Will of chaos

Chapter 121 Cap 121: Completing The Missions Part 1(Chapter Preview)

I spent the day at the mansion learning about magic with Érica and Irina, Érica had more knowledge in shaping mana and controlling it while Irina had more experience in quick activation and the mental image of magic, they were both very good from what I could see.

For the first time I managed to cast a spell, it was a levitation spell in a cup, it was a non-elemental type spell, it was a weird feeling to levitate things with my mind.

I quickly got used to the spell it seems that this spell expends mana according to the weight of what you are floating is a very useful spell.

While I was training the employees returned from shopping, Freya insisted on giving me a report on everything she bought and how much money she spent.

I told everyone to put things away in their rooms and then do their chores.

While I spent the day training my magic, Diana, Kira, Leo, and Sophia were having combat training, Sophia was training with Kira While Diana seemed to be trying to help Leo control his new transformation ability.

During the night I brought everyone together for a meeting, it became a custom for me, I talked to them about what happened in the job change room and about the possibility of being able to change jobs not only for me but for them too.

Needless to say, everyone was surprised, Sophia was laughing and speaking as expected of me with pride since I healed her it seems she has become much more introverted and for some reason proud of me.

Érica, Irina, and Freya looked at me without blinking, it seemed they were thinking the same thing as they looked at each other and nodded, I found this strange, did Érica use that telepathy magic for the three of them?

The others didn't have any great reaction but liked to know that, after the meeting, Sophia asked when she would be able to buy a combat outfit or leather armor, I told her I would see after a few days.

Over the next few hours, Diana explained to all the Adventurers Guild rules and how the Guild Card works, it was while I was testing the card that I noticed our group's name written under my name.

After the meeting we all ate some delicious food made by Freya and Caryna, so Leo, Nolan, and I went to take a bath in the big hot spring-style bathtub I had asked to build in one of the bathrooms.

After we left I went to bed early to get up early tomorrow for my first mission.


The next day we woke up, ate a delicious breakfast made by Caryna, and left for our mission leaving Freya and the others to take care of the mansion.

Leaving the city was easy, at the city gate we just had to show our cards to the guard and show that we were doing a mission, so we didn't have to pay any entrance or exit fees.

As we walked through the forest we were talking and Diana took the opportunity to teach us the basics of teamwork, she also set up a standard combat formation that leaves Érica and Irina in the back of the group with Irius protecting them while Kira and Diana attack the monsters.

This is a standard tactic in games and it looks like it's the same here, she said it's better to start like this and adapt as we get used to fighting together, she advised me to lead the group during battle as she had detection skills and it would be good training for me too.

Our objective today is to complete the four quests, it seems that while Kira and Diana ran for days through the forest looking for the location of the Undead in the past, they discovered the location of some monster nests, so we won't waste too much time looking for them.

Since it's still early in the morning I told Diana to take us first to the place where the Goblins must still be sleeping.

"Do you remember how many Goblins Kira was?" (Diana)

"If I remember correctly it was around thirty as far as I counted, I also saw four Barbarian Goblins." (Kira)

"Are they too far away?" (I)

"No, we'll be there in less than forty minutes." (Diana)

"So let's go." (I)

"When we get there the master will give the orders, I've seen you making ambush plans twice, I know you can do it." (Diana)

"(If she only knew that all my knowledge of battle tactics comes from games.)" (I)


On the way, I used my detection skills to avoid the monsters along the way.

As soon as we arrived I asked Kira to scout since she's the most stealthy of us, she came back a few minutes later.

"They are still waking up, some of them are forcing others to wake up, so they should leave soon, what do we do?" (Kira)

"What was the place like?" (I)

"There were no walls, the huts are so weak that a stronger wind should make them fall, there are only trees around them." (Kira)

"Hmmm..." (I)

"Kira, I want you to identify the evolved Goblins, after that I want Irina to use that chain magic to hold them in place, meanwhile I want Érica to use that fire magic she used in the bat cave to burn most of them ." (I)

"After Érica's magic is ended, Diana, Ibuki and Kira will use the chaos to kill the remaining ones while Irius protects Érica and Irina." (I)

"What did you think of the plan?" (I)

"As an expected master, magnificent, hahahaha." (Diana)

"You managed to combine our skills into a very quick, impressive plan." (Irina)

"But it still needs to be put to the test, but I believe it should work." (Irius)

"Finally Ibuki can hunt with the master again, this time Ibuki will fight alongside the master." (Ibuki)

​ "If everyone agrees, then let's not waste time, they should start out hunting soon." (I)

"I'm leaving then." (Kira)

After a while Kira came back, she said she has five evolved Goblins, one must have just evolved, from Kira's description he seems to be the killer type, she said where they all were and said that all the Goblins are gathering.

I waited until everyone was awake and gathered, one of the Goblins was eating a Human arm that he took from inside the hut, as soon as everyone was together I gave the signal and Irina released the streams of light.

"<streams of light>" (Irina)

Glowing streams of light quickly exit Irina's magic circle and before the five evolved Goblins can do anything they are tied in place, wasting no time Erica casts her magic as well.

"<Chain of fire>" (Érica)

Érica sets up her magic circle in the air and a fireball goes out hitting a nearby Goblin, then five fireballs come out of this Goblin hitting another five Goblins nearby, and from each of them go out five more fireballs reaching even more Goblins before stopping. spread.

"Attack!" (I)

At my signal Kira runs killing the evolved Goblins along with Byakko who shoots electric rays at them, Diana and Ibuki start killing each one on one side and I run killing each of the surviving Goblins that I kill including those who were still on the ground burning with a short sword only.

The battle only took a few minutes before it ended, except for Érica who spent half her Mana this time the others were still fine.

Ding! Ding!

<[ You gained 70 EXP from killing Goblins ]>



<[ Party members gained 35 EXP for killing Goblin for you ]>



<[ You gained 84 EXP from Goblin kills by party members ]>




[ You have leveled up ]




[Your work has leveled up]



[ Your work has reached the maximum level ]

The battle was faster and easier than I thought it would be, I also managed to level up and level up my work.

"The master's plan did not give them any chance to fight back, as was to be expected from the Father." (Irius)

"As I expected, the master is very good at planning attacks, but we have to see how you will act giving orders in the middle of battle." (Diana)

"What do you plan on doing?" (I)

"We're going to the Kobolds this time, but before we rest, Érica needs some time to regain some of her magic power." (Diana)

"Thanks for remembering me, this plan was good, but I was the one who used the most energy." (Érica)

I will take this time to meditate and integrate my new level, it only took me about ten minutes for that, when I finished meditating Érica was still meditating to recover mana.

<[ NAME: Zenos

RACE: Twilight Vampire (Unique)


LEVEL: 2/50

EXP: 77/105


[ ○□■□●☆ ] [ Twilight Vampire (Zenos): Original ] [ Horned Rabbit: 100% ] [ Flaming Snake: 15% ] [ Little Spider: 17% ] [ Gray Wolf: 100% ] [ Kobold: 100 % ] [ Human: 100% ] [ Dwarf: 14% ] [ Tiger Beast Man: 17% ] [ Vampire Bat: 100% ] [ Earth Monkey: 100% ]

WORK: [ Apprentice magician ]


WORK EXP: 295/0


HP: 108/108

MP: 139/179

Ki: 121/128

Strength: 114 (+38)

Dexterity: 90 (+30)

Agility: 103 (+30)

Defense: 79 (+25)

Intelligence: 162 (+25)

Magic Defense: 109 (+25)

Charm: 200 (+1550)

Luck: -50



• [ □□○☆•○● ] [ ■□■□¤●□¤▪︎☆○●□ ] [world transgressor ] [Last of his kind ] [ First of his kind ] [ He who brings chaos ] [ Named Monster ] [ Unique Monster ] [ True Master ] [ Founder of Chaos Fist ] [ Novice Mage ] [ Goblin Chief ] [ Novice Adventurer ] [ Literate ] [ Thief ] [ Kidnapper ] [ Goblin Killer ] [ Friend of Spirits ] [ Founder Blade of Chaos Technique ] [ Child of Blood ] [ Walker of the Day ] [ Patriarch (Vampires of the Twilight) ] [ Shadow Eclipse group leader ]


I went up one level and nine levels of work, it seems I was right in choosing an apprentice job, this type of work is usually for the person to sing experience training and not fighting monsters, so it has few levels and requires little experience.

Another factor that helps me to increase my work levels is the title [ World Transgressor ] which increases the EXP I earn for work by five times, as I would like to have a title like that to increase my own level too.

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