Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 1111: Mind Games And Pressure

Chapter 1111: Mind Games And Pressure

Orion's expression became firm as he turned to Seth and said, "I want you to bring warriors qualified to serve as maids to tend to the building for the time being." He placed his mask back on.

Seth nodded. "I'll handle it immediately," he said, swiftly soaring.

Orion followed suit, rising into the air with Zogar and Iris, heading toward the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City.


As they arrived, Orion spotted the Stowaway-a horrendous, headless, four-legged beast, missing one of its legs. It was also incomparably smaller than the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City, as though it had been destroyed before and crudely put back together. If the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City was an adult, the Stowaway resembled a toddler, barely reaching its knee. It was surprising they would even attempt to attack a Runaway City, but considering the world's harsh conditions, it was either die trying to survive or do nothing and succumb to death.

When they landed within the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City, Sy'ra and a few other prominent gods' chosen approached to greet them and escort them to the cells holding the leaders and gods' chosens from the captured Stowaway.

Sy'ra led the way into the wide underground cells deep within the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City. The space was vast, large enough to hold 4,000 individuals, and there were other prisoners within the cells apart from the captured Stowaway. Naturally, they would have killed a few to make the detaining process more manageable, but considering the reasons behind the capture, they had no choice but to imprison all of them.

Orion, Zogar, and Iris followed Sy'ra. The criminals watched them as they made their way forward. After crossing numerous sections, they arrived at the cell.

"The leaders of the Stowaway are imprisoned here," Sy'ra said, pushing the cell door open and stepping inside.

As they entered, their eyes fell on eleven dark blue, hairy, beastly humanoid figures with four arms-both men and women. Each wore a devourer gear on one wrist and had a metallic mouthpiece binding their mouths shut.

They wore tattered tunics, dresses, and leather armour, their appearances battered and worn. Six heavy, rune-enhanced chains bound their limbs to the metallic cell. It was clear the entire cell was magically reinforced.

Scanning through the prisoners, Orion's gaze landed on a particular figure. He had already been briefed on the prisoners' identities, so he could instantly recognise the leader by looking at him.

"Release him," Orion commanded, gesturing toward the man in leather armour.

Sy'ra nodded. She took out a large rune-engraved key, stepped forward, and unlocked the chains binding the four-armed, dark blue-furred man.

As soon as the chains fell, the man attempted to lunge at Sy'ra, but before he could get an inch closer, his body froze mid-action. He was lifted into the air and pulled toward Orion, stopping just before him.

Utilising the One-Winged Sky Art, Orion quickly captured the man.

The prisoner, now face-to-face with Orion, took in his extravagant clothing and black mask adorned with countless Vylkr vines, which set him apart from the others, including the others behind him.

He guessed these were high-ranking figures from the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City, though he didn't know how high.

Realising his life was in their hands, the man gritted his teeth in anger and frustration. He spat, "I won't tell you anything. You're wasting your time if you think you can get information from me. And don't bother with my warriors, your gods' chosens have already tried and failed miserably." His eyes held a fierce resolve, ready to face death.

Considering the information Zogar had received from Sy'ra, Orion didn't doubt his words. However, it didn't matter.

"You're wrong. I didn't come here to waste time talking. I came to offer you servitude, then set you free," Orion replied.

"Huh?" The man's expression twisted in confusion, then disbelief. Just as he was about to speak, Orion cast the One-Winged Chains of Absolute Submission and began drawing runes on the prisoner's forehead with his fingers.

It took a minute for the rune to fully form. It solidified into the shape of two vibrant, shimmering white wings-one larger than the other-bound tightly by a brilliant golden chain.

The man's expression was shocked as he felt the strange changes within his body.

Orion withdrew his hand, staring into the man's dilating pupils. "Swear your loyalty to Paradise, and I will release all of you," Orion said.

Even with the Stowaways' firm resolve, he doubted they would choose death over a chance to keep living.

"What did you do to me?" the man growled, his voice filled with caution.

"I placed something akin to a slave seal on your body. If you choose to pledge your servitude

to Paradise, then your body and soul will belong to Paradise until you die. After that, you will be free," Orion responded truthfully.

Upon hearing Orion's words, the man's pupils dilated further, and his body trembled with fear.

The others in the room also widened their eyes, their expressions shifting between shock, fear, and anger. The chains binding them rattled as they frantically struggled to free themselves to save their leader, but their efforts were futile.

Realising their predicament, they ceased their struggles, gazing toward Orion with a gaze filled with hostility.

Soon, the man regained his composure. "And what if I refuse? Are you going to kill us all?" he asked, his tone filled with hatred and anger. His bloodshot eyes were fixed on Orion, burning with the intent to kill.

Rather than responding, Orion turned his attention to the two four-armed, dark blue-furred women wearing checkered and black dresses. He gestured toward Sy'ra to free them.

Sy'ra nodded and carried out his command at once.

The chains rattled violently once more as the two women rose. Before they could attempt to escape, they were halted in midair. Without hesitation, Orion inscribed the runes of the One- Winged Chains of Eternal Submission onto their foreheads.

"Pledge your servitude to Paradise, to serve with your body and soul, and I will release all of those we've captured, excluding him," Orion said.

Though the limitations of the One-Winged Chains of Eternal Submission were apparent, he doubted his plan would fail. Despite their tenacity, one of them must value survival. He only needed to uncover that one person and access their memories once they pledged servitude. The first woman shook her head frantically, baring her sharp teeth at him.

Orion then turned to the second woman and repeated, "Pledge your servitude to Paradise, to serve with your body and soul, and I'll release everyone we've captured, excluding the both of


Fierce gazes from the others turned toward the second woman, expecting her to refuse like

the first. But-

The second woman bit her lip and nodded. "I pledge my servitude to Paradise, to serve it with my body and soul," she said. "Now, keep your promise and let us go."

The chains rattled even louder.

"YOU-" the man tried to shout, but Orion immediately sealed his lips with the first woman

beside him.

As the woman who had pledged her servitude began to feel dizziness creeping into her mind,

a surge of heat flowed through her head. Orion entered her mind and sifted through her



Stone Fang Stowaway!

Lord Lalos, leader of the Stone Fang Stowaway!

Dreyal Mountain Range Conference!

'So that was the name of this Stowaway and why they had bravely ventured deeper here. As it turns

out, they weren't alone,' Orion thought.

After obtaining all the information he needed, Orion stopped his actions, and the woman felt her mind returning to normal, the dizziness dissipating.

"Aren't you going to keep your promise?" the woman asked, her tone filled with anger and

regret. She was unsure about what had just happened to her and assumed it was the man

trying to harm her.

"Of course I will," Orion nodded. He turned to Sy'ra. "Release all the captives from their Stowaway and hand them back their Stowaway to leave, excluding these two. Let no one stop

or follow them."

Sy'ra nodded in response. She retrieved the key once more and began unlocking their shackles one by one. This time, they didn't try to attack, likely understanding how futile it would be.

They were also stunned by Orion's words.

Was he really just going to let them go like that? No, it had to be a trap.

He might plan to follow them to find the rest of the Stowaways. Yes, that's what he wanted!

But, in the end... they didn't care about his intentions. They had their freedom, and that was

all that mattered.

Lalos and the other woman, who had responded earlier, widened their eyes in surprise and stupefaction. They attempted to speak, but their lips remained sealed. They could only watch as the rest were freed from their shackles.

They had never expected the man would genuinely release them, thinking he was playing

mind games instead. Soon, their gazes were filled with regret.

Once all eight remaining captives were freed, they looked at their leader with sunken eyes,

filled with complex emotions.


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