Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 222: Dracule Mihawk

Chapter 222: Dracule Mihawk

2 days after leaving Breeze Island, The Clowns arrive on another island. This island is called Broc Coli Island because the trees here are shaped like broccoli. There is a big city on this island and the Clowns plan to sell the loots they stole from Breeze Island here.

They don't plan to stay here for too long because the Beasts Pirates will surely find their location and chase them. But their plan gets interrupted by someone that they never thought would meet here. The one who makes them need to stay a little longer is Dracule Mihawk.

Buggy & co were on their way to Blackmarket when Mihawk called out to them. He has stayed on this island for a few days and was just about to leave when he saw the Black Pearl docked on a coast. Then he immediately went to find Buggy and finally found the latter.

"Oh, isn't it the infamous Hawk-Eyes? I don't know that you are here. We almost crossed by each other on Sabaody a few months ago but something came up," says Buggy while grinning.

"Yeah, you & Red Hair have done something unbelievable back then. Thanks to that I needed to leave that place immediately," says Mihawk.

"Well, sorry about that. So, what do you want? Don't tell me you want to ask for compensation for what happened there. Let me tell you in advance, I won't give you anything," says Buggy jokingly.

"I don't really care about that and won't ask you to give me anything. I just want to do what I initially wanted to do when I heard that you were on Sabaody," says Mihawk.

"Ho, what is it?" asks Buggy even though he knows what Mihawk wants.

"You are a swordsman, right? I am looking for strong swordsmen and you are quite famous for being one. Let's have a duel," says Mihawk with a serious expression.

"Swordsmanship duel, huh? I don't mind but let me tell you something first. There's nothing I want to give you so we won't make any bet," says Buggy.

"No problem," says Mihawk while taking the sword on his back.

Buggy looks at the sword and he knows it's Yoru without a doubt. But its blade isn't black yet, it still has a normal metal color and is only slightly dark. So Buggy assumes that it still hasn't absorbed enough Haki.

"Oi oi oi, surely I've agreed to fight you. But we are in the middle of the road. There are many people here so we shouldn't fight here. Let's fight near the empty coast where my ship docked. But after I finished my business," says Buggy while looking at the citizens.

Mihawk also looks around and sees many people are looking at them. He sighs and agrees before sheathing his sword again. Then Buggy & co resume their way to the Blackmarket while Mihawk goes to the coast.

Mihawk doesn't worry that Buggy will not come because the duel place is near the Clowns' ship. He will certainly come because he needs to get back to his ship. Also, by choosing the coast where his ship docked has proved that Buggy won't run away.

"Captain, are you sure you want to fight him? We are in a hurry, you know," says Cricket.

"I know, but this is a chance for me to fight a strong opponent. Furthermore, this is a fight against Mihawk. He has fought Shanks a few weeks ago and their duel ended up with a draw. I want to check if my swordsmanship is on par with them now," says Buggy.

"Sigh, whatever then. Just make sure that you finish this duel fast so we can leave before the Beasts Pirates find our location," says Cricket.

Buggy just nods and they enter the Blackmarket soon. They finish the transaction fast and return to their ship. Mihawk has waited near their ship and their men on the ship are on their guards because they all know who Mihawk is.

When Buggy appears, Mihawk approaches him and both of them stand face to face. Cricket & co who accompanied Buggy stands near their ship and explain the situation to their men. They tell their men to relax and just watch their Captain's duel.

Buggy & Mihawk are getting ready to fight and hold their swords tightly. There's a 20 meters distance between them and they stay silent for some minutes. The tension is very high and it makes the Clowns restless.

Just when someone wants to ask when the duel will start, both Buggy & Mihawk suddenly rush at each other. They meet in the middle and their haki-coated swords clash. Their first clash creates a strong impact that spread everywhere.


Lightning-like effects appear from their swords clash. It's the clash of Conqueror Haki and it causes a strong shockwave that pushes the trees and the ship. Cricket & Palu even need to hold their ship using ropes to prevent it from getting away.

"As I thought, you have it too," says Buggy.

"I will disappoint people if I don't," says Mihawk.

Both of them step back a little before starting to clash again. Buggy attacks Mihawk with fast attacks and he does it easily because his swords are small. But Mihawk can block all his fast attacks by moving his big sword in small movements.

Buggy can see that Mihawk is very efficient in his movements that he can match Buggy's attack speed with such a big sword. Then Buggy increases his speed but Mihawk still can match him.

It makes him very excited to see someone who can match his speed & strength. But it also makes him realize that his swordsmanship is still crude compared to Mihawk's. His advantage over Mihawk is his higher physical power.

Mihawk also realizes this and he doesn't find it strange. Buggy is not a pure swordsman like him and doesn't dedicate his life to the way of sword. But it doesn't make Mihawk looks down on him because everyone has their own way.

They keep clashing at unbelievable speed with high power as well. Only a few people in the audience can see their swords clash. Most can only see blurs and the sound of metals clashing with each other.

Both of them has clashed for 20 minutes and they injured each other too. But none of them seem to gain the upper hand so far despite having many injuries. The Clowns are confused though because Buggy shouldn't get injured by a sword.

Well, it's because Buggy doesn't activate his devil fruit. This is a swordsmanship battle, so he won't use his devil fruit which is the natural enemy of every swordsman. With his current level, even a haki-coated sword won't cut his body if he activates his devil fruit.

Buggy's reflex is very great now that he can split his body the moment a sharp weapon touches him. So even if it is coated with Haki, the sharp weapon won't be able to cut him because his body will split immediately, and prevent him from getting cut.

He can win easily if he uses his ability, but there won't be any point to accept this duel if he does that. This is a battle of swordsmen and he takes it very seriously. He isn't a pure swordsman like Mihawk but he still has the pride of a swordsman even if it's not much.

Then after clashing for 20 minutes, someone finally gains the upper hand. Mihawk starts to push Buggy slowly. Both of them have improved in this duel, but Mihawk who has better swordsmanship from the start has grown more than Buggy.

Finally, Mihawk creates a strong attack that pushes Buggy a few meters back even though Buggy has blocked it. Then Mihawk rushes to Buggy at a high speed and swings his sword from above diagonally.

Mihawk passes Buggy as he swings his sword and appears behind Buggy. When Mihawk stops, a silhouette of Buggy's body getting cut in half can be seen in the background. Mihawk closes his eyes and sheath his sword on his back again before turning to look at Buggy.

"Damn, I lost," says Buggy as his upper body floats.

Mihawk looks at Buggy with widened eyes and an agape mouth which ruined his cool image. "What the?!"


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 246 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 257 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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