The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 950

Chapter 950: Raiden Riverty-Haggard

‘What have I done, what have I done... they look at me knowingly. Skeptical regards, why did I get influenced, why did my body willingly move. Was I drugged, is all of this a scheme? Look at them staring, they know, don’t they. I’m not wrong, I was forced into giving myself, yeah, tis a political scandal, I was abused...’

“A failed line of thought,” said Igna to éclair, “-she’ll spin the situation the moment we bring on the incident. Let’s watch and wait.”

“Ahem,” Riaz cleared his throat, “-since both sides are present, shall we begin?”

Dorchester went first, an attendant unrolled a scroll and read the leader’s demand, “-considering victories, we, the church of lucifer, demand Vigrant archipelago’s official annexation into Dorchester’s region. Sibling’s range as well, for the latter now hosts an outpost occupied by many of our soldiers. We request for captive nobles, their children, and prisoners of war to be returned,” he paused, “-all in exchange for a non-aggression pact between Kreston and Dorchester.”

“Seriously?” remarked Minerva, a response that rattled the other side, “-what of the holy crusade, what of the unity of the church, was there not supposed to be a bigger fight. Calling in quits makes the death and suffering worthless – will Dorchester truly afford such a dishonorable defeat?”

Eira rose her hand, taking Minerva’s point, “-question isn’t whether will they, but can they.”

Riaz entered the conversation, “-please, allow me a moment to explain,” he courteously asked, the ministers willingly lowered their query, “-details of the scroll are highlights from Leon. Dorchester represents the crusade, therefore, dependent on lady Eia’s wishes, demands art be altered. We’ve yet to speak on the Krigi affair – seems the town’s under Ardanian rule.”


“Arda is its own kingdom,” voiced éclair, “-what they do is their jurisdiction.”

“What about justification?”

“Arda has the right to start and end wars as they wished. Bear in mind, that the kingdom is fundamental in Hidros’ diversity. Without their knowledge and support – reaching our current level of understanding would be impossible,” he swiped through plenty o’ articles and flicked one across, “-the enslavement of Krigi,” read the title. “-Close proximity with the border allows for residents to move.”

“I get it,” nodded Riaz, “-they were only protecting their people. I see no harm, will Arda retreat from Krigi?”

“Depending on certain outcomes, they may entertain the idea,” said a smug éclair.

“Let’s talk damages,” interjected Eira, “-Dorchester’s heavy use of artillery has laid waste many towns and villages, not to mention the number of lives lost. Rebuilding takes money, and I doubt the church will grant charity in rebuilding a state they deem heretic. My offer stands like this,” she flicked a display of her own, “-pay damages and we’ll release the prisoners – not all of them, for many have set prices,” she smiled, “-a proliferate network is worth weight in gold.”

“Did I mention, it doesn’t have to be on paper,” whispered a nonchalant Igna, “-long as we receive the money or items equal their value; you’ll have the prisoners.”

“Should assume his majesty seeks for monetary gains?”

“Yes sir,” added a cheerful Ela, “-money for the lives of your people. I mean, it’s no skin off our backs. Hidros is very liberal in dealing with an increase in population – more mouth to feed sometimes results in unmarked mass graves. Who is to say really.”

“Krigi’s release, prisoners, and Sibling high for money?” surmised Eia.

“No,” interjected Igna, “-we’re trading, not selling. I strongly believe your country has no means to pay for Kreston’s reparation. I’m not daft,” he horned onto Riaz, “-you’d have suggested a way of paying the debt monthly – reach a certain amount and the church backs out. No way,” he watched, “-Sibling high returns to Kreston. You can have the prisoners except for the nobles and their offspring. In exchange for them, I’ll take lady Eia and her child as ransom.”

A sudden, ‘-what?’ went around the room, “-MAJESTY?” riled Riaz, “-HAVE YOU DONE INSANE?”

“No, I’m being rational,” he steadied the room by deepening the aura, “-Eia’s a person of value, she leads the revolution, an earnest pain on Hidrosian soil.”

“Basically,” Riaz matched his regard, “-this is a negotiation between Hidros and the Wracia Empire, not Kreston and Dorchester?”

“Catch on quick,” he nodded.

‘We give them Eia, and they’ll allow us to move into Dorchester. It’s too good to be true death...’

“Ask away,” said Igna.

‘How did he...’ Riaz shook, ‘-is he reading my mind?’

“No, I’m not reading your mind,” blinked Igna, “-speak already, we haven’t all day.”

“Dorchester, what will become of the province?”

“Tis for the leaders to decide. Vigrant archipelago’s already part of thy domain. Not the greatest of perspective, however, I prefer to entertain the idea of having a wise enemy than an unpredictable ally.”

“Dorchester... fine,” he firmed his stance, “-we’ll split the land into regions, Krigi and the neighboring land will fall into Ardanian territory. Borders between Dorchester and Kreston will remain – I want Vigrant archipelago and this,” he drew a line over the northern region, encompassing most of the Dorchestrian sea, “-how does that sound?”

“And the prisoners?”

“We don’t care,” he smiled, “-they were the pope’s men, not followers of the Wracia Empire.”

“Well then,” Igna rose, “-this settles it,” both parties moved into the middle and shook hands, “-an official non-aggression pact between the new Empire and Hidros.”

“As the right hand to the emperor, I officialize the agreement on this day under the Wracian Crest.”

Eia’s defeated look meandered left and right, unknown to her future, “-Riaz?”

“My apologies,” said the man, “-as king Igna said, we rather share a wise enemy than a daft ally.”

Igna shortly ordered his guards to take the queen away, leaving Diaz exiting into the cloudy Rosespian skyscape. “-My lord,” said the ambassador, “-I must ask, did thee know of my involvement with the emperor?”

“Yeah,” he replied, “-sending Eia was a premise, an underhanded test. Warn the emperor,” he stopped, “-Alphia’s a poison that eats from the inside out.”

“I’ll take the word with great care,” he said, “-wise king of Hidros.”

‘Wise king he says,’ the figure disappeared into a row of vehicles, ‘-not wise, Riaz, but deadly. It worked out in the end,’ he finally breathed a sigh of relief, ‘-Hidros single biggest threat has been deflected,’ back against a massive willow tree, ‘-countless intercepted transmissions painted a clear picture on the once gray world map. Alphia was at risk of civil war, and the Wracia empire fell out of favor with the church, instead of focusing their attention away from the crusade. New continent’s going through changes as well – local tribes have banded together and waged war on the colonists. General Ares of Lucifer’s holy army – there’s so much a religious state can achieve. The last hope of victory – naval reinforcement, was wiped out by the bombing squad. A one-shot victory,’ head against the stump, ‘-it’s over for now,’ the lids wavered into darkness.

A flick reduced illumination, and dusk fell, bringing frigid gusts and indiscriminate droplets. Rosespire castle danced and swayed, celebrations imploded – drinks and amusements swept even the sternest of retainers.

“Peace talks?” sipped éclair, “-what a load of bull.”

“Hey, don’t talk so openly,” narrowed a flushed Ela, “-I get the gist, seriously, what happened earlier?”

“His majesty found and exploited an opening,” commented a flushed Starix, “-Riaz’s a spy for the empire.”

“How do you know that?”

“Intel exchange,” said éclair, “-someone’s proactively researching our enemies and intercepting communication.”

“What do we get out of it,” pouted a very drunk Ela, “-no money...”

“Peace,” said Eira, “-Hidros won’t be attacked openly nor face invasions. Brother paved the way for proxy wars to be a resolution of conflict. This way, we’re not affected directly. Very shrewd and well calculated.”

Minerva gripped a mug, “-was it right?”

“Yeah, it was,” laughed Eira, “-all is fair in love and war.”

Official documents were expressly delivered, “-in exchange for Queen Eia, the empire is granted legitimate claim over Vigrant archipelago and part of Dorchester’s land. The holy crusade of Leon against Kreston is stopped in the name of the emperor. Holy warriors of Leon and the noble prisoners remain in Kreston’s custody; sentenced to the oubliette. The Kingdom of Hidros and the Wracian Empire signed a nonaggression pact,” droplets fell – cold air washed the floor in an icy fog, “-what of it?” echoed Igna, “-the castle dungeon’s a nice place, yeah?”

“Igna,” her eyes glazed, “-how dare you...”

“Eia, dear Eia, poor ol’ daughter of the elated Queen Gallienne. You can’t and won’t ever be able to stand as her replacement. Your mother was a great ruler – she unified Hidros and achieved every goal she set out for herself. Compared to her, you’re naught but a pest, a virus that ought to be squandered. I sacrificed my heart to honor her last wishes. What about her daughter?” he slammed the iron bars, “-what did she do? Betray her trust and bore a child from another man.”


“Right,” he eased, “-a selfish brat can never understand what standing at the top entails. Lavish life, money, pure bliss? No, the sufferance of those responsible for the fate of millions of lives can never be understood by the likes of you. Greedy spoiled brats,” steps marred the dungeon, the argument cut short – a lovely young boy dressed in lavish clothes walked slowly to the cage.

“Raiden Riverty-Haggard, son of Eia Riverty-Haggard, Grandson of Queen Gallienne and Prince Consort Piers Riverty, watch, child, here’s your mother,” the boy tightly held photos, a twist unshackled the rusted heavy lock. The light-haired boy of pale complexion scurried inside, and Igna followed.

“Raiden,” she leaped for an embrace, “-my son, I missed you,” her face regained color, affection and love gleamed, “-what happened?” she tapped his cheek, “-Raiden, look at me...”

“Mother,” he tapped her shoulders.

“What is that?” she grabbed the photos and dropped, “-IGNA, WHAT IS THIS?”

“There, Raiden, it’s your mother,” he sighed, “-her actions have caused the kingdom a lot of hassle. You were raised to be a king, to one day be Hidros’ successor. Eia, isn’t it fun, a family reunion?” her heart sank, a lump strangled her throat.

“Igna...” she covered, her whole body shook as a feather, “-why is Raiden here?”

“Well, the rebellion’s proud to have Raiden as the legitimate holder of the throne, yes?” he leaned shy of the boy’s shoulder, “-a king must be kind and cruel, a type of man who understands but isn’t fooled. Eia,” he bellowed, “-the blame lays on you, and you alone. Today’s the day retribution strikes,” the back straightened, “-using one’s own child for political gain and support from greedy bastards. Well, his legacy was forged on blood,” the delicate sound of a blade leaving its sheath rattled her heart. Haunting cries of the death thundered around the dungeon – Eia struck to the ground, unable to move or act, her jaws locked in horror. “-Farewell, Raiden,” the boy clenched his palms and lowered his head, “-I’m sorry, mom,” the words reached her ears in slow motion, Orenmir struck, blood splattered across her face and body, the tiny figure dropped lifelessly.


He grabbed the back of her head and forced it onto the bloodied corpse, “-have a closer look,” he pushed her head deeper into the gruesome mortal wound, “-your son,” he pulled back her head, her visage stained in red, “-is dead, unable to experience life and the amazing world around,” he reached and grabbed the resting saddened expression of Raiden, raising his head to match her eye level, “-take a good look, Queen Eia, tis what happens when thee go against the devil,” he nonchalantly flung the body against the jagged rock, splitting the cranium on impact. He pulled her hair back further, “-how does it feel to know he died with the thought of his mother betraying him. He died knowing his mother’s infidelity. He died knowing she was the reason for his death,” *smack,* a back-handed slap had her fall into the boy’s puddle. She reached forth, trying to get a hold of his body, “-worthless,” Igna stomped, shattering her forearm, “-you failed him in life, the fuck will you accomplish in death?”

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