With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 444 New System?

In a different room, Lin Fan was sitting there with Senior Sister Bing and Mu Bao Bao.

This was the real Mu Bao Bao, not the fake one that was currently in the prison.

Lin Fan hadn't planned on capturing her at first, but seeing how things had turned out, he decided to capture her in the end.

After all, he would be able to gain much more information from capturing her than from just looting her corpse.

Now it was all about breaking her mentality down before he started interrogating her.

That was why he had left her all alone for the entire day.

He knew from a few psychology books that he read in his past life that loneliness was one of the worst forms of torture that a person could suffer through. That was why they had used solitary treatment in prisons back in his past life.

So he had put her alone in this cell to see if he could whittle down her will.

But eventually, he would have to do something to get information out of her.

That was why he was sitting here with Senior Sister Bing and Mu Bao Bao.

On the table in front of them was a direct feed to 'Mu Bao Bao's' cell, so they could see her lying there in the darkness.

What they were using was an array to watch over her, so they were able to see her even though it was completely dark in the cell.

They saw her lying there without moving and soon Mu Bao Bao couldn't help asking, "Are you sure that she's not dead?"

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "You can see her moving slightly to show that she's still breathing. She is either asleep or pretending so that she will get some kind of attention. This means that her will is still strong and she'll be ready to fight back if we engage."

Mu Bao Bao and Senior Sister Bing looked carefully at 'Mu Bao Bao' in the cage and they found that Lin Fan was right.

When they looked carefully, they could see the slight movements from her body showing that she was still alive.

So after a bit of silence, Mu Bao Bao and Senior Sister Bing looked at Lin Fan before asking, "What do we do now? How do we get information from her?"

If one looked closely, they would be able to see that Mu Bao Bao and Senior Sister Bing were looking at Lin Fan with a strange look. It was as if they were seeing a side of Lin Fan that they had never seen before.

After all, he was the one that had come up with all of the plans that they had used this time.

At the same time, he was the one that was now thinking about how to torture the fake 'Mu Bao Bao'.

This was clearly a side that was completely new to them…but they didn't blame him for acting this way.

They knew that he was only acting this way to help them.

This matter was without a doubt related to the Love Sect and if it was left alone, then it would eventually reach a point where it would endanger them.

After all, the other side clearly wasn't planning on giving up and letting them go.

So they supported him no matter what Lin Fan did.

After he thought about it for a bit, Lin Fan decided that he would try some various different methods that he had heard about in his past life.

While these mainly came from animes that he watched before, he still believed that they would be effective.

But for now, he planned on leaving her alone until she was ready for him to process.

With that, he looked at Senior Sister Bing and Mu Bao Bao.

Both of them were surprised by the way that he looked at them, especially since they were in this situation…but it wasn't as if they were against it.

So they didn't resist at all as he lifted them up and carried them into the bedroom behind them.

For the rest of the night, they worked hard on their 'dual cultivation'.

When the morning came, Lin Fan went to check on 'Mu Bao Bao' while the two girls were still asleep.

He found that she had woken up and was just laying there with her eyes open, but there was a blank look in her eyes that looked like she was staring a thousand miles away.

It seemed like the solitude had worked and her mentality had been slowly drained away, but he never thought that it would happen this quickly.

After all, most people would be able to hold on for at least a day…but she was already broken like this after a day.

He was also certain that she wasn't acting since when he sent the bear to bring the food to her, she had tried her best to talk to it even though it had ignored her. It seemed like she was already desperate for any kind of contact.

Just what had she gone through in the past that she was this weak to being alone?

Wasn't she alone during the whole time that she was inside of her inn?

So why didn't she lose herself like this when she was there?

There were many things that confused him, but he decided to put those thoughts away.

For now, Lin Fan would focus on getting the information that he needed and nothing else.

So while it was dangerous to do this now, Lin Fan decided to put on the cloak and headed down to the dungeon.

When he came in, he couldn't help being surprised by the smell.

It wasn't that this place smelled bad, but rather because it smelled good.

There was this faint fragrance of flowers in the air that shouldn't have been in a place like this.

As far as he could tell, it seemed like it was coming from the cell in front of him, the only cell that was occupied.

But why would this be?

Shaking his head, Lin Fan threw these thoughts out of his mind again and walked forward.

When 'Mu Bao Bao' heard these footsteps, she didn't react at all.

She just thought that it was the bear that was coming back and since the bear wouldn't talk to her, she thought that it was useless to do anything.

But when she saw the cloaked figure approaching, she realized that this was different.

'Mu Bao Bao' immediately sat up and asked, "Can you tell me where I am?"

Lin Fan was surprised to hear her ask this, but he didn't say anything as he stood there in front of her cell.

When 'Mu Bao Bao' saw that he wasn't saying anything, she kept trying to ask different questions.

She asked where she was, what this place was, what time it was, and all kinds of different trivial things about this place.

However, Lin Fan didn't answer a single one of her questions.

Seeing that he wasn't planning on saying a thing, 'Mu Bao Bao' couldn't help giving a sigh before slumping back down with dead eyes again.

It was as if her spirit was completely broken with the way that she laid there.

This was exactly what Lin Fan wanted to see.

But before he could say anything, he suddenly saw a popup appear in front of his face.

"The target's submission has increased by 1."

"A new type of target has been confirmed, so a new system will be released."

"The prisoner taming system has been activated."

Lin Fan just stood there in a daze as he looked at the notifications that appeared in front of him.

He completely did not expect this kind of thing to happen.

However, this was something that he was familiar with.

That was because when he had taken Xiao Ming as his disciple, there had been another system that had been activated as well. There was the disciple system that was just for Xiao Ming that had been activated.

So this prisoner system should be something similar to that.

After coming back to his senses, Lin Fan opened up the prisoner tab of this new system and saw that there was only one name there.

'Mu Bao Bao'

Current submission: 1

It was similar to the love taming system where he wasn't able to see anything because the submission value was still low, but this proved that he didn't need to just use affection to tame people…

He could also use submission to do the same.

But when he looked carefully at the new description of his Love Gauge Taming skill, he found that there was a special feature about this new system.

The prisoner taming could only be used on those that he had trapped and considered a true enemy.

It seemed that it had a very strict condition before it was used.

But this had appeared at the perfect time.

If he tamed this 'Mu Bao Bao' with this new system, wouldn't he be able to command her to give the information that he wanted?

After all, he had seen that his abilities with the new prisoner taming were much more strict and one sided compared to the disciple or lover taming.

He would be able to command her to do things even if she didn't want to, unlike the other two taming systems.

Once he was done reviewing this new addition to his Love Gauge Taming, Lin Fan made up his mind.

He would use this new prisoner system to tame 'Mu Bao Bao'.

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