Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 226: Wano Country

Chapter 226: Wano Country

Buggy looks at the massive waterfall and says, "Wano, I'm finally here."

His crewmates are looking at the waterfall with amazement. They've seen many spectacular views in Grandline, but new things will always amaze them. Furthermore, this waterfall seems like it's filling the sea, so it's very amazing.

They snap back to reality when Buggy shouts his orders to them. The sea around Wano is violent so they need to control their ship. It's an easy thing to do for those who have gone through many dangerous situations on the sea.

Enel holds the steering wheel while the others are doing chores to keep their ship safe. Buggy is on the front railing looking around for something in the sea. Then after some time, he finds what he searched for.


"What will we do with the carps?" asks Palu.

"We'll make them pull us to climb the waterfall," says Buggy while smirking.

Everyone gets confused because Buggy hasn't told them anything about this. He didn't tell them on purpose to make it more exciting. They need to have fun even if this will be a very dangerous trip.

Buggy tells them to hurry up and they immediately move to do their tasks. The Fishmen dive into the sea and search for the carps while Palu & his team tie thick ropes onto the ship with the others' help. Some men also roll the ship's sail so that the carps can pull it easier.

They finish fast and when the Carps are ready, they make the carps pull the ropes. Their ship moves fast toward the waterfall as the carps pull it. Then they get very close to the massive waterfall and most of them gulp their saliva nervously.

Just when they think that they will get crushed by the waterfall, the carps jump & swim upwards. The ship gets pulled upwards and they start to climb the waterfall. It's truly exciting and all of them are amazed by this.

Some of them have sailed on Knock Up stream to reach Skypiea. So they've experienced sailing upwards before, but it's a different experience. Knock Up stream's water moves upwards while this water moves downwards.

They just followed the current at that time but now they are going against the current. The excitement & thrill are very different even if they are similar. The world really has many things that can always surprise them.

When they almost reach the top, Buggy shouts again, "GET READY! THERE SHOULD BE A GIANT WHIRLPOOL UP THERE."

The others widen their eyes and they shout back, "WHY ARE YOU ONLY TELLING THIS NOW?"

They all scatter to do their usual task when they face dangerous currents. Grandline, especially New World is full of dangerous sea currents & weather. So they've gotten used to it and know how to handle such situations.

Their ship finally reaches the top and jumps a little because of the carps' pull. On top of the waterfall, there is really a giant whirlpool waiting for them. Buggy cuts the ropes immediately to avoid getting dragged down by the carps.

He gives a signal to his crew and then 4 square windows open on the ship's rear. Big round metal pipes come out of the windows and they shoot strong air pressure. The air pressure pushes Black Pearl forward and it flies above the giant whirlpool.

This mechanism is similar to Sunny's Coup de Burst. But it doesn't use cola energy to gather the air pressure. It uses the machines that Ruff has made and also dials that they bought on Sky Island.

It also has higher power because Black Pearl is bigger than Sunny so it needs higher power. That's why it has 4 tanks & exhausts to release more pressure. They named this mechanism Clowns' Fart which they made when they were drunk.

Black Pearl flies quite far and finally lands on the calm water. But they are still quite close to the giant whirlpool, so Ruff activates their underwater propellers to get away from there. The ship moves quite fast to the calm water.

Black Pearl has some advanced technologies despite its traditional look. Buggy believes that their ship is the most advanced ship in the world, for now. Well, maybe the legendary Pluton is better but he never sees it so he doesn't know.

"Good job y'all," says Buggy while looking at his men who lay on the floor after they reach the calm water.

They all have tickmarks on their heads but then they just sigh. Buggy often pulls this kind of stunt when he knows that there are dangerous but interesting situations ahead of them. So they have gotten used to it and know that there's no use reprimanding him about it.

They rest for a short time and then go to the land that is located rather close now. While moving there, the Clowns are looking around in amazement. It's the first time they see a sea on an island and islands on an island.

From afar, they can see a small island with the shape of a giant horned skull. Buggy tells his crew that it is Onigashima, Beasts Pirates' base. So there is a high possibility that they've been detected by Beasts Pirates now.

It doesn't matter though because the chance of entering Wano undetected is low from the beginning. Especially after they caused a ruckus for a few months. The Beasts Pirates must've observed their movements and might've predicted that they'll come to Wano.

Buggy guides his crew to Kuri where he & Roger Pirates sent Oden in the past. Oden is also the daimyo of Kuri, so that place is the safest location to land. It's also safer for their ship if they keep it on Kuri's shore.

Before reaching the land, Buggy tells his crew about their plan once more. Then he tells the executives their jobs while they wait for the final battle. They need to watch over their crew while doing some other jobs to prepare for the war.

"Deon, you must finish your task flawlessly. Our success in this war will depend on the result of your mission," says Buggy with a very serious expression.

"I know, you've told me many times on our way here. Don't worry, Captain, I won't disappoint you and finish this. I will succeed even if it's impossible," says Deon while smirking.

"Alright, I leave it to you," says Buggy.

Deon then gets inside the ship's cabin while the others gather on the deck. Buggy then assigns some people who will guard the ship today. Magnus will guard the ship like usual because his giant body will create a ruckus if he just goes to Kuri.

They get ashore and the Clowns descend. Only the guards stay behind on the ship and Deon is nowhere to be seen. The ones who get down then go to the forest near the beach with Buggy leading them.

"Do you know where we need to go to find Oden?" asks Cricket.

"No, but it shouldn't be that hard. We will find him eventually," says Buggy nonchalantly.

Everyone has an expression of disbelief when they heard what Buggy said. Sometimes they even wonder why they follow such a person. But they can't go back now that they've come this far, so they just follow Buggy.

"Enel, use your Mantra to find where the people are. It will be better if you can find the strongest person around here," says Buggy.

Enel sighs and does what Buggy asks. His Mantra or O-Haki has the widest range in the crew because of his devil fruit's ability. His lightning power enhances his Mantra and increases its range a lot.


Right after Enel said it, Buggy also detects the strong person that Enel means. He has just entered Buggy's range and he really has very strong power. Buggy is sure that it is Oden and he is also sure that Oden thinks that they are his enemies.

So Buggy tells his crewmates to step back and says, "Get ready! A wild beast is coming."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 250 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 261 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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