With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 259 New Girl

As for the Rokuko who was currently with him, naturally it wasn't the real Rokuko.

Rokuko was the dungeon core transformed into human form, so it wasn't safe to bring her out of the dungeon.

This was one of the main reasons why he didn't have her come out in the first place.

So instead of having the main dungeon core come out, he had invested in a second improvement to the dungeon called the branch dungeon core system.

Right now, they were only able to create a single branch dungeon core, but that was enough for what they wanted to do.

Instead of using that branch dungeon core to create another dungeon, Lin Fan used it as a clone for Rokuko. So while the main dungeon core remained inside of the dungeon, she would be able to transfer her consciousness to this branch dungeon core and remain by his side in this body.

Of course, if anything were to happen in the main dungeon, she would be able to connect to the main dungeon core instantly.

This would seem like a waste of a branch dungeon core, but Lin Fan also had another way of using this branch dungeon core.

If he kept Rokuko at his side, he would be able to remotely control the dungeon as he wished because he could always learn what was happening in the dungeon from this branch dungeon core. Then Rokuko could always go between the main dungeon core and the branch dungeon core to communicate with him in real time, so that he could give orders just in case anything happened.

That was how he justified using all those DPs to buy this system.

It wasn't just to let Rokuko walk around outside freely…

Thought that was the main reason why he bought it.

When they arrived back at the town, everyone was surprised to find that there was someone else with Lin Fan.

This was a beauty that was on the same level as Mu Bao Bao who was already recognized as the most beautiful woman in the town.

But that surprise didn't last long since they all felt that it was normal for Lin Fan to get a beautiful girl like this. Based on his track record, it was almost expected.

That was because every girl that lived in his manor was a beauty!

But he also deserved it as the powerful ruler of this town. Everyone even knew that he was already in the Foundation Realm because they had seen his S Rank Mercenary License.

Lin Fan quickly made his way back to the manor, where he was surprised to find that all the girls were waiting there for him.

The trip that he had planned today was a normal trip and they were all busy, so they shouldn't be here when he arrived. However, he found that they were already all there waiting for him.

As for why they were all there…that was because they had heard the news of the girl that he had brought back.

As soon as they had heard this news, they had immediately rushed back to the manor to see this new girl.

It wasn't as if they were against him bringing new girls back, but they wanted to see the girl themselves to make sure that there wouldn't be any problems. After all, while they got along with each other, there was no guarantee that they would get along with this new girl.

If she was selfish and unpleasant, she would ruin the overall atmosphere of their harem.

That would without a doubt hurt Lin Fan and none of them wanted to see this.

So if she really was like this, they would want to gang up on her and kick her out as soon as possible. They would have to do this while Lin Fan's feelings for her still weren't deep enough yet, so that they would be able to do it easily without hurting him too much.

So they didn't waste this chance to meet this new girl as soon as she arrived.

But the worst case scenario they expected didn't come at all.

When they met Rokuko, they were immediately melted by her cuteness.

She was like a little girl who was still learning about how the world works, so in their mind, they immediately treated her like a child. Though in terms of age, she was technically still a child…

She was a dungeon core that was born less than a year ago.

This was something that Lin Fan tried not to think about...He tried really hard not to think about this…

But it was lingering in the back of his mind.

As for Rokuko and the girls, it didn't take long before they were already hugging her and calling her cute. They also had snacks in their hands that they were feeding to her and she was just happily chewing away.

In a sense, it was almost like they had found a new pet…

But Lin Fan was happy to see that they got along.

While the girls were having fun with Rokuko, Yue Lan and Tian Tian came over to ask him a few questions.

The most important thing was where he had found her and who she was.

Lin Fan knew that this was coming, so he said with a bitter smile, "I don't know who she is and she doesn't seem to remember. All I know is that I found her in the den of the spirit beast."

Both Yue Lan and Tian Tian knitted their brows when they heard this.

They turned to look at Rokuko before Yue Lan said, "She doesn't look like a villager. Her appearance is too extraordinary to be a normal village girl, so she must have some kind of special background."

Tian Tian nodded in agreement to this before saying, "There's a chance that she was traveling through the area before getting attacked by that spirit beast. That is most likely what caused her to lose her memory."

Yue Lan nodded before turning back to ask Lin Fan, "Did you find anything special around the spirit beast nest? If you did, perhaps we can use that to find out where she came from."

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "I didn't find a single thing."

Then after a bit of hesitation, he said, "When I tried asking her about her family, she…She clearly seemed like she didn't want to remember."

Both of them couldn't help looking back at Rokuko with surprised looks.

They had never thought that this cute little girl would have this kind of complicated background…

Lin Fan then said, "We can make a new identity for her, right?"

Yue Lan and Tian Tian looked at each other with complicated looks before turning back to Lin Fan and responding with a nod.

Lin Fan had a concerned look on his face, but deep down, he was filled with joy.

This was the result that he had wanted to see.

Everything that he had told them was all a lie, this was all a plan that he had concocted to create a new identity for Rokuko.

After all, it wasn't as if he could just tell them that she was the core of the dungeon under them. Even if he did tell them, it was very unlikely that they would believe it and would try to find out who this little girl was.

So instead, he used this lie to throw them off the track and created a new identity for her.

As for the family that mistreated her…they wouldn't be able to find anything since they don't exist. Since they didn't exist, that meant that no matter how hard they tried to find them, they wouldn't ever find them.

So after a while, they would forget about all of this and just accept Rokuko for who she was.

Yue Lan said, "I can create the new identity with your authority as the mayor, but I'll need the Mercenary Guild's help to guarantee this identity to make it legal."

Tian Tian nodded and said, "No problem. I'll give you the guarantee as the branch president and that should be more than enough."

Yue Lan gave a nod before starting to go into the logistics with Tian Tian.

These two were the most hard working girls in Lin Fan's harem and seeing them get to business like this, he couldn't help revealing a look of appreciation.

It was all because of their hard work that he was able to live such a carefree life and he was most certainly grateful for it.

But this was also the reason why he had decided to suddenly bring Rokuko out.

Now was the right time since he had gained enough power to easily prepare a new identity for her and that the identity that he prepared for her would work in any situation.

He had gained enough influence as the mayor of this developing town that the Mu Empire's central government would accept this fake identity he created. At the same time, the branch that Tian Tian managed was now bringing in enough income from the dungeon that it was highly regarded by the Mercenary Guild headquarters. She had more than enough influence to give guarantees like this.

If it wasn't for this, he was certain that there would be problems in getting a new identity for Rokuko.

But with their hard work, it was made easy for Lin Fan.

The two of them quickly headed off to their offices to prepare everything.

Lin Fan had wanted to go talk to Rokuko, but the other girls were completely monopolizing her and he couldn't get a single step closer to her.

At least they were getting along which was something that Lin Fan was happy to see.

When Yue Lan and Tian Tian returned for dinner, they brought the new identification for Rokuko.

They handed it over to her and were bombarded by questions from her.

But hearing these questions, they were more convinced of Lin Fan's story that she had lost her memories.

After all, while Rokuko looked young, she was still in her teens. A person of this age should know the basics like this, so for her to ask this, the only explanation was that she had lost her memories.

They patiently explained everything to Rokuko and seeing how she diligently listened to them, their hearts couldn't help filling with love. The way that she looked at them while she listened was really just too cute!

Once they finished eating, it was finally Lin Fan's time to be alone with Rokuko.

Normally the other girls would follow him up, but today he stopped today so he could be alone with Rokuko.

They had disappointed looks, but they couldn't say anything when he gave them his reasoning.

For her first time and having lost her memories, being with all these other people would be intimidating.

But of course none of them questioned Lin Fan bringing her up because they could see the look of anticipation on Rokuko's face. It was clear that she knew what was going to happen and she clearly was looking forward to it.

Since that was the case, there was nothing that they could say.

Lin Fan just carried Rokuko up to his bedroom on the second floor with a smile that had a hint of lewdness on his face.

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