Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 229: Alliance

Chapter 229: Alliance

Oden & Buggy talk again on the rear deck with Buggy still carrying Hiyori on his shoulder. Just like what Buggy thought, Oden has made a decision. He decides to attack Kaido together with Buggy.

It will be foolish of him to not use the chance when The Clowns attack Beasts Pirates. They have the same enemies even with different goals, so they are on the same side. They will get strong allies and get stronger, so they'll have a better winning chance against Beasts Pirates.

"Then, this will be the start of our alliance," says Buggy while smiling & offering his hand to Oden.

Oden grabs Buggy's hand and says, "We will be in your care, Buggyjiro."

"Let's announce it to everyone," says Buggy.

They go to the main deck and call everyone before announcing their alliance. Everyone cheers and the party gets merrier. Buggy takes a glance at Kanjuro before ignoring him. He needs to take care of this guy soon before their plan starts.

The party lasted all night and the men are wasted in the morning. Only a few people 'survived' the party, but they still need to rest in the morning. Surprisingly, Buggy & Oden are not among the survivors.

They were too happy with their reunion and the creation of the alliance. So they drank too much and got wasted like the others. Now they are sleeping on the floor while the women who could control themselves watch.

"It's been a long time since my husband got this happy. Our lives were very hard these years and it was harder for him as a lord. It seems the alliance with Buggyjiro's crew has lifted a lot of his worry," says Toki.

"That's good then. We don't want our allies to be stressed when they fight alongside us," says the drunk Jude while walking toward Buggy.

"Yeah, they can't fight with their full power if they have too much to think," says Mantis as she catches Jude's back collar.

"Release my collar, Mantis," says Jude while struggling to release Mantis' grip, but to no avail.

"No way! I won't let you attack Captain while he sleeps. You are a girl, so mind your behavior more," says Mantis as she bonks Jude's head.

"Attacking him?" asks Toki while watching Jude rubs the bump on her head.

"Yeah, this girl has been constantly trying to sexually harass our Captain lately," says Mantis with a tired expression.

Toki is shocked and asks, "W-Why would she do that?"

"It's because she likes Captain, but he already has someone he loves. She doesn't give up though and keeps trying to get his love, but she never succeeds. Then a few months ago, Enel gave her a very bad idea," says Mantis.

Enel told Jude to just use force if she couldn't use a normal approach. He just said that as a joke but Jude took it too seriously because she was quite desperate at that time. So she started to attack Buggy like this since then.

Buggy himself doesn't know anything about it because she gets stopped before he could know. Mantis & Cricket have stopped her many times but she still does it. They also punished Enel who caused this to happen.

Jude actually stopped doing it since last week, but she is quite drunk now, so it happens again. Luckily, Mantis is there to stop her from doing her crime. Toki can't believe what she hears but Jude's behavior is proving it.

"What a complicated love life," says Toki.

"Yeah, it is. Jude, you better stop doing this or Captain will hate you. He still likes you as his friend, so you'll still have a chance. But if he hates you, then everything will end," says Mantis while patting Jude's head.

Jude looks down before she cries and hugs Mantis. Mantis sighs and hugs her back while patting her back. She is quite the trouble when she is not sober like this.

Mantis then leaves Jude to Toki after she fell asleep. The drunkards will wake up soon so Mantis needs to cook hangover soup for them. It will be a mess if there's no hangover soup when they wake up.

Soon, the drunkards wake up just like what Mantis predicted. They all grumble because their heads hurt so they drink some water that has been prepared by Alan & Elen. Mantis then gives them the soup and they get a lot better.

After everyone wakes up, the Clowns get ready to leave the ship. They will go to Oden's place and will stay there until the attack time comes. All of them need to prepare for it, after all, and they need to make a plan.

The Clowns have made plans, but Oden's group wasn't involved in it, so they need to discuss the plan again. Buggy also needs to think of a way to remove Kanjuro before they attack or they will lose.

On their way to Oden's place, The Clowns can see the bad state of Kuri. It isn't as bad as when Straw Hats arrive here 20 years later, but it's already bad now. The houses aren't maintained, the people are skinny, their clothes are tattered, etc.

"It's like a shelter after a disaster happened rather than a permanent place to live," comments Enel.


Mantis hits Enel's head because he said something really rude. He just crouch there while holding the new bump on his head. Enel doesn't protest or complain because he knows he can't win against Mantis. She isn't the crew's mother for nothing.

"I'm sorry for this idiot's tongue," says Mantis while pushing Enel's head down to bow a little.

"No, it's okay, he is saying the truth, after all. Kuri has fallen into this state because of my bad leadership. But this will end soon, I promise that," says Oden.

"Hmm, we need to think of a way to protect the people when the war starts. They will be very vulnerable when all the fighters leave for war," says Buggy.

"Won't they be safe here? They won't fight, after all," asks Momonosuke.

"No, they won't be safe. The enemies might come here to attack while we go to strike. They can use the people as hostages and we won't be able to fight again if that happens," says Buggy.

They talk about the plan to protect the people while they walk. But no good plan appears even until they reach Oden's house. It's a big house, but it's not a good house because there are many broken parts here & there.

"Palu, how long?" asks Buggy.

"2 or 3 days I think because I don't know the full condition of this house," says Palu.

"Alright, I leave it to you," says Buggy.

Palu nods and asks Kin'emon for a tour around the house. Their conversation confused Oden's group though because they don't understand anything.

"What are you talking about, Buggyjiro?" asks Oden.

"Hmm? Oh, Palu will fix the broken parts of your house. So he needs to know the condition first. That's why he asks Kin'emon for a tour. Don't worry, he has good skill," says Buggy.

"Fixing the house?! Will you really do that?" asks Oden in surprise. His family & men are also surprised.

"Yeah, we will fix it. There's no way I will let my men sleep under a broken house for who knows how long," says Buggy.

"I-I am grateful that you want to fix it, but somehow your words are hurting my heart too," says Oden with a conflicted expression.

"You should feel hurt because I mocked your house," says Buggy nonchalantly as he leaves Oden who has a twitching mouth.

"My Lord," says Toki with a concerned tone.

Oden raises his hands and says, "It's okay, Toki. I just forget that he is a pirate, a ruthless sailor. Pirates usually have foul mouths, after all, even though their intentions aren't always bad. We need to tell our people so they won't fight over a few words. Sigh, I hope there won't be any conflict before we even start."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 253 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 264 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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