Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 248: War on Onigashima

Chapter 248: War on Onigashima

The alliance's ships landed at the port after they destroyed all the buildings. Everyone prepares their weapons and gets down from their ships. Then they march to the skull building that has half of its face destroyed after getting bombarded.

Cricket leads the attack followed by the other executives & Red Scabbards who lead smaller groups. They march to the skull building where many Beasts Pirates have waited. A lot of Beasts Pirates have been injured by the bombardment but they can't retreat now.

Both sides stare at each other with different expressions. The alliance members realize that there are many people other than pirates on the Beasts' side. Orochi's men also join the war, be they samurais, ninjas, or other types of fighters.

But Orochi himself isn't there, or maybe he hides somewhere because the All-Stars aren't there too. The enemies are led by other high-ranked officers. Their number is also still very high even after many have been eliminated.

There are still around 20,000 men on the enemy side while there are 7,000 men on their side. Of course, most of the 7,000 are samurais. The Clowns only have less than 100 men, after all, but their strength is high.

"So the All-Stars aren't here. Well, this will be easy," says Cricket.


"I don't think so," says Queen who suddenly falls in front of his troops.

"Queen, I told you to wait so we can assess their power," says King who flies down in his full Pteranodon form.

"You shouldn't say our plan too, King," says a big man who wears a metal mask, he is the current Jack.

The name King, Queen, & Jack are granted to the ones who become the All-Stars in Beasts Pirates. By defeating the current name holder, the winner will get that name. Jack in the series has either defeated the previous Jack to get the name or the current Jack gets killed so the spot becomes empty.

The current Jack is a middle-aged man in his 40s who has an Ancient Zoan devil fruit too, like the other 2. He has the power of Dragon Dragon Fruit, model: Tyrannosaurus Rex. Deon has gathered information about the Beasts Pirates, so they know all the high-ranking officers' powers.

After the All-Stars, the other officers also show up along with Orochi's high-ranking generals. They all line up in front of their troops and face the alliance's leaders. With their buildings getting destroyed, their choices become limited so they decide to make direct confrontation.

As the 2 sides watch each other, a gigantic Azure Dragon suddenly flies from afar towards them. Kaido came after throwing Buggy & Oden into the sea. He lands on the remaining rooftop of Onigashima and watches from there.

The alliance members are surprised to see Kaido here. They all are wondering why he comes and where is Buggy & Oden. It makes them worry because something surely happened to those 2.

"Kaido-san, I thought you were busy," says Queen.

"Maybe after this. Those 2 fell into the sea but I doubt they are done for. I don't want to wait there so I returned to watch the war to kill time," says Kaido.

The Beasts Pirates get more motivated seeing Kaido come. But the alliance gets rather downed knowing that Buggy & Oden fell into the sea. The alliance leaders believe that Buggy & Oden are fine, so they need to raise their men's morale.

They are thinking of how to do it when suddenly Cricket, Palu, & Enel strike. The 3 attack the All-Stars, surprising everyone there. Cricket attacks King, Palu attacks Queen, while Enel attacks Jack.


"There's no need to worry about those 2, worry about yourselves. Do you not believe in them?" asks Palu.

"You better fight now so when they come we won't be in pathetic states," says Enel.

"They are right, let's believe in our Lord," says Kin'emon before he rushes forward.

The other executives & Red Scabbards follow them and start to attack. Then the Clowns move following their leaders. Hyogoro also moves after them, making the samurais gain their confidence again and start to attack.

The Beasts Pirates who get their morale raised by Kaido's appearance also rush forward. But suddenly, Magnus the giant jumps and lands in the center of the enemies. He swipes his axe across the ground and sends many men flying as he destroys the ground.

Magnus scatters the Beasts Pirates while also killing some of them. The scattered enemies make it easy for the alliance members to attack them. The war finally breaks and battles between the 2 parties happen all over the place.

Kaido watches as his subordinates fight against the alliance. All of his & Orochi's strong members are confronting the alliance's strong members too. Their fights are creating big impacts, forcing the others around them to move away.

Then Kaido looks at the sea while drinking his liquor and says, "You better come soon or I'll annihilate your men if I get bored."

In the sea, a shadow moves at high speed toward Onigashima. It's Oden who swims as fast as he can with Buggy on his back. Seawater splashes everywhere as Oden swims through the big waves.

Buggy holds onto him as tight as he can to avoid falling. But the seawater keeps splashing onto his face like a waterfall. The seawater weakens him a little but not much because he is used to getting weakened by his seastone bracelet.

Still, even if he has the strength to hold onto Oden, he feels as if he'll die because he gets drowned by the water because it keeps splashing onto his face, making it hard for him to breathe.

But he can't do or say anything because they need to reach Onigashima soon. Oden needs to swim as fast as he can even though it might kill him. With Kaido there, their men's winning chance has plummeted.

Even Kaido's presence there will make it difficult for them to win, not to mention if Kaido joins the war. Buggy & Oden can only hope that Kaido will not join and just watch while they move as fast as they can.

They are lucky that Kaido really just watches. He looks at King who fights against Cricket in his normal form. King uses his sword to fight against the Cricket which is using a pair of metal gauntlets now.

Cricket has asked their weaponsmith, Gill, to make this pair of gauntlets. He has prepared it to face King because he knows his bare fists won't be enough against King's sword. It was enough against weaker opponents, but he's sure that he needs a weapon against King.

He can just use his A-Haki on his bare fists, but he will run out of it if he keeps using it. The fight against King won't finish as fast as when he fought others. King is the strongest person after Kaido on the enemy side, after all.

"Aren't you worried about your Captain? He might be drowning now," says King to disturb Cricket.

"I am, but it won't change what I need to do. As the First Mate & Vice-Captain, I have the responsibility to lead our men to win this war when Captain isn't here," says Cricket.

"Heh, so you want to take over the crew now that your Captain has gone," says King, still wanting to taunt Cricket.

But Cricket doesn't get taunted and instead says, "I think it's not me who want it, but you. People who want something usually say that others want it even though it's them who want it. You must be aiming to replace Kaido."

Cricket smirks making King quite pissed. But he also doesn't get taunted by Cricket. Both of them now know that there are no use playing mind games with each other. They are too smart and too loyal to their Captains to play this mind game.

Suddenly, Kaido lands beside them after jumping from the rooftop. "It's getting boring, so let me join this game."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 272 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 283 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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