The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 975

Chapter 975: Settlement

“Onward,” cried an elderly gentleman. The somberness tied to Inux grew over the coming distance. Time for battle was nigh. Between the agreement struck with the new mayor and Miira’s nonchalant attitude towards the incoming ruffian; an air of freshness grabbed the small populous.

Cora and Kaleem, previously wounded; waited on the mediocre frontlines. Many passed comments. Affluent traders, as they were; ordered seats above the town wall. Town had no guards to populate said prime spot.

Clock struck noon – the first line of soldiers lined the horizon. Acquired information instantly went through the window. Invasion of the Titans was only a small facet of the true story, “-yeah, I figured as much,” Miira pressed her golden-brown spyglass and motioned at her small team, “-listen here people,” she clapped, her voice carried loudly, “-the time for battle has come. Victory won’t come without a few deaths, sacrifices the town is willing to make for the safety of thy families. The Titan association has made its intent known. Even so,” she rose her palms at the horizon, “-today, Inux’s far stronger than before,” and swiped – a sentient fog-like snake swallowed whoever stood between her and the forest. The dust settled all so quickly – and in a matter of seconds; what laid before the invaders were ashy remains of the attackers.

“MY LORD, our first line has been decimated. They have a goddess on their team.’

“Here I thought the Eipea Empire was on verge of collapse,” the white-haired man, taken by the flow of time, rose slowly and tapped rhymical. A distant shuffle announced the presence of a greater Titan; a champion. It rose, blinking a single pupil over the massive forestry.

“Go capture Inux,” ordered the older man, “-we need them dead.”

They blinked knowingly, pushing themselves upright and standing far above the tree line. Steps rattled the very ground – Miira held a pleasureful snicker, “-here it is,” she laughed, “-the strongest,” azure scales covered her arms, ‘-my physical abilities should be more than enough,’ a dash and a punch. She crossed a distance of kilometers in seconds. A bone-shattering crack befell into total victory.


“IT’S BEEN DEFEATED!” cried a messenger who, by a swipe of a blade, had his head cleaned from their shoulder. A mist-like entity killed nearby guards and fighters – no trace of survivors, “-hello,” said Formle sitting beside the leader, “-a pleasure to make thy acquaintance. The name’s Formle, a wandering adventurer.”


“Nay,” he nonchalantly pushed a blade through the man’s neck, “-tis battle.”

A methodically paced step halted below the carriage, “-all done?” inquired Formle.

“No survivor,” returned Vengeance, “-they were easy for Titans.”

“No,” he vaulted onto firm ground, “-they were strong, not strong to us but strong here nonetheless. Goes without saying, the little force was probably just another scouting regiment. He’s no fool, the campaign here was a gamble – a few men for the price of prime real estate.”

A warm welcoming party waited for the heroes. Hope, finally, hope was here; soon as it came, the same personification of the hope set about for another trip. “-My lady, are you sure?”

“Yes,” said Miira, they stood before an empty three-story building set in the backdrop of the townscape, no overly attractive nor dull. The perfect balance between function and pleasure, “-you’ll take credit and Inux lives to see another day. News of thy exploits will bring exiles from all over the isle, those who lost their families and friends. Buckle up, halo-bearer, for work will but increase as time follows.”

“What of you, my lady?”

“Oh, I’ve had my fun with battle,” she exhaled, “-was rather boring, the previous battle. Disappointing really, I thought the siege would have been a battle ripped for a bard’s regal. Can’t always get what we want,” a snap summoned a doorway, “-tis the circle of life,” she crossed into another world. A veil hung momentarily, “-in her place,” inferred Formle, “-you’ll have our assistance,” and so, the Shadow Realm fixed their stronghold in Draebala at a backcountry town known for its depressing atmosphere and damp climate.

Cora, Kaleem, Vengeance, and Formle, each took a room and shortly gathered in the common room. A fireplace burnt the sweet fragrance of scented dots, “-this place is nice,” added Formle, “-Cora, Kaleem, would thee ease on the demeanor.”

“My apologies,” they said, “-today’s battle revealed a lot of truths. We’re no way strong to confront Draebala in full.”

“It’ll come with experience,” added Formle, “-if the limiters were removed, I’m sure the battle-”

“Limiter’s no excuse,” said Kaleem, “-we’re innately weak without help from the shadow realm.”

“And still, even if I were to unleash said powers, my goddess abandoned Draconis and me. How could anyone...”

“Don’t bother,” refuted Kaleem, “-lady Gophy is gone. Complaining won’t bring her home.”

*tap, tap,* “-coming,” answered Formle, “-you two better shut it.”

A mediocre fruit basket rose knee-high, “-thank you for saving our town,” said a little lady in her tens. Her mother nodded positively in the distance; the lass smiled with a few lost teeth.

“Thank you,” he accepted the basket. Curiosity proved too great a vice. Faces mushed against glass panes could be seen at the nearby window, “-a fruit basket,” commented Kaleem in a comical voice.

“They’re weird,” returned the girl.

“Ignore them. Thank you for the gift, little lady.” She scurried to her mother’s side with a little flushness on her mildly dirty cheeks. Once again, the mother bowed graciously. Her actions prove to be a catalyst. Many unfamiliar faces exited their shelter and threw words of welcome at the newly settled family.

“Welcome wagon is here,” mumbled Vengeance, “-I’m going to bed.”

“No your not,” fired the duo, “-we’re going to make friends,” they leaped into the main hallway and sprinted outside, “-LET’S CELEBRATE!” they screamed, the crowd followed, “-TO THE TAVERN MEN!”

“To lord Igna, our arrival was well-received. I foresee many obstacles in our path. My task to find lady Gophy won’t be in vain. Cora and Kaleem have adjusted to Inux’s gloominess. A member of the Eipea Empire offered his services to our cause. Lady Miira’s display was quite the topic of discussion. We’ve only just gotten started on Draebala. Come what may, I swear, I won’t lose against him ever again. The Shadow Realm will reign supreme,” signed Formle.

“POPS!” cried Draconis, “-the vacation was awesome,” a few days elapsed since then. When he returned, the four troublemakers were posed as if a team of superheroes. Memories of the smaller stature felt like only yesterday. Now, as he watched from his bedroom, they all had a growth sprout.

“It was my pleasure,” he smiled, “-safe travels home,” Draconis left, presumably for the toilet.

“Pops,” the classier Saniata approached, “-can I stay a while?”

“Want to have a go in the entertainment world?”

“Yeah,” she nodded, “-I mean, look at me,” she skipped backward and twirl, “-there’s no questioning my beauty, am I right?”

“Yes you are,” he said, “-take the portal and this letter, tis one of recommendation to my cousin. He’s a big name in the entertainment world.”

“Awesome,” she joyously jumped, “-I’ll take the world by storm.”

Vanesa did as Vanesa preferred. Face down on the mattress surrounded by pillows and hauntingly disfigured puppets. Saniata left his room, whilst Draconis entered again, “-tell me, what troubles you?”

“Pops, I’m scared,” said Draconis, “-my teacher’s gone, I don’t know what to do anymore. Everyone’s picking a path. Saniata wishes to become an entertainer. Raphael is already skilled in his arts of restoration. Vanesa’s the strongest out of us – it leaves me, I’m energetic and a strongminded person. I seriously have no idea what to do anymore. When teach was around, we always had fun sparring – she’d go all-out once in a while and destroy my body. It was fun, we exploded abandoned castles, sneak into the overworld and destroy monster settlements,” he chuckled, “-Vesper’s face was always a treat to see. She’d snap and have us rebuild the settlement. Instead, we ask someone else and once the settlement was complete, we’d destroy another. It was more fun when Vesper discovered who cause the chaos.”

“Not anymore,” returned Igna, “-Gophy left for good reasons. She felt unwanted by us, the place we call home grew to distance her. Emotions and a person’s state of mind, God or not, is a mystery in and of itself. Don’t blame yourself for her disappearance – it happened spontaneously. There’s no one to blame, no one, hear me?”

“What should I do?”

“Draebala,” he said, “-if thee wish to spread chaos and destruction, there’s no better place than there. Cora must feel alone as you two were both close to lady Gophy.”

“So, Draebala?” he licked his lips, “-how strong are they?”

“Very. Cora and Kaleem were mortally wounded”

“SIGN ME UP!” any signs of gloominess vanished – Draconis was born anew. The sharpened teeth smile contagiously, “-summon me a portal!”

“Right now?”


“Sure,” he obliged.

A taller figure came by, “-pops, I’m needed back home.”

“Save travels, Raphael.” the strong auras vanished one after the other, leaving him and Vanesa to accommodate the bedchambers. The sleeping beauty, or so he’d think out of parental obligation, had her mouth open and drool over his pillow, ‘-seriously?’

*Status,* wrote the interface, “-an uprising has taken Alphia by storm, the continent is in full on civil war.”

*Incoming call: Julius.*


“Cousin, I need a favor,” said Julius, “-Alphia’s in a state of war – a news broadcast wishes to hear a few words from their monarch.”

“Just a few words?”

“The pay is irresistible, I had to ask.”

“Fine, I’ll record a short video. Will that suffice?”

“Yeah, also, don’t worry about any filters. Speak thy mine, majesty,” the call ended, leaving Igna to scour the surveillance system for information on Alphia’s current state of affairs. The camera toggled to the King dressed in a formal suit and tie, “-greetings Hidros, I’m very surprised an anti-royalist new station would ask for the king’s opinion on the matter of Alphian uprising. To be fair, my message will be broadcasted to other stations and lastly, a transcript will be put on the Arcanum. One can never be certain, changing the narrative is the news’ job. That aside, my opinion on the Alphian revolt is as follows,’ -a long time coming’. Hidros enjoy cultural freedom unlike the world has ever seen. Until a few years ago, Alphia also shared in said glory. Playing the blame game is a fool’s errand which is why I’ll say this – religious, political or otherwise any sort of oppression will have an exit. To people who’ve experienced freedom, they’ll yearn and strive toward what they once had. Oppression works only after a few generations down the line – when the time comes when those who knows, perishes. It seems certain factions have decided against the rigid dogma. Alphia’s going through a renaissance of their own. When bloodied blades are put to rest and the chaos calms; a newly reborn Alphia shall greet the world. War and Hidros have walked hand-in-hand, never to understand the true meaning of peace. Saddens me to say, we’re fixed in our roots, and I’m proud. Cherish what thee have and strive for betterment,” the video ended. It would later be shared across the kingdom; the king’s words were gentle and read like a tale. However, those wise knew of the underlying message.

“And there,” he clicked and eased into the seat. A fiery aura stormed into the room, “-master, a word.”

“Sathanas, I tell you, be warmer with thy words. It’s unbefitting a lady. One must speak eloquently.”

“Yes, yes,” she crossed her arms, “-I’ve located Port Dawn and the Clockwork Factory.”

“Is that so,” he stood, “-and what nature of devices have they in store?”

“Gears and cogs, work of drawven technology.”

“To see their business,” he turned for the cupboard, “-I should get ready. Have a carriage prepared, I’ll leave as soon as possible.’

“One condition.”

“Yes, you can come along,’ he smiled, “-didn’t think I wouldn’t notice.”


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