Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 207: New World's First War

Chapter 207: New World's First War

The Clowns leave Giza and go to the next island. But they don't follow the Log Pose, they follow an Eternal Pose. Their next destination is Beak Island that shaped like a bird's beak. This is an island controlled by Beasts Pirates.

But when the Clowns leave Giza, some pirate ships are following them. Just like what Buggy said, these crews are rookies hunters. They are targetting The Clowns since they arrived on Giza.

"Woah, look at that, we are being chased," says Deon playfully.

"Hmm, 5 ships, huh? It's more than I thought," says Palu.

"What should we do, Captain?" asks Cricket.

"For now, let's wait and see," says Buggy.

Sometime later, the 5 ships that chase them start to fight with each other. They don't want to let the other crews get the Clowns that have 5 people with bounties higher than 100 million. So they try to destroy the other crews and capture the Clowns themselves.

The Clowns are watching the naval battle as if it is a show. Those idiots think that whoever wins will be able to get the Clowns under their wings. They never consider the Clowns' strength at all and think that the Clowns are just another naive & weak rookie crew.

After some minutes, a crew finally wins the naval battle after the other 4 get destroyed. The winning crew chases the Clowns with their already bad-shaped ship after getting damaged by their previous opponents.

This crew has a flag with a picture of a toothless skull. They are the Toothless Pirates and their Captain really doesn't have any teeth left. It makes The Clowns laugh when they see him threatening them with his toothless mouth.

"BASTARDS, HOW DARE YOU LAUGH AT OUR CAPTAIN?" shouts a member of the Toothless Pirates.

"No no no, it should be us who ask. How can you not laugh seeing him every day?" asks Magnus.

The Toothless Pirates get intimidated seeing Magnus's gigantic body. But they still believe that they are stronger even though they face a giant. It's because the giant isn't the crew's Captain, so they think he is weak.

"Hmph, you won't laugh again after knowing our Captain's bounty. He is a man with the bounty of 234 million Belly, you know? Now be afraid and kneel before him," says another man.

"234 million? That's even less than Vice-Captain and just a little higher than Palu-san," says someone from the Clowns.

"Sigh, and here I thought he is a bigshot that has higher bounty than Captain," says another man from the Clowns.

The Toothless Pirates get even angrier and finally, their Captain issues an order to attack the Clowns. But before they even start to attack, The Clowns have made their move first. Enel has moved Black Pearl closer to the Toothless Pirates' ship.

"Destroy them!" shouts Buggy.

The Clowns jumps to the enemies' ship and start their attack. There are only 55 people in the Clowns including the executives. But only 40 people move to attack the enemies that have 93 people on their ship.

Among the Clowns' executives, only Brook, Manba, & Deon move to attack. These 3 need more battle experience and this crew is a good opponent. But the other executives also watch the battle and are ready to help anytime.

They can defeat the enemy's cannon fodders quite easily even though they are outnumbered. The electric therapy has increased their power a lot and now they can fight better than usual. All of the Clown's normal fighters are having fun in their battle right now.

While the normal members fight the cannon fodders, the 3 executives are fighting the enemies' top ranks. Brook & Deon fight their Captain while holding their laugh. Manba is fighting their Vice-Captain who has a fat body, far fatter than Manba.

"Brook, why don't you give him some of your teeth?" asks Deon jokingly.

"Deon-san, my teeth are one of my charms. What if ladies don't want to show me their panties because I don't have any teeth?" asks Brook back.

"They still won't show you their panties even if you still have all your teeth anyway," says Deon while smirking.

"So mean! I need my teeth to sing perfectly, so I won't give them to anyone," retorts Brook.


The Toothless Captain suddenly transforms into a big turtle, which of course, doesn't have a tooth. It makes Brook & Deon laugh even harder because of it. A toothless man has the power of a toothless animal.

Buggy looks at the transformation and thinks, 'Turtle? Isn't that Pekoms's devil fruit? Heh, it seems this guy will die soon and we just hasten it. What a very unlucky guy.'

The toothless man looks at the laughing Deon & Brook before saying, "Turtle might be toothless, but it has strong jaws."

As he says that, the turtle man jumps to bite Brook's leg. But Brook evades it easily and even attacks the turtle with his sword. It doesn't work though because the turtleman uses his shell to block the sword.

Brook & Deon jumps back and Deon also transforms into his Chameleon form. They get ready as the turtle rushes at them. But he is a turtle in the end, so his movement is very slow that it makes Brook & Deon feel like idiots for getting wary of it.

Both of them finally move to attack the turtleman but he hides inside his shell. They try to attack through the holes, but the turtle can spin his shell to block their attacks. The turtle also gets his head out of his shell sometimes to bite them. His head can move at high speed even though his walk is very slow.

"Damn, such a tough shell. If I can use Armament Haki's hardening, this shell won't be a problem," says Deon as he punches the turtle shell.

"Hoo, so you know about Haki. It seems you aren't idiot rookies like I thought," says the turtleman from inside his shell.

Deon gets pissed and yells, "COME OUT IF YOU WANT TO TALK, DAMMIT!"

"Deon-san, calm down! Getting angry won't solve anything," says Brook while still trying to stab the turtle shell's holes, but it keeps spinning.

"Tch, you're right, sorry," says Deon while still attacking.

The 2 of them keep attacking but nothing works. Then suddenly, Brook has an idea and stabs below the turtle shell. It makes Deon confused until Brook moves his sword upwards and flips the turtleman on his back shell.

"Ah, the lower shell is also hard," says Brook in realization.

Deon gets a tickmark and yells, "OF COURSE, IT IS, YOU DAMN SKELLY!"

"I-I thought it will be softer," says Brook, making Deon slap his forehead.

They have a little argument until they realize that the turtleman can't flip his body back. It makes them dumbfounded and grins sinisterly. They walk closer to the turtleman and start to kick his shell from the side.

Their attacks aren't hurting the turtleman, but it makes him move around on the deck like a pinball. They laugh as they keep hitting the turtleman as if they are playing a game. It makes Buggy & co who watched it sweatdrop at them.

"What are they doing?" asks Mantis as she slaps her forehead.

"Hehehe, that seems fun," says Jude jealously.

They keep watching the 2 idiots play with the turtleman until the turtleman breaks into a cabin. It makes the game stops and both players are disappointed. But then, they get serious again when the turtleman comes out with a human-turtle hybrid form.

"Damn you, bastards. I will make you pay for what you did," says the turtleman as he points in the wrong direction because his head is very dizzy now.

Brook & Deon just look at each other before they get serious again. Buggy who looks at it then comments, "Ooh, a real-life Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Ah, no, he's a Toothless Mutant Nasty Turtle."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 231 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 242 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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