Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 209: Improvement

Chapter 209: Improvement

When Brook's attack created a little ice on the turtleman's skin, Buggy realized that Brook has improved his devil fruit's ability a little. He still can't control his soul, but he can bring out the coldness of death.

Brook isn't alone and he has a lot of friends now after joining the crew. He can always play his music every day for others and it makes him happy. Furthermore, he believes that his current crew won't meet the same fate as his old crew.

~Some time ago on Water 7~

"Captain, can you spare your time for me? There's something I want to talk with you," says Brook while Buggy is lying on the ship's front railing.

"Sure, let's go to my office," says Buggy.

They go to the Captain's room and talk while drinking.

"What do you want to talk about?" asks Buggy.

"Honestly, I just want to say my gratitude for you because you've taken me in your crew. I thought I would stay in that dark place forever and it scared me," says Brook while having a solemn expression.

Buggy doesn't say anything for a moment, and then, "Is that it? You've told that to me a few times. Just tell me what you really want to say, Brook."

"Yohohoho, I really can't hide anything from you, huh? But I am indeed very grateful to you for everything that you've done for me. You've also guided me to get stronger and now I have improved a lot in swordsmanship. Not only swordsmanship but also improving my devil fruit ability," says Brook.

"Hmm?! Have you finally grasped it?" asks Buggy in surprise.

"Yes, I have started to feel the energy that resides inside me. But I don't understand it and can't touch it or utilize it even slightly. I don't know anything about it, so I want to ask for your help. This power will make me stronger and I will be able to help you and the crew easier with it," says Brook seriously.

Buggy sighs and closes his eyes before saying, "Brook, do you remember when we met for the first time? Compared to that time, you have improved a lot. It has just been a few months, yet you have become this much stronger. In these last few months, do I ever rushed you to get stronger?"

"N-No, you just told us to keep training if we want to get stronger and survive in this harsh world," says Brook.

"That's right. I want my crewmates to get stronger but I never require them to be very strong. Getting stronger needs process, it's not an instant thing. In these few months, you've worked hard to get stronger. You also keep doing what you like, music. Now finally you start to feel the power that you hold. That means what you did is correct. You just need to do what you usually do. There's no need to push yourself too hard," says Buggy.

Brook still feels uneasy and says, "But-."

"No but. You just need to enjoy the process and understand it step by step. Just enjoy the days with your friends. We are pirates, we shouldn't worry about trivial things like this," says Buggy.

Brook is silent for a moment before saying, "Alright, I understand. I was too anxious that I can't help the crew. But now I finally understand that I just need to be myself to help the crew. What I did has made me stronger and it will keep making me stronger."

Buggy then talks with Brook for some minutes while slipping some clues of how Brook can utilize his devil fruit ability. But he doesn't say it directly because Brook needs to figure it out himself so he can become strong.

Also, Brook talks to him not only because of this but also because he still feels that he is not useful enough in the crew. He feels that he hasn't made significant contributions like the others because he just plays music every day.

So Buggy tells him that his music has helped them a lot. It brings them the happiness that they need every day. They all know they might die anytime but everyone is happy every day because of Brook's music.

"Your music touches the deepest of our hearts and makes us able to enjoy our days to the fullest," says Buggy.

Brook suddenly tears up and says, "So my music is helping you, I'm glad."

He cries and Buggy can only sigh before smiling seeing the skeleton gets relieved. Now Buggy is very amazed at how Luffy makes this guy opens his heart fully within a few days. The protagonist's aura is really strong.

~Back to the present~

Brook has improved a lot since that talk and now he can even bring out the cold energy of his devil fruit. It is just a matter of time before he can use his soul power. His progress should be faster than in the canon because he has someone to guide him even for a little.

Now he keeps attacking the turtleman using his sword. Every time his sword touches the turtleman, the turtleman's skin that gets in contact freeze a little. It freezes even when the turtleman uses his haki.

But the freezing causes the turtleman's movements sluggish. It gives Brook & Deon more chances to attack. They attack more fiercely, especially Deon after he saw Brook's improvement. He doesn't want to be left behind.

They bombard the turtleman with their attacks but the turtleman also fights them back relentlessly. Both sides are injuring each other and seem quite equal. But then the equality tilted when Deon & Brook start to get tired.

The turtleman has more energy to fight than them and he still has a lot of energy even though he fights 2 people. A bounty of more than 200 million isn't a trivial thing. It means that he is a very dangerous person.

Both Brook & Deon can inflict damages to the turtleman, but they're not enough. The turtleman is still stronger than them and has more experience. Brook's cold attacks affect him but not by much. Now they are being pushed and get beaten.

But they aren't the type to give up easily, they are The Clowns, after all. With the last bits of their energy, they intend to go all out in one last attack. They know their comrades will come to save them if needed, but they need to do their best.

The turtleman who realizes it attack the 2 with a strong punch. Deon sees it coming and grits his teeth. He rushes forward and ducks to dodge the punch at the last second. Then he sends his own punch with all his strength.

"Take this! No Name Fist!" shouts Deon.

Without his knowledge, a layer of thin blackish color covered Deon's fist. He punches the turtleman in the stomach with all his strength and cracks it. The turtleman is shocked seeing it and he also feels the pain in his stomach.

But before he can do anything, Brook's sword which has been covered in a blue aura has appeared in front of his neck. He wants to cover his neck with haki, but it's too late. Brook's sword slashes his neck but his neck is still intact.

"Eh? I-I thought you slashed my neck," says the turtleman as he touches his neck.

"You shouldn't touch it carelessly or it will fall off. I have cut your neck, after all," says Brook as he sheathes his sword.


Right when Brook's sword makes a clicking sound, the turtleman's neck gets cut, and the wound freezes. Brook didn't intend to kill him, but the only soft vital spots are the neck & head. The other parts are covered with shells.

"They've finished, what about Manba?" asks Enel.

Manba who is more equal to his opponent doesn't get pushed around. Then when Brook & Deon defeated the turtleman, the white rat-man gets distracted. Manba uses this chance to stab the white rat man's chest, defeating him too.

Buggy grins and says, "We're done."


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 233 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 244 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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