Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol. 2 Chapter 3 – Clarissa

Vol. 2 Chapter 3 – Clarissa

I stood in front of our house, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over me after a long day of school as I glanced at our state-of-the-art security door. It was a marvel of modern technology and design, a formidable barrier between our home and the outside world. The door itself was sleek and imposing, made of reinforced steel with a finish that gleamed under the sunlight.

Approaching the door, I placed my palm against the biometric scanner. It hummed to life, the sensors quickly recognizing my unique print with a soft beep.

“I’m home!” I said to no one in particular, just a greeting I always use to let Big Brother or Colin know that I have arrived.

As I walked further inside the house, I saw my parents on the sofa, I got excited when I saw them as they were always away because of their work.


"Mom, Dad, you're here!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement.
"How is our little angel?" Mom asked, her eyes filled with affection as she saw me.
"Out there helping others again, I bet, hahaha," Dad chuckled, his voice filled with warmth.
I smiled at them, feeling an indescribable rush of joy at the sight of my beloved parents after being apart for so long.
"Oh, by the way," Mom stated, as she gave Dad a meaningful look.
"We've got something for you, honey!" they said in unison, their voices filled with anticipation.

“Really?!” I asked, failing to hide the giddiness in my voice.

I had no idea what to expect, but they looked like they were bursting to share their surprise, which in turn made me even happier.

Mom handed me a beautifully wrapped package. Inside was a gorgeous scarf, soft as a cloud, in the most delightful shade of blue that reminded me of the ocean.

"For those chilly days when you need a little extra warmth," Mom said, her eyes sparkling with joy.

It was the perfect gift for the winter season, and the thought she put into choosing it made it even more special.

Then, Dad appeared with a big grin, holding out a box that made me curious. Inside was a huge bag filled with local treats from the places they visited. There were exotic candies, unique snacks I'd never seen before, and these amazing little trinkets that had stories attached to them. The gifts were incredible and thoughtful, but what made them truly special was the love behind them, the fact that Mom and Dad picked each item with me in mind, making me feel so incredibly cherished.

“He hehe, thanks Mom, Dad,” I grinned giddily at their presents.

“So, how was your day, Honey?” Dad queried.

"It was incredible!" I exclaimed, plopping down on the sofa chair next to them.

"Remember that project I've been working on for weeks, the one I told you about? The fundraiser to raise money for the animal shelter?" Their nods encouraged me to continue. "Well, today was the big day, the long-awaited fundraiser event!"

"Everyone got so involved! Sarah and I set up the most adorable booth with handmade crafts! And- and Ben organized an impromptu bake sale that turned into a delightful pastry paradise. And also- you know, we had cupcakes, cookies, and even those fancy macarons Mrs. Thompson taught us to bake," I spoke rapidly, unable to contain my eagerness stuttering a bit in the process.

Mom's eyes sparkled with interest. "Sounds like quite the spread! Did you manage to raise a substantial amount?"

I couldn't contain my grin. "We did! More than we ever anticipated. But it wasn't just about the money. It was the way everyone came together. Even the kids who usually kept to themselves joined in. Tim, you know, the quiet guy from math class? He brought his guitar and played for hours. People were singing, laughing, buying things, and donating. It felt like we had created this little community, all for the animals."

Dad beamed at me. "That's amazing, kiddo. I'm proud of you. And what about your classes?"

"Oh, classes were good too! Mr. Harris loved my essay on environmental conservation, and Ms. Rodriguez let us have an open discussion in history class. It was like she knew we needed a break after all the studying."

As I recounted every detail, I could see the pride and happiness in their eyes. They listened intently, nodding and chiming in at all the right moments. It felt good, to share the joy of my day with them, knowing they were genuinely interested in the little things that made me happy.

After a couple of minutes of chatting, my Big Brother and Colin finally came home. Big Brother is the one who always escorts my little brother from home to school and vice versa. It makes me glad to have an incredibly kind and caring Brother like him.

“Oh, look, our boys are already back too!”

“Mom, Dad!” Colin shouted as he rushed towards our parents for a hug.

“Yo, Mom, Pops, didn’t know you both were coming home today.”

“Your Mom wanted it to be a surprise, and I had to admit, it was worth it, hahaha!” Dad replied with his characteristic jovial laugh.

His laugh always reminds me of Santa Claus whom I believed to be real when I was still a kid. I did not know back then that it was my parents who got the gifts, not Santa. It was super devastating back then when I found out, I didn’t talk to my parents for days. It’s quite embarrassing now that I think about it for throwing a tantrum, but I was still a kid back then.

Mom and Dad, for their part pampered our youngest brother. They also gave the souvenirs they got for both of them. A toy for Colin and some kind of gadget for Big Brother. They too talked about their day, and it made me happier, more than I was before now that our whole family is here, chatting on the sofa about mundane things. I adore how Dad and Mom always show how much they care for us siblings, it might be the reason why my brothers became as kind as they are too, because they always feel loved by our parents.

After a while, the topic went to Brother’s upcoming tournament

“Can I really come with Brother?!” I said in excitement.

It means I will get to see Novo in person! I felt giddy at the prospect of seeing her face-to-face.

“Yes, of course, Honey, we already booked a hotel we could stay for the week for your brother’s tournament, your Dad and I want to support him too. It would also be a good bonding experience for our family since we are seldom home. Your Dad and I already made preparations to take time off from our business ventures. And of course, we already informed the school of your absence.”

“Won’t I be a bother there? What if Brother gets distracted taking care of me, affecting his performance in the game?”

“I-I wouldn’t worry about that, Honey. Besides, it was your brother who suggested it in the first place.”

I saw Big Brother nodded animatedly on the sidelines at the statement.

“Hahaha! What your mother is trying to say is that you’re usually the one who takes care of your brother, not the other way around,” Dad chimed in.

“I-it might be true that Clarissa does almost all the housework, but I do take care of some of them too!” Big Brother protested.

“I agree! Big brother always troubles himself for our sake. And I’m more than grateful for his efforts,” I backed him up.

"See, even my sister thinks the same!" he exclaimed with genuine pride, making me glad in the process.

It is the truth though, I am really glad to have him as my brother. Even if he has his flaws, I wouldn't trade him for the world.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After the chat, we were left alone by Mom to cook and Dad to fix the washing machine that had been acting up for the past few days. I honestly don’t know if I broke it or not, which makes me more apprehensive that I have become a bother to them again, especially now that they have their much-needed time off their work.

Colin was busy playing with the realistic remote-controlled toy car that our parents bought for him. Brother on the other hand asked me a question while we were watching TV.

“Hey Clarissa, want to join our guild?”

“C-can I? I thought your guild only accepted skilled members and max-leveled players,” I asked hesitantly.

“Yes, that’s true, especially now that more people are applying for our guild because mainly of Liz becoming popular. But Novo, Liz, and I think your skills are passable enough. Besides, when the other guild members learned that we won the qualifiers, the opposition against us basically diminished overnight! Feels great to prove those stubborn veterans wrong hehe.”

“B-but, isn't it unfair for the other people who want to join?”

“Hmmm, a little bit, but we don't want you to end up in another weaker guild, besides you have potential. It's not just me saying it, Liz also agrees with me.”

“N-none of it is me though, it’s all thanks to Novo for teaching me how to play.”

“Hmm I see, so she's a good teacher too huh, I have to thank her for that. But of course, your brother can still beat your friend blindfolded, so if I was the one who taught you how to play, you'd be super strong right now!”

“R-really! Then please teach my big brother! I want to be strong enough not to be a burden to Novo when we play!”

He seemed taken aback by my selfish request. He hesitated a bit before replying.

“I-I mean I would, but I'm not a mage user like Novo, so it's better for her to teach you caster stuff.”

“Oh, I guess you’re right…”

I’m bad at melee combat, so my brother can’t teach me some of his cool moves with the spear.

“Also, you’re going to see her when we go to LA. You can just bug her all you want to teach you everything she knows about the game there.”

“N-no! I can’t bother her too much before the tournament! Although I’ve been wondering, what does Novo look like in real life?”

“You have never seen a picture of her even once?” Big Brother was taken aback by my question.

“N-not really…” I said, my cheeks turning bright red.

I was too shy to ask for her pictures whenever we played since I didn't want her to think I was a weirdo or a creep. Besides, I heard it is common courtesy to separate real life from the game world.

“Well, I don’t blame you, I heard from Liz that that girl avoids media and pictures like a plague. She's not on any social media too and her profile picture on the messenger app we use for communicating is... a picture of a kitten. She also doesn’t want her pictures getting taken so Liz can’t get one on her. However, Liz once told me she looks like a mature beauty in real life.”

“Mature, beauty huh…”

I tried to envision her appearance. In my mind, I pictured a girl wearing a stunning red flowing dress that draped over her. The dress had a tasteful neckline that hinted at the curve of her collarbones, drawing the gaze upward to her graceful neck. The fabric, a luxurious blend, embraced her figure in all the right places, subtly accentuating her curves without revealing too much, leaving just enough to the imagination.

"Clarissa, would you care to dance with me?" Novo asked, her voice carrying a seductive undertone as she approached me, offering up her hand in the process.

"Kyaaa!" I exclaimed, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"C-Clarissa, are you okay?" my brother's concerned voice snapped me back to reality.
Realizing my outburst, my cheeks flushed even more.
"H-huh, ahh, s-sorry about that. I was just... lost in thought..." I stammered, trying to conceal my embarrassment by fixating my gaze on the floor.

"Hmm, are you genuinely that curious about what she looks like? I'm quite certain there must be a picture of her somewhere on Liz's social media, considering they attend the same school, but I can't be bothered to search for it. Now that I think about it, that girl is just too mysterious and evasive that she seems kind of borderline shady... be careful around her Clarissa, you never know she might just be hiding her true colors!” my brother warned conspiratorially.

"B-brother, aren't you being too harsh? She's also your friend, right?" I said, trying to defend my friend.
"I-I suppose I am, but you're still quite innocent. Novo may be a good person, but not everyone is the same. So, don't be too trusting of strangers, okay?" Big Brother chided, emphasizing the importance of caution for the hundredth time.
"Yes, Big Brother," I replied, acknowledging his advice.

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