Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Side Chapter: Magical Girl Katherine

Side Chapter: Magical Girl Katherine

-Liz’s PoV-


As I step into my room, anticipation flutters within me. Inside is a floor made up of wood in a bright golden tint. The walls and ceiling of the whole area are sky blue, my favorite color. It gives me a sense of freedom with its hue resembling the unrestricted morning sky. Littered on the walls are many posters and other things I could plaster onto it. Mostly composed of portraits of Team Paragon's members and a few other CoA-related arts. I walked until the VR pod stood before me, its sleek, futuristic design beckoning. The metallic surface shimmers softly under the ambient lights as I press the panel to open the pod’s door. I entered the pod and then proceeded to log in to the game.

“Okay! Time to stream!” I hyped myself up.

I opened the built-in streaming platform on CoA. What greeted me was beyond my expectations. Notifications, tons of it. I immediately checked the chat and saw the comments moving as fast as the eye could see. Old names along with new ones I did not recognize flood the chat with messages.

Mystic49: She's finally online!

Justin55: About time! I’ve been waiting since I saw your match with Magical Atelier, I became a fan after watching the match!

NeonNinjaKnight: That was the best match I've ever seen! I cried in tears at the outcome!

Weabo91: Rin-chan Sugoi! But Beth-chan is more kawaii. I’m now a huge Beth-chan fan! Notice me Senpai Beth-chan!

Magical41: that match was awesome! You did great! I was rooting for Blaze but the power of your friendship won in the end!

ProGamer32: what a cool match! You were awesome!

Simpguy99: Oh no, many guys have found the gem of my life, it hurts a bit but I know my love is too little for you, you deserve the world!

Yurilover07: I ship 100 percent Blaze x Lizbeth!

im12btwxoxo: Don't forget me when you're famous! Or I'll tell my dad!

Holy! There are so many people! My followers went from just above the thousands to more than 10 thousand instantly! It has only been yesterday since we won the qualifiers and word got out of it already. I’m also sure the fight against the ‘Magic Atelier’ team was part of the massive growth. All of them are famous streamers of the Atelier organization after all with a huge fanbase. Although I have quite a mixed feeling about this. It can get kind of nerve-wracking to play with this many people watching, on the other hand, I feel giddy. I can finally show off my skills to even more players.

BillSmith: Where is your partner? I want to see you play with her.

Twerker15: That was some good synergy between you two! One of the best I've seen in a while!

IdolEnthusiast42: Can you do a collab with Blaze? She is online now.

Looks like most people are suggesting me to play with Kat and Rin.

I opened my friend list. Both Kat and Rissa are online. I think are about to go grinding this time around. Good timing, I can help them grind today.

I searched for another new friend I made in yesterday’s match.

I saw that Rin is also online, I should invite her to play too as per my viewer’s request, and also to see if she already bounced back from her loss yesterday.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is bad, incredibly so. This is the worst situation I have been in ever since going back to playing the game I love. A lot is at stake at this, the end of the world even… at least the end of mine. Thinking back, how did I even get into this mess?

It all started when Liz so kindly offered to help us level up again. Since Clarissa’s bothersome brother is busy this Sunday with a project, I see no demerit in accepting her offer. In hindsight, it was a bad decision on my front. It would be fine if she was the only one helping me, but today she bought a new friend of hers who is also growing on me with our last fight. I’m outnumbered, 2 to 1, therefore I cannot force them to turn off their streams as I usually do when it is only Liz around. Blaze is also required to stream due to the nature of her job, therefore making it impossible for me to have any say this time.

After we met in the city for level 85 players, Blaze suggested something brutally atrocious, it made me shiver in fear and almost instantly log out to get away as far as possible. Only through sheer willpower and concern for Liz’s future in streaming that I manage to stay… just barely. It is also the main reason for my current dilemma.
“Ok, I’ll start, follow my lead!” Blaze paused for a second, centering herself before doing her catchphrase. “Feel the heat of justice as I blitz through the darkness for a brighter tomorrow! Blaze, here I go!” she made a stylishly cute pose.

"Righteousness unleashed, darkness will be ceased, and with justice in sight, I'll make things right! Lizbeth, taking flight!” Liz went after, making a charming, self-righteous pose.

“W-with gentleness, care, and kindness in my h-heart… I will play my part” C-clarissa, ready to start!” Clarissa made an angelic pose that could kill a grown adult with a cuteness overdose.

"How cute!" Liz cooed.

"I agree, she is a natural," Blaze nodded approvingly.

After Clarissa’s heartwarming pose, the three looked at me expectantly.

“Urk!” I hesitated.

It’s fine Kat, just one cute pose while spouting nonsense, you can do it! Only a couple of thousand people from Liz’s and Blaze’s streams will be able to see it apart from the current players inside the city, staring at us like we were some kind of exotic zoo animals, no biggie! I can’t let that many people down, it might affect Liz’s Stream especially now that she is garnering a lot of audience. I cannot in good conscience call myself her streamer fan and good friend if I didn’t even do this for her. Okay, here we go Kat, you got this!

I hyped myself up in preparation for the inevitable.

“I-in the abyss I dwell, my power will compel, and from shadows I shall rise, to claim the skies! Novo, eyes on the prize!” I declared as I made a cutesy pose.


Why did I get the most edgy line in comparison to the two?!

I glanced at my three companions, wondering what they thought of my grueling performance.

"Cute..." Clarissa murmured something I didn't quite catch while turning her head away, crimson red with embarrassment. She's probably ashamed to be around me now... how depressing.

Rin placed her fingers in her cheeks, professionally analyzing my amateurish moves like some sort of idol connoisseur.

"Hmm, I think you should put more oomph in your act, and move your hands more to better express yourself. I also don’t think cute poses are you’re forte, you’re more like the cool suave type," she critiqued.

What is this, an idol audition!?

Liz meanwhile is holding her hands in her mouth to stop it from giggling, fighting a losing battle in the process.

"Pfftt… he hehe” Liz failed to hold her laughter. “S-sorry! Sorry! I just didn’t think you would attempt to do a cute pose, Kat, I was only surprised," she made an excuse.

Would someone please put me out of my misery right now?!

“U-um I think you were cute, Novo,” Clarissa consoled me.

Honestly, Clarissa, you’re too kind even if you're spouting white lies just to alleviate my pain. You’re the hero I need but don’t deserve!

“O-oh, by the way, Blaze, my chat is asking. You see the Atelier team every day, right? How do they behave when not in public?” Liz helpfully changed the subject to allow me some breathing room.

“Not really every day, they’re all busy these past few months training for the AC. But they’re all very kind! Especially senior Aoi! She’s always silent, but deep down, she always cares for us! She’s also good with any type of sword and she even gives me pointers even though I’m a broadsword user. It's really an honor that the greatest female CoA player even takes some of her time from her busy schedule just to teach me!”

“Let me stop you there Rin, I cannot let that statement slide,” she stated while playfully wagging her finger at Blaze.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Sure, Murasame is also an idol of mine and the greatest female player currently, but the title of the greatest female player of all time goes to!” Liz posed for dramatic effect before the big reveal. “None other than Yuusha!”

“So you’re a die-hard Yuusha fan like Frostia, huh? I know what you mean, I idolize Yuusha too and respect what she did for the majority of the female fanbase who were once looked down upon for playing CoA by misogynists by proving them wrong. Although, I have to disagree with that! I heard many people saying Murasame is faster than Yuusha,” Blaze made a point.

“She might be faster, but Yuusha’s ability to outplay her opponents cannot be ignored,” Liz countered.

“Hmm fair point, but I think Murasame is still stronger, I heard that she even once killed 5 men who challenged her in less than ten seconds… all five of them!”

“Humph, that’s nothing. I heard that when Yuusha was still a newbie and did not have any weapon yet, 3 guys taunted her in a bar, she got annoyed so she killed all three of them… with a pencil…” she stated conspiratorially.

That was not even remotely true?! How do rumors even escalate to that obviously overblown story? I killed them normally with a dagger, not a pencil! How is it even possible to acquire a pencil in a medieval game setting?!

Blaze gasped. “W-what! Just a single pencil!? She’s that good!?”

“Yes, she is. She is a legend after all. She was so skilled and terrifying in her prime that some Russian veteran players even call her… Baba Yaga!” she gestured dramatically for a more intimidating effect.

“T-the Boogeyman?” Clarissa carefully queried.

“No…” Liz slowly shook her head, creating a solemn atmosphere before following up with an absurd line. “She is the one who you send to PK the Boogeyman!”

Blaze and Clarissa gasped at the same time.

Please stop guys… I can’t listen to this anymore, aren’t you guys’ already content with the humiliation you caused me earlier?!

Thankfully someone who recognized Liz and Blaze got us out of our ridiculous topic.

“Look it is them! The winner of the qualifiers with the Atelier streamer Blaze!” A shrill female voice caught our attention.

Murmurs from the people around us increased as they heard those lines.

“R-really that’s impossible but… they do look like the one from the qualifiers.”

“Yeah, and that is Blaze and Lizbeth, right? Right?”

“Blaze and Lizbeth are together! They were both so good when they fought. They’re also much more beautiful in person!”

A teen in a mage costume got near us. “Uhm, can we take a picture with you two, please?” he said hesitantly.

“With us?” Liz inquired a bit taken aback.

“Yes of course! We saw both of your matches in the qualifiers yesterday! It was an incredible fight! And the way you said at the end, about trusting your teammates, it hit home! I think I became a better person who values my teammates more because of you and I became a huge fan!”

“Me too! It was an awesome fight! I got chills watching it! Especially when you became hasted and dodged all of Frostia's numerous icy tentacle attacks by a hair’s breadth! It was fuckin’ amazing!”

The commotion grew larger, those watching on the sidelines, who became certain that they were the real deal, all came down to take pictures and autographs of them.

“Please take a picture with me!”

“I also saw your fight! Can I get an autograph and a picture?”

“Me too! I’m asking for a friend!”

I guess CoA’s promotion team strikes again with this many players already seeing the replay of yesterday’s fight. I won’t be surprised if I see it posted on the main site and other promotions such as freebie in-game items if you watch the matches. This will surely make the replays garner many views, then be suggested by the YouTube algorithm, creating an endless loop of increase in views.

 I stood at the sidelines while hearing all the praises targeted at Liz. It is a bittersweet feeling. On one hand, I don’t really want to stand out too much, therefore the status quo is fine by me. On the other hand, I kind of want to be appreciated for my efforts too.

So this is what being a support player feels like sometimes. I have to commend them for doing their role even with the carries taking most of the glory in their mixed efforts. I acquired a newfound respect for Celeste and others with the same role as her because of this experience.

“Ahem!” Liz called out. “Guys, all your praises are flattering and all, but the truth is I would not be able to do all those without my trusted support. If there is anyone who deserves your praises, it is my partner here who always enables me to play at my best!” she went towards me and pulled me towards her to be part of the picture.

I instantly paused, like a deer caught in the headlights not knowing what to do, and let her take the lead.

When I looked her in the eye, she gave me a playful wink.

I immediately broke eye contact as bashfulness with a mix of giddiness filled my every being.

Even if the world doesn’t appreciate my actions, my partner’s gratitude for my efforts alone is worth it.

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