Trapped in Another World With No Magic

Chapter XX.C: Character Index

Chapter XX.C: Character Index

Author’s Note: Hey Dear Readers! This is a bonus chapter containing character names and brief descriptions of how they fit into the story, as requested by one of my regular readers. I finally got around to hitting as many of the main characters as I could off hand. I'll try to continuously add to it. If you notice anyone important that I should add, please comment with who they are (and chapter they're in will be helpful too, in case I can't get to it right away). 



A rather average human from Earth, specifically USA. He is close to average height for an American at 5’9” (~1.75m), with dark brown hair that most people consider black, and dark brown eyes. He was 33 years old when he had just returned home from work and was drinking rum to relax, when a strange light appeared and summoned him to another world, just like out of a work of fiction. The mysterious transfer made him approximately 10 years younger physically, but with his additional experience and knowledge unaffected.

Daniel worked as a maintenance technician on manufacturing machines after serving in the Navy as a nuclear operator. His background has given him a great deal of humility and mechanical knowledge, while his hobbies have expanded on both of those facts, giving him enough knowledge to manage to keep himself alive while in a world of magic, and he himself had none.

Tachibana Rikuto (Rikuto Tachibana)

Tachibana Rikuto, given name Rikuto, is a young college student studying many civics courses and economics. He is the human from Earth chosen by the goddess Ryukana to answer the Divine Summoning Ritual performed by denizens of Zenkon, specifically the royal family of Mornistae. Rikuto is earnest and hard-working, but his wisdom and experience are limited, making him capable of great feats, but struggling when unprecedented challenges begin to arise.

King Greydald kos Mornistae

The reigning king of the kingdom of Mornistae, he is the one who chose to perform the Divine Summoning Ritual in order to try to circumvent a failing economy and hungry eyes of other territories around them. While he is a kind and gentle soul, he is quick to turn over his authority to Rikuto, who is able to analyze and correct many of the situations that were weakening Mornistae. While many respect Rikuto well enough, it’s no secret that his arrival has created an opportunity for change. He has grey hair, and a well-kempt beard, and blue eyes from whom  his daughters received their eyes. 

Princess Heralesse kos Mornistae

The Crown Princess of Mornistae, she is the first born child of the King, and the presumed heir. She has a very light sandy blonde shade of hair, and her eyes are blue. She is 17 years old, and she bears a great deal of responsibility for her age (compared to what Rikuto and Daniel know). She can have a bit of a passionate temper, but she’s generally a very sincere and honest person, if temperamental and demanding at times. She favors form over function, and often wears a more military-esque uniform as she organizes the Royal Guard.

Princess Erimaya kos Mornistae

Princess Erimaya is the second princess of Mornistae at 12 years old, and younger sister to Heralesse. She is a soft-spoken bookworm with very light blonde hair and darker blue eyes than her sister or father. She is the one who suggested the Divine Summoning ritual after reading about it in the library, and she feels responsible for Daniel’s plight, since he arrived without magic. When she fell under mysterious circumstances from the ramparts of the castle, she landed in the river flow-through that flows into the castle and drowned. Daniel was able to resuscitate her, but his emergency response ran contrary to the modesty customs of Mornistae (and most of the Eastern kingdoms), so he was banished to Fort Peony. Princess Erimaya has not forgiven Rikuto -who caved to pressure from the nobles-, Heralesse -for not understanding that Daniel saved her life-, and her parents for not doing something. 

Wenlianna Kos Stalvaltan

Eldest daughter of the Grand Duchess of the Stalvaltan Grand Duchy, Wenlianna has always been a scientist at heart. She devours knowledge wherever she can get it, and as such, has become one of the most prominent Magic Artisans of the kingdom of Mornistae, rising to Court Magic Artisan rank until a duel between Daniel and Gunther led to her resignation as a term for Gunther winning the duel. Wenlianna has brown hair and green eyes, and she often is seen wearing a lab-smock, her family’s carefully-crafted net-like hair ornament, and glasses that she can’t see without. She is 23 years old, but carries herself even more maturely when the situation demands it. She becomes nearly obsessed with knowledge she doesn’t already have, especially technology, and she becomes fast friends with Daniel after he works with her to adapt Earth’s advanced modern technology to Zenkon’s magic crystals and magic technology. She can be haughty and put on a show for an audience, as seen with the duel, but she is most comfortable holed up in her lab, and because she knows and respects that she’s not a fit for nobility with her obsessions, she prefers to simply stay out of sight. Aramellianna has high expectations for Wenlianna, but rarely needs to interfere because Wenlianna’s drive and technology have made the Stalvaltan Grand Duchy wealthy, and Wenlianna, who can use any kind of magic, can extend her lifespan -as well as her fertile years- and start a family much later than usual. Regardless, Wenlianna realizes that she’s in love with Daniel only after he has been sent away, and Aramellianna commits the full might of the Stalvaltan Grand Duchy to finding him and retrieving him.

Aramellianna kos Stalvaltan

Grand Duchess Aramellianna kos Stalvaltan is the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Stalvaltan, a vassal territory to the kingdom of Mornistae. The Grand Duchess is a very attractive and powerful woman, even as a widowed mother of five daughters. While she was married into the Stalvaltan family, few are more Stalvaltan than the Grand Duchess, having dedicated her all to the legacy of the family, her children, and the might and wealth of the Grand Duchy. She has Brown hair that she’ll often stylize, bright green eyes, and a somewhat stern, matronly expression that seems to always be calculating. Daniel views Aramellianna as the most prolific capitalist of Zenkon, a world where capitalism hasn’t explicitly been defined the way Earth has defined it. She is always looking for business opportunities to expand the Grand Duchy’s wealth, and while she’s loyal to the kingdom of Mornistae, she is the only person in the Kingdom that has the authority to depose the king, in the event that incompetence or corruption endanger the kingdom as a whole. As such, she flexes this authority very openly after Daniel is banished, and the brief moment of tension is redirected into a combined effort to help stabilize the fallen kingdom of Bromlund, from which Aramellianna and the Grand Duchy profit greatly. Aramellianna loves all her daughters, but she does favor Wenlianna for being able to stand completely on her own and forge her own path ahead. She’s not especially affectionate normally, which makes the rare hug from the Grand Duchess all the more meaningful and powerful, nearly as powerful as the loyalty and respect the soldiers of the Grand Duchy have for her.

Yanidere kos Stalvaltan

The second eldest daughter of the Grand Duchy of Stalvaltan, Yanidere is slightly taller than her eldest sister Wenlianna, and she shares more features of their mother Aramellianna than Wenlianna, including a highly feminine figure, beautiful, soft-angled facial features, and eyes that give a sense of wisdom. That said, Yanidere is rather light-hearted, often being friendly and playful, rather than serious and calculating like the Grand Duchess. She is married and has a good relationship with her soft-spoken husband from a count’s family, and they continue to live in the Grand Duchy to support Aramellianna as the heir apparent.

Yanidere loves her family very much, and while she lives every day with the expectation that she’ll be the one to inherit the Grand Duchy due to Wenlianna’s complete lack of interest in noble or social affairs, she hopes her elder sister will find someone that wins her heart and makes her want to claim her rightful place at the head of the Stalvaltan family.

Yormolett kos Stalvaltan

The third daughter of the Stalvaltan family. Yormolett has only recently come of age and is engaged to be married. Like her mother and sisters, she has brown hair and green eyes, though she is very lithe and slender. She usually wears her hair down, giving her a more ‘homely’ appearance compared to her sisters excluding Wenlianna, who focuses more on her research.

Yormolett is the most quiet of the five sisters, often observing and learning, rather than taking charge or becoming especially social.

Bunnrimae Stalvaltan

Due to their age and not having had formal social debuts in noble society, Bunnrimae and her younger sister Haldestania are not yet conferred with formal titles, so they don’t use the ‘kos’ nobiliary particle. Bunnrimae is the one of her five sisters who shares more features with the late Grand Duke than with Aramellianna. She has light hair that would be considered ‘sandy blonde’, hinting at brown through a blonde base. Her eyes are also a bright golden color like her father’s.

Haldestania Stalvaltan

The youngest daughter of the Stalvaltan family, Haldestania ‘Desti’ is the ‘gem’ of the Stalvaltan family. She is very kind and gentle, though she also does cling to Aramellianna more than the others. The Grand Duke passed away shortly after Haldestania was born, so she has no memories of the Grand Duke other than the paintings and stories told by her sisters.

Grand Duke Yaandrestarr kos Stalvaltan

The late Grand Duke of the Stalvaltan family, Yaandrestarr was the beloved husband of Aramellianna and father to all five Stalvaltan daughters. Descended of an ancient bloodline of warriors with a great deal of magic, the Grand Duke established the Stalvaltan Guard, a legion of powerful battlemages rumored to be able to fight a greater dragon without thousands of casualties. Wenlianna was the only one of his daughters to inherit his rare talent for omni-affinity magic.

Commander Leiwelles kos Morglodston

Commanding officer of Fort Peony, Leiwelles is a warrior who has made Peony into what it is as ‘the flower garden’. What started as a loose tradition before became a more defining trait of the fort; that it is manned almost entirely by women. There are several reasons for this, but Leiwelles has proven capable of keeping the women under her command focused, guiding them and giving them a place to earn honor and respect, or to give the last bit of themselves for people they’ve lost. Leiwelles is on the taller side for a woman, but is still much shorter than Daniel. She has brown hair and icy blue eyes that seem to see through everything. Thanks to her god-given unique magic ability, she actually can discern truth from lies. While she doesn’t abuse this ability for personal gain, it is one of her most powerful tools from manipulating everyone on the base into doing what she wants, or for luring out hostile elements that she needs to send away. She’s one of the few people since the incident with Erimaya that genuinely respects Daniel and his ability to separate his personal feelings from his ability to obey the chain of command. She often disapproves of Daniel not standing up for himself as a result, and she ‘punishes’ him by ignoring him for the most part, though she also treats him with respect as a fellow soldier. 


One of the goddesses of the Divine Realm, and specifically the goddess responsible for Zenkon. Upon the Divine Summons ritual being performed, she chose and prepared Tachibana Rikuto from Earth to answer the summons. Ryukana is roughly in the middle of seniority of the Divine Realm, having experience in managing worlds, and often being scolded for granting too many blessings and special abilities for her chosen heroes. Because these heroes can sometimes become problems, Ryukana accepts the scolding, but will sometimes sneak in special gifts or abilities for her chosen heroes. She learns the hard way that, while it’s unknown how or why it happened, a second human from Earth was accidentally summoned at the same time. Because he wasn’t prepared for the world in the way he should have been, she became distraught, and desperately searched for him.

Lieutenant Gwenesphia Honeydip

A gatonine lieutenant serving at Fort Peony, and often on rotation for morning watch on the west (demon side) wall. She is a kind and gentle soul, so she takes pity on Daniel at first, later learning that he is responsible for restoring many of the comforts of Fort Peony that the soldiers were suffering through thanks to the difficulty getting a magic artisan or artificer to the defensive line. After having a few conversations with Daniel and learning more about him, she became attracted enough that, when she goes into heat, she tries to seduce him. His refusal after learning of her state earns even more of her respect after the fact, and when he seemingly sacrifices himself to defend Fort Peony, she and Sergeant Treia began a journey to find Daniel and rescue him if he’s in trouble.

Gwenesphia is the youngest of seven siblings in a barony, so she joined the military with virtually no expectations of any inheritance from her family, and nothing to look forward to but a marriage.

She has a modestly feminine figure with faint violet blue hair and fur on her feline ears and tail. While she’s generally rather docile, she is still a brave soldier of Fort Peony. 

Sergeant Treia

A gatonine sergeant serving at Fort Peony. She has a bit more of a combative personality. She is highly suspicious of Daniel at first, since he arrived at Fort Peony with the story that he had done something inappropriate to a child princess of the kingdom he came from. Treia has light brown hair and fur on her feline ears and tail with faint darker brown stripe-like patterns on her tail and ears. Her eyes are a bright blue color.


A demon chieftain just below Vaergraes in rank. He attempts to make a diplomatic connection with Hekate and the Citadel behind Vaergraes’ back. After being rejected, and upon her refusal to blindly continue the war, he attempts to have Vaergraes assassinated, only for Daniel’s golems to interfere.


An Uhl’tall or “True Demon” who has gathered the demon-kin together in hopes of escaping a doomed fate for all of the demon-kin. She is one of the most powerful mages in the world, stronger than the Dragon Lord Morthybargaron, which is how she was able to get him to cooperate. She has bi-color skin, with a light creamy tan patches swirled with a more violet hue similar to vitiligo, but with an almost tattoo-like ‘intentional’ appearance to the shapes, though they hold no real significance. Vaergraes is considered the Demon Queen, but she’s actually an Uhl’tall archpriestess, practicing an ancient spiritual religion that is focused on observing and maintaining a balance in the world. As a powerful archpriestess, Vaergraes can ‘listen’ to the world’s mana and feel major changes, as well as see the future and the past to an extent, similar to a Dawnseer.


An Uhl’tall priestess and sister to Vaergaes, she is a gentle and timid person, though she is skilled at reading people quickly and is fairly social in spite of how reserved she can be. She appears to be a teenager or in her early twenties, but is older than she appears. Because she is often rather reserved, she can come across as much more mature than she appears as well.


An Uhl’tall warrior capable of defensive and healing magic who serves as Vaergraes’ right hand. She is Vaergraes’s most trusted advisor and joins the Archpriestess and her sister in fleeing to the Citadel after being ousted from the Demon Covenant following the destruction of the Devourer. Illianna carries herself like a fairly cool professional, keeping her emotions in check and trying to look out for Vaergraes and Thymeria when they give into their more immature desires. Regardless, she often ends up supporting the two in whatever they choose to do.


A goblin that was part of the attacking force that marched on Fort Peony, defeated shortly after by Daniel and his unprecedented weapons. She is the first one to awaken after the battle, and though it was a bit of a rocky start, she has become attached to Daniel. Later, she is the second to give birth to Daniel’s children. Shek is fairly outgoing, and she favors wearing golden clothes after becoming one of Daniel’s consorts. She has brown hair, cute features, a fairly shortstack body, and golden eyes.


Another goblin that was part of the same attack on Fort Peony as Shek, and a friend of Shek’s before being conscripted. Skloe is more subdued than Shek, but still eager to prove her worth as one of Daniel’s first companions. She is the first to give birth to one of Daniel’s children. Skloe is more lithe and slender than Shek, and a little taller. She has brown hair and blue eyes.


Lady Ahok is a half-goblin who was captured during the conflict and sold into slavery. She was bought by a merchant who brought her to Mornistae, where she demonstrated an uncanny talent for working with magic items, since she often stole and disassembled them when she was still in the demon-kin army. Over the years, she proved her talent, and she became a magic artificer before getting promoted to magic artisan, and eventually working her way up to Court Magic Artisan taking Wenlianna’s place after Daniel’s duel with Gunther. Ahok is extremely adept at manipulating magic via equipment designs.


A Chi’rinnis tribeswoman and the daughter of her village’s chieftain. Her skin as a somewhat glossy grey tone with dark tiger-like stripes, and her hair is a silvery green color. Her bright eyes are a crisp orange color, and she is a capable magician in her own right, though she’s far less powerful than Vaergraes. She was part of the attack force that marched on Fort Peony. She has antler-like horns that protrude from the crown of her head.


A succubus woman who was also a part of the attacking force that came to Fort Peony while Daniel was there. She was one of the main cooks for the expeditionary force, though she is also capable of hypnosis magic and detecting lies through mana. She has caramel-colored skin, pink hair, and violet-pink eyes that have shimmering specks. She, like other succubi, also has a slender tail coming to an arrow or heart-like point.


Better known as ‘The Red Knight’ to other races, he is the dragon lord’s younger brother, a fearsome and malevolent greater dragon that lead an attack force to penetrate the last main defense of the eastern half of the continent; the mountains. He chose Fort Peony because of its relatively small fortress. He is the first dragon encountered by Daniel.


The Mikadresselle of a tribe of dattakoriens, Baeka serves as ‘the voice of her tribe’ when dealing with other tribes and Demon Queen Vaergraes. She is an agile warrior, though her real specialty is magic intended to strengthen her allies. She has red and blue tiger-striped fur on her ears, forearms, lower legs, and tail, and her eyes are a captivating shade of green.


One of Baeka’s comrades, who joined her for the attack on Fort Peony. Paet is wary of outsiders, but is prudent enough to hold back hostility until she has all of the information she needs. She is a dattakorien huntress, skilled at tracking and taking down enemies at range.


Another of Baeka’s comrades, Weya is a young dattakorien woman who favors a shortsword and ambush attacks in combat. She was part of the attack on Fort Peony.


The dragon lord who ruled over the dragons for hundreds of years. He has a distinct red coloring to his scales and many scars over his body showing his age. Though he is powerful on his own, he is rather cowardly, and will often disguise his own actions of force as overwhelming attacks, as opposed to bringing the other dragons along as protection. It is later learned that he is the reason for the fall of the feldroks and the master of Hekate prior to her meeting Daniel.


The “platinum” or “White Dragon Queen”, the dragon formerly known as Zadarralomme has long been considered the queen of the dragons, though she ultimately loathed Morthybargaron. Due to a curse on the dragons, she was unable to have children until Daniel used the Citadel’s resources to remove the spell. When she’s in human form, she has curled golden horns, silvery-blonde hair, red eyes, and a silver reptilian tail. Daniel describes her as a ‘milf’, as her chest and hip regions are extremely well endowed, and she is the closest in height to Daniel. She is cold with Daniel at first, but quickly warms up to him and becomes one of his most loyal companions. She is outgoing, confident, and proud, letting very little stand in the way of her getting what she wants. She favors flirting and enticement as her strategies, but she also doesn’t hold back taunting or teasing Hekate.


The second dragon contracted by Daniel, she is roughly middle seniority of all of the greater dragons, as she is the middle of the three dragons Daniel becomes close with. She is the blue dragon formerly known as Lyavvagstreom, and in the distant past, she had a half-sister that is one of the ancestors to the Stalvaltan family on their paternal side. Reignleif is quiet and shy, and she has modest feminine curves often hidden under a fairly pretty white dress and a blue mantle. Her hair is a soft sky blue, with metallic iridescent blue-green horns that protrude from the sides of her head. Her tail is metallic blue with a purple underside. She can breathe fire as any dragon can, but favors ice magic. She’s a bit of a bookworm, favoring peace and quiet over anything stressful.


The youngest of the Greater dragons and a brilliant shade of orange when she’s in her dragon form. Her original name is Bystuirikohn, and at first, she is outwardly hostile towards Daniel. But, due to a combined effort of Daniel showing her kindness, playful teasing, and protectiveness, she slowly develops some affection for Daniel, eventually leading fiercely loyal love for him. In her human form, she has deep red hair, emerald green eyes, and vibrant orange horns and an orange tail. Unlike Ryuogriar’s horns, Geirahoel’s are smaller and more straight, angled back and up, rather than curling around. Geirahoel loves flowers and gardening, and her personal quarters typically feel more like a jungle than a place to sleep.


Formerly a slave to Morthybargaron, Hekate is a young humanoid girl with fox-like black ears, a puffy black tail that roughly matches the full size of her torso in volume, and bright golden amber eyes. She meets Daniel when they both enter the Citadel for their own reasons, and they work together to conquer it, with Daniel giving her the name Hekate, since she had none prior. It is later revealed that she is, in fact, a feldrok, but she has never spent any time in her feldrok form, and she doesn’t have any desire to transform back into it. She is 15 when she meets Daniel, but due to her harsh upbringing, she appears smaller and younger upon their meeting. She fills out quickly once her diet improves, and though short, she starts to look closer to her real age. Hekate is made into the Empress of the Fievegal, a sovereign nation started out of the Citadel with Hekate as the primary Empress Regent, Daniel as her Emperor (in spite of not having a romantic relationship), and Daniel’s consorts defined as “Empresses” as well simply because none of the ruling body of the Fievegal really cares. Hekate is passionate and a little possessive of Daniel, but even her envy is drowned out by her strong tendency towards kindness and protectiveness of everyone she values as friends and family.

One of her only belongings when she was a slave is a small doll made out of straw, which she retrieved from the Dragon’s Hoard alongside Geirahoel.

Chaos and Order

The origins of everything, Order and Chaos are the primordial gods or goddesses. While they appear as a stoic matronly woman and a haughty young girl respectfully, they transcend true personification and human understanding, simply taking simplified forms of creations in order to communicate with their creations. Unlike the Divine Realm gods and goddesses like Ryukana, Order and Chaos are direct manifestations of creation and destruction, as well as the fabric of the universe itself including both the void in which matter exists and the matter itself. They created the universe, the laws of nature and physics, life, the challenges applied to all creations to promote growth, spread, and evolution, and death and the cycle of energy which souls are also bound to. As two parts of a greater whole, Order and Chaos are all powerful and a central part of the universe.

Princess Jieka Lawson

Daniel’s first daughter born to Skloe. She is energetic and playful and loves to be social and cling to the people she likes the most, which includes Daniel, Ryuogriar, Hekate, Gold, and Shek and Skloe.

Princess Tekten Lawson

Daniel’s second born daughter born moments after Jieka to Shek, Tekten is much more docile and shy than Jieka, but often goes along with her energetic half-sister’s whims. She isn’t as feisty or hyper, even at play, and her strongest attachments are more limited to Daniel, Shek, and Skloe.


Once a dattakorien woman who lived an arguably full life, she agreed to undergo a special magic to become a golem bound to the Citadel through soul magic by the feldroks so that she could continue to serve and take care of the feldroks long beyond her natural life. She is now the caretaker of the Citadel, which grants her near supreme control of the Citadel’s functions, answering only to the Master of the Citadel (Daniel, now) and any administrators (the Empresses of the Fievegal).  Her golem form can be changed at her will by unsummoning herself and then resummoning herself in a new form within the Citadel’s areas of effect, but she generally appears humanoid with a ‘helmet’ like head that is shaped to be reminiscent of a feldrok’s fox-eared head. She has an archive of many spells and often uses them in Daniel’s stead.


One of Xyreko’s children who became soul bound to the Citadel as well to continue serving alongside her mother. Balamae is a “Mana Guide”, which is a role for the Citadel focused on collecting mana from various sources and ensuring the stability of the Citadel’s magic functions.


A soul-bound golem of the Citadel that loosely serves as a central leader figure for any summoned combat golems to partition out the functions and dedicate a leader to combat functions with enough authority to function in the absence of guidance from the Master, Administrators, or Xyreko. He is often referred to as ‘General’ formally for the sake of outsiders.

Gunther kos Montarre

The son of a Earl in Mornistae who was an apprentice Court Mage, which required him to take apprenticeship lessons from Wenlianna alongside others while she was Court Magic Artisan. However, after the magic artisanry duel against Daniel, he has completed his apprenticeship courses.


A blue male lesser dragon, Blue has joined his mate Rose in serving more directly in hopes of getting additional good treatment from the Fievegal, since Daniel and the Empresses have regularly demonstrated a much greater march towards prosperity for all than Morthybargaron ever did.


A dark pink female lesser dragon. She serves alongside her mate Blue after having laid her first egg after being alleviated of the anti-dragon curse. She is a little smaller than Geirahoel, who is the smallest of the Greater dragons due to her age, while Rose is a little older. 


An archoneldwyn assassin and spymaster, Brosjak appears out of the blue when he finds the right time to assassinate ‘The Harbinger of Calamity’, who he has learned is actually just the powerless human Daniel. He tries to trick Daniel into a disadvantaged battle, but does not survive the encounter. Brosjak was cruel and arrogant, which caused him to completely underestimate Daniel because he saw only a powerless human.


An archoneldwyn assassin who attacked Daniel and the others during the 100,000 man attempted siege on the Citadel, ambushing them during their low-effort retaliation against the imperial forces. Because of the innate magical power, brutal strategies, and specialized weapons she used, Doephluev nearly killed Daniel. After being revived upon her capture, Daniel learns that the three archoneldwyn are supposedly the last surviving members of their race, and they use ancient secret archoneldwyn techniques of rune tattoos that grant them passive magical effects, including automatic revival if they’re killed, magic suppression to hide them from being detected by other mages, chantless magic of spells that normally require spells, and many other abilities. Doephluev has caramel-colored skin, strawberry brunette hair, leaf-shaped elf-like ears, and intense mahogany colored eyes. She also has light freckles on her cheeks that serve to soften her expression a little. Her appearance early on is relatively unkempt, as archoneldwyn are often described as ‘scruffy elves’.

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