Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 246: Kaido

Chapter 246: Kaido

Everyone on the ships watches as the gigantic Azure Dragon flies in the sky. Almost everyone gulps their saliva as they see the sheer size of Kaido's dragon form. He is simply the biggest creature that they've ever seen.

"So you've come, Kaido," says Oden angrily.

"Kozuki Oden, you've finally decided to wage war against me. You even teamed up with the brats who have caused a lot of trouble to me," says Kaido as he looks at Buggy.

"Hey, he talks about us," says Buggy as he looks at his crew.

"We know, Captain. You don't need to tell us about it, you know," says Cricket.

"Kaido, you and Orochi have gone too far. So I've thought that it's enough and decided to end this all," says Oden.

"Worororo, you've just thought it now? Don't you think that it's too late already?" asks Kaido.

"Better to be late than not doing anything, right? Besides, he isn't the only one who is late. You are also late, Kaido. A lot of your men have died in our hands and you also lost most of your territories," says Buggy while smirking.

"Hmph, it just means that they are weak. I can always find replacements. As for those territories, they aren't as valuable as this one. As long as I still have this one, then it won't be a problem," says Kaido.

"By this one, do you mean Wano?" asks Oden.

"What else?" asks Kaido back.

"Hmph, Wano isn't yours. And even if it is, it won't be long before you lose it," says Oden.

"Then you can try to take it," says Kaido before his mouth glows.

A bright energy ball forms in front of Kaido's dragon mouth. He is preparing a breath attack that will be used against the alliance. Everyone on the ships can feel its power and the samurais start to panic.

The Clowns are calmer, but they are still nervous as they see the energy ball. They can feel the power of that energy ball. It is the strongest attack that they've ever felt. Well, Kaido is the strongest enemy that they've ever faced.

Buggy & Oden are unfazed though and they go to the front. They stand on Black Pearl's front railing side by side with their swords ready in their hands. The only way to handle that breath attack is by countering it and both of them know it.

"Woro Breath!"


Kaido shoots the energy ball, creating a big & strong breath attack. Oden & Buggy place their swords between them at a low position. They fuse their swords with their Haki and get ready to use their strongest attack.

Buggy's swords even start to glow white & dark purple. He is activating Pollux & Castor's devil fruits abilities, the pressure & hard abilities. He also detaches his wrists to strengthen his swing & attack.

Then Buggy & Oden swing their swords upward diagonally, to the outside positions. Their swing creates 4 massive flying slash attacks which then form into a double-lined cross. Its size is bigger than Kaido's breath, but no one knows the power behind it.

The cross and breath beam move toward each other and finally clash in the middle. It creates a booming sound that can be heard from Kuri & Onigashima. The clash also creates a shockwave that pushes the seawater and the ships.

Both attacks collide and Kaido's attack is getting pushed back. Buggy's & Oden's combined attack is stronger but it doesn't overwhelm Kaido's breath attack. It just pushes the breath attack before both attacks get destroyed at the same time.

"Worororo, so you can handle that. It seems this war won't be that boring," says Kaido.

Kaido sounds happy, but Buggy & Oden are not. They've used their full power, but it can only push & destroy Kaido's breath attack. They thought that their attack will destroy the breath attack without getting destroyed.

But it gets destroyed, meaning that their attack doesn't overwhelm Kaido's attack. Even worse, they are working together while Kaido is alone. Also, they don't know if Kaido has used his full power or not.

"He is far stronger than I thought," says Buggy.

"Yeah, and he is surely far stronger than 5 years ago," says Oden.

"Well, it is still within my prediction. But this will be very difficult. The current problem isn't his power, but the location. We are still on the sea and everyone is here. Our movement is limited on this ship while he can fly freely in the sky. If we fight in this situation, then he will be able to destroy our ships and sink us all," says Buggy.

Oden is worried now so he asks, "Then what should we do? Do you have any idea?"

"Yeah, and I need your help," says Buggy before he whispers his idea to Oden.

Oden nods and agrees to Buggy's idea even though it's quite risky. But he agrees nonetheless because he can't think of a better one. A little danger isn't a problem as long as they can win this war.

"ENEL!" shouts Buggy, making Enel looks at him.

"Plan G! Take us fly," orders Buggy while grinning.

Enel also grins and nods, "Great, my favorite plan."

Enel flashes between Buggy & Oden then the 2 of them grab onto his shoulder. They get ready as Enel's body turns into white-bluish lightning. Buggy & Oden also have their body covered by lightning but it doesn't hurt them.

"Cricket, you know what to do," says Buggy while he gets clad in lightning.

"Don't worry, we've done this many times," says Cricket while smiling.

"Yeah, I leave it to you, partner," says Buggy while smirking.

"Just don't die, Captain," says Cricket while smirking too.

"Enough chitchat, it's time. Here I go. Express Delivery!" shouts Enel before he disappears into a streak of lightning.

Buggy & Oden also disappear along with Enel. What the others can see is just a white-bluish lightning strike. But instead of going down like how lightning strikes usually are, it goes up toward Kaido.

The lightning strikes Kaido's face and causes a big impact. Then, the 3 who disappeared before, appear on Kaido's face, in front of his eyes. Buggy taps Enel's shoulder and Enel nods before disappearing again, he returns to the ship.

Now, only Buggy & Oden remain on Kaido's big dragon face. They look at Kaido and he looks back at them. The 3 just stay silent and stay still while looking at each other.

Cricket uses this chance and orders the alliance to resume their way to Onigashima. They don't need to worry about Buggy & Oden and just need to worry about themselves. If Buggy & Oden can't handle Kaido, then no one in the alliance can, after all.

Kaido knows the ships are moving, but he ignores them and just looks at the 2 on his face. Just like Buggy & Oden, Kaido also has his trusted men. So he doesn't need to worry about the others and just focus on these 2.

"Worororo, now that you've gotten here, what will you do next?" asks Kaido.

"What is it, Buggyjiro?" asks Oden.

Buggy just smirks smugly before he says, "I haven't thought that far."

Kaido & Oden are dumbfounded, speechless at what Buggy says. They never thought of such an answer from someone who has the idea to get on Kaido's face. Kaido can't believe that Buggy is the man who led his crew to destroy many Beasts Pirates units.

"Worororo, I have many years of experience and have met many people. Among them, there are irritating people like you, Red Nose brat. Do you want to know what happened to them?" asks Kaido with dark eyes.

"They live happily ever after?" asks Buggy while tilting his head.

Kaido shows his angry expression and says, "They were dead."

Buggy blinks his eyes and says, "Well damn."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 270 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 281 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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