The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 977

Chapter 977: Lady Katherine’s silent smile

July, location, Rosespire’s private airfield. Aircraft’s harsh landing squealed. A darkened jet taxied to a similarly somber hangar. Stairs lowered and from the cockpit rose a familiar face, ‘-back home,’ inhaled Igna, ‘-what a great surprise.’ Unbeknownst to the king, after the very liberal selfie landed upon the group chat, an explosion of messages and voice called ensued.

“This is Hidros?”

“Yes,” he replied.

No time was wasted on ceremony, for it would seem, the king had more pressing matters to attend to. The castle was yet notified of the arrival. At the crack of 09:00, as the town revived from the prior night – two bikes passed the castle gates, “-was that?” narrowed Eira, a whiff of air from the steeds tussled her hair. She immediately stopped and turned, “-I’ll be right back,” she said, scurrying at a jogger’s pace.

Colorful helmets lifted to familiar faces, “-brother.”

“My, big sister,” he unsaddled with the intent of exchanging a tender embrace, “-it has been far too long.”

“It would seem so,” she replied, “-wait, no, don’t change the subject. What of...”


“You mean the Empress?” he turned, just shy from her audible range, “-over there.”

“Igna...” without a time wasted, “-good morning,” said the Empress, “-it’s a pleasure to make thy acquaintance, lady Eira. Igna has recounted much of thy tales of bravery.”

“My, I’m flattered,” she said, “-if you would,” an urgent sting from a fellow worker hung, “-we’ll discuss the matter, later.”

“Sister, it would be great if you could extend the recency?” She turned, bore no remark, and rolled her eyes.

“Ice cold,” whispered the empress.

“My sister for you,” he turned at the castle, threw keys onto passing butlers, and headed forth.

“You two are with me,” ordered Sathanas closing their distance, “-I’m headed to Glenda after, is that okay?”

“Long as the damage is kept minimum,” he quipped.

“I understand,” they split inside; king to the inner chambers and Sathanas to Midne’s quarters, else referred as the Doek the Cruel’s den; a character who lived hundreds of years ago, a particularly cruel king with a flair for torture and punishment as a way of repentance.

A solemnly gentle melody hummed. The calming effect diffused through open windows, by which, Igna stopped and stared. Golden locks stood beautifully before a row of children dressed in uniform. They held a notebook and drew – the surrounding flowerbeds and pleasantly colored flowers added much to the calming area.

“And we’re done,” she clapped, “-good work everyone.”

“Thank you, majesty,” they bowed, the emphasis placed on their shiny crests – the royal academy. “Instructor,” such was her title at times when the students visited the castle, “-may we come again?”

“Long as your teachers allow it,” she smiled and spoke the same response. The children would smile innocently – alas, against their pearly whites, Katherine’s amiable response was little more, for it represented an adult life, a taint, a lie. Her beautifully carved visage was much too reassuring for the visitors.

“Bye, bye,” the voices faded, true instructors guided their burden. The lovely yard cupped amidst a moat of flowers, held more. The childish innocent left – giving way to the truth of the real world, a place where Igna’s scheme once turned a lady’s future upside-down. A place where he disavowed himself from the previous queen. Naturally, palace whispers reached Katherine, who, by herself, would climb a gentle hill and sat, facing the deviously colorful scenery. A burst carried leaves, she turned leftward – facing the palace, ‘-Igna?’ her insides sank, for in his company walked another woman, ‘-she’s pretty,’ remarked the distant Katherine, “-who is she?”

*Dring, dring,* “-my lady,” said Jue, “-lord Aud has left a message.”

“Jue, my dear Jue,” she exhaled, “-I only just received the message.”

“Transport is ready, my lady.”

“My dear Jue, you always take care of my troubles, I do apologize...”

“My lady,” said her personal aid, “-is something the matter?”

“No, no,” said a distantly faded sigh, “-nothing’s the matter.” And so, as the clock struck a few hours later – a tall building rose amidst a jungle of offices and skyscrapers. The entertainment district flashed louder and carried both the good and the bad. Nothing was ever black and white, scandals involving idols; younger teens arrested for illegal possession, and not to mention – Raven’s direct involvement in setting the trend for western expansion – De Costle stripe made anew, in the image of Rosespire. Decadent walls circled a media complex, inside were host to renowned agencies, musical production houses, or film studios, where local and foreign, established or sprouting – those with means settled.

A smooth stop, “-we’re here, my lady.”

“Thank you, Jue,” Katherine exited a very expensive car. Auder’s Inc wrote upon one of the taller buildings. Climbing the stairs was always a sight, ‘-want-to-be actresses, distressed professionals, and the always-present shady character. It’s true, where there’s money, there’s evil,’ she continued – doors opened, the bustling reception held its breath – a path cleared, ‘-again...’ she continued down to an elevator, soon to disappear into the upper offices. The all-to-familiar backbiting, “-just cause she sleeps with the king, are we to stand aside?”

“Probably slept her way to the top, that one.”

“What a pain, ruining the mood.”

“Why would a royal ever wish to work, it’s an insult to the rest of us.”

“Ugly bitch,” silent and heart-tearing; such was the saddening truth. Jue, observant to the blatant discrepancy, threw murderous leers to no avail. ‘-my lady keeps her emotion hidden. It’s always the same. Mental harassment, no proof for they but say words. They don’t know anything about the countless rejections, the constant feeling of worthlessness and insecurity. Being a royal isn’t easy – they don’t know anything about what my lady so anguishly recounted; how she was abused, beaten, and tortured for having a name. Even when I suggest a course of action, her reply is always the same – a kind smile and forgiving expression. Don’t worry, my lady, even if the world turns against you, I’ll be by your side,’ the elevator opened to a large office. Hallways lined in advertisements – familiar faces of sought-after models – pinnacle of what was considered beautiful.

“My lady,” said a shorter man of slightly enlarged proportions, “-thank you for the hasty reply,” the chubby visage always kept a smile much to the dismay of his lower shirt buttons. By all means, the man was a jolly fellow – keeping his regard earnest and mannerism courteous, “-excuse me,” he gestured to a passing staff member, “-lady Katherine’s here for the photo shoot.”

“Ah, yes,” said the staff, “-why don’t you take your lady and get out. The studio is reserved for Leina.”

“How is that possible?” he cried, “-we were asked to campaign for Ludva.”

“Allow me,” interjected a taller suavely dressed man, “-it seems your agency Auder, has asked my stars to represent Ludva. Besides,” he leaned, “-for a royal to dress so immodestly would be a disgrace for the royal family. Ludva represents lingerie, the peak of sexualization.”

Thus, akin to a push – the doors shut, “-I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize,” she smiled, “-it’s not your fault, Aaran, it’s not your fault. I should have given up on this senseless endeavor a long time ago. We should leave, I’m terribly sorry.”

Her defeated blue gems lowered onto the hallway floor, “-excuse me,” until an opposing party arrived, “-are you lady Katherine perchance?”

“What’s it to you?” echoed Jue, “-you here to make fun of her majesty?”

“No, I’m confused is all,” he paused and crossed his arms, “-surely, isn’t there someplace her majesty ought to be?”

“I apologize for my attendant’s behavior. The week’s been strenuous on us all. You’re correct, we should return to the palace; modeling didn’t pan out for little ol’ me.”

“Aha,” he smiled, “-the Goldberg domain’s dialect. It’s very nostalgic. I forgot to introduce myself, Elon, as in the man behind the Elon Empire.”

“Do pardon my master,” quipped a smartly dressed secretary, “-my name’s Alison. I contacted your manager for the photo shoot. Is something the matter?”

“We were kicked from the studio,” added Jue, “-something to do with lingerie...”

“I see,” they paused, “-make no mistake, I didn’t wish for any misunderstanding,” elaborated Alison, “-I asked for lady Katherine solely on what she represents.”

“Besides, Ludva isn’t only about undergarments,” followed Elon, “-if it’d be that simple, hell, anyone with a great body could model undergarment and make it sexual. Ludva stands more than a mere passing fancy,” he laughed, “-today’s the day we expand. Lady Katherine, would thee kindly become a spokesperson for our new line of beauty products?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“The job we asked was for thee to represent a newline of products.”

A light at the end of the tunnel – “-are you sure?” Aaran’s gloominess evaporated, “-I mean...” after much hardship and restrictions – Katherine and her small entourage could see hope – the world hadn’t yet surrendered, “-tell me,” a sharp intonation split the moment of relief, “-who said you weren’t invited?” inquired a dense expression, “-let me give them a little piece of my mind.”

The studio ultimately cleared to host a single person; Katherine. The affected suave manager held his gaze unlike the defeated bunch of starlets.

“What’s so great about her anyway?” inquired models lathered in revealing outfits, “-why should we have to yield our stride for another?”

Elon watched from afar in anticipation, “-you sure?” approached Alison, “-I mean, we did refuse her participating at the last minute.”

“Yeah, I know, it’s my fault. I was being stupid. Forget what I said. Here I thought I was being thoughtful to my friend. Turns out, he already knew what modeling meant and more than certainly would have advised against if reputation mattered. Don’t get me wrong, reputation is everything for a public figure; ordinarily. Our monarch’s no ordinary man, he’s a whimsical leader who’s proven himself time and time again. The Haggard are inherently strangely charismatic; no wonder lady Katherine decided to pursue an uncommon path. When I saw her defeated expression and the smile she placed despite the rejection – I understood. She’s a monster on her own merit, a slumbering fighter.”

Imaginary curtains parted; lady Katherine exited the backroom to instantly grasp the studio, “-I knew it,” he smiled, “-she’s a beast, no question.” Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder – such is what’s common sense. However, when Katherine took up the place before the camera lens, there was no mistake – she was the epitome of dignified beauty. “-Send a contract to Auder, I want lady Katherine as our brand ambassador. A new brand and a fresh face, nothing beat’s a good zero-to hero story.”

Meanwhile, at the palace, “-Igna...” a cold voice entered his office, “-where are you?”

“Here?” he said throwing his hand over the desk, “-over here,” he clambered to his chair, “-good afternoon, auntie, what brings you to my humble abode?”

“Oh,” she stormed the distance, “-what’s the meaning of this?”

“My,” he smiled, “-you look absolutely splendid today, my dear aunt. The mix between Victorian and modern is very refreshing. Thou art the pinnacle of all things cold and strict.”

“Don’t casually throw around insults. The three weeks have changed you quite a bit...”

“No, I’m just in a good mood,” he said, “-returning home from my trip felt amazing. Too bad sister’s extended the regency.”

“Yeah, she willingly extended your job.”

“I yield, please take a seat, auntie – I’ll answer thy questions.”

“Explain this,” she pointed at the selfie, “-I need to know.”

“Oh, I rescued the empress and her attendants from an unfortunate plane crash. It was quite the heroic feat if I say so myself. We bonded afterward, I mean, the new continent’s no technological marvel. Peaceful countryside, the smell of old books, and the slow pleasing aroma of tea. What could a man want more?”


“Nothing of that sort,” he said, “-I’m in no mood of recreating Cheap in August1.”

“...” she frowned, “-can I trust you?”

“Yeah,” he nodded, “-I swore myself not to interfere with another’s love life. Worry not, I’m not so low as to fall for such blatant disrespect.”

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