of raw power emanated; bicolored pupils turned white, black wings ending in golden features sprouted, the canines sharped and the outfit swapped into one of the godly proportions. White and gold mixed with strips of gray and red, energy-charged overhead, “-to the kingdom of Marinda,” echoed throughout the whole isle; a seamless wish begot a nationwide transmission, “-I, Devil, have but warm words to say. Birth of a nation is the same as the birth of a babe. She’s innocent and untainted by the mountain of bodies left in wake of the war of independence. Future and present are in your hands, will the child grow to be mature, responsible, and dependable, or will she fall prey to the world’s vices, time will tell. Seize the present and work together towards thy ideal future. Believe in what thee thinks Marinda need – Marindian, believe and voice thy thoughts, behind me; Gustv Rah, Djen Xinfe, Yean Ainsworth, Mariane Danio, Elliana Azian, and their aid, Kuthl, Tania, and Jae. Today the list stands at eight, tomorrow, may it rose, may it prosper, and for thy sakes,” he paused, “-may thee survive,” the devil sharply turned, the majestic wings enamored many who laid eyes upon what the prince of hell had cultivated. A majestical crown fit for a god summoned above Igna’s palm. Adorned with jewels, magical stones, and ancient inscribing of blessings inside said stones, Gustv and the others lined in the middle of the split crowd, “-Gustv of Rah, doth thee swear by order of justice and fairness to guide thy people to a better future?”

He lowered his head and crossed the chest with his right arm, “-I do.” The golden crown lowered into a flash of amber – the crown emitted constant rays of gold intermixed by occasional hues of diamond, emerald, and ruby.

Next were the aids to the king, each pledged under the Devil’s oath and were granted various items in recognition of their position. A common denominator; white gloves and medium bejeweled staffs of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and grey. They took part in addressing the masses, in the end, Igna rose to the crowd once more, “-as king Gustv takes the throne; there lay greater obstacles ahead. Marinda will be known to the outside world, and the outside world will most definitely know of Marinda, the archipelago of wonder and intrigue. To the new Marindian Nation!”

“TO THE NEW MARINDIAN NATION!” exploded across the archipelago. Kuthl leaped in front of Igna and shouted, “-ENJOY THE CELEBRATIONS!”


The broadcast ended, the golden glow faded, Igna spun at the newly crowned king and his entourage, “-sneaky little fellows,” he smiled.

“Lord Haggard,” they stood at the throne and radiated, “-thank you for everything.”

“Don’t mention it,” he spun, impatient Celestials swarmed the throne, far as they knew, the devil was gone. A remote spell teleported Yui into Rosespian II, “-can you believe them?”

“Back already?” she looked around, “-what did you do?”

“Multi-teleportation,” he said, “-before we leave, I ought to handle something in private.”

“Take your time,” she said. *Snap,* a cloud of mist lingered, ‘-the devil crowned a new nation,’ she stepped out and strode along the bridge, ‘-this is Marinda. The second coming of Arda. Master was right, he’s not returning empty-handed. Just looking at the committee painfully tells how much they idolize him – I won’t be surprised if they erect his statue or something,’ sat with feet free over the water, ‘-I’m scared too, what if Hidros isn’t there when we return?’

Miles underground at a secretive and familiar place, “-Cthulhu.”

“Igna,” echoed from a well-maintained eating area, “-how are you, friend?”

“Good,” he said, “-I see the restaurant’s coming along nicely.”

“It is,” the guardian deity beamed, “-what about you, friend, I sense doubt...”

“Well, I’d lie if I say I don’t have doubts. Just one of those things that bind me to reality,” quick to shrug the heavy subject, “-the day’s here, friend.”

“You’re leaving?”


“Let’s have a drink,” offered the deity raising a bottle.

“No can do I’m afraid.”

A disappointed shrug returned the bottle, “-what then, friend?”

“I’ve come to give this,” keys dropped, “-Rosespire II is yours, friend. Use it as your new home, no more staying underground. Twin Jelly shop will be a good place to start knowing the outside life. I’ve asked some to help alleviate the stress. It’s a good start, trust.”

“If you say so, friend.”

“Been a pleasure, Guardian Deity. Until we meet again.”

“Until we meet again.”

Back at the manor, Igna took a look around, gathered documents and interesting teachings on magical applications, various renowned scholars at the capital, and turned the lock for the last time. Yui noticed his outline and stood, “-how are we headed home?”

“Teleportation,” he replied, “-I’ve asked a good friend to provide sufficient mana. All I know is that we’ll be in Hidros, no guarantees on where.”

“Seriously?” her heart dropped.

“No,” the spell activated; a beam shot into the midday sky, heaviness across the land eased. Celebrations at the castle carried, “-he’s gone,” said a saddened Tania, “-my teacher’s gone, just like that.”

“Hey, Tania, what are you doing over there?”

She turned, allowing the wind to tangle her hair, “-some fresh air.”

A meteor-like projectile struck one of the castle’s towers, “-fast and easy trip,” he coughed, a thick layer of dust imploded.

Yui sneezed, “-where are we?”

“A castle tower?” brief rummaged through the toppled boxes gave onto a string, “-there,” he pulled and gave entry to sunlight. “I guess we arrived at a storage tower.”

“The Hidrosian air,” she snuck under his arm and threw first look at the landscape pointed eastward, “-the orchard and flowers have grown.”

“I’d be disappointed if there were no changes,” said a distant voice, “-found the stairway.”

“Why not stop and take in the sight?”

“A little someone decided to hog the view.”

“Come on, I didn’t think it mattered.”

“Doesn’t matter,” he said halfway down the hatch, “-hence not stopping to take the sight?”

Yui’s energetic step followed, “-you know, master, that was pretty rude.”

“Oh my,” he stopped, “-I swear I meant for it to be rude.” She bit her lips and stopped, Igna ignored said pout and hurried along the dangerously set stairs. That particular tower was nested in the inner castle, the entrance was rebuilt to lead outside. ‘-the area feels numb,’ he walked knowingly, took side-entrances and reached a popular walkway, ‘-the colors have dulled, what’s happened to you, Hidros?’ Yui skipped and gave remarks at the slightest of change, “-where are we headed?”

“The inner chambers; I need to find éclair.”

“éclair?” she blinked; “-can’t you call him?”

He stopped, she flinched and said, “-oh right, we just returned from Marinda.”

He cut into a narrower passage, “-come along, what are you waiting for?” The emptiness didn’t feel the least welcoming, “-here we are,” he horned onto a door, *Prime minister’s office,* Igna smirked and threw open the door. A baffled éclair gawked, “-I’m back.”

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