Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 161: start of confrontations

Chapter 161: start of confrontations

For my whole life, this one or past one, i have never.. .never ever needed to steal, and here i was caught like a thief. And that also in my own palace, well for now it was still mine.

His voice was like a devil rose from hell, and no matter how much I tried I could not let the possibility go that he knew I would come.

'He tricked me, telling he was going for a walk.'

I finally opened by eyes and turned at him glaring,

"So you tricked me, you were not going for a walk since the start" I snarled at him, how could he do this to me.

He raised a brow at my question, "really, like really. Now I was the one to be blamed when you are the one who is walking here stealthily and looking for files, what are you trying to do Marianne?" he asked me in an unbelievable voice, but I could feel the hidden anger he was trying to press.

"I was just here to get Killian's reports back." i lied and he laughed, a cold laugh with no emotions.

"And you think that I would believe that, what have you taken me as, fool. Why do all of you think that i am a fool, just because i have emotions, just because like other men i don't force you to do things and don't treat you like a door-mat," he shouted loudly, and i was so stunned that i did not have words for a second, who had treated him as a fool, it was definitely not the anger of file, that he was showing, and if it was, wasn't it too exaggerated.

"When have you given me respect, you have neglected me all your life." i snarled back once i came over the shock of his sudden outburst. And he just laughed.

He walked closer and held my chin in a very tight grip that I could not loosen. I shot daggers at him, if he repeated what he had done last time then this time a slap would not be enough.

"Have you seen how Katherine is treated, or Meredith, even your mother, they got loved or not, they never had the courage to do something that is not allowed in our empire, yet you, you started running business behind our back, gave quick replies even to the emperor, wore knight uniform when u r not the one. I have given you everything you like, yet you needed to take things like that. 

If you would have asked, i could have shown you all the files, Mari, then why. I am just sick and tired of all these lies and betrayals, i even freed you, tell me what else do you want." he continued speaking as his voice getting more and more low, i could feel he was hurt, and what he was saying was somewhere right, but he had given me much more pain then a little bit freedom he had given me.

But I still did not understand most of his words, as if he was talking about me and at the same time he was not, because I could not relate most of the things with me.

"You have given me a little bit of freedom but it costed me my whole life, you never gave the love that Meredith and my mother received, did you, i begged you, pleaded, i even bore all the anger yet you were like a hard stone, not even felt a single emotions of mine, you denied to touch me, i was your wife Cassius, don't you think you have done enough damage to me already and yet you are the one who is talking about the betrayals." i replied back, he needed to see the mirror.

"So you want me to touch you, huh, you want me to give you the right of a wife." he said leaving my chin finally, but his hands landed on my back as he pulled me closer.

"I wanted that at a point of time, but i didn't want it anymore." I replied as I tried to remove his hands, I had to do something or else he would always take the benefit of his strength against me.

"And you want to be free now, so that you can be with the one you love." he mocked and I nodded.

"Yes, I would live with the one who loves me rather than bearing your hatred and assaults, what do even trade me as a meat of meat or substitute of Isabella" i shouted and finally his grip loosen and he let go of me.

He closed his eyes and walked to the table, I was sure he would hit it like always, but he just took the glass of water and chugged it in a single gulp.

Then he went and sat in his chair while I was just standing there dumbfounded.

I was sure there was going to be storm just a moment ago, a storm that would be much stronger than last time, one that could destroy the small thread of our relation in a blink but at the end it turned out to be a passing wind which howled for a second but then died down in a passing second, while leaving me there unable to process anything.

"Come here and sit" he asked signalling me from his hands, his face was poised as if we were not having any heated argument or confrontations ever.

I had to give it to this man, no matter how much anger he had, and how badly he shouted he always controlled his emotions quickly, while I was left seething in anger for centuries.

"Are you coming or do you want to shout more by standing there?" he asked in an annoyed tone and I took a deep breath closing my eyes.

I walked toward the seat and sat there trying my best to be calm like him and talk in a civil manner.

"What were you doing here?"



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