Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol. 2 Chapter 8

Vol. 2 Chapter 8

????? PoV

I move swiftly through the busy city streets of Stormreach, the largest city for max-level players. I seamlessly blend into the crowd of players and NPCs while trying to avoid drawing unnecessary attention.

With each step, I meticulously survey my surroundings, remaining vigilant for any potential witnesses. I alter my path, opting for less crowded areas and side streets to evade prying eyes. It was nighttime in the game, therefore the task at hand was easier for me as opposed to daytime.

Navigating through the intricate network of alleyways and backstreets, I carefully choose less-traveled routes to minimize the risk of encountering curious onlookers in this huge metropolis. I maintain a steady pace, appearing like an ordinary passerby.

I keep a low profile, avoiding direct eye contact with those I pass. My posture and gait are adjusted to exude a casual and nonchalant demeanor, allowing me to seamlessly blend into the bustling crowd so that I can become an anonymous figure that nobody would pay heed to.

Finally, I reach the rendezvous point, undetected by prying eyes. Taking a moment to assess the area, I used my weapon skill to blend into the shadows and proceed to enter the mansion that belongs to a high-profile player, the current strategist of the Paragon's Guild, a guild famous for being founded by the four legendary players who dominated the first AC tournament.

*You have entered a Private Zone.

*Video Recording disabled

*Camera disabled

*Audio recording disabled

Entering through the window, I was met with a lot of notifications.

It’s a feature of private zones of this city, although you have to be extremely wealthy or affluent to even buy one of the establishments that CoA has to offer. Although it costs a lot in-game or in real currency, the advantages it gives are incredibly beneficial to its owners.

I advanced quietly, my strides deliberate yet noiseless as I maneuvered through the maze-like hallways. The chilly marble floor under my feet appeared to soak up any hint of sound, assisting my endeavor to stay unnoticed. There are a few NPC guards here and there, but no NPC is a match for an assassin like me. I am the CrimsonLotus after all hehe.

I played the part of the assassin that I loved even back in the days of playing stealth games.

As I neared the majestic staircase, the faint hum of chatter from the lavish ballroom below reached my ears. NPC guards are able to converse like normal people with the advancement of AI technology giving this game an incredibly realistic feel that I am very grateful for.

My target was situated beyond that social assembly, hidden within the private quarters of the mansion, so I moved quietly with my weapon skill activated for better furtiveness.

I stealthily navigated the hallways, dodging the sporadic shafts of light that penetrated the dense curtains. The gentle swish of my attire seemed to blend with the muted sighs of the nocturnal wind that slipped in through slightly ajar windows.

Arriving at the door to the office of my target, I sneakily walked towards it, extra careful to not make any sound. While mentally praising myself for how good of a stealthy player I am, a sudden noise broke me out of my celebration.

Before I could even react, everything became a blur. One moment, I was standing upright, the next, a sudden force propels me off balance. The world spins as I am taken down, the hard ground rushing up to meet me. I made a surprised yelp as I hit the ground, my body pinned beneath an overwhelming weight. There's a tightness around my wrists, a firm grip that leaves no room for escape. The cold reality of being restrained sinks in, leaving me in a state of shock and disbelief.


HP: 94%

“The fuck!?” I exclaimed as I took damage.

I identified the culprit of my current predicament.



Hp: 100%

Mp: 100%

Lvl: 95

Guild: Paragon

Duel WR: Hidden

Team Rank matches WR: Hidden

1v1 Rank matches WR: 87% (Rank 589)

Wins: 3612

Matches: 4152


Introduction: Nice to meet ya! I don’t accept duels, so no invites, okay ;)

Shit! Why is this guy here of all people?! I have no chance of escaping now, and if I ever try to fight back, I’ll surely go back to my respawn point.

“Who sent you to kill Seer?” the guy restraining me aggressively queried.

“O-oi chill bro, I'm here to report to him, not assassinate him!” I defended myself.

He paused, digesting my words.

“Hmm, that guy is up to something shady again huh? Okay, I’ll release you for now. Not that you can assassinate Seer with your skills anyway,” his aura shifted to a more carefree one, a huge contrast to his previous state.

My pride took a huge blow by his statement. He's probably right though, my boss is too cunning to kill with my skills alone even if he is not as skilled at combat as this guy.

As I was mentally repairing my wounded pride, the door suddenly opened, revealing my employer.

“What is this all about?" Seer finally heard the commotion and came to look.

As he glanced at both of us, understanding dawned on his face. He then went on to engage in a quick discussion with his teammate.

“What are you here for, Blitz?” Seer inquired.

“I was just here to hang out, but I saw a rat entering the mansion, so I decided to follow it,” he jovially replied.

What?! How long has he been following me; I did not even notice it. That's absurd! I was using my weapon skill even before I entered the mansion, granted there were telltale signs to look for. Like the sound I make, my shadow moving, and other little details. Nevertheless, this guy is too perceptive. He is, after all, the protege of the current strongest player in the world, Zetta.

I doubt I would last a minute if he fought an assassin like me who thrives in surprise attacks upfront. All CoA players respect skills above all, and this guy is one of the strongest players around. It is even rumored that he beat a pro player one-on-one, but it is not proven yet as he is not the type to brag about his achievements. I surely would not accept an assassination job if ever this guy is involved.

“Let's talk later, I have an important business to attend to,” he glanced at me meaningfully.

“Oh, I'll join you guys, I wanna hear what you're up to this time,” he grinned mischievously.

Seer pondered for a moment before sighing.

“You won't listen to me anyway, do what you want,” he conceded.

“Haha, my best friend knows me best!”

Seer proceeded to lead us both to his office. Inside, the office is illuminated by the gentle radiance of a solitary desk lamp, unveiling itself as a sanctuary of refined aesthetics. Vintage furniture and uncommon artifacts decorated the room, bearing witness to the proprietor's affluence and clout.

He gestured for us to sit on the sofa. Upon heeding his suggestion, I was overwhelmed with a sense of comfort and serenity, I might have shouted foul play on how relaxing the seating apparatus is. Like, holy shit this is one good couch! How much does this even cost!?

I was pulled out of my musings as my employer finally addressed me.

“Has anyone followed you here?”

"Who do you think I am? I'm one of the stealthiest assassins around!" I proudly proclaimed.

He looked at Blitz.

“Didn’t see anyone else around. He’s not exaggerating. He is stealthy, that’s for sure.”

Receiving praise from someone who discovered me as if my skills were nothing gives me mixed feelings about that. Although my employer is as cautious as ever, borderline paranoid even. Meeting here means I cannot record anything that can be traced back to him nor screenshot any chat backlogs from messengers. How meticulous and untrusting this guy is.

“Then, what did you find out?” he went straight to the point.

I paused for a moment, deciding on how to break the bad news first.

“I, uh, I think she knows you're the one who sent me.”

His eyes narrowed at that. I gulped.

"Really now? How so?"

"I might have... given a few hints... unintentionally of course… Boss,” I shrunk at every word.

Adamant that this would be the last time he would ever hire me, I looked at his reaction. He seems… unfazed. As if he expected it.

“I see…”

“A-aren’t you, a bit concerned that she found out so easily?” I hesitantly asked.

He pondered my question for a moment, before answering.

“Hmm, if she is indeed as astute as I believe she is, it is not much of a shock. There are only a handful of people who knew their whereabouts at that time while they were on a guild quest. Someone who is acquainted with Vinnie and can acquire critical information regarding our guild's quests significantly narrows down the possibilities for her to predict accurately. There are also a few who might have a motive. Me for example who might be their opponent for the upcoming tournament, therefore, it is within the expected conclusion if she saw things through,” he helpfully explained.

“Isn’t that bad for us? Her guild is part of our alliance, right?” Blitz chimed in, a hint of worry appearing on his relaxed features.

“Not really, no. Regardless of whether she knows or not, all she possesses is circumstantial evidence, all without any concrete proof. Besides, I only sent you to test her skills, not PK her.”

Oh shit.

"I uhmm..."

Sensing my hesitation, he probed, "What's the matter?"
"I might have gone too far and actually tried to PK her. I also took out her guildmates because they were in the way," I confessed.
He looked at me as if I had sprouted another head.
"Why didn't you wait for her to be alone before you acted?" he asked, sounding slightly annoyed.
"I... got bored waiting and saw an opportunity to strike, so I instinctively took it..." I tried to justify my actions.
He sighed again, closing his eyes as if too weary to continue the conversation. After a moment, he finally opened them and spoke.

"I doubt she will move that recklessly even if she knows we are the ones behind it. If she ever decides to spread this information, it will be her word against mine, and mine has more weight. Also, based on her actions to date, I don't believe she has any intention of doing so. My sources indicate that she appears to strongly support the alliance between our guilds. I doubt she would risk jeopardizing it over something of this magnitude."

“Still, you’re exploiting her fondness for the alliance we have, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, Seer,” Blitz stated disapprovingly.

“Perhaps, but it is necessary. All is fair on the battlefield after all.”

“Humph,” Blitz showed his disagreement.

“Anything else? Or would you rather say that this investment was a complete loss for me?” he redirected the subject.

“O-of course not, Boss! I got some good recordings of our fight.”

“Give it to me,” he ordered.

I slid the memory fragment to his table, a tradable piece of recording. He picked it up casually before placing it in his inventory.

“She excels in melee combat survival, but the coordination between the girl and her teammate is the one that truly caught me off guard.” I helpfully summarized the battle. “Oh, and there is one thing you should know too.” I continued.

“What is it?”

“I didn't land a single blow against her, even while I was giving it my all.”

His eyes narrowed at my statement. I’m sure he is speculating on the absurdity of that too. I, a highly capable assassin, failed to land a hit against a support? Granted I underestimated her at first but still, that girl’s skill is out of the norm for support players.

“Oh, before I forget, she also sent me a message for you,” I added.

My employer stared at me curiously.

“What is it again…” I tried to recall. “That she will meet you at the qualifiers and you can ask her whatever you want to know there, and no need for this kind of boring tactics, or something,” I said what I remembered.

Seer's eyes seem to twitch at my statement.

“Heheh” Blitz snickered, “I like that girl already. I can see why Ariadne is so fond of her.”

“Your orders, Boss?” I asked after a while.

“Nothing for now. I don't want to escalate things by sending more assassins after her to test the capacity of her skills. Everyone has their boiling point after all. Besides, I already have a grasp of how good she is if even you cannot land a single blow to her. More prodding would just be unnecessary, even a demerit if it affects the alliance as a whole.”

That's good. I don't think I can accept another quest involving that girl. But man, it seems like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. My boss is incredibly sharp and intimidating, while that girl possesses an air of mystery that is equally unsettling. I hope these two lots find a common ground as I would surely loathe to be in the middle of their cold war.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Seer’s PoV

As the man disappeared into the shadows, I pondered the current information I had. If she is that good, why is she hiding her true strength? Why is she in a supporting role? Does she have a main account she can use if she ever needs to take the lead and fight herself? This will not do; I need to prepare a contingency plan for her. I already have another enigma I'm preparing against; this revelation made my work just a whole lot harder.

“Is it really necessary to pay heed to a support player this much?” my teammate and best friend broke me out of my musings.

I calmly stared at him, opting for what to say to convince him.

“Let me ask you a question, have you watched any of their team’s recordings?”

“Can’t say I have,” he nonchalantly replied.

“Well, I have seen it, all of them,” I stated, as a matter of fact.

He whistled. “Hardworking as ever, huh? And? What did you find that made you this wary of her?”

“In all of the matches they had throughout the qualifiers, she never once received even a single point of damage,” I declared ominously.

Blitz froze at my statement. None in our team, who is said to be the favorite to win the tournament was even able to accomplish a feat like that. It is not uncommon for veterans, or even for pro players to let their guard down and tanking a single blow or a combo. But this girl’s focus on the battlefield coupled with her survival skills are extremely unsettling. An unkillable support who can heal her teammates. I loathe to fight someone like her in the tournament.

“Maybe… she is just well protected by her team? I think Lucy could do it if Ariadne is always looking out for her, sacrificing offense in favor of defense.”

I shook my head.

“It’s the opposite for them, her partner always goes full aggressive, always leaving her on her own to fend for herself.”

He fell silent, running out of bullets to refute the absurdity of the girl.

“What do you plan to do? Ariadne is extremely fond of that girl she would literally kill us in-game if she knew you’re doing this behind her back. I also don’t like you taking drastic measures against them, they are allied to us, after all.”

“I will set this matter aside for now as I also do not want to cause discord in the alliance nor garner Ariadne’s ire. But if the girl’s words hold truth, we will both encounter each other at the tournament. I will devise a contingency plan based on the results of that meeting.”

Hopefully, I am just being paranoid. Although, Tactical always reminds me to trust my guts. And my intuition is screaming at me that this girl poses a huge threat.

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