With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 277 First Trial

As soon as Lin Fan walked through, the dragon's mouth closed behind him, as if closing the path backwards for him.

Lin Fan didn't mind this at all as he continued forward.

Behind him, the sect master, the elders, and the disciples just stood there in silence as they didn't know how to react to this.

They were all prepared to deal with anything that Lin Fan threw at them…except for this.

They all had a sly and conniving impression of Lin Fan based on everything that he had done before, so they were prepared for him to play tricks to stall for as long as he could or for him to try to get more benefits out of them before going.

But now that none of this happened, they really didn't know how to react to this.

After a long period of silence, the sect's master's disciples suddenly asked, "Master, what do you think are his chances of passing the trial?"

The sect master didn't reply at first, knitting his brows in deep thought. After another long period of silence, he finally said with a sigh, "It doesn't matter what his chances are, our jobs are done by bringing the last holder here. Now all that's left…is to wait for the ancestor."

Everyone revealed a somber look when they heard this, but no one said a single thing.

They knew that the sect master was right.

Now that they had gotten this person who had the final Mark of the Hidden Dragon to go into the trial, their mission had been completed. The only thing that they needed to do now was wait for the appearance of the ancestor.

After standing there for a bit, they all left this basement and headed back up to the main hall.

They needed to discuss what to do after the ancestor was back.

In the tunnel inside of the dragon statue, Lin Fan kept moving forward at a steady pace.

This place was surprisingly well lit and quite spacious.

Lin Fan had thought that it would be cramped because he had seen how wide the neck of the dragon statue had been, but it turned out that the tunnel in the mouth didn't actually lead upwards.

Instead, it led deeper into the dragon statue itself and led him onto a path that was quite wide.

When the mouth closed behind him, as if they had been triggered by something, there were lights that appeared above him.

He didn't know what powered these lights, but they provided more than enough light for him to clearly see the path in front of him.

At the same time, he couldn't help feeling a bit surprised seeing these lights because they were like lights that he would see in tunnels on Earth. They were even lined at even intervals, so that there wouldn't be any waste while providing just the right level of light.

He really couldn't help wondering who built this place.

Well, he knew that it was built by the Hidden Dragon Sect, but he was curious who specifically had built this tunnel. After all, there was a chance that they might have some knowledge that was beyond the time period of this cultivation world and he wanted to know where they got that.

It was just like the research facility that he had snuck into back in Brilliant Light City.

He kept finding traces of technology that didn't match the time period of this cultivation world.

He really wanted to know just where these people were getting this technology from…

But he put that thought to the back of his mind as he continued forward down the path.

The path itself wasn't winding, but it was definitely very long.

After around half an hour, he felt like he had already walked several kilometers and yet there didn't seem to be an end to this passage.

At this point, he was certain that he had already left the range of the Hidden Dragon Sect.

Just where had they built this trial?

Eventually, after another fifteen minutes, he finally reached the end of the passage and there was a bright exit that appeared in front of him.

However, Lin Fan didn't rush out of that bright exit.

He didn't know what was beyond it, so he didn't let his guard down and pulled out Gramr before slowly walking forward just in case there was a surprise attack.

When he came closer and closer to the bright exit, his eyes adjusted and he was slowly able to see through the exit. As soon as he saw what was in front of him, he couldn't help being surprised.

That was because it was just an empty room.

This room was still brightly lit just like the pathway had been, but there was nothing that was special about this place since it was a room that was completely empty…

No, there was something strange about this room.

When he looked closely, Lin Fan found that there were holes that lined the walls and the ceiling. The only surface that didn't have these holes was the ground.

Lin Fan couldn't help looking carefully at these holes, but he couldn't see through them at all. Even when he looked at them with his Appraisal Eyes, he wasn't able to find anything special with them.

It seemed like they were nothing more than simple holes…

Seeing that he wasn't able to find anything else, Lin Fan decided to step into the room.

There was nowhere else for him to go, so stalling here any longer wouldn't do him any good.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fan stepped through the exit and into the room.

The moment that his foot was set into the room, there was a voice that suddenly boomed out, "Welcome to your first trial."

Lin Fan immediately knitted his brows and looked around himself, trying to find the source of this voice. However, when he listened carefully, it seemed like this voice was coming from all around him.

After a pause, the voice continued, "Your first trial will be to make it to the other side of this room. Watch out for falling thunder."

Then there was nothing else that was said as the voice fell silent.

"Falling thunder?" Lin Fan couldn't help repeating to himself.

He looked up at the ceiling above him and the only thing that he could see was the line of lights, along with the holes that were in the ceiling. He couldn't see anything that seemed like it would drop lightning on him.

Not to mention, he should be deep underground right now, so how could he be affected by lightning?

But there must be a reason that the voice had warned him about lightning, right?

It wouldn't say this for no reason…

But what was it warning him about?

After thinking for a bit, Lin Fan decided to throw this thought out of his mind.

After all, there was nothing that he could do about it right now even if he did know about it. So the only thing that he could do was move forward and resist it when it came at him.

After throwing this thought out of his mind, Lin Fan raised his hand and created a spiritual energy barrier around him. This spiritual energy quickly condensed and there was a layer of transparent ice that formed around him.

After he had broken through, all of his skills had also leveled up and he could control them much better with his increased control of spiritual energy.

So it was easy for him to create small ice mirrors like this just in case anything happened.

Nothing happened as he took his first step forward. In fact, nothing happened even after he had taken several steps forward.

It was almost as if there was nothing that was going to happen.

But of course, Lin Fan didn't dare let his guard down.

He moved forward slowly but surely, moving around a hundred meters forward, but he couldn't see the end of the room at all. As far as he could tell, the room seemed to continue on endlessly.

This was very strange since Lin Fan's eyesight was already much better than before as he had reached the Foundation Realm.

Without using any spiritual energy, he was able to see over a kilometer away and with spiritual energy, it wasn't a problem for him to see over five kilometers away.

But even with all of that, he still wasn't able to see the end of the room.

Just how big and wide was this room?

Lin Fan knew that he would be here forever if he took it at this slow pace, so he finally stopped moving at this slow pace and started moving faster.

It was just too bad that the moment that he started moving at a faster pace, he suddenly felt the ground under his foot sink.

When he looked down, he saw that there was a circular portion of the ground that had sunk under his foot.

It was a trigger plate!

Lin Fan immediately raised his hands and condensed even more ice mirrors around him, but he found that there wasn't a single thing that came flying at him.

When he looked around, he found that it didn't seem like anything had changed.

That was until he noticed that it was somehow getting brighter and brighter around him.

When he looked closely, he found that there were yellow lights that were gathering in the holes on the walls and ceiling, as if there was something being condensed.

It didn't take long as they suddenly shot out bolts of lightning at him.

So this was the reason for the warning earlier!

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