A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 100: Promise.

Chapter 100: Promise.

Multiple proficiency requirements fulfilled. [White Flames Lv. 2] [Corrosive Fire Lv. 2] [Silent Casting Lv. 8] [Concentration Lv. 5] [Singing Lv. 9] [Dancing Lv. 7] [Musician Lv. 6] [Handicraft Lv. 3] [Woodworking Lv. 5] [Trap Creation Lv. 7] gained


With that Japanese word for Thanks for the food, the three of us began breakfast. However, each of our breakfasts were split across multiple smaller dishes, different from how we usually ate, with each meal served in a single dish. Today was the 31st of AutumnMoon and also New Years Eve.

After picking up my chopsticks, a pair of crude wooden sticks I should improve one day, I analyzed the dishes on the table. Before each of us sat a bowl of steaming white rice with a fresh raw egg cracked onto it, an herb grilled barracuda steak, pickled veggies we made with vinegar we bought, an omelet, and a bowl of wheat soba noodle soup. Saori might not be the best tea brewer, but shes an excellent home chef. Despite the small food quantity, the smell was too mouth-watering to resist.

Opting for a spoon and fork, as she still hadnt learned how to use chopsticks, Tasianna took a bite of the tender fish. I may not be a fan of meat, but this is tempting me to become one, Miss Saori. Our garden herbs make the meat incredibly aromatic, she said as she continued restlessly going through the assortment of dishes, enjoying each bite.

Although I knew how to use chopsticks from my previous life, I now found it troublesome to use them since my claws were as long as my fingers. It really has been too long since I had a traditional Japanese breakfast. I do miss my moms cooking but yours is almost as good as hers, almost.

Oh really? Saori asked with a teasing smile. With how ravenously you always ate my stew, I find that hard to believe, Hestia.

Once we went through most of the dishes, we then placed the soba in front of us upon Saoris command. Clumsily putting the chopsticks in her hand, Tasianna remarked upon the delicious smell coming from the soup. Mhmmmm. So, this is a tradition in your home countries, Miss Saori, Lady Hestia? Is there a reason why this dish holds this much meaning to you?

Soba is a type of noodle made with soba, or buckwheat, we Japanese usually eat on New Years Eve, Saori explained as she dexterously picked up a few noodles with her chopsticks. Unlike mine, her claws were short enough that she could still use chopsticks easily. Slurping these long soba noodles is said to represent a persons long and healthy life, while each bite symbolizes our wish to break free of our past. I would always eat them with my family before visiting the nearest shrine for Hatsumode on the next day. Sigh, it is just a shame they are more like udon because of the wheat.

Saori, being a super nice person, always catered to my western food preferences over her own whenever she cooked our meals, mostly cause of the lack of Japanese ingredients. As this was our first New Years celebration as a group, Saori wanted to do something special and tried her best to prepare a breakfast just like she always ate with her family.

She held those memories with her family fondly, as she still wanted to remember the good times. The death of her father made her dearly miss these times since she wasnt able to do it anymore with her heartbroken mother. Spending time with us like this must be a way for her to comfort herself, I guess.

Also, the reason why Saori and I werent calling these noodles soba was cause they were completely made of wheat. We tried asking Tasianna if she knew about buckwheat, but it seems she didnt even know of a word for it. Without buckwheat, no proper Toshikoshi-soba could be made. It was still delicious though, even if Saori couldve cut the noodles better, but who am I to judge?

Eating like this feels nostalgic, but...its hard to remember every single detail with my fuzzy memory.. I know I spent New Years in Japan before I have grandparents there, after all, I mentioned as I slurped up some soba. Ooooh! Its delicious.

We kept to ourselves as we continued slurping the noodles, taking in the nostalgic nature of this event. Tasiannas eyes darted between us, probably feeling a bit awkward, but kept quiet for our consideration. Saori and I, although our situations were different, probably felt the same thing at this moment, but neither of us said a thing about it. We justenjoyed each others company in silence.

Thank you very much.

Arigato gozaimasu.

Once we were done with breakfast, Saori pulled out the three outfits she prepared for me today and we went towards the church area, the place where my concert stage was. Just like a production crew, we had to set everything up before my debut could begin.

My debutit is about time I become the idol I always wished to become.

I can do it!


I can do it! the crimson-haired dragonewt girl shouted at the top of her voice. Only Tasianna and I heard her, though, as over a hundred villagers were cheering, feasting, or otherwise making merry outside this dressing room.

I clapped her shoulders in support, adding, Are you ready, Hestia? Your time to shine has finally come. Once I saw her smile, I made sure her clothes and hair were in tip-top shape.

For her concert, we used the clothes Id made for her previously and combined different clothing pieces to make idol outfits for each of her three songs. Considering Tasianna and I had to help Hestia decorate the stage as well, these past three weeks have been quite stressful. Our schedule has been filled to the brim with activities.

Tasianna, Ill count on you, but please dont overexert yourself. Youre the only one who shouldnt use too much Mana, Hestia told Tasianna with determined but slightly trembling eyes.

Your wish is my command, Lady Hestia! I will make sure to perform everything we practice perfectly! Tasianna responded, eyes dazzling with both excitement and pride.

As we exited the dressing room Hestia made with her earth magic, our eyes were drawn towards the lights shining next to the towering concert stage. As the show hadnt started yet, they werent from the stage itself, but from the celebrating villagers of Carine village.

Even if today was New Year's Eve, the villagers considered the day more like every other day. While the villagers had needed no encouragement to celebrate Origdiviel Arashan, the God Thanking Festival, we had to persuade everybody to attend by hosting our own festival for the evening, as an excuse to get them to attend Hestias concert. Of course, we didnt have to host a small festival, as a few villagers were willing to come, but Hestia wanted everybody to come. Every single villager.

So, to give everybody a good excuse to not go to sleep early and instead to attend her concert, which she wanted to host late in the evening for the darkness, we cooked up a feast for everybody using our own resources. There was a lot to cook, so Hestia and Tasianna had to help me. Thankfully, we didnt have to supply the alcohol, as the men just brought their own. Rita, the baker, and her husband, who owns a small tavern, were a great help, also.

Well, I personally didnt mind all the alchohol, as I could just consider it my usual New Years drinking party with my fellow teachers. I might have worked at a prestigious school, but once classes ended for the day, I was just another adult like anybody else. Working hard is important, but letting loose once in a while is good for your health.

The real problem was to keep the area warm and cozy for the villagers to stand around. It was still snowing and nobody wanted to stay outside to freeze their toes up. Thankfully, Ellaines family had a spare manatech responsible for regulating the temperature inside its barrier, which she gladly lent to Hestia on the condition we three stayed at her mansion in Firwood for a few days. At least our accommodations were handled beforehand now.

It really sounds like everybody is having fun. I feel a bit bad for interrupting them now, ha ha, Hestia laughed nervously, trying to hide the tension in her voice with a joke. Urgh, I hope people wont just walk out once they are full.

I am convinced Colwyn or Harriet would have said something to them, I stated. However, stop worrying about it so much. Instead, just do your best. Tasianna and I have heard you sing when you put all your emotions into it. I will 100% guarantee you that you will captivate everybody.

Aside from decorations, practice sessions were also part of our preparations. We had to plan out Hestias dance choreography with the lighting and special effects, making sure everything was just so. Tasianna, being responsible for the ice floor, had to practice her control with [Cryokinesis], to make sure Hestias scale-dust sparks wouldnt cause it to melt. She might not be seeking complete perfection anymore, but I think Hestia would lose her confidence if our plan didnt go exactly as we planned.

This girl needed confidence the most right now, and we had to make sure we support her correctly. Tasianna and I made sure not to let it show, but we were pretty tense, too. Wed been traveling with Hestia for a long time now, and we both understood how important this was for her.

I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it, Hestia repeated it to herself to pump herself up, as the show was about to start.

But, before that, I took something out of my [Storage Magic] and handed it over to her. What is that? she asked me as she took the small mana thread-made envelope, rattling with small audible metal clings and clangs as she shook it.

Do you still remember Otoshidama? New Years gift for children? Well, it would not be New Year without a gift from your elders, right?

Hestia listened to me with widened eyes, before she opened the envelope and took out a couple of copper coins, worth 185 Davi in total. She looked at me with confusion but also astonishment, prompting me to answer, I remembered it a bit too late. I was never the giver, only the recipient. I asked Colwyn if he had any paying work, but none of them demanded my artisan skills, so the amount I could earn was justwell, it is a bit embarrassing to admit. Still, you are younger than me and you mean a lot to me, Hestia, so please use it for whatever you want. I looked away to avoid eye contact.

Otoshidama was literally the Japanese version of the red envelope tradition in China. It was a monetary present for occasions worthy of celebration.

But instead of laughing at me for being flustered, she gave me a large smile with the calmest eyes Id seen from her since the sun disappeared on the horizon. Thank you so very much, Saori. Thisthis really means a lot to me. She held the coins in her palm and clenched them into a fist, slightly trembling as she did that before looking up, the anxiety completely gone from her eyes. So, because of this, I will make sure to fulfill my promise. I will give you two the greatest Idol concert you have, or will ever, hear! So, you guys better listen to me, otherwise Ill pout at you guys!

Promise, I said.

Always, Tasianna replied.

Thank you She placed the envelope and money into her storage, turned around andturned back to us? Uhhh, wait a minute, this is money youve earned right? So isnt this, like, our partys funds, similar to the amount Ive been able to earn?

No! No! I shouted, holding my hands out as I waved them at her. It isnt a lot but its yours. Your pocket money. You can do whatever you want with it. It stays separate from our funds. Now, instead of joking around, how about you go up on your stage and wait for me to announce the start, huh? Do you not have a show to go to?

Giving me a confident smile, Hestia replied, Sure, its time for me to take to the stage. Its SHOWTIME!

With our last pep-talk before the show, Tasianna and I headed to our stations. Tasianna went to the side of the stage and began applying the icy floor, while I inspected the set to make sure everything was in order.

Through our decorations, the dirt-brown earth pillars were nowhere to be seen, completely replaced by a carapace of mana threads wrapped around them. The now rainbow-colored pillars had peculiar designs some would call abstract art, but, as these threads could light up if mana was poured into them, they will seem more like neon signs once we enter the show. However, for safety reasons, we couldnt use lava elemental threads, as light up meant producing real lava.

We also added multiple curtains on the stage, attaching one for the front, back, and roof. We also switched the wooden bowl spotlights with wooden buckets painted black from coal. Now, they really looked like actual spotlights if you didnt give them a closer look. With the colored threads covering their openings, once Hestias [Shine] activated, the multitude of colors she wanted would shine on her.

To finalize the look, we also included lights on the stages sides. As there was a main stage and a catwalk to the B-stage, we had to make sure everything was lit up. As she is the star, Hestia has to be visible for everybody to see.

Honestly, aside from missing a video-like background to play with Hestias performance, we managed to recreate all of an idols stage decorations through creative solutions. Hestia was a craftswoman, and once she set her mind to something, especially concerning her concert, she would create it to ease our lives. Just like those spotlights, we placed multiple other gadgets and tools around the premise to improve the show.

Like the production crew that we were, Tasianna and I had the important duty of activating whatever gadgets and tools Hestia couldnt activate herself. Making sure the mana threads activated, applying other special effects, and using the gadgets needed for the moment. Hestia could, technically, do most of the task herself, but we werent sure how she would hold up during the night, so we decided to take off some of her workload.

We have only practiced in the mornings and Hestia could continuously produce Mana under the sun. However, once the sun went down, that advantage was gone. We didnt know how long Hestia could last as a one-woman production crew, so performing with less strain was better. She had to focus on performing, after all.

After the ice was applied, I walked up on the stage, fully confident everything was ready. I looked at everybody partying and loudly spoke, Welcome, everybody from Carine village! I thank everybody for attending my Mistress Idol Concert! As Hestia was amplifying my voice using her [Aerokinesis], it would be hard to believe nobody heard me speak. I do hope everybody has enjoyed the feast we carefully made for everybody. However, I must ask you now to draw your attention to the person of honor. Today, please disregard all the titles and other opinions you have accumulated until today, and please look at the girl performing as no one other than Hestia Atsuko, an aspiring idol!

There were murmurs among the crowd, clearly not understanding what I meant with disregarding titles, but I should also presume nobody was aware of what an idol truly is. That word doesnt exist in Common tongue. Should I explain it to them?

I am sure there is confusion among everybody. Lady Hestia has been acting as a priestess of Goddess Aurena since late AutumnSun, and she wishes to perform something special for everybody here. She would be delighted if you could grant her some of your time and attention, but this is not an order from either a priestess or a noble. You may leave whenever, you have our words as servants of Goddess Aurena, I told everybody. And, if there are those who are questioning what an Idol is, thenplease, enjoy.

Whether it was necessary to swear to Aurena or not, I wasnt sure, but, knowing everybody was religious, I thought using Hestias deeds as a priestess of Aurena could make everybody calm down. There was obviously still some confusion, but Ill let Hestia handle this.

Music is the art of touching the souls of thousands to empower and heal them was Hestias motto, right? She learned that quote from her father, and it has been a driving force of her will to perfect her art.

Once I left the stage, there was a moment of silence before the lights around the stage suddenly turned on. People gasped at the sudden light, before all other sounds were drowned by the music. Hestias [Aerokinesis] can not only control air, but, through some fine control, she can even reproduce the sounds of instruments. While I still wasnt sure how her parallel minds worked, they were responsible for the music right now.


Every time AutumnMoon, makes us crowd around the hearth

I know that time of year is just around the corner

Then we look upwards, into the bright blue sky of theirs

We pray to them, renew our faith, make it even stronger

Origdiviel Arashan, we give our thanks to all the Gods

So bless our trip into the New Year!


Her voice was as soft as an angel, similar to the time I first heard her in her [Humanization Lv. 6] form. The spotlights immediately turned on, illuminating Hestias darkened silhouette as the music played a Christmas-like song, complete with all the jingle bells and soft tunes. The villagers expressions were a mix of surprise and bewilderment, eyes open wide, as some were looking at each other for reassurance.

For her idol concert, we split her time on the stage into three songs. Her first song was inspired by Christmas songs and was focused on the God Thanking Festival. Hestia was adamant that her first song had to catch everybodys attention immediately, and so dedicated her first song to Origdiviel Arashan, the closest Peolyncian equivalent to both Thanksgiving and Christmas.

An idol concert was a foreign concept for everybody on Peolynca, or at least Carine Village; thats why Hestia wanted something the crowd felt attached to. She asked Lorena for the different events, festivals, holidays the Kingdom of Artorias celebrated for this reason. A song about the Gods sung by such a talented singer should be able to attract everybodys attention.

And I was right.


Our love to the Gods,

Thank you, thank you, Origin Gods

Lets welcome the New Year with open arms

Turn that frown into a smile, join us to the fireworks

By the Gods, they wish us merry now

Together with your family

So let us all slide well into the next Year


The crowd wasnt clapping yet, but their small head nods and tapping feet showed they were following the rhythm of the song. Cuteness was a universal concept. Although everybody had different preferences, I knew from overhearing their whispers during my trips around the village that both men and women found Hestia adorable despite her scary draconic features.

Due to this information, Hestias first song was cutsie. Small, cute dance movements while keeping her voice soft. To fit this theme, I made her an outfit that was mostly white with pink frills while keeping the overall design of her usual outfit intact. Even the boots she was wearing were white as Ruld, the cobbler, was able to make a few pairs just in time for the concert.

To the performance itself, Hestia already began using special effects to complement her song. She used her scale-dust to produce small sparks that made the air around her seem to glitter. At the same time, Tasianna used [Cryokinesis] to produce snow to appear on the stage, and from the coating of ice shed applied to the floor rose a white mist that the spotlights illuminated. It was icy but Hestias constant movement and singing kept everything alive.

White was the color of purity and innocence, so I believe this fits the theme of the song perfectly. A winter special.

I dont need to use [Identify]. I am sure she must have her [Stage Fever] active. Everybody is looking! Good for you, Hestia, keep it up!

Those who were already Hestias fan or those who liked her singing during her sermons were naturally inclined to enjoy her current performance. The serene singing pushed those people into humming along while doing their own dance to release the energy they were gathering from the performance.

Others were still carefully assessing the situation, but I could see they were enjoying it as they listened intently, unable to divert their eyes from Hestia. The few who were still eating showed some signs of liking it, as they kept quiet and ate slowly as they watched the light show.

As the chorus repeated itself in the second half song, Hestias movement became more refined and trained, finally dancing properly. She was shaking her shoulders, swinging her imaginary microphone, making long, sweeping arm motions. It got to the point where her confidence surged, and she began truly making full use of her body, fully embracing the singing and dancing combo of a Korean pop star.

The smile she was beaming was all the evidence I needed to know how much fun she was having, and, although I wasnt sure if I saw it correctly, I think her eyes were beginning to get wet. The number of emotions she was going through, I could only hazard a guess at this point.

Speaking of watching the show, I also noticed the presence of Barathan and Ellaine during the second half of her song. They were hiding behind the wall of villagers, sticking to the dark as they watched Hestia perform. While Barathan kept a neutral expression, Ellaine was visibly entranced by the performance. This was her first time listening to Hestia sing, after all.

The song should end soon.


Our love to the Gods,

Thank you, thank you, Origin Gods


The music continued for a bit more after she stopped singing and finally fell silent. As Tasianna and I began clapping, the crowd of villagers imitated us, understanding the song was over. The silence once again disappeared and was now replaced by an orchestra of claps and exclamations of amazement.

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! she shouted out at the top of her voice, bewildering everybody in the audience. Uhm, Im sorry about that. Uhm, the next song will come in just a few minutes. Please, have patience, and thank you so very much for listening. After informing the crowd, Hestia rushed off the stage and into the backstage where Tasianna and I were already waiting for her in front of the dressing room.

I-I, hick, did it. I r-really did it, hick, Hestia struggled to say as tears streamed down her face, wiping her running nose as she entered the room.

Yes, you did a fine job, Lady Hestia. It was wonderful. You were so enchanting! Tasianna responded in support with a huge grin, wiping Hestias tears and snot with a handkerchief.

You did amazing! See, I told you just needed more confidence in yourself! Everybody loved you! I said to encourage her even further, slowly taking off her current outfit to help her switch into the next one. However, dont cry yet. You still have two more songs to go through.

Hick, yeah, I know. Hestia finally stopped crying, and cast [Major Heal] on herself to clear the redness from her eyes. Im working right now. An idol has to keep smiling, she cant cry until the show is over.

Once we were done with her next dress, Tasianna and I left the room first to set up the smoke balls. I placed one of Hestias heater balls on each side and Tasianna covered them with an [Air Shield]. As Hestia was readying herself at the entrance of the stage, Tasianna and I each cast [Create Water] and poured the water into the barriers. The water quickly evaporated in the heat from those heater balls, producing steam which flowed onto the concert stage.




The lights immediately lit up. under the veil of steam, Hestia appeared with the music already playing. Compared to her previous outfit, her current one was more daring as it was designed according to Earths modern fashion styles. Instead of her usual multi-layered outfits, her current one was a form-fitting one-piece red dress, accentuating her more womanly features instead of her youth.

Incidentally, the first prototype of her dress was quite revealing for medieval times, so I had to persuade her to change it. She was adamant about the idea as she wanted to perform a more mature song, but when I told her the villagers might assume her to appear slutty if too much skin was revealed, she caved in.

Now, it was tastefully sexy, covering up everything above her waist aside from her hands and neck, while the dress skirt went down to her knees. Funnily enough, her mature dress had a longer skirt than her usual outfit, but the dress showed her curves better, so it did fit how she wanted to appear.


Ooh, the moment our eyes met, ooh, my heart couldnt stop beating

Badump, dump, dump, its like you used a skill on me

Ahh, but dont you even think Im so easily swayed

Can you prove to me that you can set my heart on fire, pal


Her wish to use her fire in her performance finally came true in the second song, where every move produced white flames that trailed behind her arms and legs. With her renewed confidence firmly settled at her foundation, her every movement was powerful and refined, leaving no room for mistakes.

This energizing love song filled the surroundings with color and sound, banishing darkness and silence away from the stage and concert attendees.


Until you show me the flames in you

I will smile and keep these three words for myself!

I cant wait!

Just watching you makes me feel so anxious

I dream of the day that you will hold me

You are it, my Fireheart!

Say those words!

Dont just stand there and keep your mouth wide, dummy

Cant you feel the rhythm of our heartbeats

Say those words, my Fireheart!


It was obvious from the loud cheering that the song was incredibly popular among the men, both young and old. Those who had a wife were obviously being scolded by them, but it seems even those very women were enjoying the song, almost like they were reminiscing their own love lives.

While the married women were showing their excitement through their smiles and intense scolding of their men, the single ladies couldnt help but sing along. Despite not being the star of the show themselves, it was like they were intoxicated by the atmosphere and aura Hestia was creating, crudely imitating Hestias every move.

Hestia herself, noticed this fervor, amplified the intensity of her flames and the usage of the lights, making the stage dazzle in the night like a disco light show. Although it was blinding, somehow it all fitted perfectly together. The only problem was that Tasianna and I had to adapt to this sudden shift in gear, making sure the mana threads lit up exactly how Hestia would want them.

I do believe my synergy with Hestia during a fight is good, but this was my first idol concert. My first music concert of any kind, I admit. During our practice, I was able to learn how Hestia envisioned an idol concert, but I dont believe I could perfectly imagine it yet.

Still, the crowd was riling up in excitement, completely overwhelmed by the mood Hestia had set with her performance. None of them had ever seen something like this, so it probably contributed to their interest. Regardless, the smiles of everyone at the front of the crowd were genuine. Even those who were initially uninterested had stopped eating and were watching Hestia sing and dance with affirming nods.

The night sky, darkening as time went by, was now brightened up by shimmering rainbow lights and white flames. Considering this was a normal medieval farming village, having something like this happening must be extraordinary. Even the thick terra walls wouldnt be here werent it for Hestia.

Colwyn did say it was Hestias role as a priestess to help the villagers regain hope after the disaster of the bandit camp. In her own way, she was creating so much fun and hope from this single concert that I think a few of the attendees probably considered it an impromptu sermon.

Well, whatever they thought, I was happy to see everybody having fun. It made me proud to see Hestia having the time of her life, raising her voice to the extreme, releasing her singing talent to the wide world.

Ending the song with an over-the-top display of her white flames, she created a pair of white flaming wings floating behind her back and showed a large heart sign with her arms. Once the music stopped, there was another break where we switched Hestias outfit to the last for today.

Her outfit was Actually, there wasnt much to talk about. For the last song of her concert, we decided to have Hestia perform in her usual outfit without her white mage robe. We dressed her in the simple, pop-idol outfit made from her crimson-red mana threads she would walk around in nearly every day. Considering her next song, it was just perfect.

Hey, Hestia, I called her before she entered the stage. Stay brave. You can do it.

She stood still for a moment, wiping something from her face with her arm, before turning around to me, forcing the biggest smile shes given today, I-I know. Just one more step andand my dream will come true. Ill become an idol. My dream from my past life, my promise to my parents, my promise to you two. It will all become true today. Just one more step. Her eyes trembled with those words.

Tasianna, unable to bear it anymore, gave Hestia a firm hug. You can do it, my Princess. Nobody today shined more than you. I am sure, if your family were here, they would say the same thing. For you, I will dedicate the best tea Ive ever made to congratulate you on becoming the star you always wanted to become. You have fully captured my heart with your songs, Princess Hestia.

I could not have said it any better, I added in support as I held her head to my chest. Just one more step. You said it yourself. Dont forget, an idol always smiles. Even through the toughest times.

If her first song was a Christmas song, her second was a love song, then her last song was a ballad. Her song, aptly named, was Promise.

The stage was silent for a moment with no lights illuminating anything. As the villagers started to wonder when the show would start again, two lights beamed onto the stage, showing a singular figure walking forward, the music already playing.

Haaaahaaahaaaaaaaaaaa Hestia let out her voice softly, audibly once she raised her pitch.

As the music kept playing, Hestia stepped onto the catwalk, walking towards the B-stage as she finally started singing.


As I stare into the sky, I wonder what happened that day

It was bright, so bright, my dazzling dreams; It pains me, to think of them

I sealed my tears, sadness into a mask, how could I be so blind to theirs

Oh, by chance, I wish a second try, but now, that chance was gone.


Standing still at the center of the B-stage, the only lights surrounding the young idol were the stage lights and her own white flames levitating above her like a halo.


Instead, everything was changed

I could have cast my past into flames

But my memories remained, I couldnt fail; their hopes for me, I will hold to my heart!



But before the chorus began, tears began streaming down her face, unable to hold in the emotions she was carrying with every word she sang. The villagers were baffled, but they didnt say a word, keeping quiet as the crying girl continued singing, keeping her smile up even as her outfit was being soaked with her tears.


Like a soaring star, I will fly

Through this darkness, my light will never fade

Even in the darkest hours, this smile will always stay

This promise etched to my eternal soul!

As if reality can break my wings

Defy all, keep your eyes on the prize

For this single chance in life, I will stand tall and proud

Let the world hear my voice!


Hierck hieck, hick, hierck, as she received a small moment to cry, Hestia roughly tried to wipe all the tears away from her eyes, but whatever she tried, the dam in her eyes wouldnt stop.

The villagers slowly understood what was going on, shouting Stay strong! and You can do it, lass! in support of Hestia. Nodding her head in affirmation, Hestia sniffed and continued singing.


Wooohooooooo whoooooohaaaaaaa. Haaaahaaahaaaa

Time and time again I thought, Shouldnt I give up on this dream?

But I would lie, break my heart; I couldnt live it down, I made a promise to them

I didnt want to let them down, they brought the light back to my life

So hear me sing, watch me dance, witness this spectacle; for them, I give it my all!

So, please, forgive my selfishness

I dearly wish to see you two, again

But, by chance, I was given a second try, I would reject it, this is my path!

As if reality can break my wings

Defy all, keep your eyes on the prize

For this single chance in life, I will stand tall and proud

Let the world hear MY VOICE!

Like a soaring star, I will fly

Through this darkness, my light will never fade

Even in the darkest hours, this smile will always stay

This promise etched to my eternal soul!

As if reality can break my wings

Defy all, keep your eyes on the prize

For this single chance in life, I will stand tall and proud

Let the world hear MY VOICE!


The song was at its climax, and the sounds of wailing werent only coming from Hestia. All the women, young and old, witnessing the sight of this young singer putting all her raw emotions in front of everybody couldnt help but cry, too. Even Tasianna and I, who had already heard this song, couldnt help ourselves. Dedicated to both of her two lives, this song resounded in our very souls.

The men, on the other hand, werent the crying type, but they kept supporting Hestia in their own ways by cheering. The music was supposed to drown all the surrounding noise, but the choir of cheers couldnt be stopped.

[Music Resonation (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Shadowstalker Cadejo, Saori Segawa]

Something popped up in my status board, but I didnt care. I couldnt help but cheer for Hestia at this moment.


However, I will always hold you close

For my life was filled with all your love

So, please, watch over me you two

My promise to you, I will now make it true!

Like a soaring star, I will fly

Through this darkness, my light will never fade

Even in the darkest hours, this smile will always stay

This promise etched to my eternal soul!

As if reality can break my wings

Defy all, keep your eyes on the prize

For this single chance in life, I will stand tall and proud

Let the world hear my voice!


As the song finally ended, sounds of sizzling gunpowder came from behind the stage before it was replaced by explosions. Three objects shot from behind the stage, into the air and outside the village, before exploding into multiple beautiful fireworks illuminating the night sky in crimson-red, white, and purple.

Hestias personally made fireworks, using the same principle when she made her bombs, were filled with scale-dust as a gunpowder replacement and three different magic circles. Hestia activated those fireworks like she did her spotlights, and shot them outside the village to make sure none of the villagers would be hurt from the fireworks remains.

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! THANK YOU EVERYBODY FROM CARINE VILLAGE AND THE HELVAS TERRITORY! YOU HAVE BEEN AN AMAZING CROWD! Hestia shouted with all her remaining strength, before collapsing on her knees, crying tears of happiness in front of the entire crowd.

As they did for the two previous songs, the crowd exploded in cheering and claps, shouting words of support as they, surprisingly, stayed away from the stage. None of them tried to storm the stage, all understanding how important this moment was for Hestia.

Tasianna and I ran on the stage, supported Hestia on our shoulders, and slowly carried her off the stage, all while the crowd didnt stop cheering.

I-Im an, hick, Idol, Hestia managed to utter through her wails.

Yes, you are, Hestia. You have finally become the shining light you always wished for, I answered in response.

And this wont be the last concert, right, Lady Hestia? You wont stop shining, right? Tasianna asked her with a proud smile.

She vehemently shook her head, No, no, this, hick, wont be the last! I will never stop ever again. Im an idol and an idol will perform until she cant anymore. I will establish the idol culture on Peolynca, no matter what it costs me!

And with those words, the first idol on Peolynca was born. As we brought the already sleeping Hestia back home, Tasianna and I noticed the moon suddenly radiating an intense orange for a couple of moments before switching over to a pale white, eventually returning to normal.

Tasianna explained the moon was the reason why this world knew when a season would end. At the night of the transition, the moon would shine the previous seasons color and then announce the next season by adopting its color. This would always happen at midnight.

I was surprised to learn this as Hestia nor I ever witnessed it ourselves. The trees in the Belzac forest covered up the sky and we always went to sleep early. What a coincidence I would learn about it today, after the concert.

It felt like the world was accepting Hestias announcement. The light she showed today and the following moonlight felt symbolic to me. Today wouldnt be her last show as her dream was too large to keep her down. No more was she only a trainee or aspiring idol. She was now an authentic Idol star!

A note from AbyssRaven

I'll be honest, I teared up a bit while I wrote the lyrics for the third song. It made me remember Hestia's backstory too much. Hope you guys had fun with the ending of this arc. Next up, Firwood!

If you guys want to support me, Hestia and "A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale" (or just read up to 12 advance chapters + any Patreon-only chapters) please check out my Patreon: Rawr!

If you guys enjoyed this chapter then, please follow the story. If you guys want the story to grow, then giving it a rating or a favorite will do wonders: Rawr

Thank you for reading this chapter.




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1 Fictions 7 Posts 1 Threads

  • Wednesday, October 21, 2020 11:58:33 PM
  • Germany
  • [Member of Zard Skwad]

Bio: Hey there, AbyssRaven here. I'm just an avid Light Novel and Fantasy story reader who randomly thought of a story and began writing about it.

I eventually found out that I've been spending a bit too much time with building, planning, and researching for the story, that I've decided to just share it with others.

Writing is mostly a hobby for me, but I would still love any kind of criticism to improve on it.

I'm also german, so please excuse anything that sounds a bit weird...I wouldn't mind you pointing it out though.



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